How bad guys are made

Chapter 1052 Lingyun reaches the standard

Chapter 1052 Lingyun reaches the standard
"Gu Ying Phantom Killing" emphasizes speed, accuracy, and ruthlessness!The core principle is the technique of attack and killing, which does not require much momentum, and is as simple as possible.

A tree that is hundreds of years old, its wood is even harder than a stone, and it may take a few hours to cut it down with a knife and axe, but now it was pierced by Ling Yun's move, if this move hits a person ...Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help shivering.

Everyone was shocked!

Yingzi also showed surprise. Although she was not very familiar with Ling Yun, she got to know Ling Yun a little bit after spending a few days with her. This guy's talent is good, but he is definitely a master of stealing, rape and slippery, but he didn't expect Ling Yun to reach the level so quickly. Require.She thinks that she has a good talent for practicing "Gu Ying Phantom Killing". Although she always asks Ling Yun to do this, she herself has not mastered this trick either.

However, she has a lot of understanding of the battle generals. The main command of the battle generals is to save their lives. Although their own combat power is the best, the most urgent task now is to train this team to a certain level.

In her plan, Ling Yun is one of the main attackers, or it is more appropriate to say that she is a sneak attacker.Gu Fenghan, an extraordinary fighter, has already met the requirements, and is only practicing the Four Links, but Ling Yun, who has not yet reached the extraordinary level, has actually refined the Three Links of Overlapping Shadows.The two of them are the core of the team, which is really a gratifying thing.The erratic phantom movement, coupled with the seemingly inconspicuous but powerful enough to kill a deadly three-shot superimposed shadow, isn't this a born sneak attacker?

As long as the enemy's main general can be killed with one blow, once the enemy's formation is in chaos, it will turn into a massacre.

Of course, the enemy generals are not so easy to kill. Sometimes they need to wait for the opportunity to form a two-man lead and one kill, one to restrain and harass, and one to take the opportunity to kill the enemy, but the person who kills the enemy does not rely entirely on Gu Fenghan. At that time, the battlefield was changing rapidly, and Gu Fenghan might sometimes be needed to restrain him. Therefore, Ling Yun must have the ability to kill the general.

Because when this team was formed, Yingzi made a bold statement that our team can kill the king-level powerhouse!
The three consecutive balls of superimposed shadows will definitely have extremely high lethality against the king-level masters!

However, "Gu Ying Phantom Killing" has a big disadvantage, that is, it pays attention to the erratic movement, but the speed is not very fast.Of course, this is only due to their own conditions, Ling Yun is only the peak of human beings, and has not yet broken the limits of human beings.And Gu Fenghan seems to have a lot of deficiencies in this aspect.

Yingzi is also quite familiar with "Guying Phantom Killing", so she already knew it and considered it. She thought of Wendong, and remembered that when Wendong fought against Snake and Tiger, his speed was even inferior to that of the king of war. After that, she asked Wen Dong specifically, but Wen Dong only told him that the combat skill called "Phantom Thunder Jue" could not be taught to them temporarily.

These powerful peerless combat skills were taught to them by Wen Dong, and until now, it is still a mystery, they do not know where these mirage beads with combat skills come from, but since Wen Dong said that they cannot , then it must be that some conditions do not allow it. Yingzi feels that if Wendong has it, he will never hide it.

Yingzi felt that she still needed to think about it.Don't look at her calm and calm appearance with a smile on her face in front of these students, but in fact, her nerves are always highly tense.

Even though she has gained some knowledge about General Soul, she is still a novice and has not received any special training.Wendong trusts her so much, and Wendong will definitely not blame her for making some mistakes in the early stage.However, Yingzi seems to be gentle and innocent, but in fact she is quite arrogant. She will never allow herself to make mistakes at such a critical moment!

During this period of time, she spent all day on this team, and even her own practice basically stopped.

She cannot fail.

This matter is not a secret matter, and this is more or less the reason why many students train hard.

Yingzi gave up so much for them, if they don't work hard, they will be punished by God.

After breathing a sigh of relief, Ling Yun also jumped on the big tree like crazy, looking at the neat holes in the trunk in front of him in disbelief, his mind went blank.

I did it... I really did it...

Did you really do it yourself?

Ignorant and stupid, he hugged the book like an octopus, his expression was in a trance.He didn't expect that he could really do it!
You know, even Gu Fenghan, an extraordinary warrior, is not easy to perform this move perfectly.

He gritted his teeth and insisted on training because he was forced to do nothing, but when he really met the requirements that he had never even thought about or even dared to think about before, a different feeling spread in his heart.

Look at the dagger in his hand, a seed called self-confidence is gradually sprouting in his heart, labor and capital are geniuses!

Turning his head inadvertently, he looked at Gu Fenghan no longer so timidly and in awe, but full of confidence.

"Would you like to try it out?" Gu Fenghan looked at him calmly, but the trembling dagger in his Xinchang hand was full of fighting spirit.

"Um, forget it, I don't think I'm very familiar with it yet, and I'm so tired now, even if you win, you won't be able to win." Ling Yun tugged his mouth hard, and the feeling of sadness that had just arisen in his heart was overwhelmed. Gu Fenghan's provocative words disappeared in smoke.

"The attack power looks quite impressive, come on, hit me, and try to break my defense." Gu Fengshuang also looked at Ling Yun with red eyes and said.

Damn, don't you two brothers bully people so obviously, you are obviously suppressing, suppressing geniuses, labor and management will go to the boss to sue you!


Yingzi was extremely tired every day, and Wendong was not idle, and she also sweated a lot in the past few days.

"You go cook, I won't get out of bed, bring me the bowl when it's done." In the bedroom, Zhang Hanhan was naked, his muscles were like white snow, and he was lying on Wendong's shoulder with winking eyes.

At the beginning of the year, Zhang Hanhan had only a few days off in a year, but this year is very special, she feels more tired than work.

It was getting dark, and just after seven o'clock, she was successfully teased by her rogue and bastard husband.

Now that she is already a woman, her ability to endure has become longer after a few developments. The only thing that troubles her is when she meets Wen Dong, a bastard husband who doesn't know how to pity her. After half an hour of crazy collision, her whole body is sore and weak, and she can't even move. I want to move.However, this bastard Wendong is like a robot who doesn't know how to be tired. He is so tired that he is still lying on his body and gnawing on him, which is really terrible.

"You slut, didn't you say you want passion? I'm asking you to forgive me?" Wen Dong said to Zhang Hanhan with a contented smile.

"Get out—" Zhang Hanhan was so weak that he didn't bother to say another word.

But hearing Wen Dong's humiliating words, she ordered her cheeks to flush even more.In the past few days of the Chinese New Year, there were several times every day. Although he escaped on New Year's Eve, the two of them spent the whole morning after waking up.She never thought that she would become like this, that she would have such a big need for this aspect, and every time she thought about it, she felt ashamed and ashamed.

The teasing of this bastard Wen Dong is only one aspect, the most important thing is that he is always easy to be emotional.

Goddess, Zhang Hanhan is his goddess. There is no other woman with perfect temperament and perfect face in the whole water market. A perfect body is like a drug. Wen Dong admires and caresses her with satisfaction.


"Jingle Bell……"

As soon as I sat down, the cell phone in the living room rang. Judging from the ringtone, it should be my cell phone.

"Wendong, answer the phone." In the bedroom, his wife's soft reminder sounded, probably because Wendong didn't hear him cooking.

"Well, I heard it." Wen Dong was in a good mood, walked out of the kitchen with a smile, and ran towards the bedroom hehe-smilingly: "Have a good rest, I will serve you later..."


Wen Dong rolled his eyes, bent over to pick up the phone, saw the number on it, and was slightly taken aback, it was Ying Zi.

During the Chinese New Year period, he and Yingzi had a lot of conversations, most of which were about trifles about team formation and training, but he didn’t call these few days, and only heard her say that when he returned to the base, he would give himself a big blow. surprise.

I don't know what's going on this time.

"Hello, Yingzi." Wen Dong answered the phone first.

"Wendong, where are you?" Yingzi replied, her tone seemed to be a little off, slightly heavy.

"At home, what's the matter?" Wen Dong frowned slightly and asked casually.

"Do you have a computer? Turn on the computer, watch the rebroadcast of the news, and tell me while you watch me." Yingzi reminded.

"Well, wait a minute." Wen Dong realized that something had happened, but he didn't ask in a hurry, and hurried to the study to turn on the computer.

Soon, he found the news that Yingzi wanted to show him.

News content: An exotic newsletter is now released, many areas of Suiyun Kingdom in the southwest coast of Tianxia Kingdom have been occupied by a group of organized pirate troops, led by General Lingmu.The Lingmu army makes a living by plundering passing cargo ships, and the area they occupy is also dominated by the production of opium poppies, which is one of the world's largest producers of drug raw materials.A few years ago, the Southeast Asian Alliance sent allied forces to jointly exterminate these bandits, but due to the location of the Broken Cloud Nation, they could not be completely strangled.

After these years of development, the scale of the Lingmu Pirate Army is getting bigger and bigger. There are four generals under General Lingmu, and its army has more than [-] people. It is one of the largest terrorist organizations in the world.

Yesterday, there was a large-scale chaotic battle in the Lingmu Pirate Army. Among the four generals, General Black Skull, the most powerful general, rebelled with General Bloodaxe and successfully assassinated General Lingmu.The rebel army is powerful, not only occupying General Lingmu's lair, but also most of the prisoners surrendered to the rebel army. General Black Skull has become the strongest pirate army in Suiyun Kingdom.

Among the four generals under General Lingmu, General Poppy Flower and General Zhengqi attacked Huangsha Island occupied by the Black Skull Fa rebels at 10:[-] this afternoon. The two armies fought fiercely for two hours and [-] minutes. The Black Skull rebels succeeded and successfully repelled the United Defense Army headed by General Poppy.

(End of this chapter)

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