How bad guys are made

Chapter 1053 is imminent

Chapter 1053 is imminent
The United Defenders led by General Poppy fought against the rebels led by Black Skull.

The number of people involved in the battle between the two sides reached 3, and the casualties caused reached 10, most of whom were the original residents of the Broken Cloud Country.

At [-]:[-] p.m. that night, the refugees from many pirate army islands in the Suiyun Kingdom migrated on a large scale, radiating outwards, and most of them went to the cities near the capital of Yunchu Capital of the Suiyun Kingdom.

The president of the Broken Cloud Kingdom issued a speech: He will do his best to accept these refugees, who are all citizens of the Broken Cloud Kingdom.And has issued more than a dozen transfer orders in a row, the islands in each region are covered by garrisons, ready to take in these refugees, and make a series of arrangements to welcome them home!
The government of the Broken Cloud Kingdom is their real home.

Broken Cloud Kingdom - The Minister of Military Affairs said that he will send troops there and recover the many islands occupied by these pirate armies.

The Secretary-General of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations stated that after discussions and unanimous decisions by many countries, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations will once again send an alliance army to support the government of the Broken Cloud Kingdom by force and recover the many islands occupied by the pirate army.

Now release another exotic newsletter: After the assassination of Queen Isa of Nikki, her daughter Misia Shahong, who had been missing for many years, appeared, causing quite a commotion when she appeared, but after investigation and evidence collection, Misia Shahong was indeed She is the biological daughter of Queen Isa. Her blood is noble and orthodox, and she is supported by the most prestigious Duke Misia Noveru of the Nicki Kingdom.

However, the road to enthronement is not peaceful. There is an alliance opposition army in Niki who has been spreading rumors that they do not support Misia Shahong's ascension to the throne, and launched demonstrations on the day Misia Shahong ascended the throne. And a large-scale fighting broke out. The United Defense Force of the Nikki State suppressed the opposition and caused thousands of casualties. The opposition army was wounded and retreated, but they kept spreading rumors.

However, two days ago, Queen Misia Shahong of Nicki Kingdom was in trouble, but it was revealed that Misia Shahong was pregnant for two months, which caused a major disturbance.

That night, Queen Misia Shahong of Niki Kingdom admitted that she was indeed pregnant and said that she would abort it at the right time, but said nothing about the child's father.

At five o'clock in the afternoon today, Duke Misia Noveru issued a speech: He is no longer supporting Misia Shahong. As soon as this speech came out, it immediately aroused the support of many people.

The Secretary-General of the American League stated that the status and background of the new queen of the Nikki Kingdom, Misia Shahong, is still open to question, and made it clear that she is not qualified to be the queen of the Nikki Kingdom, and will forcibly participate in politics in the name of the American League. Ya Shahong is greedy for her position and will intervene by force.

"Hey, husband, are you still there?" Sakura asked aloud.

"Well, yes, you are talking about General Zhou Shuhua of Suiyun Kingdom." Wen Dong said.

"Well, he is my uncle, he is kind to me, I think..."

"Is the training almost done? You will know if it's a mule or a horse. Let's make a battle plan. I will feel it as soon as possible. If you can't wait, you can act first, but be careful." Listening to his tone, Wen Dong guessed Reaching Yingzi's mind, she directly interrupted her words.

Yingzi obviously didn't expect that Wendong would not hesitate, and after a moment of surprise, she beamed with joy.Not only was my uncle kind to her family, but he also took good care of me during the time in Poppy Flower Island. The most important thing was that because of him, I found a lifelong support for me. She wanted to help this favor.

Moreover, the current training of the team has reached a bottleneck. All the students of the team have extremely high combat literacy and tacit cooperation. They don't need too much training at all. What grows fast is fighting!

To truly form a team, you need battles and bloodbaths.

She is ready!

"I, I see. I will contact my uncle right away and make a battle plan tonight." Yingzi said excitedly.

"Don't be too tired." Wen Dong reminded.

"Well, Yingzi knows." Yingzi nodded her head, and her simple words warmed her heart, and she smiled sweetly: "Yingzi misses you, and I agreed to come back after the Spring Festival."

"Just for a few days, let's look back at that camp, that hut." Wen Dong said with a smile.

How could Yingzi not understand what Wendong meant? She hadn't forgotten the consequences of showing her master that night's charm.

Qiao's face flushed slightly, but she said boldly: "Yingzi has been waiting."


"Huh..." Hanging up the phone, Wen Dong breathed a sigh of relief, closed his eyes slightly, and lay back on the seat as if tired.

It seems that Niki Kingdom must go there as soon as possible.It's been two months, and the pregnant woman has already experienced morning sickness. I'm afraid Hongyan has already known about the pregnancy.

It is imperative to rush to Niki country.

Now that he has reconciled with Zhang Hanhan, no one can stop this woman's decision to have a child.In the past few days, Wen Dong has been forcing himself not to think about these things, but it can be seen from his greed for his old wife these days, he also realizes that he may have to go out for a long time, and that is to go to Niki Country.

He and Hongyan can't talk about any relationship. Although they have a child, it is a misunderstanding led by that woman, Lina.However, the task of [Legendary Hegemony] is the ultimate main line task, and Wen Dong can be sure of the task reward alone, which can increase his strength by a large amount.Moreover, Wendong, who has figured out the way, also knows that this big main task will trigger many branch tasks during the completion process.He has a feeling that when this task is completed, he will at least be an extraordinary king!
He had to help Hongyan secure her throne.But it never occurred to me that big brother Zhou in the Suiyun Kingdom would have a big incident together.

Nicki country must go, but the trip to Broken Cloud Country is imminent!

But now, the only tie between him and Hongyan is this child.According to the news, she will abort the child at the right time, so now is a race against time. Before she aborts the child, she must finish dealing with the affairs of the Suiyun Kingdom and take people to the Nikki Kingdom!
Once he rushes to Niki country, he will basically be able to contend with Dark Dawn head-on. He doesn't dare to be reckless, and must be fully prepared. For example, the team formed by Yingzi, and the trip to Broken Cloud Country, can just test the effect how.

Who is the leader of the Pirate Army of the Broken Cloud Kingdom controlled by? Wendong has already guessed seven or eight. The adjutant next to Brother Zhou is a planter, and some clues can be seen from the history of the rise of General Lingmu , and only Dark Dawn has such great energy.

Therefore, the trip to the Broken Cloud Country is a perfect touchstone. If Yingzi's team can't even compare with ordinary colonizers, then there is no need to go to Nikki Country to wade through the muddy waters.

There are too many things to do and think about, and Wendong just feels his mind is in a mess.

"What's wrong? Why did you come to the study?" Just as Wendong closed his eyes and thought, Zhang Hanhan's doubtful voice sounded in his ear.

Looking back, Zhang Hanhan was only wearing a suspender nightdress, with a pair of pink slippers staring at her snow-white feet, standing pretty at the door, looking at herself curiously.

"Come on, Hanhan." Wen Dong smiled and waved to her.

"What's the matter? You still read the news?" Zhang Hanhan walked over and put his hand on his shoulder affectionately, looked at the computer screen curiously, and joked deliberately.

"Come on, let me tell you something." Wen Dong smiled slightly, leaned over and hugged the woman beside him in his arms.

"What's wrong?" The relationship between the two of them is very good these days, especially in the past few days of tossing, what postures have they been tossed about?Being held in his arms was not as shy as before, and seeing Wen Dong's serious expression at this time, he followed his gaze to look at the computer screen again.

"Do you still remember which country Dad drifted to?" Wen Dong clicked the mouse, and the news replayed.

"Hmm... Broken Cloud Country, that's the country, is there a war now?" Zhang Hanhan frowned and pondered for a while, but when he heard the news, he suddenly remembered, and couldn't help frowning at Wendong. Could there be something else involved? ?

At the beginning, after Dad came back, he only said that he had wandered to Suiyun Country and encountered some dangers, and that Wen Dong personally brought someone to pick him up.After all, it was not a good thing, and Zhang Hanhan only knew a little bit, so he didn't ask too much. Seeing Wendong's serious expression at this time, he immediately realized that her husband didn't seem to say anything during the rescue trip to Suiyun Kingdom. It's as simple as it looks.

"Well. Let me tell you about the specific situation at that time..."

Wendong hugged her and began to talk. Zhang Hanhan sat quietly on her lap and listened patiently, frowning from time to time, with a frightened expression. At the end, she looked at Wendong with a surprised expression. There are many disturbances.

In the end, I didn’t think about it. Thinking about it, my dad used to be a soldier. Although he drifted to other countries, he could still come back, but Wendong was required to go to the rescue in person, and he must have encountered a lot of obstacles.

"When we were about to leave, the Black Skull Pirate Army sent a main ship and several frigates to chase us down. It was thanks to General Zhou Shuhua who did not hesitate to offend General Black Skull to escort us back. This time he was in trouble, I want to go Help him." Wen Dong replied truthfully, and then looked at her seriously.

"If Dad knows about this, he must have made the same choice." Zhang Hanhan nodded, then frowned and said, "But, it's very dangerous."

"It is indeed dangerous, but I guarantee that nothing will happen to me."

Zhang Hanhan looked at him worriedly. Although he didn't want him to go in his heart, he had no reason to stop him. She was not a coquettish person. She couldn't do it if she acted like a baby and left Wendong with the child in her belly.

"I'm afraid it will take a long time to come back from this trip, my wife..." Wen Dong said leisurely, and a salty pig's hand naturally fell on his wife's snow-white and silky leg.

"When are you leaving?" Zhang Hanhan looked at him helplessly and said.It's rare for this bastard to stay at home for two more days. God knows how long it will take to come back after going out this trip. It would be a lie to say that he doesn't miss him.

"The day after tomorrow." Wen Dong mumbled.

"Get out, you're leaving the day after tomorrow, there are still two days left, why are you in a hurry!" Zhang Hanhan was furious, this bastard knew he was soft-hearted!

"Tomorrow has things to do tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow has things to do the day after tomorrow. My wife, let's stop eating. It's not good to do strenuous exercise after eating..."

Zhang Hanhan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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