Chapter 1055

It's not that Bailihan has no heart, because he has been attracted to Zhang Hanhan, and he wants to protect him in secret for a long time, and his heart is also obsessed by Zhang Hanhan's perfect temperament.In fact, Wendong was not angry, because it was normal. For a domineering, independent woman like Zhang Hanhan, whose temperament and appearance are both perfect, if she is not attracted to her, then she is not a man at all.

Of course, besides this, what Bailihan is more obsessed with is the sword!

But he didn't mean to say these words to Du Manman, everyone has his own aspirations, even if it's wishful thinking, but people like it.

However, in the final analysis, they are not people from the same world at all, especially in terms of personality and pursuit.But, just in case, if that stone was really captured by Du Manman, a little wild cat?
It's hard to imagine what it would be like for them to live together. While thinking about it, a smile appeared on the corner of Wendong's mouth.

"Boss, you are so hypocritical, just laugh if you want to." Du Manman was really fearless, she put down the blanket, took a strong puff of the cigarette in her little hand, and said arrogantly to Wendong.

"No, that's not what I mean. I'm just wondering when Bailihan's stone will reflect your feelings for him. If the two of you are together, what kind of situation will it be?" The little wild cat Sure enough, he didn't know how to be shy, so Wen Dong didn't hide it, and said directly with a smile.

"What kind of situation?" Du Manman was slightly taken aback, and then smiled: "That must be fun."

"Haha, yes, that's what it looks like." Wen Dong glanced at her blankly, then laughed loudly.

"Boss, you don't have to say anything sarcastic. Actually, I'm also curious about how you managed to catch the instructor. I'm even more curious about whether the instructor will be shy when you ask for it? She is so beautiful. , It must look good when you are shy, but unfortunately, the only person who can see the instructor's shyness is you." Poison Manman said curiously.

"Little girl, whether you are big or small, you can ask this too."

Terrible, what kind of monsters are in the base?Isn't this too bold?

Moreover, Wendong can clearly see that Du Manman is still a virgin who has not been humanized!
Damn, she's just a female hooligan!
"I'm just curious, it doesn't matter if I don't talk about it." Seeing Wen Dong's face darken, Du Manman also knew that she had talked a little too much, but after several times of thinking, she also figured out the leader's way , He wouldn't turn his back on such a thing, so he wasn't afraid.

Du Manman sticks out her tongue, chuckles, throws away the cigarette butt and shakes the sheet in her hand.

"Hey, what is this?" At this moment, a small book fell out of the bed sheet, Du Manman leaned over and picked it up curiously.

"Enlightenment?" Because it belongs to Bailihan, no matter how wild her daughter is, she is docile in front of the man she loves, so when she got this book the first time, she didn't rush to open it, but saw the book. There is a clear big character on the leather watch - Enlightenment!

"Oh? Let's see what he thinks?" Wen Dong took the notebook curiously, and Du Manman hurried to his side, watching eagerly.

Wen Dong secretly smiled, looked at the big characters on the leather watch of the notebook, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

The simple word 'enlightenment' seems to have seen a lot of things, just like the ostentatious sword intent, vigorous and powerful.

In the shabby hut, there was silence, only the 'rustling' sound of flipping papers from time to time, and a suppressed but uncontrollable snort.

The notes recorded in detail Bailihan's experience and experience throughout the training process.Many places are very fragmentary. It can be seen that Bailihan just thought about it occasionally, so he recorded it casually.

Bailihan is obsessed with swordsmanship, and Wendong has long seen that the notebook is messed up.It's not systematic, and most of them are about sword repair.

But after just watching for a while, Wen Dong couldn't help feeling a little terrified, and Du Manman, who was standing beside him, was even more breathless and tense, as if he was in a real scene.

"A swordsman must enter death first, and survive from death. Like a mourning soldier, with the thought of dying, he seeks a glimmer of life in the midst of death, grabs it, and strikes with all his strength, everything will be broken!"

"Walking in the mountains at night, I met more than 21 drug dealers. Three of them were blaspheming female hostages. They fought hard and received [-] gunshot wounds. All of them were slaughtered!"

"Meet a farmer in the alley, two enemies, superb martial arts, good at speed, more important than strength, skin like fine iron, hard to hurt with swords, two hours of hard fighting, lost and fled, the enemy chased them, wounded and fled more than two hundred I was exhausted and weak, and fell into the mountain stream, fortunately I did not die."


Many of these sentences are extremely short, but the fierceness and fortitude in them can be seen through the words. 'Life' and 'death', these are the words that appear the most...

But it was the following paragraphs that brought the greatest impact and shock to Wendong.

"The mountain stream has been recuperating for more than ten days, and it is gradually recovering. Looking up at the bottom of the waterfall, it roars like a thunder from the nine heavens. .”

"Sitting and watching the moon, pondering day and night, but my talent is ignorant, and I don't understand the meaning of suffering. Standing on the top of the waterfall for three days, without drinking or eating, without sleeping and resting, seems to have realized something. The body is moved by the heart, and the fish leaps down with the waterfall. During the drumming period, forget about life and death, and the spiritual platform is empty, so you can get the taste! Twelve fractures in the hands and feet, blindness and deafness, lying in the mountain stream and wrapping your stomach with raw fish, pondering in your heart day and night, only when you are dying, you will have a feeling, Fortunately, I left a holy medicine for healing, so I was able to save my life..."

Wen Dong just looked at the eyes with dementia, and muttered to himself: "This is too crazy, it's just desperate."

Well, that's the way it is, the first sentence of the note is to go to death first and then survive.

"Madman, this is simply a lunatic!" Poison Manman on the side was even more unbearable, she stretched out her hand to cover her small mouth, but still couldn't help crying out in surprise, with tears in her eyes, she couldn't tell what kind of emotion it was.

madman?Indeed, but people are crazy, it doesn't seem to care about you.

Of course, Wen Dong would not say this.

Although Wendong already knew that Bailihan had a paranoid madness towards swords, he still didn't expect him to be so crazy, and even secretly thanked Bailihan for giving him a few pills before he left. Medicine, if not, I'm afraid I've died long ago, I don't know how many times.

This kind of self-masochism is really speechless.

Wendong now thinks that his thirst for power has reached the point of madness, but what Bailihan has experienced is still something he dare not even think about.

In his world, there is nothing that makes him so crazy and persistent.He has no great talent for anything. Human nature is lazy, and he has come to this day relying on the ability given by the system.He doesn't have high requirements for life, and he works hard to make himself stronger, just to be able to protect his beloved woman.

Bailihan's dedication to sword cultivation brought him an unparalleled spiritual shock, and he could see the sweat and blood in every vigorous word.

Suddenly something seemed to stir and roll in the body, which made my heart uncomfortable.

Suddenly, a small hand reached into his pocket, and when he woke up, he found that Du Manman was fumbling for the cigarettes in his pocket.

"Give me one too." Wen Dong said.

"En." Poison Manman's voice was a little hoarse, and he agreed to hand him one, and he quickly lit it up and took a deep breath. It can be seen that this essay has also had a great influence on Poison Manman.

After coming over for a cigarette, Wen Dong gradually calmed down when he saw Du Manman.

Du Manman's treatment of Bailihan is just wishful thinking.

Wen Dong glanced at her quietly and didn't speak. He believed that the smart Du Manman must have understood a lot of things, and he didn't need to remind him at all. As for how she made a decision, it was completely out of his control.

After a while, Du Manman folded the sheets and blankets, carefully placed the notes under the pillow, and sat quietly on the edge of the bed, without saying a word.

Wen Dong seemed to glance at her curiously, secretly guessing what this girl was thinking.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Bailihan returned to the simple wooden house on time.

He was dressed in coarse linen, like an ordinary boy with a crew cut, and there was no trace of oppression around him, only his thin handsome face cut like an ax and the occasional sharp cold light in his slightly narrowed eyes, People can't help but take a second look.

"Let's go." Bailihan stood in front of Wendong and said in a flat tone.

I haven't seen you for a long time. This is the first and only sentence the two said when they met.

Wen Dong nodded without saying anything.Bailihan turned back and walked out of the wooden house first, from then until the end, he never looked at Du Manman, he only had the sword in his eyes.

Wen Dong didn't dare to look at Du Manman, she probably felt uncomfortable, looking at her seemed more like a mockery.

"Wait, I forgot something, I'll go back and get it, 15 seconds." The group of three had just walked out of the wooden house a few steps, Du Manman said suddenly, without waiting for Wendong to agree, he turned and ran into the wooden house.

Wendong guessed that she must have gone to get Bailihan's essay.

The off-road vehicle roared, just like when it came, and the car was silent, the only difference was that there was one more person.

No, maybe there is another difference, that is Pou Manman's state of mind.


In a secret room somewhere in the Qingcheng base.

Wendong and Bailihan wanted to sit cross-legged.

Bailihan was still dressed in coarse sackcloth, with one hand laid flat on his knees, while the other hand was holding a crystal clear and milky white mirage bead, which was "Heart Sword".

This swordsmanship formula is very obscure. Wen Dong thinks he doesn't have the energy and stamina to practice it, because it is too difficult, and the heart sword is also called the bitter sword.

Wendong didn't copy the Phantom Orb at all in this formula, and the fact was as he expected, only one student with fair talent chose this formula in the entire Qingcheng Base.Moreover, according to the investigation, the trainee had already died in the Pocket Valley incident.

And when he got this "Heart Sword" sword formula, he felt that it was very suitable for Bailihan, and after reading his notes today, Wendong was even more sure that this sword formula was absolutely suitable for Bailihan. It is tailor-made.

"How about it, you won't lose if you hang out with me?" Ten minutes later, Bailihan slowly opened his eyes, and Wendong said with a smile.

"Big profit." Bailihan said with a slight smile.

"It's still half an hour before we start, I want to feel it again." Bailihan said directly.

Well, I was the boss, and my younger brother took advantage of it, and he didn't even have the slightest reservation to send himself out.

"Okay, take your time to understand." Fortunately, Wen Dong felt shameless, got up and patted his butt, said a word and walked out of the secret room.

Bailihan behind him didn't have the slightest intention of seeing him off. As soon as Wen Dong turned around, he closed his eyes.

Wen Dong babbled, labor and capital like younger brothers with personality!

(End of this chapter)

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