How bad guys are made

Chapter 1056 Returning to the Broken Cloud Country Camp

Chapter 1056 Returning to the Broken Cloud Country Camp

It's only half an hour and there's nothing to go.Li Ningyan has been in seclusion since the Qingcheng base crisis was resolved. She thinks that the sword soul will be of great benefit to her. After she comes out, maybe she will be a super master!

"Boss." Wen Dong was leaning against the corner to smoke a cigarette, when Du Manman, who had left silently after delivering himself and Bai Lihan, suddenly came to him.

"What's wrong? Who bullied you?" Wen Dong looked at Du Manman in surprise and asked knowingly.

"Bully me? No one bullies me?" Du Manman obviously didn't expect Wen Dong to ask such a question, his expression was taken aback, and he spoke.

"No one bullied you? Then what's wrong with you? Why are you still crying?"

"Cry? Joke, how could I cry!" Du Manman glared at Wen Dong angrily.

"You didn't cry, so your eyes are red like red lanterns at night, what's wrong?" Wen Dongqiang said with a suppressed smile.

"Boss, you are the number one expert in our base anyway, do you have the demeanor of a master? Do you make fun of people like this?" Du Manman suddenly understood that the leader was making fun of him, and immediately pinched his waist with his small hand and looked at him angrily. he.

"Hehe, let's talk, what's the matter, tell me what's the matter, I will leave in a while." Wen Dong said: "I am the leader of the base, and I have the final say on everything. Let me help you and just say, I will definitely do it for you, even if you tie up Bailihan and throw him on your bed." While talking, Wen Dong's face was full of bullshit.

"Boss, can you be a little more serious." Du Manman glared angrily at the leader who was not only unassuming but also very annoying.But thinking of what he was going to say, his small face immediately became serious: "I want to join the secondary screening."

During the Chinese New Year period, the entire Qingcheng base was in full swing.

Yingzi used the first screening to select more than 1000 students from more than 150 students.The screening is divided into three stages.The people who will be selected for the second time will serve as the team's reserve army. Most importantly, the training intensity of the second time selection is exactly the same as the first time. Can Du Manman persevere?
These are not things that Wendong can control, because she has already made a decision.

Smart Poison Manman knows.Bailihan only has the sword in his eyes, and if he wants to make Bailihan notice her or even take a second look, then she must have the strength to make him look up at her, or in other words, catch up with him.

"Can you hold on?" Wen Dong asked.

"Definitely." Poison Manman almost said through gritted teeth.

"That's fine, tell Huang Ming, I've passed here, let you try it." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"If I were Bailihan, I would definitely marry you."

Come on, I can't get rid of my cheap temper, and I always like to sprinkle salt on other people's wounds.

"Sorry, you're not as handsome as him." Du Manman snorted, gave Wendong a blank look, turned her back to Wendong and waved her small hands, leaving a ponytail.The thin and pretty figure reveals a stubborn stubbornness.

Wen Dong watched Du Manman's back until it disappeared, and sighed, not knowing what to say.Du Manman has already passed the best age for practicing martial arts or swordsmanship, rationally speaking, he really can't make people look good.Practicing martial arts is not just based on enthusiasm. Although this is a crucial factor, talent and age are the foundation and foundation. Du Manman's foundation is too poor.

This little wild cat has shot twice, and he shoots a good pistol, and his skills are fairly vigorous.

Wendong knows a little bit about this little wild cat. She joined the Qingcheng base in the past few years. She has such a vigorous skill, which is entirely due to the living environment.In terms of skill, it can only be said to be average, even worse than many students in the base. Besides, she is a girl, and she is still not as good as a man in terms of endurance.

However, there are two words in this world that can really happen, that is - miracle.

Maybe, she really can, maybe.

Thinking of this, Wen Dong couldn't help turning his head to look at the closed door behind him.

It's so boring to keep only a cold sword by your side all your life.If that girl can persevere and cuddle with you for the rest of her life, you won't be lonely as a rock, haha...


The dark night completely enveloped the entire sky, without the hustle and bustle of the day and the heat, the dark cloudy night sky, with a little moisture, and the cool breeze blowing away the diffuse smoke and war, this is a quiet place. night.

The military camp covering an area of ​​nearly [-] acres is brightly lit. Soldiers in military uniforms are patrolling at night in groups of ten. The cold muzzles and the vigilant and cold eyes that sweep from time to time make the quiet night, A little more tense solemnity...

In a large tent in the center of the camp, more than a dozen people were standing or sitting.

"Brother Wen, my old Zhou doesn't know how to talk about scenes. Anyway, thank you." Zhou Shuhua was wearing a military uniform, picked up a bowl of white wine, and swung it at Wen Dong who was opposite him.

"Brother Zhou, why don't you say thank you? When you saved one of us, I, Wendong, will never forget it." Wendong smiled, imitating the official tone on the scene, and said with a solemn expression, and followed him to pick up the wine The bowl was drained in one gulp.

"Brother Wen, I also respect you a bowl." Sitting next to Zhou Shuhua was a burly man who also wore military uniform. He picked up the wine bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

This person is General Zhengqi, formerly known as Lu Mozheng, a very interesting name, because literally speaking, it is Lu Buzheng at all.

This person has a very good relationship with Zhou Shuhua, and is loyal to General Lingmu. General Black Skull rebelled and assassinated General Lingmu, so he formed an alliance with Zhou Shuhua to fight against the rebel army of the Black Skull Pirate Army.

There were less than ten people at the wine table. Zhou Shuhua and Lu Mozheng each had a concubine serving wine for them, and next to them were their respective adjutants. Sitting opposite were Wen Dong, Ying Zi and Gu Fengshuang. A few people, Ling Yun also came to join them, of course, each of them had a female slave waiting beside them; while Gu Fenghan stood on both sides in front of the tent door, he is not good at words, he doesn't like such occasions However, a habit has been formed in the past few days, and that is to protect their chief general, which is their task.

"Okay." Wen Dong was also proud, nodded and drank a big bowl again.

Yingzi changed into a sarong, her white and delicate skin looming, she knelt beside Wendong sexyly and tenderly, and poured wine for him.

Ling Yun, who was sitting at the end of the table, couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth when he saw this tender gesture. When did our demon become so docile?Docile like a little sheep, or a lamb that is stroked and slaughtered?

Although he has come to the Broken Cloud Kingdom these days, his training has not stopped. As the core main force of the team, especially the only one who is not extraordinary, the amount of training can be imagined. Ling Yun has been thinking about where he is. Offended this aunt.

This made him look like envy, jealousy and hatred. This demon can become docile in front of the boss. While admiring him, he couldn't help feeling that when Miss Yingzi would be so docile to him.

Of course, he just thought about this sentence, if he said it, without Yingzi doing it, the boss probably just slapped him and didn't even know his own mother!
The more Ling Yun thought about it, the more he felt that his life was miserable. In the Qingcheng gang, he had suffered so much from Su Yuemeng's cheap sister-in-law, and when he came to the Qingcheng base, he was treated even more inhumanly.

The baby feels bitter, but the baby doesn't say anything.

Fortunately, Brother Zhou is generous enough to send him a beautiful little girl to sleep with him every night, which somewhat comforts him.Of course, most of it is just psychological comfort. The heavy training volume every day directly makes him tired, so what kind of thought and strength is there for him?Feeling powerless, I can only look at b and cry!
"Brother Zhou, how is the current situation?" Wen Dong asked directly.

"Not good." Zhou Shuhua took a sip from the wine bowl and said, "The south of us is the Southeast Asian Alliance Army, and the back is the Black Skull Rebel Army. Not good."

Principal Huang Ming's analysis was really good, and the current situation is very unfavorable to them.

"Did Brother Zhou and Brother Lu have any good countermeasures?" Wen Dong asked immediately, and as he spoke, he glanced at their respective adjutants indifferently.

"No, now we can only take care of both." Lu Mozheng said with a sigh, frowning.

Both?Now if you don't add yourself and Yingzi and the others, the Black Skull rebel army alone is stronger than their defenders in terms of overall strength, let alone the revenge alliance in Southeast Asia?

It is indeed a revenge alliance. When General Lingmu rose a few years ago, the Southeast Asian Allied Forces sent troops to try to wipe out this group of pirates, but they suffered a lot. Now, they are here for revenge.

"Being attacked? That's unlikely. Black Skull doesn't understand the principle of dead lips and cold teeth, right?" Wen Dong said with a frown.

Due to the topography and location of the island, the overall layout of the three can be regarded as a straight line, and the guards of Zhou Shuhua and Lu Mozheng are caught in the middle.And if their defenders are wiped out, then the Black Skull Rebel Army will be exposed to the Southeast Asian Vengeance Alliance Army.Therefore, Zhou Shuhua and the others are a protective barrier for Black Skull.Although it is impossible for the defenders and the rebels to make peace, at least when the defenders are dealing with the Vengeance Alliance, the rebels can't take the opportunity to stab the defenders in the back, because it won't do them any good.

And, after all, it's just a civil war with their pirate army.When outsiders want to intervene, they will be more or less unanimous.

"Hehe, you don't know much about Black Skull. He wants me to die. Moreover, because of the terrain of the Broken Cloud Country, there are many islands. It is impossible for the Vengeance Alliance Army to wipe us out completely. The Vengeance Alliance doesn't look at them. , but due to the composition of many countries, there are naturally different opinions, and many issues of interest are involved. So don't look at their huge momentum, in fact, they just want to get back the scene and save face in the international arena, and that's all. We are their best target. Black Skull is very smart, he will not let this opportunity go." Zhou Shuhua shook his head with a wry smile, and analyzed calmly and thoroughly.

"So that's the case." Wen Dong nodded, and stopped talking, his eyes changed.

(End of this chapter)

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