How bad guys are made

Chapter 1057 What is a gang fight

Chapter 1057 What is a gang fight
The wooden house on the second floor of the campsite, the lights are dimly lit.

After Wendong and Yingzi came back, they asked about the training situation. Yingzi said that the situation was very good, which made Wendong very satisfied, but he was surprised for a while when he heard Yingzi's last sentence.

Defeat the king-level powerhouse!
Yingzi's idea is crazy, her goal is to use the battle formation formed by these students to defeat the king-level powerhouse!
What a crazy idea!

Today's Wendong is already at the level of an extraordinary master. He clearly knows how strong a king-level powerhouse is. The strong are simply powerless.

It is not impossible to defeat or kill a king-level powerhouse. Mo Li is the best example!

From Wen Dong's point of view, Mo Li's combat power was comparable to that of a king of war. At that time, he was unable to cope with the siege of more than 100 high-level costumers, and finally died together with ghosts and Devil May Cry.

The comprehensive ability of the senior builders is comparable to extraordinary, but now there are only three extraordinary in the team formed by Yingzi in the Qingcheng base, so this is simply impossible!
"It's not a good choice to rely on people to kill a king-level powerhouse." Seeing Yingzi's excited expression, Wen Dong didn't say anything against him, but reminded him vaguely.

"Multiplayer battles also have technical content. Wendong, in your opinion, where is the core of multiplayer battles?" Yingzi nodded with a smile and asked back.

"This is very simple..."

Multiplayer battles are, in the final analysis, gang fights.Group fights are gang fights, just another way of saying it, changing the soup but not the medicine.

From Wendong's understanding it is.It is pure nonsense to expect a guy who was studying how to get money out of other people's pockets on the street a year ago to study tactics and the like.But when it comes to gang fights, he still has some solid understanding.

At that time, when working on the streets, it was inevitable to meet bullying guys.In addition, it is not without competition to do the Three Hands, they are all divided into regions, and once they pass the region to steal the targets of other small factions, it is necessary to do something.Although group fights are not experienced every day, there will be a few from time to time.

There have been many group fights, and there have been losses and wins, and the reasons for the victory are nothing more than a few points.

The most important point is that there are many people!There are many people, this is the most fundamental point of group fights, group fights, you are just two hairy people, so it is embarrassing to be called a "group".More people beat fewer people, this is the most common thing.

Of course, this is not entirely the case. Throughout the ages, battles in which the more wins the less abound. In ancient times, wars were, to put it bluntly, gang fights.Then, the second is to get the word "ruthless brave".Brave, brave, just not afraid, even if there are many opponents, he dares to pick up the iron rod and roll up, dare to rush up and fight with people.But any brave person who is not afraid of death will simply sweep all directions in a group fight, and others will not dare to get close to him. He will not die in a fight, even his own life, so he is afraid of killing people?No one dares to provoke such a stunned youth. The so-called arrogant ones are afraid of being stunned, and those who are too stunned are afraid of dying. This is the reason, and even masters are afraid of dying.As for being ruthless, it means being ruthless.Not only do you start, don't look forward and backward, worry about three or four, and shrink back, just stick to the end.Grab the bricks and turn them over several times in a row, few of the opponents have the guts to rush up.

Another point is tacit understanding.The essence of group fights is that more people beat less people, but how can we beat more people with fewer people?There is also a tacit consideration in this.It is quite normal for a group of tacit understanding and skilled hands to overthrow three or two times their mob.

The last point is the guy who takes advantage of it.This is best understood. One side holds a blade and the other holds a wooden stick. When fighting, the person holding the wooden stick will probably feel timid without having to fight.However, the overall strength of both parties must also be taken into consideration. To put it bluntly, it depends on who will use it.No matter how good a weapon is, a straw bag is still a fool.

Summarizing these points, Wen Dong briefly talked to Ying Zi.

There are more than 1000 students in the Qingcheng base. They are sincere, but compared with the dark dawn, they are still too far behind.But there are too many people, you have to take your time, and it’s useless to worry for a while. The lowest level in the dark dawn is the colonizer, who is invulnerable, with amazing speed and strength.As for the two-character formula of "brave and ruthless", Wen Dong is quite confident. None of these students are cowardly, and he is very relieved about killing people without blinking an eye.

The tacit understanding is not bad, it should be good, after all, many students grew up together, trained together, and even went out to perform missions together.As for what battle formation Yingzi is talking about now, he doesn't understand.

"Yes, this is the essence of group fights, then how about the battle formation I designed?" Wen Dong said very simply, but also went straight to the essence. Yingzi seemed to have found a confidant, and quickly put the stack of sketches in her hand Put it in front of Wendong.

Yingzi's compliment was very useful to Wendong. He smiled triumphantly and reached for the sketch, but he was dumbfounded after just one glance.

"This is a new type of formation formed by combining the Yaoguang formation and the double-winged strangling formation. Look..." Yingzi, who was so excited, didn't notice Wendong's expression, and said with a pretty face arrive.

"Forget it, I don't understand." Looking at Yingzi's excited look, Wendong really didn't want to dampen her enthusiasm, but looking at those messy and changing formations, it was really hard to say one, two, three. , reluctantly opened his mouth and confessed honestly.

"Unable to understand? How is it possible? This is the knowledge you gave me in my inherited memory, could it be..." Yingzi gave Wendong a strange look, then suddenly understood something, and looked at Wendong in shock .

"Yeah, there is only one inherited memory, so I'll give it to you. Anyway, I don't like to play with these things, as long as you understand it." Wen Dong spread his hands.

He only has one, and he gave it to himself...

Yingzi stared at him blankly, a warmth surged in her heart.

"It's getting late, why don't we go to bed first, these things have to be done slowly, don't worry." Wen Dong felt a little nervous when Yingzi looked at him, and said embarrassingly. It's a little too brazen.

"it is good."

Tonight, Sakurako is very strange, it can be called crazy.

In fact, Yingzi was very bold in this respect, but she was somewhat shy, but tonight, she was so enthusiastic that she lay down in this man's arms until Wendong was so tired that he passed out. to sleep.


In the early morning of the next day, Yingzi disappeared, so naturally she went to transform into a demon.

Zhou Shuhua is her uncle. This time they took the initiative to help, and they were all elites. Zhou Shuhua could tell at a glance, and was grateful in her heart. So Yingzi asked for a special quiet place for training, which was naturally simple.

Relying on three just-promoted Chaofan and more than 100 ordinary masters, it is still a bit of a fantasy to defeat a war king after all.

Yingzi has seen the true strength of the King of War, and she dared to say such a thing, from which she can naturally see her confidence and confidence.In the end, Wen Dong was a little ashamed, and he couldn't help at all about these.

However, the essence of gang fights came to mind again, and he thought of something that could help, and it was the most important point.

That is to enhance the strength of each of them!
If all these students are forcibly promoted to the peak of human beings with pills, then after many battles, their chances of being promoted to extraordinary will be greatly increased.

Apart from high-intensity training, this is the only way Wendong can think of.

However, he soon ran into trouble.

Because it is too expensive!

At the beginning, when Li Bing'er left, he just scraped together fifty pills and gave them to her.

The cost of each pill that permanently increases speed or strength is very high. If it is hard to pile up, it is estimated that three or five will make him bankrupt.

This is a big problem!

Wen Dong felt a headache.

When he walked into the camp, he was shocked by the scene of training in the camp. More than 100 masters changed their formations at the same time to train their proficiency. The momentum was very frightening. He watched his heart thumping, and his heart became more and more sure of the idea that these students must be promoted to extraordinary. The formation of more than 100 extraordinary The formation, the lethality caused is absolutely terrifying.

At the beginning, those breeders didn't even have a basic tacit understanding, let alone the formation.And even if it was like this, he and Mo Li could almost be dragged to death, not to mention having battle formations and tactics. Although he didn't understand battle formations, he could somewhat see the power of battle formations.

When his eyes changed, he came back to his senses and saw Yingzi in the corner talking to Ling Yun and Gu Fengshuang brothers, so he ran over quickly.

As soon as they got closer, they heard Yingzi scolding them.

"Your position was wrong just now. You have to remember your role. Although you are one of the pioneers, you have no fixed position and cannot stop. You need to be more flexible. If you miss a hit, you must not entangle the enemy. Understand Be more flexible, wandering between them, looking for opportunities, killing with one blow..." Yingzi's pretty face was extremely stern, completely undying of the tenderness and passion of last night, and she was yelling at Gu Fenghan who was beside her .

"The main thing is you, you have to pay attention to restraining your breath, do you understand that restraining your breath? Your function is the same as that of Fengchi, which is a one-hit kill. You want the other party to ignore your presence, understand? Don't do those fancy things You're so flashy, you think you're dancing and singing..." As soon as Yingzi turned her head, she looked at Ling Yun, and immediately scolded her head and face.

"Pay attention to the timing, Fengshuang, it's not just that they need to pay attention to it all the time, you are the same. It's true that you are the main defender, but your companions, they are not decorations. At that time, your best choice should be to attack. Your fierce Although the ground claw's attack is not very high, once it is launched, it will have a terrifying momentum, do you understand that it is the first move? This is a psychological tactic. Yes, you can't kill him, but the opponent will definitely defend you when they see your offensive is so fierce. Show your flaws, and once you reveal your flaws, it will give your companions an opportunity to take advantage of. Disturbing the enemy's mind is the core essence of containment. You must use containment to the extreme and use everything to the extreme, understand... "

"You two are the main attackers. Once you decide to launch an attack, don't show off. Be more direct and aggressive. You can kill with one move, but never use two. Simple and direct. I think Sister Li has already taught you this. One move, most of the time, you only have one chance, or even a momentary chance!"

(End of this chapter)

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