Chapter 1058 A lot of trouble
Wendong has never seen Yingzi so passionate.Most Japanese women are somewhat servile, and Sakurako, who has received ninja dogma, shows this servility to the fullest. She is definitely the most virtuous and docile kind at home.In normal times, Yingzi is also docile to herself, and she agrees to whatever she says, but at this time, Wendong feels that Yingzi is like a different person.Stern, meticulous, harsh, even harsh!

Even to Gu Fenghan, it was unambiguous at all, and he said a lot with a cold face.

On the other hand, Brother Gu Fenghan only looked serious and listened quietly, like a child who has not left school to listen to the teacher's teaching.As for Ling Yun, he even nodded and bowed aside, not daring to make a rebuttal.

Wendong was a little surprised at this point, but apart from being surprised, he was more pleased.

Yingzi is the leader handpicked by him, no matter how strong she is, she is not as good as these people, but in terms of combat training, no one in Qingcheng base can look down on her.

Wen Dong could see that Ling Yun's expression was still a little nervous. Wen Dong still knew this guy's temper very well. Seeing his appearance that he didn't dare to miss a word, Wen Dong suddenly felt sympathy in his heart.

After the reprimand, Yingzi waved her little hand, signaling them to continue training.

"Everyone is working hard." Wen Dong walked over with his hands behind his back and said with emotion.

Yingzi nodded: "Well, you will know when you work hard. It's better to train more harshly now than to lose your life." I don't know if it's because of the soul of the general, but before I know it, there is a trace of blood on Yingzi's body. A different kind of temperament, very attractive.

When Ling Yun, who was about to leave, heard this, his feet softened and he almost fell. You must know that he is not extraordinary now.

If the speed and attack are not enough, you may not hurt the opponent but be cut in half by the opponent's sword!
Yingzi said this sentence to him many times, each time Ling Yun was so scared that he was sweating profusely.

This sentence has encouragement and threat, but it goes straight to the essence.

Ling Yun also knew very well that as one of the main attackers, he needed to lead the nine shadow guards behind him deep into the enemy's battlefield to cut, and if his own knife was not strong enough, he would be the one to be crushed first!

He glanced at Wendong with tears in his eyes, covered his face and walked away...

My baby is suffering...

Wen Dong didn't pay attention to him at all, or he didn't dare to look at it, because he was afraid that the bastard would complain to him.Wendong was very clear in his heart, if he wanted to say that the person who feared death the most among these people, besides himself, was the bastard Ling Yun, um... this seems not quite right...

Wen Dong agreed a few words, and asked with a guilty conscience: "Would you like to help?" He did a good job as a hands-off shopkeeper, especially when he saw his woman's tired and haggard appearance, he tossed her for half the night last night. He hadn't seen anyone since morning, he was so busy that he barely touched the ground, he was really ashamed.

Yingzi glanced at Wendong, tilted her head and thought for a while, and asked, "Have you heard of the exclusive equipment for war generals?"

"Warlord's exclusive equipment?" Wen Dong was taken aback.

"It's a kind of auxiliary equipment called the Concentric Chain." Yingzi nodded seriously, and then looked at him expectantly. The rare general soul was given by Wendong, and this Concentric Chain should also be available.

"Auxiliary equipment... the concentric chain? I'll look for it." Speaking of these things, Wen Dong suddenly felt courageous.He knows a little bit about battle formations. Of course, he is still a little ashamed to say that he understands, but he just understands. After all, he has played the Three Kingdoms game since he was a child, and he has also been exposed to some things like formation and formation.But if you want to talk about it in depth, he doesn't know.But when it comes to auxiliary equipment, he is good at it.

Bad guy Taobao store has everything, but most of them are messy things. When it comes to things that can improve the essential strength, there are basically few.But there are quite a few things that provide assistance. Wendong glanced at it briefly at the beginning, dazzled, and only felt that it was flashy, but the thing Yingzi mentioned should be there.

"The chain of concentricity, right? Let me think about it." Wen Dong, who had just developed a sense of guilt, suddenly found that he could give full play to his value and make up for his mistakes, and immediately regained his energy.

He pretended to frown and think, and hurried to the Taobao grocery store.

Yingzi stood aside and didn't dare to disturb him, but she looked at him curiously with her beautiful eyes.A large number of elixirs and mirage beads were provided by Wendong, and where these rare treasures come from has always been a mystery. Although as a woman of Wendong, she is very smart and has never asked, but That doesn't mean she's not curious.

When he came to the Taobao store, Wendong quickly found the concentric chain that Yingzi was talking about.

Concentric Chain: Low-level auxiliary battle gear.Battle suit function: The wearer can communicate through spiritual consciousness. (limited to three people)
How to use: You need to drop the blood between the eyebrows into the groove of the concentric chain, and then you can use it. ——Price: [-] points of disgust.

The Concentric Chain is the lowest level of combat equipment, and it is quite affordable. As for the practicality, it depends on what Yingzi said.

Although Wendong didn't understand it very well, after seeing this simple introduction, he understood Yingzi's meaning and conveyed the order!

Although the technology in today's world is advanced and voice transmission existed hundreds of years ago, for them, the concentric chain is the best auxiliary tool.Because the battlefield is chaotic and the shouts are loud, it is not easy to use voice, but it is not afraid of this at all to transmit with spiritual consciousness.Another point is that spiritual communication can respond at the fastest speed, and the battlefield situation changes rapidly.

The concentric chain allows the user to communicate with two companions, that is, to command two people.Obviously, the two of them simply couldn't satisfy Sakurako's request.Wen Dong also deeply believed that in the face of large-scale battles, this team alone has three or four captains, and this is just one team.Perhaps in the near future, this team will become a team of thousands of people. If it can only communicate with two people, how should it be commanded?

"Oh?" Wen Dong was overjoyed, because he immediately found a more advanced auxiliary equipment for the general than the Concentric Chain.

Concentric Lock: Intermediate auxiliary battle gear.Battle suit function: The wearer can communicate through spiritual consciousness. (Limited to ten people.)
The method of use is the same - the price is [-] points of disgust.

Wen Dong immediately checked the attribute panel, and the disgust was more than 5000 points.If you exchange a part of the hatred for the antipathy, you can afford it.

"How is it? Is there any?" Seeing that Wendong's slightly narrowed eyes were bright, Yingzi asked hurriedly.

"Yes, not only the concentric chain, but also the concentric lock which is more advanced than the concentric chain." Wen Dong said with a slight smile.

"Great, how many? Dozens?" Sakura asked excitedly.

"How much... how much?" Wen Dong, who was still proud, opened his mouth in shock when he heard the number that popped out of Yingzi's small mouth?Looking at the excited Yingzi with black lines all over her head, do you think this is a Chinese cabbage on the side of the road?
Now just buying a concentric lock is enough to make him bankrupt...

The corner of Wen Dong's mouth twitched. If Ling Yun said this, he would slap Ya's face with his slippers.

"I said big sister, do you think I'm doing wholesale here?" Rao was facing his woman, Wen Dong couldn't help but pick his nostrils and said speechlessly.

"How many are there? Is there always one?" Yingzi also felt that she was losing her composure, but she still looked at Wendong eagerly, because this thing is so important.

"There is still one, the concentric lock, right?" Wen Dong said with a painful mouth.

"No, don't want the concentric lock, just the concentric chain, I can't use the concentric lock for now." Yingzi explained with a helpless smile.

"Can't use it? Is there any limit to this thing?" Wen Dong was taken aback when he heard that, but he didn't see that there was still a limit in the above explanation.

"Of course there is. The concentric lock is at least an extraordinary ability to barely use it. The consciousness of ordinary people is too weak, so they can only use the concentric chain. Moreover, our team is all composed of three talents. The concentric chain is just enough. The entire team There are a total of fifty three talents." After Yingzi explained, she looked at Wendong expectantly.The last sentence has been made very clear, she needs at least fifty concentric chains!

"Also, I have a feeling that in less than a year, all the members of my team will be promoted to Superman, and then we can change our equipment to concentric locks." By this time, Yingzi seemed to have not noticed at all. Wen Dong's twitching expression gave him a vaccination first.

Wen Dong felt that his feet were a little weak. The so-called cannon shot was worth ten thousand taels of gold.Now that I think about it, I feel that this sentence is really not bad at all.When I was a child, I watched TV only to see how many cars and treasures a certain hero needs to recruit soldiers and horses. I always felt that it was a bit exaggerated. Now Wendong knows that these are not exaggerated at all!
How many people are there in Dark Dawn?At least 1 people can't make a bottom line.Now, the only elites that Wendong can get are the 150 people in front of him.So he needs to prepare about 3000 soul-inducing pills to help them advance to the extraordinary, and the cost of each soul-inducing pill is 800 points of aversion.As for other healing medicines, it doesn’t count. There are also various cheats of mirage beads, one for each person, each with about 5000 points of disgust; fifty pairs of concentric chains, each with 10000 points of disgust, Afterwards, about 20 pairs of concentric locks need to be prepared, each with 100000 antipathy points.Before, I planned to forcefully smash these 150 people to the peak of human beings with permanent growth elixir. The elixir of permanent growth speed or strength is very expensive, but Wen Dong didn't dare to count any more at this time. numb...

Besides, this is only a team of 150 people. He didn't forget that when he was passionate with Yingzi last night, the woman said boldly that he must form a thousand-man team!
Wendong now only feels his head is in a mess, and [-] grass-mud horses are galloping past in front of him...

And what made him cry the most was that last night he held Yingzi on the battlefield and galloped on the battlefield, and he also uttered bold words, as long as you like, you can form a battle group with as many people as you like!
Wendong just wants to slap himself a few big mouths now, it's not enough for him to flay himself with cramps and skin and sell his kidneys.

When the cannon is fired, ten thousand taels of gold.What he can't accept the most now is that the golden ten thousand taels fell on it, and he hasn't heard a sound until now...

(End of this chapter)

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