How bad guys are made

Chapter 110 Landlord, Your Body Is So Beautiful

Chapter 110 Landlord, Your Body Is So Beautiful
Xiao Wendong knelt down immediately, and instantly became elated. He looked down and found that the killer landlord still had a white gauze dress in his hand, but Wendong was going crazy. What's going on with this shit, this is going to kill me, you This woman will not put on the gauze before taking a bath, this woman is a murderous devil, especially the cold look in her eyes, which captures the glint in the beautiful eyes of the killer landlord The killing intent passed by, Wen Dong fell into an ice cellar, and the bone-piercing fear instantly rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. Stiff, standing there motionless.

Li Ningyan looked coldly at Wendong, who was staring at her body, without any concealment of the coldness in her eyes, full of murderous intent, although Li Ningyan's current state is extremely unsightly, but the inherent cold aura It makes people feel that the woman in front of her is a high-ranking queen. Her disdainful eyes seem to hold the power of life and death. She is indifferent and arrogant. She is as beautiful as a fairy, but this is definitely a rose with thorns, no, it is a rose with blood... …

Seeing the killer landlord's eyes fell on the high-spirited little Wendong, Wendong clamped his legs, mourning in his heart that this little Wendong would never escape, Wendong felt as if he had been immobilized The body has no strength to move at all. The current Wendong is no better than before. Seven or eight young people are not his opponents at all. Even Chuck, who is stronger, dares to fight him, but Li Ningyan is different. The indifferent The eyes, the murderous aura is formed by the condensation of blood and death, the murderous aura is like substance, and the deep fear makes it difficult for people to think of magic resistance.

Seeing the killer landlord staring at his lower body, Wendong, who had already been terrified all over his body, turned around and ran away, but what shocked him was that the killer landlord's eyes flashed a fiery desire. After just a flash, she was quickly pressed down by her, and quickly raised her head to look into Wendong's eyes. The indifferent eyes before turned into hesitation. Wendong seemed to guess what she was hesitating about, but Wendong still Overjoyed, this cold and unkind woman seemed to have feelings for her.

"I..." Just as Wendong opened his mouth, the killer landlord gave Wendong a cold look, then turned and walked back to the bathroom, leaving Wendong with a very graceful and seductive back, and a pair of sexy long white legs...

Fuck!Wen Dong finally finished what he hadn't said just now, and took a few breaths violently, as if he was more tired than having a whole night of hearty sex with a woman.

Wendong, who came back to his senses, didn't turn around and run, but got into the kitchen in a flash. He knew that he couldn't run away, and the reason why the killer landlord let him go was very simple. She didn't know how to cook. Although this idea is a bit unreasonable, this is the only reason why Wendong can think of this woman not killing herself.

Wendong, who ran into the kitchen to search for food to cook, came out again with a sad face. There was no food at home. The supermarket is probably not closed yet, so there is still time to buy it.

Wendong just walked to the closed bathroom and wanted to tell the killer landlord to go out to buy some food. At this time, the bathroom door opened, and Li Ningyan came out barefoot. Wendong couldn't help being stunned again when he saw Li Ningyan's appearance.

The beautiful landlady was not wearing the conservative white nightgown before, but a gauze with an antique taste. A pair of crystal jade feet came out without making a sound, as if walking out of smoke, except Except for a head of black hair, the whole body is snow-white, and his face is cold and expressionless but beautiful, but there is a layer of blood between the skin, which looks a little sickly pale, and his wet black hair is covered by a purple belt with only other colors. Simply tied up, the slightly loose gauze skirt almost exposed most of her round fragrant shoulders, and the whole body of the snow-white jade neck was exposed in front of Wen Dong, like a proud white swan, especially the one in the antique kimono below. The front chest is crisp and full, almost torn out of the shirt.

With an alluring face, indifferent eyes, and an arrogance that looks down on the world, she is like a fairy, standing proud of the world, like a fairy descending from the world, making people dare not look at her. She is dressed in white gauze without wind, and her long hair is tied up with a purple belt. It pours down, the purple belt is like a flower, and the white shirt is better than the snow. It is indescribably beautiful, elegant, noble and unconventional.

If this woman were placed in ancient times, she would definitely be an enchanting beauty who could cause rivers of blood to flow into rivers...

"What's the matter?" Seeing Wen Dong staring at her blankly, she found that his eyes were no longer as hot as before, but instead were filled with amazement and unconcealable admiration. She enjoyed this kind of eyes too much, although she didn't What kind of feelings, but she also knows how beautiful she is, this kind of admiring look is insignificant to her, she asked with a frown.

"I, I..." For the first time, Wen Dong seemed so at a loss in front of a woman, he forgot what he wanted to say to her, and his mind was filled with shock, only knowing that he seemed to have something to say I told her, but I couldn't remember it again, and I didn't dare to look down at her sweeping on the ground.

"I haven't eaten yet." Li Ningyan didn't know what Wendong was going to say, but she only knew that she was hungry now.

"Ah, yes, rice! There is no food at home, I'm going to buy food now, you wait at home." Wen Dong slapped his head and suddenly remembered, Li Ningyan frowned at the exaggerated look.

Seeing Wendong turn around and run away as if he saw a monster, Li Ningyan finally stopped him helplessly: "Wait."

"En? What's the matter?" Wen Dong turned his head and looked at her strangely, his eyes couldn't help but fell on Li Ningyan's face, he was slightly stunned, his melon-seeded face was as cold as ice, but there was a trace of weirdness in his eyes , that frowning look looks charming and charming, her black eyes are shining brightly, she doesn't know what she is thinking.

"Didn't you see that the food is here?" Li Ningyan gave Wendong a strange look, wondering if he meant it, did he not see it just now?With a strange expression, he pointed to the plastic bag at Wen Dong's feet.

Wen Dong looked down and realized that the beautiful landlady had already bought vegetables, and it was at his feet. Thinking of the situation with his eyes on the ground for a long time, his cheeks blushed.

"Hey hey hey, I'm going to cook now." Wen Dong gave Li Ningyan an embarrassed look, then picked up the plastic bag on the ground and rushed to the kitchen.

"Wait." Li Ningyan behind him suddenly stopped him strangely again.

"Ah? What... so what?" Wen Dong turned to look at her, looking at her weird eyes, wondering what he did wrong again.

"Ah!" Discovering that Li Ningyan was looking at the plastic bag in his hand, Wen Dong looked down in doubt, and was so shocked that the vegetables in his hand almost flew out. There is actually a woman's sexy lace underwear outside the plastic bag. With a trembling hand, the lace underwear in her hand fell directly to the ground. What the hell, there is only one woman in this room, so who is this underwear? It is self-evident, but what frightens Wen Dong is when did this underwear come into his hands.

Wen Dong's eyes rolled around, but he didn't know how to explain it. He glanced at the beautiful landlady and looked back, and then he realized the problem. There was a pile of black clothes that had been taken off just where the vegetables were put. On the top of the clothes was a hollow lace cover of the same style as his own. Wendong seemed to understand that it must be the beautiful landlady who went out to buy things.

"Haha, what, I'm sorry, I didn't see it, anyway the ground is not dirty." Wendong picked up the small personal items on the ground in shame, slapped his hand and patted them There was no dust, carefully put it on the sofa, turned around, picked up the vegetables on the ground, and ran into the kitchen. His grandma, I really lost my hair this time. Thinking of the weird eyes that the beautiful landlady looked at me just now, let me Wen Dong was so ashamed that he wanted to hit the wall and kill himself...

Slightly raised her head and glanced at Wen Dong who was making noises in the kitchen, the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, Li Ningyan was taken aback suddenly, and reached out her hand to touch the corner of her mouth which had been flattened, her eyes were strangely out of focus Looking at the ground, he suddenly felt that he hadn't been very angry since then, even if Wen Dong saw her body just now, with her character, no matter what man he was, as long as he looked at her body, he would die. Kill him because Wendong saved himself, but this time?

Just now she really wanted to kill the man who looked at her body. This seems to be a matter of principle, but when Li Ningyan saw Wendong's face, the killing intent in her heart melted like an ice cube meeting a raging fire. For nothing, she only knows that she doesn't want to kill Wendong, she only knows that if she kills Wendong, she will be very sad without him, she doesn't know if this is attachment, in short, she likes being with Wendong very much It felt like she had laughed several times in just a few days, and she had never felt such a relaxed and comfortable feeling in these years. She only knew that Wendong was very important to her, so when she met Wendong a few days ago She got angry when Dong was in danger, and that person actually hurt Wendong, so she shot and killed him without hesitation.

Half an hour later, the steaming two dishes and one soup were served.

"What's the matter with your shoulder?" Li Ningyan, who was sitting on the sofa, turned around to face Wendong, raised her legs gracefully, leaned on the sofa with her arms around her shoulders, staring at Wendong with a pair of beautiful eyes, Holding her full breasts, she looked even more plump, and Wen Dong swallowed as she watched.

Wen Dong looked very strange, his upper body was shirtless, his chest and back were wrapped with bandages, his shoulders were bloodstained, and he was strangled by a broken shirt, obviously injured.

(End of this chapter)

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