How bad guys are made

Chapter 111 The Strange Killer Landlord

Chapter 111 The Strange Killer Landlord

Li Ningyan actually found out a long time ago, but because of his cold personality, he never asked. Now that Wen Dong was holding a dish in one hand uncomfortably, he finally couldn't help asking curiously.

Sensing the coldness in the beautiful landlady's eyes, Wendong thought it was because his indecent appearance made the landlady feel uncomfortable, put down the plate and said: "It's nothing, I was bitten by someone, I'm going to find a dress to put on now. "

"No, let's eat first, and I will re-bandage you later." Li Ningyan stopped Wen Dongdao who was about to go home, with a clear voice, as if ordering.

"En?" Wen Dong turned to look at her suspiciously, but at this moment, Li Ningyan didn't seem to care about her attitude, nor did she care about Wen Dong. After speaking, she naturally picked up the chopsticks and ate gracefully. stand up.

"Hey, the beauty is willing to help, so I am very willing." Wen Dong smiled, but his eyes naturally fell into the neckline of the beautiful landlord's loose gauze skirt, and he could clearly see the snow-white and alluring scenery inside.

For this kind of eye-catching and beautiful scenery, Wendong will never waste...

It's just that Wendong was a little stunned because the beautiful landlady didn't wear a hood on her upper body, and there was a vacuum under this thin white gauze skirt. Wendong felt his nose warm up, and his eyes fell on the elegant pair involuntarily. The top of the sexy long legs together, the top is vacuum, then the bottom...

"Aren't you hungry?" Sensing Wen Dong's fiery eyes on her, Li Ningyan stretched out her hand to cover her exposed thighs with a little discomfort, and looked up at Wen Dong with clear eyes. Then she continued to eat with her head down, and since she took off her clothes and took a shower when she got home, and even dared to walk around the house naked, she knew that Li Ningyan didn't really care about many things, maybe it was just her indifference and disinterest in many things that made her look a bit careless, but She is very concerned about her body, but she doesn't hate Wen Dong, and Wen Dong has seen her body, but she didn't kill him, and now she doesn't seem to care much about Wen Dong's lewd eyes ,got used to.

"Hungry..." Wen Dong reluctantly looked at the bulging snow-white soft meat again, swallowed, and then sat down beside Li Ningyan to eat.

Wen Dong intentionally sat a little closer to Li Ningyan, their bodies were almost close together, Wen Dong naturally saw her indifferent eyes just now, he felt that the beautiful landlord is a strange woman, as a killer, she must not be a fool , Wendong also saw that she was a virgin at all, and as a beautiful woman, she cared about her body very much, but Wendong found that her caring had a bottom line, as long as you don't touch that bottom line, Molested her, even if she looked at her body obscenely, even if she knew it, she wouldn't care too much, and the bottom line Wen Dong tried was that she almost ooxxed her when he rescued her last time, of course, that was only a special case, if In normal times, Wendong would dare to tease her a few words at most and make her look seductive. As for going further, he really didn't dare. The reason why the beautiful landlord let him go just now, Wendong guessed that it was because he just glanced at her a few times , and did not touch her.

Wendong has really suffocated in the past few days. Yesterday he had an affair with Li Binger and his tongue was bitten, and tonight he had an affair with Cheng Yanan and his shoulder was bitten again. I lit a spark, but I didn't dare. You must know that this woman is a killer. If you really made her angry, it would not be as simple as a skin trauma.

Wendong, who consciously knows the beauty landlord's bottom line, intends to try other bottom lines, so occasionally Wendong's sticking out chopsticks will be caught by the beauty landlord's sticking out chopsticks, and their hands seem to touch inadvertently.

Wendong found that the beautiful landlady didn't seem to care, and still sent things into his sexy little mouth with a clear face.

Wendong felt that he enjoyed this strange and exciting feeling very much. Although he just pretended to touch her skin inadvertently, he felt extremely excited in his heart. Wen Dong thought it was amazing, but Wen Dong didn't dare to overdo it, because he didn't know what the consequences would be if the beautiful landlord really got angry.

Feeling itchy when you are far away, flustered when you get close, so Wen Dong happily swayed between itchy and flustered, with a rippling expression on his face...

Li Ningyan next to him had already noticed Wendong's little tricks, but he was too hungry to bother with this guy, but he didn't expect this guy to push his nose and face to make an inch of his face, and his leg touched his own in the time it took a chopstick Twice, his hand touched his own three times.

Li Ningyan frowned and looked up at Wen Dong with a rippling face, seeing his body dangling as if he had epilepsy, with a lustful smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, and his face was intoxicated...

Wen Dong's heart has long been swayed into this kind of indistinct and wonderful ocean, but Li Ningyan has already noticed that something is wrong, his eyes have no focus, and he doesn't know what he is thinking. Eating vegetables with chopsticks is just his habitual cover-up.Li Ningyan stared blankly at Wendong, who was out of control. Seeing that the guy's chopsticks were habitually inserted into the rice bowl in her hand, Li Ningyan finally couldn't provoke her, and stretched out her chopsticks to "snap" He knocked the chopsticks in Wen Dong's hand aside, bumped Wen Dong's slowly swinging legs with his beautiful legs, stared at Wen Dong with a cold face, and said, "You want to die, don't you!"

"Ah? What... what's wrong?" Wen Dong was startled, and suddenly woke up. He turned his head and looked at Li Ningyan with a look of curiosity and dissatisfaction. He found that Li Ningyan was staring at him coldly. Only then did I realize that I was getting carried away, so I quickly calmed down and said with a smile: "Haha, eat quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Seeing that Wendong started to pick up the rice like a normal person, Li Ningyan slowly turned her head and started to eat slowly.

It's just that she ate a little absent-mindedly, as if she was used to the skin-to-skin contact just now. For a while, Wendong stopped touching her, and she seemed to think a little again. With a glance at Wen Dong, Li Ningyan's heart throbbed with the man's breath with a slight smell of tobacco. It's not like this kind of thing has happened before, and all the reasons are because of the strong love medicine that has mutated in her body.

Li Ningyan originally wanted to take a Bingxin Pill, but thinking about it stopped her inner thoughts, because she has noticed that she has become more and more dependent on that Bingxin Pill as time goes by, and the mutated passion seems to be She also developed drug resistance, which was by no means a good sign for her, and she moved aside without a trace.

Wendong naturally didn't know that the beautiful landlord had been poisoned by this kind of poison. Seeing her actions, he obviously knew his intention to make a little money in his heart. Angry, Wen Dong didn't feel too embarrassed.

Turning his head slightly to look at Li Ningyan, who was eating quietly, he couldn't help admiring again in his heart, temperament, nobility, charm, proud devil figure and delicate oval face, every part is so impressive Enjoy seductive eyes, the only constant is her cold face and indifferent eyes.

Yes, Li Ningyan's eyes were very cold, and her keen perception made her notice it the moment Wen Dong turned her head, and the flash of fiery breath in Wen Dong's eyes made her inner throbbing stronger again.

"I'm full." A flustered look flashed in Li Ningyan's eyes, and she quickly put down the bowl and chopsticks and walked to the bedroom.

"Uh, what's wrong with the beautiful landlord?" Wendong, who was concentrating on admiring the beautiful landlord's sexy figure, naturally didn't notice the flustered throbbing in her eyes. He raised his head and looked at the big beauty who walked into the bedroom with a puzzled expression. Could it be that he was shy? ?This is impossible, this woman has no feelings for people at all, and there is no other emotion on her face except for her cold face. I have never seen this woman smile before, so she will be shy?Even if she is shy, she will not be shy.

Although he had doubts in his heart, Wen Dong didn't think much about it. He put the rice in the bowl into his mouth in two or three bites, and slowly cleaned up the dishes after eating.

"En? Why did you come in?" Finally suppressing the throbbing in her heart, Li Ningyan just looked up and found that Wendong had walked into her bedroom.

"Didn't you say to re-bandage my wound?" Wen Dong glanced at her suspiciously, and naturally sat on the edge of the bed next to Li Ningyan, and looked at her curiously, feeling that there was something wrong with the beautiful landlady today.

"En." Li Ningyan turned her head away from Wendong, stood up quickly and leaned over to pull out the medicine box under the bed.

Wen Dong's eyes naturally fell on the pair of vacuum snow whites again. While admiring the beautiful scenery in front of him, he couldn't help admiring in his heart. It is this pair of bulging soft flesh, even without a cover, it still looks plump and straight.

Seeing Li Ningyan pulling the medicine box straight up, Wen Dong quickly looked away, kicked off his shoes and jumped onto her bed.

Seeing Wen Dong sitting cross-legged on the bed waiting for her to bandage him, Li Ningyan couldn't help but frowned.

"What's wrong with you? Something doesn't seem right today." Seeing Li Ningyan looking at him in a daze, Wendong looked at her with a puzzled face and asked, Wendong had slept on this bed several times, and the last time he was lying on it Wen Dong, who let the beautiful landlady help her deal with the wound on the bed, tested her bottom line, so she jumped onto her bed naturally this time.

"It's nothing, I'll re-bandage your wound now." Li Ningyan shook her head, rationally telling her to drive this man out of the house, but when her eyes seemed to be driven to fall on Wen Dong's muscular upper body At that time, Li Ningyan said such a sentence unexpectedly, avoiding Wendong's suspicious eyes, and hurriedly opened the medicine box and began to look for the needed medicine powder and other things.

(End of this chapter)

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