How bad guys are made

Chapter 112 Wendong's Panic

Chapter 112 Wendong's Panic

Seeing the beautiful landlady sitting cross-legged like himself, but sitting on the side where his shoulder was injured, Wendong looked at the beautiful woman next to him with a quiet face and stretched out Bai Shengsheng's hand to help him untie the broken piece that he had tied up indiscriminately before. shirt.

His eyes rested on the beautiful landlady's face for half a second, and then slowly fell on her crossed legs. The gauze skirt she was wearing was a bit antique but not out of fashion. It should be the latest style in recent years, as thin as The cicada-wing gauze skirt is only completely covered by the palm-length above the knee, and it is translucent from the half of the thigh and the whole calf. When she sat cross-legged, the silk gauze naturally piled up on her Her thighs, and her whole snow-white and slender legs were completely presented in front of Wen Dong.

Wen Dong was intoxicated admiring the pair of long sexy and slender legs in front of him. These are definitely the most beautiful pair of legs Wen Dong has ever seen in his life. Even the legs of Cheng Yanan, who was born as a model, are not as good as they are, they are round and white , slender yet plump, giving people a feeling of full strength.

When I think of being caught by such a pair of legs, the slender and powerful waist will twist up crazily, and there will be a fierce battle between men and women. What will her voice be like on the bed, wild or gentle, charming or crazy?
Wendong only felt a cloud of evil fire in his belly, afraid that Li Ningyan at the side would notice it, and turned his head away quickly, but the pair of seductive bodies always appeared in his mind, even now Li Ningyan She has put on her clothes, but to Wen Dong, who just admired her body, it looks like she is not wearing them at all. Wen Dong is so hot in his heart that he suppresses the urge to throw the woman beside him down, and turns his head away from her.

"Hiss..." The shattered shirt held by the wound was slowly untied. Wen Dong's recovery ability is very strong, and the bitten wound has already formed blood scabs, with the shattered shirt, and Li Ningyan did not He untied and tore off the torn shirt in a not-so-gentle manner, and even uncovered the wound with a few teeth bite marks. The slight tingling pain relieved the heat in Wendong's heart a bit.

However, Wen Dong, who turned his head, did not notice that the beautiful landlady beside him looked at his naked upper body, the struggling look in his eyes became more and more intense, and even his breathing became slightly rougher.

Sensing that something touched his wound, Wen Dong's body trembled, thinking it was Li Ningyan holding a hard cotton swab to clean up the blood around the wound.

Li Ningyan felt that her body was getting hotter and hotter, and the fiery throbbing in her heart was slowly eroding the little reason she had left. Her snow-white slender hands gently slid across the wound on Wen Dong's shoulder, and touched Wen Dong's wound. Dong's chest, another arm on Wen Dong's injured shoulder.

Li Ningyan's movements were not gentle at all, even a little rough, like something moving in the center of extreme endurance.

"Hiss..." Wen Dong, who turned his head and didn't dare to look at her, suddenly sensed that something was wrong. Li Ningyan's five fingers on her chest were almost caught in the flesh. Wen Dong's body trembled in pain, and he turned his head quickly. Frightened.

The entire body of the beautiful landlady leaned close to Wendong's neck, her already flushed face was pressed against Wendong's neck, her seductive and sexy mouth was slightly opened, panting heavily, and then she moved one leg Slowly spread out like a water snake and pressed on Wendong's legs, a pair of soft and boneless hands stroked his chest forcefully and gently, his eyes were blurred...

Seeing the scene in front of him, Wendong's brain suddenly thumped, and fell into a short blank moment, biting the tip of his tongue fiercely, the sharp pain made his heart that had been overwhelmed by his own random thinking just now The generated evil fire tried hard to suppress, and his intuition told him that the current beautiful landlady is very abnormal, and he suddenly remembered the scene when the beautiful landlady was injured last time, that time, the beautiful landlady also took the initiative to entangle him. At first, I thought that she was used as an aphrodisiac before, but now that I think about it, it doesn't seem to be the case.

Although this woman has a bit of sympathy with herself, Wendong knows very well that as long as her bottom line is touched, she will never show mercy to herself. The last time it was because she was seriously injured, and later because he saved her. I didn't do anything to myself, but now it's different, even if it seems that the beautiful landlady took the initiative to seduce me, but Wendong is very sure that as long as he throws her down, the consequence of welcoming him is that Wendong can't do it at all. As I imagined, maybe the beautiful landlord would kill herself in a fit of anger, and the best result would be to beat herself up and never see her again...

The fiery breath from the small mouth sprayed on Wendong's neck, it was hot, itchy, very unstable, faint, and could hear Li Ningyan's slightly hasty breathing in his nose...

"No, Qingyan, what's wrong with you, wake up!?" Seeing that the other leg of the beautiful landlady was involuntarily pressing on him, Wen Dong quickly stretched out his hand to hold her leg down, shocked Looking at the woman whose face was slowly flushing, her face was full of shock.

Unexpectedly, Wen Dong's big warm hand on her thigh not only failed to bring her back to her senses, but because of Wen Dong's active contact, the last trace of reason left in her heart completely disappeared, and the trace of struggle in her eyes turned into a burning sensation. madness.

The consequence of long-term suppression is a volcanic eruption that cannot be stopped by manpower, and Wendong's movements, Wendong's unique masculine aura and his naked body completely ignite this long-standing accumulation like a spark. powder keg.

Li Ningyan ignored Wen Dong's hand on her thigh, and hugged Wen Dong's body tightly with both hands. She turned over and threw Wen Dong, who was slightly inattentive in shock, onto the bed. Xiao Zui started kissing Wen Dong's neck and cheeks carelessly, and his hands caressed Wen Dong's chest carelessly.

The movement of a pair of Bai Shengsheng's small hands gently pinching, pressing and stroking on the chest, with a slight tingling pain in the gentleness, seemed to be a teasing with passion. The moment the beautiful landlady pounced on Wendong, he jumped up, a raging fire burned in his heart, and his blood boiled with his fists stretched out.

She stared at the beautiful landlady who was kissing carelessly on her face with her eyes open. Her eyes were slightly squinted, and she exhaled the fragrance lightly, like an orchid, as if an electric current stimulated Wen Dong's whole body, and another The dragging air flow directly drew up the evil fire under Wendong's abdomen, and the simple purple belt tied around the long hair did not know when it loosened and grew long, and the long hair that was not completely dry yet smelled like roses Winding around his neck, on that face as bright as a bright moon, there is longing, and there is also a complex expression that seems to be struggling and cannot be explained clearly.

The evil fire in his abdomen has spread and engulfed Wendong's mind. The burning Wendong looked at the peerless face in front of him, and wanted to kiss her small mouth. At this time, Li Ningyan suddenly opened his eyes, blurred. Looking at him intently, her black and white pupils were full of fiery ambiguous passion and desire, the trace of struggle with complicated emotions in her eyes became more and more obvious, a trace of bright red blood leaked from her sexy lips, she was about to break her own tip of the tongue.

Wen Dong's increasingly fiery eyes stared straight at the beautiful face in front of him, and his breathing became a little heavier, passing over the snow-white jade neck, and slightly lowered his eyes to the beautiful landlady's chest that was half pressed on his chest .

Seeing Wendong staring at her plump breasts, the fiery eyes showed a hint of madness, and the passionate masculine breath under her body instantly crushed the slight struggle brought about by biting the tip of her tongue in exchange for a sliver of reason. It made her feel disgusted, so she wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. Then, her moist and soft lips touched his lips. Her kiss was not gentle at all, it was heavy and domineering, but her lips were cold and full of tenderness. With a hint of sweet taste.

Damn, was it reversed like this?

As soon as Wen Dong opened his mouth, the beautiful landlady's little tongue stuck into his mouth, wrapped around Wen Dong's big tongue like a little snake, entangled, demanding, and sucking.

Wendong is going crazy. It's not that he doesn't want to eat the woman in front of him, but he really wants to, but he knows the consequences of eating her very well. If it's your choice, then Wendong will be very happy, but the current beautiful landlord doesn't want to eat her at all. It's not right, it seems to be controlled by something, so if you do this kind of market from time to time, what will happen with the utterly unreasonable personality of the beautiful landlord?Even if Li Ningyan didn't kill her, she would never see her again.

These days, Wendong has gotten used to having such a woman at home. Although she is cold and unkind, she will wait for her to go home and have dinner with her every day. Dong still enjoys teasing her a few words, and sometimes eats a little tofu, which makes him very excited and satisfied.

Wendong is an orphan. He has no home since he was a child. Although the lame father gave him a home, although the lame father often scolded and even beat himself, Wendong knew that he cared about him, but the lame father also said , A family without a woman is not a family at all. Although the beauty landlord’s house is very cold, and her people are also very cold, Wendong still feels very satisfied, so as long as there is no special urgent matter, Wendong will choose to go home After eating, he didn't dare to think about it at all when he thought that after doing such a thing, he would never be able to take another step into this uncomfortable family.

"Qingyan, you are crazy!" Reason has been occupied by the fiery heat in the brain and body, but at this moment, reason still occupies a little bit of the peak, and quickly turned away from Li Ningyan's panting mouth, stretched out his hand and pushed Give her a hand.

(End of this chapter)

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