How bad guys are made

Chapter 114 Never See You Again

Chapter 114 Never See You Again
"Are you really going to kill me?" Wen Dong stared at Li Ningyan's eyes tightly, with bitterness and helplessness in his eyes, and even a trace of weeping sadness: "Then you kill me." Wen Dong sighed , as if giving up any resistance, turning his head away from Li Ningyan's eyes for a while.

Although Wendong gave up resistance now, his body was tense, and his heart was raised to 120 points of vigilance. This is a real dagger, and the killing intent in Li Ningyan's eyes is definitely not related to her own. Just kidding, if the knife is really cut down, even if he has a halo of pig horns, he can only drink tea with Hades. Naturally, Wendong does not want to die. If the beautiful killer really cuts down with a knife, he will definitely do his best. Go and hide, although in this way, if the killer landlord really wants to kill him, the chances of being unable to escape will be higher, but Wendong still wants to gamble, yes, it is a gamble, he bet that the beautiful landlord will not kill him .

"Don't you have anything to say?" Li Ningyan was taken aback when she saw that Wendong gave up resistance and let herself kill him. She stared blankly at Wendong's cheek and hesitated even more, but her eyes were still clear and her tone was cold. asked.

"What are you talking about? Don't you remember what happened before?" Wen Dong was stunned for a moment, feeling a little speechless in his heart. Even though he was extremely thick-skinned, he was too embarrassed to speak up. He said to himself that you are not a fool, don't you know? ?Thinking of this, she couldn't help but cast a glance at Li Ningyan's plump figure with five fingerprints on it...

"You're courting death!" Li Ningyan's icy cold eyes filled with murderous intent again, the blade in her hand approached a little more, and a drop of blood slowly slipped from the blade of the dagger.

"Hiss..." Wen Dong was so frightened that he shut his mouth obediently, and even closed his eyes altogether. However, the nerves in his whole body were raised to the highest limit. As long as Li Ningyan made a further step, he would immediately fight back. At the same time, he was a little puzzled. What did the beautiful landlord say? What do you mean, let yourself confess your last words?But it doesn't look like it. Could it be that she doesn't want to kill herself, but she can't save face and asks herself to give a reason not to kill herself, and she happened to take advantage of the slope to get off the donkey?

Thinking of this, Wendong immediately regretted wanting to hit the wall, he was so cheap, Nima knew that he had just found a strong reason to say it, but now it is better, not only did he not give a reason, but it seemed to make her even more angry.

Li Ningyan was really angry, she really wanted to kill the man who took her body, although she knew exactly what happened, although she also knew that Wen Dong could not be blamed for this matter, it was purely a mutation in her body The onset of love-hunting drugs caused her to lose control and sacrifice herself, but this is not a reason at all. In her opinion, no matter what, any man who takes possession of her body will be damned. No matter what the reason is, her thinking is very Domineering, there is no reason at all, so she is not unreasonable at all.

But she hesitated now, the man in front of her not only saved her life, but also the first and only man in her life, more importantly, this man not only saved her, but also took care of herself these days. meal.Since that incident, she never thought that she would laugh one day, but the man in front of her actually made herself laugh twice. This man is very perverted. He is by no means a good man, but she does not dislike him. At first, I thought it was because he cooked for himself, but now that I think about it, it doesn’t seem like this. Although he occasionally teased and secretly ate some tofu made me very angry, but it felt good to Li Ningyan. It's very real, because for her who is almost indifferent to everything, it is very difficult for her to be angry, and the two emotions of anger and laughter have become a luxury for her, but because of the man in front of her The appearance of these extravagant things came true, so that she suddenly felt that her life had a little more color, and she was no longer that cold and unkind machine that only knows how to kill.

But he took possession of her own body, which was simply unacceptable to her. She really wanted to kill him, but she was also a little bit reluctant. This kind of complicated emotion made her upset.

"Chi——" Li Ningyan was obviously not a hesitant person. The dagger in his hand flew out from Wen Dong's neck. ' nailed it to the wall, and a drop of bright red blood from the sword instantly stained the place where it was inserted into the wall a little red.

What the hell!

The sudden action of the beautiful landlord almost scared Wen Dong to shit. Li Ningyan's action showed no sign at all, so that Wen Dong didn't react until the dagger was nailed to the wall. The pain in his neck made him terrified At the extreme, Hun'er was frightened, and quickly stretched out his hand to cover his neck, then he was stunned for a moment, the expected scene of blood spurting from his neck did not happen, he moved his neck in a panic, as if It wasn't cut off, but the skin was cut. I took my hand away and saw that the hand covering my neck was already stained red with blood. It looked very scary, but Wen Dong was so excited that the beautiful landlord didn't If you kill yourself, is that to forgive this matter?
"Go away—" Li Ningyan stared at Wendong coldly, and turned her head away from him bitterly. She was afraid that seeing him would make her think that this man possessed her, and she would regret it The decision just now couldn't help but kill him, his tone was cold and indifferent to the extreme.

"Did you forgive me for this?" Wen Dong looked at her happily and said.

"Aren't you going?" Li Ningyan turned her head coldly.

"Well, we all need to calm down when this kind of thing happens." The beautiful landlady is not his girlfriend at all, and this is the first time for her, which is unacceptable to anyone. Calm down, Wen Dong didn't want to stay here with a brazen face. He looked at the torn boxer briefs at the corner of the bed and didn't take them. He just took his own pants and walked down naked.

"I'm very calm, I don't want to see you again." Behind Li Ningyan's cold voice came out again, with determination.

"Well, I won't bother you again." Wen Dong paused, his body trembled, with a helpless wry smile on his lips, he walked out without looking back.

The expected result still happened——

"Hehe—" Closed the door gently, Wen Dong laughed.

Gently leaning his body against the wall of the dark corridor, the cigarette in his mouth flickered in and out of the dark corridor, from the moment the beautiful landlady said the last words, his heart twitched violently, very strong, It hurt very much, as if she had lost something very important in her life, almost made her rush back to hug this woman desperately, but he didn't dare, and couldn't.

The beautiful landlord is not my taste at all, she and I are not from the same world at all, and there is no possibility of any intersection. This time, I rented her house by coincidence and lived in her house because of curiosity about her. The next door, and by chance, she saved her life before the next thing happened. If this kind of thing happened to other girls, it might become a good relationship, but it was just a mistake for me and the killer landlord. that's all...

"Paralyzed!" Wen Dong let out a low growl, and punched the wall fiercely with his fist. The voice-activated light in the corridor instantly lit up, and he looked up at the closed door on the opposite side again by the light. The home that is not warm but makes me feel warm can no longer step into it.

There was a helpless wry smile on the corner of Wendong's mouth, he waited quietly until the lights went out, lit a cigarette, and after a while, he slowly turned around and walked into his own house, looking up at the empty house, Wendong felt that it was extraordinarily warm And sad, maybe tonight is the last night of staying here...

"Alas..." Tore out a few tissues and wiped the blood on his neck indiscriminately, Wen Dong sighed, and lay down on the sofa with mixed emotions in his heart.


"Dinglingling..." At this moment, the phone rang suddenly, and Wendong was a little puzzled. It's past eleven o'clock in the evening, who else would look for him?Is it the landlord?Wen Dong hurriedly picked up the phone to check, but found that it was He Qing's number.

Why is she looking for herself at this time?Did you think about that?But you are too good at picking your time, brother is covered in injuries, what the hell is going on, unless the man is the man and the woman is the man...

"Hey, why are you calling at midnight? Don't you want to call me out?"

"En? How do you know? Do you have time now?" He Qing's soft voice came from the phone, and Wen Dong could hear the joy that Wen Dong couldn't hide when he answered the phone.

"Of course, time is like a woman's first time. As long as we men squeeze hard, we can still squeeze in. Sister He told me, I will naturally have to squeeze anything." Seeing that He Qing really wanted to go out by herself, Wen Dong grinned happily, the depression in his heart disappeared for some reason the moment he heard the voice, and he returned to his hippie smiling face.

"Little rascal, how dare you tease your boss?" The voice on the phone said angrily, and then said: "If you have time, come and pick me up, my car is broken down."

"The car broke down? Where are you?" Wen Dong was taken aback, what was this woman doing, why didn't she come home so late.

"Deyang Road, the underground garage on the second floor of Yingsha Group Building, come quickly, I'm a little scared." He Qing urged.

"Well, okay, you wait there, I'll go over now." I don't know what this woman is doing at Yingsa Group, but Wen Dong didn't ask any more questions, hung up the phone, put on his pants and found a t-shirt casually He put it on and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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