How bad guys are made

Chapter 115 The Frightened He Qing

Chapter 115 The Frightened He Qing

Wendong went downstairs to the car and took out the keys in his trouser pocket. Wendong was stunned again when he saw the luxury car in front of him. This was the car lent to him by the beautiful landlady.

"Forget it, I have a thick skin, let me borrow it first." Wen Dong shook his head, pressed the car lock and walked into the car.

At this point, most people are off work. Even if there are overtime employees, they will work overtime until ten o'clock at most. There are not many people walking around in the underground garage. In addition, the lights in the garage are not bright at all. It is inevitable for He Qing to be there alone. He would be scared, so after getting in the car, Wen Dong called, and the two of them kept talking along the way.

Wen Dong drove quickly all the way, and arrived at the second basement garage of Yingsa Group after more than 20 minutes.

"I'm here." Wen Dong kept the parking space that He Qing said and walked over. He Qing, who was hiding in the car, saw Wen Dong yelled, got out of the car and ran up. He Qing was wearing a black suit today. The fashionable professional skirt makes the already pink and fair skin more supple. A pair of slender and sexy legs are exposed in the air. They are slightly plump but without any other fat. Black stiletto sandals, the whole body is full of the sexiness and charm of a mature woman. The high heels made a 'da da' sound when they stepped on the ground, and they threw themselves into Wen Dong's arms, as if seeing something frightening.

"Okay, what a cowardly grown man, come on, let me see, is this the high-ranking general manager of the company? If your employees see this, won't you be scared to death?" He stretched out his arms and embraced With a soft body, breathing the faint fragrance of jasmine on her body, Wen Dong's heart softened all of a sudden, he reached out and patted He Qing's round buttocks lightly, reached out to support her shoulders, and looked at her face She joked with a frightened and joyful face.

"Damn you, at what time are you still making fun of me." Only then did He Qing realize that she had lost her composure. She was too scared before, so she threw herself into Wen Dong's arms regardless. When she heard Wen Dong's teasing, He Qing blushed immediately, and hurriedly broke away from Wendong's arms. With a red face, she gave Wendong a look, and stretched out her pink fist to lightly hit Wendong on the shoulder.

"When? Now is the beginning of the nightlife, shall we also have a rich nightlife?" Wen Dong stretched out his hand to stop He Qing's waist, and said with a smile on his mouth, his eyes rolled down undisguisedly She touched He Qing's bulging chest, and licked the corner of her mouth with a lewd smile.

Does Wendong know that He Qing's ex-boyfriend and even half of her ex-husband Liu Jiancheng is Yingsa's CEO. He doesn't know why He Qing is still in Yingsa so late, and who she is looking for, but he is smart enough not to ask. , and Wendong found that He Qing was a little different today. Although the underground garage was a little dark, it was nothing to a strong woman like He Qing, so He Qing must have encountered something scary, so Wendong made the two of them feel like this. The atmosphere should be more cheerful, and the shadow of fear in He Qing's heart should be removed as soon as possible.

"You little rascal, I wouldn't have called you here if I had known." He Qing glared at Wen Dong in embarrassment. Although she said so, she took Wen Dong's big hand and walked out of the garage.

"If you don't call me, who will you call?"

"Hmph, there are many hooligans chasing my sister. Believe it or not, my sister can summon a group of hooligans with a single phone call."

"Tch, if you have the ability, you can call for a try? Just those little hooligans, brother, I can beat them to cry with three punches and two kicks. Don't compare those little hooligans to me. I am a high-level hooligan, a professional pervert. "

"I won't tell you anymore, you are really shameless." He Qing looked up at Wen Dong who was complacent, with a look of contempt on her face.

"Tch, this is unbearable? What's more shameless is still 'underneath'."

"Go to hell, you are disgusting!"

The monitoring room on the [-]th floor of Yingsha Group...

Liu Jiancheng sat on the sofa lazily, playing with the teacup in his white palm, quietly watching the back view of the two on the second floor of the underground garage on the monitor screen, talking and laughing hand in hand, with a sinister look on his lips Ke sneered: "A pair of dogs and men, let's see if you can still laugh at the fashion show tomorrow..."

"Okay, you can go back." Driving He Qing downstairs, He Qing opened the car door and ran down, waving her little hand to Wen Dong in the car with a cheerful face.

"What? This is the end?" Wen Dong stared dumbfounded at He Qing, who was about to go upstairs and go home. This mother is obviously killing the donkey, crying and shouting to come by herself when it's time to send you off. When I get home, I want to send Lao Tzu away without giving me any favors.

"It's over, it's so late, you still want to stay with me for dinner?" He Qing stood prettyly at the bottom of the corridor with her hands behind her back. It is the charm and liveliness of a mature big girl.

"Hey, I won't eat the rice, I'll eat you." Wen Dong got out of the car viciously and closed the car door, his two eyes glanced at He Qing obscenely, and walked towards her with a lewd smile on his face .

"Smelly rascal, I'm too lazy to talk to you." He Qingqiao blushed a little, turned around and ran up the corridor, not worried at all whether Wen Dong would chase her.

Seeing He Qing's shyness like a little girl, Wen Dong smiled triumphantly, rushed up in two or three steps, and hugged He Qing who was deliberately slowing down and waiting for him.

"Ah!" He Qing knew in her heart that Wendong would definitely catch up, but she didn't expect that he would hug herself, and she let out a coquettish cry, and quickly reached out to wrap her arms around Wendong's neck. Wendong's sudden sudden The action startled her, she didn't sprain her ankle like last time, why did she carry herself up the stairs, she glared at Wen Dong with a blushing reproach, and a trace of misty eyes appeared in her blurred eyes. lust.

"Hehe..." Seeing He Qing hugging her quietly with a blushing face like a well-behaved little daughter-in-law in panic and anticipation, Wen Dong felt tenderness in his heart, and the depression in his heart was swept away.

"Today I'm the chef, and I serve you, a goblin, what do you think I should eat you?" Wen Dong chuckled, looked down at He Qing, who was in her arms with a shy face, and smiled.

"Pervert." He Qing snorted in a low voice, wrapped her arms around Wen Dong's neck, and leaned her head on his shoulder to enjoy the silence of this moment.

Opening the door and walking into the house, Wendong put He Qing down. Just as Wendong was about to reach out to turn on the light, a hand suddenly pressed down on Wendong's arm, and then a soft bosom of Xiangyu wrapped around her. Coming up, the small mouth moved closer, and a sweet kiss was sent up.

He Qing's kiss was very light and gentle, as if she was afraid of scaring herself, she stood on her tiptoes and gently wrapped her hands around Wendong's neck. In the darkness, her quiet face was full of tenderness, her bright eyes were slightly closed, The pitch-black space seemed extraordinarily warm at this time. The faint fragrance in the room mixed with the orchid fragrance from Lin Yue's body made Wen Dong intoxicated. There were only two faint breathing sounds at the door.

At this moment, Wendong seems to be infected by the gentle temperament of He Qing, without the domineeringness of the past, slowly wraps his hands around He Qing's slender and plump waist, slowly inserts his big tongue into He Qing's small mouth, the two seem to be together for many years Like an old married couple, He Qinghao opened her teeth slightly and put Wendong's tongue into her mouth. Her pink tongue slightly protruded to find Wendong's tongue that had been put in her mouth. The two tongues intersected. Tangled together, attracted to each other...

From the initial mutual attraction to the fierce kiss, the two hugged each other tightly as if they wanted to integrate each other into their own bodies, let go of the woman who was already panting, Wen Dong looked down at the woman who was already tightly leaning on her back He Qing, whose clothes were in a mess by the door, put one hand on He Qing's chest and rubbed it wantonly, lowering her head to admire the soft shapes in her hands.

"En——" He Qing let out a coquettish moan, and quickly reached out to wrap her arms around Wen Dong's neck shyly not to let her go there, but the plump softness pressed even more on Wen Dong. In Dong's palm.

Wen Dong took the woman with a peach-like rosy face in his arms who had been teased by him, leaned over and picked her up, and walked into the living room.

"Can I not be here?" Seeing that Wendong actually put herself on the sofa, He Qing's pretty face was even more blushing. Although the light was not turned on in the living room, being on the sofa in the living room really made her think about it. ashamed.

"Didn't you do it here last time? And you were very proactive..." Wen Dong said softly with a smile on his face, looking down at He Qing's pretty face.A head of silky black hair, a pair of charming eyes, a straight nose, slightly flushed jade cheeks, delicate and charming lips, a delicate dimple that is as white as snow, crystal clear as jade, and snowy skin like jade fat. , the flawless melon-seeded face is shy and affectionate, extremely beautiful.

"You also said that last time it was because of... woo woo..." He Qing glared at Wen Dong angrily, but before she finished speaking, Wen Dong blocked her mouth, and after a while The sound of undressing was heard from the sofa in the living room, and after a few minutes, He Qing's uncontrollable moans sounded in the living room, and the bodies of the two were already tightly bound together in the darkness...

After some passion, Wendong leaned limply on the sofa, experienced two women in one night, even though Wendong's body was much healthier than most people, he was a little tired, of course, this was also Wendong's previous injury The reason was that he lost too much blood and his body would become weak. It had only been two days, and although the wound on his back had scabbed over, his body naturally did not heal so quickly.

He Qing has been very busy these days, and she didn't know what happened to scare her at night. Although the two of them worked hard for more than half an hour, she was already panting from exhaustion, and her body was dripping with sweat , lying lazily in Wendong's arms, not wanting to move.

(End of this chapter)

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