How bad guys are made

Chapter 116 Liu Jiancheng Has a Conspiracy

Chapter 116 Liu Jiancheng Has a Conspiracy
"Are you asleep?" Ten minutes later, He Qing finally regained some strength. In the dark, she couldn't see Wendong's appearance clearly, it was very vague. Seeing Wendong sitting motionless on the sofa, she couldn't help raising her head curiously. asked.

"No." Wen Dong gently stretched out his hand to grab He Qing's little hand, and said in a gentle tone.

"You're a little different today."

"You're a little different today."

The two looked at each other and asked each other in unison.

"You ask first." Wendong was taken aback for a moment, and Wendong didn't care about He Qing's curiosity, and Wendong basically guessed where her doubts were.

"What's the matter with the injury on your neck, and your shoulder?" He Qing leaned her head slightly on Wen Dong's shoulder, and didn't look him in the eyes, as if she didn't care whether Wen Dong would lie to herself.

"Cheng Yanan bit the model we hired at Shangzi this time. She has been displeased with me. It's a bit troublesome to talk about, but it's been resolved." Wen Dong didn't want her to worry, so he said lightly, As for the injury on his neck, he didn't say anything. He couldn't help being irritable when he thought about the beautiful landlord. Naturally, he didn't want her to know. If He Qing knew that it was a killer, he would be even more worried.

"En." He Qing was so smart, so she could tell that Wen Dong didn't want to say anything, but he didn't ask too much, nodded, thought for a while and organized his words: "I saw Liu Jiancheng today."

"En." Wen Dong nodded, and reached out to pull He Qing into his arms, knowing that she still had something to say, so he didn't interrupt her.

"I didn't want to go at first, but he actually told me that the matter was related to you. I agreed as soon as I was in a hurry. It wouldn't be dangerous to go to his company anyway. Besides, our new company's fashion show is coming soon, Mr. Zhang I have high hopes for our new company and will focus on fashion clothing this year. I also want to go to Yingsa to see how they do it. After all, we are still far behind Yingsa in terms of clothing. Far."

"En." Wen Dong nodded, listening quietly.

"I know that Liu Jiancheng must have said something about you to scare me, but I couldn't help but go, but unexpectedly he didn't talk about you at all. He wanted to poach me to develop in his company, but I didn't agree. We were in I chatted in his office for a while, but unexpectedly I fell asleep because I was too tired recently. When I woke up, it was past eleven o'clock. Fortunately, Liu Jiancheng didn't do anything to me, but I woke up He didn't leave when I woke up, and when I woke up, he told me about our past, apologized to me, and begged me to get back together with him, so I was so scared that I hurried away." He Qing lay on Wen Dong's body, like It's a statement whispering to itself.

"Well, it seems that he hasn't given up on you yet." Wen Dong frowned, Liu Jiancheng is obviously not a good person, and he obviously didn't have good intentions in asking He Qing to go to him, but speaking of his relationship with him, in the Naturally, He Qing didn't say much in front of him, but what puzzled him was that he knew that Liu Jiancheng had bad intentions, but he didn't find any problems after hearing what He Qing said.

"Yes." He Qing nodded, her tone was inaudible.

"Huh? You still want to promise him?" Wen Dong frowned and looked down at He Qing.

"Hee hee, it depends on your performance."

"You mean I'm not doing well? Come on, come on, let's fight for another [-] rounds, I have to perform well."

"No, no, I was wrong, you performed very well—" Seeing that Wen Dong had reached out to hold her calf, He Qing hurriedly begged for mercy in panic. Although she only did it once just now, Wen Dong's action was really amazing. It was too rough, and for more than a hour in the middle of the night, it seemed like a machine that could be refueled and didn't listen for a moment. He Qing still felt that the roots of her legs were burning. If she did it again, she probably wouldn't have to go to work tomorrow.

"No, I was wrong, I was really wrong." Seeing that Wen Dong really hugged herself, He Qing was really frightened, crying and begging for mercy, and burst into tears.

"I just want to take you to take a bath. Why don't you? Don't take a bath? You still want?" Wen Dong looked down at the panic-stricken woman with a red face in his arms and said speechlessly.

"Yes, yes, I was wrong." He Qing quickly changed her mind and agreed when Wen Dong said to take a bath.

"Yes? Really, well, I will satisfy you, a dissatisfied woman..."

He Qing: "..."

He carried He Qing into the bathroom and took a shower, while Wen Dong simply wiped it with a wet towel because of his injuries, and the two went back to the bedroom and went straight to sleep.

This sleep was very comfortable. When Wendong woke up, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Looking at the woman who was sleeping peacefully in his arms, Wendong felt very warm, and gently hugged her in his arms. I kissed her on the forehead. I was sleeping with a woman in my arms. After waking up, I could see that she was so comfortable. Wen Dong slept in her house once before, but the atmosphere at that time was very different from now. Not the same.

"Are you awake?" When Wen Dong moved, He Qing in her arms woke up naturally, her slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes, watching Wen Dong hugging her and bowing her head to admire her nakedness He Qing's face turned red.

"Well, I just woke up." Wen Dong smiled and nodded with a gentle expression on his face.

"It's 07:30, we have to get up, ten o'clock is the fashion show, and nine o'clock the new company has a small meeting, we all have to attend." He Qing escaped from Wendong's arms and got off the bed directly. The bed wore slippers and went to the closet to look for clothes. Their clothes were all taken off on the sofa in the living room last night. He Qing's clothes were wrinkled by Wen Dong, so they couldn't wear them anymore. Fortunately, the clothes she was wearing There is more than one set of uniform skirts.

"Oh, by the way, I went to the mall to buy these for you last night, put them on." He Qing took out a set of clothes from the closet and threw them on the bed and said to Wen Dong.

"Huh? Bought it for me? Don't I have clothes?" Wen Dong looked up at her suspiciously and said.

"You call it clothes? It's too informal. It's just normal. Today is a special day. You are still the project director of the new company, and those new clothes are all designed by you. It will inevitably be on camera, so you Wearing the clothes from last night?" He Qing turned her head and glared at Wen Dong angrily. Last night, this guy came wearing slippers, shorts, and a torn T-shirt. If this guy went to the press conference in this suit, President Zhang would It would be strange to type out Wendong.

Hearing this, Wen Dong's heart warmed up. He didn't expect He Qing to be so thoughtful. She picked up her clothes with a smile and put them on, saying, "I'm not afraid of dressing too handsomely. I just want to fascinate those single and lonely girls. What if those It's not good for a married woman to be impressed by my demeanor."

"Come on, you are foolish enough to be fooled by you." He Qing glanced at Wen Dong, jumped onto the bed, picked up two small pieces of cloth thrown out of the closet without any hesitation, and put them on. .

"Hehe..." Wendong smiled indifferently, and put on his clothes with a smile.

"Am I handsome?" Western trousers, leather shoes, a white shirt, and a red tie made Wendong look extra energetic. Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, Wendong stroked his black hair with a smug face After putting on the tie, the scars on his neck were completely covered and could not be seen at all.

"En, very handsome." He Qing who was on the side covered her face with a towel and agreed casually, put a little unknown white cream on her white and tender hands, rubbed her hands and walked out without raising her head: "Hurry up!" , going to be late."

Sister He's anxious look made Wendong roll his eyes for a while, and he lost the interest to make a pose after being so shocked, and followed him out with a speechless expression.

Wen Dong drove fast all the way, and the two of them felt the company at exactly eight o'clock, as if they were pinching the time.

"Wow, Brother Dong, you are so handsome!" He Qing took the elevator all the way to the office, and the two of them went back to their own offices without speaking in a tacit understanding. Wen Dong just entered the office, and he was holding a small mirror on the sofa. The winning Sun Xiaojie let out an exclamation when she saw Wendong's attire, and looked at Wendong with starry eyes, with a look of surprise and a trace of admiration and unconcealable admiration.

Today's Sun Xiaojie has obviously also gone through a special dress. A white uniform skirt looks extra mature on her exquisite and sexy figure. The sexy legs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings are sexy and charming. The crystal sandals were kicked aside. A pair of The little feet in stockings stepped on the ground without looking dirty, and ran to Wen Dong in a few steps, and couldn't help but grabbed Wen Dong's arm.

Sun Xiaojie is very excited today. Now the employees of the new clothing company are busy in full swing for the upcoming fashion conference and fashion show, and what they talk about the most is of course the new project director of the new company who has been in office for less than a month in front of her. Because Wen Dong is the president's default director, and because he is too young, he was often discussed when he first came, and there were naturally some gossips. Naturally, many people did not believe Wen Dong's ability, but now it is completely different up.

It is said that the clothing for this fashion show was completely designed by the new director himself. Although many people have not seen how beautiful the clothes designed by the director are, they have heard some news. For example, the designers in the design department admitted that The ability of the director, such as the reliable news that President Zhang will increase capital injection to develop Lanyun's new clothing project, so now Wendong has become a male god in the clothing company that is already full of yin and yang, and is a lot of singles. The prince charming in the employee's dream made Sun Xiaojie so unhappy, because the male god in their hearts could not only be seen every day, but also touched, and even in Sun Xiaojie's view, Wendong already belonged to her.

(End of this chapter)

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