How bad guys are made

Chapter 117 Encountering a rival in love

Chapter 117 Encountering a rival in love
"Really? Am I really so handsome?" Wen Dong shyly reached out and touched his cheek.

"Of course, you are the most handsome person in the entire Lanyun company." Sun Xiaojie looked at Wendong with admiration without concealing her eyes.

"Would you like to have a shot?" Wen Dong pulled Sun Xiaojie beside him into his arms, the shyness in his eyes suddenly turned into lewdness, his eyeballs swept back and forth on Sun Xiaojie's sexy long legs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings , with a malicious look on his face, like a big bad wolf staring at the little white rabbit.

"I... I'm not ready yet, but a kiss is still okay." Seeing Wen Dong looking at her lewd eyes, Sun Xiaojie immediately lowered her head shyly, her little face was flushed, a little bit awkward She moved her waist, and her voice was as thin as a mosquito humming.

"Uh..." Wendong stared at Sun Xiaojie's shy and coquettish expression with dumbfounded eyes. Originally, he just wanted to flirt with her flirtatiously, but this girl actually took it seriously?
"Then what? Can you touch it by the way?" Wen Dong swallowed, and slightly lowered his head to look at Sun Xiaojie's plump couple who were basically mature and bulging under the skirt of the uniform.

"Pervert, I'm ignoring you!" Sun Xiaojie really couldn't stand Wendong's aggressive gaze, and felt a little angry, thinking that if you kiss and touch by the way, they will naturally not say anything, you are so straightforward Asked where he had the nerve to say yes, Sun Xiaojie said angrily, twisted her waist and shook off Wendong's big hand, raised her powder fist and lightly hit Wendong on the shoulder, and turned around.

"Hehe..." Seeing Sun Xiaojie's angry look, Wendong didn't smile annoyedly, thinking about what happened to He Qing last night, Wendong always felt that something bad might happen in this fashion show , but I couldn't find out where the problem was for a while, thinking about going to the fashion conference and fashion show for a while.

"Bo——" Seeing that Wendong didn't speak, Sun Xiaojie thought he was angry, and was annoyed when this guy became so reserved, so she turned around again in desperation, stood on tiptoes with a red face He kissed her on the cheek, and then ran away blushing.

"Hey, dear Xiao Jiejie, it's wrong for you to secretly molest your boss, but you will be punished." Wen Dong reached out and touched the place where the cheek was kissed, and looked at the naked man with a sinister expression. Sun Xiaojie sitting cross-legged on the sofa with stockings and small feet.

"Just molesting you, what can you do to me?" Sun Xiaojie regained her previous arrogance, pouted her mouth and looked at Wendong provocatively.

"Damn it! Did you wear lipstick?" Wen Dong looked at Sun Xiaojie's bright red mouth, and was startled. He quickly reached out and snatched the small mirror in her hand, and saw that there was really an obvious lipstick mark on her cheek: " You're trying to kill me, you're going to a meeting soon, if the company's senior executives see me like this, why don't you die as a joke?"

With a bitter expression on his face, Wen Dong hurriedly took out a wet towel and wiped it, and Sun Xiaojie's proud "cheech" laughter came from his ears, and he pouted and hummed: "It's best like this, those companies in the province who don't have The vixen you want has bad intentions for you."

have to!Wendong rolled his eyes helplessly, it turned out that this girl did it on purpose, she used lipstick to declare her sovereignty!What kind of vixen that no one wants, the new company still has a lot of good girls, okay?But the last sentence Wendong just thought about in his heart, if he said it, it would be strange if he didn't overturn this little jealous jar.

"I'll go to the fashion show to take a look at the layout." After teasing Sun Xiaojie in the office for a while, Wen Dong always felt uneasy. Wen Dong is the project director, although he doesn't need to personally do many things, just arrange and sign. But this was the first major thing he did when he came to Lanyun, and he didn't forget the mission of coming to Lanyun. He came to investigate whether Lanyun was engaged in smuggling and other criminal transactions, and he had to do his job well. Only by gaining more trust can you have more rights to know more about the company.

"I'll go too." Sun Xiaojie hurriedly put her little feet wrapped in stockings into a pair of crystal high heels, and stood up.

"En? You are my only assistant, don't you have anything else to do?" Wen Dong turned his head in doubt, when did this girl become interested in these messy things.

"I've been busy a few days ago. I haven't been to our fashion show (press conference) to set up the scene. I want to go and see it." Sun Xiaojie said curiously. Naturally, she wouldn't say that she was worried about Wendong. After all, a handsome and capable man like Wen Dong is so popular, so she naturally follows with concern.


At present, the layout of the fashion show has entered the final countdown, and the layout of the venue has been completed.The screen and lights have entered the final debugging state, and several professionals are busy on site.As for the surrounding decoration, Wendong is also very satisfied. This is because he specially asked the design department and the art department to abandon the previous habits, and added a lot of artistic and bright elements. The whole venue is fresh and bright, giving people a bright and fresh feeling , just in line with the style of clothes designed by Wendong.In addition to the arrangement of the seats and the preparations for various emergencies, the preparations are already ready, and the fashion show will come in a few hours. Wendong has put a lot of effort into this fashion show, although I can't guarantee it. Lanyun's new clothing will be an instant hit in the fashion clothing industry, but at least it can reach a big level. After all, as a true fashion design master, Wendong has not shown his real trump card, but these ,enough.

When Wendong came here, he didn't see Shangzi's model. Wendong wanted to ask Cheng Yanan about Lin Xiaoxi. It seems that he can only wait after the fashion show.

"Xiaojie, you're here too." At this time, a male worker from the art department came over happily and said hello to Sun Xiaojie. Looking at the fashionable and beautiful Sun Xiaojie, a look of admiration flashed in his eyes.

"Well, Brother Li, you're here too." Sun Xiaojie, who was visiting the decoration site curiously, turned to look at the man, and greeted with a smile.

"Well, a few days ago I asked for leave and went home. When you return to the company, you will no longer be in the original department. I heard that you have been promoted. Congratulations." The man walked forward with a smile on his face, looking very happy .

His name is Li Zhengyi, and he came from a prestigious university. He has been in Lanyun New Company for almost two years. He is very talented. He is a senior designer in the art design department. He also designed the artistic effects of this fashion show. of.

Li Zhengyi looks about the same age as Wendong, and he is very handsome, at least he is more handsome than Wendong. Her long hair was combed back slightly with hairspray, and she was meticulous. There was a silver earring on her left ear, and a tight black leather jacket showed off her good figure, and highlighted her fair face even more. It has a chic and suave taste of fashion trends, and looks very artistic. This kind of temperament is absolutely unparalleled to some girls who are not deeply involved in the world.

"In fact, it's just a different way of working, and the salary is still the same." Sun Xiaojie smiled casually. Although Li Zhengyi's name is a bit rustic, he is not ambiguous at all, and he is also capable, because he is generous and cheerful. , he is very popular in the art design department, and he took good care of Sun Xiaojie before, so Sun Xiaojie still has a good impression of this sunny and mature boy. Of course, that was before, although he also has a good impression now, but much less , because the position in her heart has been occupied by someone too much.

"Hehe, I haven't seen you for a while, and she's getting more and more beautiful." Li Zhengyi reached out and patted Sun Xiaojie's shoulder, but Sun Xiaojie measured his body and avoided it. He is very clear about Sun Xiaojie's character. Although he can't talk about love, he also likes Sun Xiaojie's lively personality. There are often some small physical contact between the two of them talking and laughing, which makes him feel strange. It was this kind of small gesture between friends that Sun Xiaojie escaped today. This has never happened before.

Sensing that Sun Xiaojie was looking behind him, Li Zhengyi frowned indiscernibly and turned his head curiously. When he saw Wendong approaching with a smile on his face, Li Zhengyi was taken aback, and quickly greeted him respectfully: " Hello Wen."

"Well, these days have been hard." Wen Dong nodded with his hands behind his back, looking like a big boss.

"It should be, Xiaojie, this is the director of our new company... um?" Li Zhengyi didn't know where Sun Xiaojie was transferred, and she thought that Sun Xiaojie didn't know Wendong, and she was afraid that Sun Xiaojie, who had a lively personality, would lose his manners and offend this person. He quickly introduced her to her, but found that Sun Xiaojie, who was on the side, had obediently walked half a step behind Wendong, which made him suddenly puzzled.

"Are you colleagues?" Wen Dong asked, looking sideways at Sun Xiaojie with a smile on his face.

"Well, I studied art design, and we were in the same department before." Sun Xiaojie nodded with a smile, looked at Li Zhengyi, who was slightly puzzled and shocked, and said with a smile again: "Brother Li, this He is my boss, and I am now President Wen's assistant."

"Okay." Li Zhengyi looked embarrassed, and gave Sun Xiaojie a sneaky look, as if angry why she didn't tell him earlier.

"Brother Dong, are you angry?" In the elevator, Sun Xiaojie stretched out her hand to hug Wendong's arm affectionately, and pressed her bulging breasts on Wendong's arm without any shyness, her pair of bright eyes were wandering. Turning around, she looked proudly at the silent Wendong and said with a smile, she is naturally proud of this kind of thing, this is to show Wendong her own charm, and tell him that this lady is chased by many people, and Also very handsome.

(End of this chapter)

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