How bad guys are made

Chapter 118 The Fashion Show Begins

Chapter 118 The Fashion Show Begins

"Yeah, I'm angry, why didn't you tell me that I have such a big rival in love, if I knew I would have dressed up today." Wen Dong rolled his eyes, looking angry and regretful, but he was really not angry. It is a man's nature to like beautiful girls. After all, no one can stipulate that others cannot like the woman they like. Of course, the premise is that the other party does not use such obscene means. As long as it is such a benign pursuit, Wendong will not I won't be angry, it just shows that I have good vision, and the woman I like is pursued by many people, but seeing Li Zhengyi's handsome appearance makes Wendong feel a little bit, grandma, that guy is almost as handsome as me .

Seeing Wen Dong rolling his eyes in regret, Sun Xiaojie burst out laughing, shaking his head triumphantly and saying, "I can't help it, Miss Ben is too attractive."

"Yeah, that's why I'm thinking of finding a chance to eat you quickly, so that I can rest assured after eating it in my stomach, so that you won't be missed by others, and I'll be frightened."

"That's no good, I'm not ready yet, you have to test for a while, besides, I'm not yet twenty, okay, I don't want to change from a girl to a young woman so early." Hearing Wen Dong Said that he was worried that he would be robbed by others, Sun Xiaojie couldn't hide his joy in his heart, and shook his head with a smile.

"Grandma, you won't eat it if you don't let me eat it? Who is the boss?!" Wen Dong angrily lowered his head and glared at her, and directly suppressed her with the aura of a boss. I know, but since I was 14 years old, I was kicked out by that cripple. After stealing the first pot of gold, Wendong went directly to a nightclub and changed from a boy to a man. I remember that sexy girl at that time The beautiful big sister even gave herself a big red envelope. Your sister is still an innocent girl in her twenties, so what is there to be proud of?

But Wen Dong is also very clear that men are not the same as women.A man is most afraid of being told that he is a virgin, while a woman is even more afraid of being told that she is not a virgin.

"Of course not, even if you are the boss." Although Sun Xiaojie's personality is a little bolder, she still feels shy when talking about such embarrassing things. She blushes and shakes her head, not giving in to this point. He didn't state the identities of the two parties clearly, and Sun Xiaojie called Boss Wendong or President Wen to outsiders, but both of them understood the relationship between the two parties in their hearts.

And the reason why the two of them tacitly did not pierce this layer of window paper is more or less psychological. Firstly, the relationship between the two is the superior and the subordinate, and secondly, because the relationship between the two is not clear. However, they made ambiguous actions and feelings between male and female friends, which made them feel a little different kind of excitement in their hearts, and being sneaky was as exciting as cheating.

Back in the office, the two took a short rest and went directly to the meeting room.

"Mr. Wen, Mr. Wen..." When we came to the meeting room, there were already many high-level executives from the new company. Seeing Wen Dong walking in, most of them greeted Wen Dong with smiles on their faces. Wen Dong nodded in response one by one. Sun Xiaojie looked excited, holding a notebook and following Wendong like a follower. She was Wendong's only assistant, and she was the one who wrote down the requirements and goals in the meeting.

Wendong walked to his place, and found that He Qing, who was opposite him, was sitting upright and not looking sideways. When he saw him coming, he just smiled and nodded to himself. Wendong knew that He Qing didn't want the people in the company to know about the two of them. After all, He Qing was no different. People who have been divorced, plus they are much older than themselves, and their words are formidable. She doesn't want people in the company to gossip about their tongues.

Wen Dong also smiled at He Qing, blinked his eyes indistinctly, then sat down, turned his head and looked at the bald man sitting beside him, this is Jiang Liang, the HR department of the new company, remembering that he just came When he was in the company, he also reminded himself that Cheng Liyuan was hostile to him, and Wen Dong had a somewhat favorable impression of this person. Seeing him smiling at him, Wen Dong greeted him with a smile: "Brother Liang came very early." .”

"Hehe, Mr. Wen is really honoring us men. I didn't expect you to put down a group of female designers in our company by yourself. It's amazing." Jiang Liang glanced at Wen Dong with admiration, and then glanced slightly. Cheng Liyuan, the chief designer sitting opposite, lowered his voice and gave Wen Dong a thumbs up.

"Uh, I don't dare to do this. I just drew a sketch. It's not me who really made these designs perfect." Hearing Jiang Liang's words, Wen Dong was a little stunned, remembering that he and When I was flattering myself, I said that the new company has few men and needs to be united with the outside world. Now I say this even more. I guess this guy is a strict wife, and he doesn't like strong women.

"Mr. Wen is being modest. Who doesn't know that the design concept of these clothes and other things are all made by you. You are full of prestige in our new company now. As long as you ascend to the top, I don't know how many beautiful girls are willing to treat you. Throw yourself into your arms, look at that designer Cheng, usually with eyes higher than the top, but I found that her eyes were a little ambiguous when she looked at you just now. I'll accept it, and earn money for us men." Jiang Liang glanced at Wen Dong ambiguously, then put his hand over his mouth and whispered to Wen Dong, with a wretched expression on his face.

"Hehehe..." A woman's sixth sense is very keen. Although Wendong only glanced at Cheng Liyuan who was facing him when the two were talking, Cheng Liyuan seemed to know that he and Jiang Liang were talking about herself. From this point of view, Wen Dong quickly lowered his head and laughed foolishly a few times, not knowing how to answer Jiang Liang's words.

Regarding what Jiang Liang said, Wendong didn't think there was any surprise. Although Wendong had never been in the workplace, he knew some things through TV and so on. Every company and even every department is like a society. In society, there are open and secret wars and profit networks, which are also more sexual.

I remember that there is a very classic saying, if you have something to do, the secretary will do it, if you have nothing to do, the secretary, this sentence is by no means empty talk. Lanyun has thousands of employees in the entire building, and when the forest grows, there are all kinds of birds. It is said that before Lanyun The atmosphere of the whole company was not good, it was rotten, but it was rectified by Zhang Hanhan, the new leader. If you spend too much time on these things, these things are simply unavoidable.

The two chatted nonchalantly for a while, at this time Zhang Hanhan walked in with her senior assistant Li Jing, her face was expressionless, her eyes were fixed, and she had a cold aura of being superior and repelling others thousands of miles away, People can't see her likes and sorrows.However, Zhang Hanhan obviously dressed up carefully today, with a beautiful fair face, finely crafted, bright eyes and white teeth, sexy and slender body, a pair of exquisite little feet under the sexy calves wrapped in black stockings, wearing a pair of black strappy high-heeled sandals , the ground made a "da da" sound, a domineering and glamorous body, a head of black hair was simply tied up, clean and neat, outstanding temperament, but mature and stable, with the domineering and clear charm of a strong woman in the workplace .

Sitting upright on the front seat, he glanced at the senior executives of the new company below. No one dared to meet the eyes of this strong woman. They all lowered their heads to look at the documents in their hands. Turning his head, only Wendong didn't seem to be disturbed by her aura, and looked sideways at Zhang Damei, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, with playful appreciation.

Zhang Hanhan and Wendong looked at each other, seeing that Wendong was looking at him, Zhang Hanhan didn't stare at him coldly like before, his cherry red mouth slowly hooked, and he glanced at Wendong as if appreciative. Withdrawing his gaze, he casually opened the file in his hand.

This small meeting of the new company ended in only ten minutes. What was said was nothing more than the precautions for this fashion conference (fashion show) and so on. There was no mention of the future development direction of the new company. After all, the fashion show is now It hasn't started yet, even if the result has been predicted, but for things that haven't happened, Zhang Hanhan will naturally not recklessly draw cakes to satisfy his hunger.

At ten o'clock, the fashion conference held by Lanyun New Clothing Company was held as scheduled in the large exhibition hall of Lanyun Group.

Zhang Hanhan, who was dressed in a professional suit, sat upright in front of the major newspapers and media in the audience, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, calm and confident. Wen Dong also saw a familiar figure, Master Zhan, and Wen Dong cut it with the help of Master Zhan's clothes. Only then did she hook up with Zhang Hanhan and come to Lanyun. Master Zhan is an internationally renowned design master. At the same time, Zhang Hanhan also invited some other well-known figures. Although she didn't say anything, she obviously attached great importance to this fashion show.

Seeing Master Zhan looking at him, he nodded kindly to himself, as if he was not surprised that Wen Dong appeared here, Wen Dong was taken aback, it seems that Master Zhan has not forgotten that he has cut the clothes she designed , Wen Dong nodded to her with a slight smile.

There is a computer in front of Zhang Hanhan, and the senior executives of the new clothing company are sitting on both sides. It is very formal, and Wendong is naturally on the list.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Zhang Hanhan, the president of Lanyun. Thank you for coming to our Lanyun fashion conference in your busy schedule." I bowed.

The half-hour fashion show went very smoothly, and Zhang Hanhan answered the reporter's questions fluently. Obviously, he had carefully prepared, but Wen Dong, who didn't care about this kind of process at all, was drowsy. The main designer of the clothing displayed in the fashion show naturally received a lot of attention, but he didn't need to speak at this time, and he, the designer, would not really show his face until after the fashion show.

(End of this chapter)

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