How bad guys are made

Chapter 119 Wendong became the target of public criticism

Chapter 119 Wendong became the target of public criticism

On the LTD screen behind Zhang Hanhan, each style of clothing designed by Wendong was displayed in front of everyone in the form of a slideshow. The sound of the camera has not stopped since the display of the new clothing.

"Now I announce that the clothes designed by Lanyun New Fashion Design Company will be officially launched on the market!" Zhang Hanhan stood up calmly, with calm confidence on his face, and reached out for a mouse and keyboard.

"Wow..." There was warm applause from below.

Immediately after the lights dimmed, the stage began to be withdrawn, and the fashion show began immediately. The master of ceremonies had already walked out with a smile on his face.

"Wait!" At this moment, a media reporter below suddenly stood up.

The reporter's sudden voice seemed particularly abrupt amidst the applause. Wen Dong's expression moved, he grabbed the mobile phone he was playing with, and slowly turned his head to look at the man, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, as if something bad was about to happen. occur.

Zhang Hanhan froze for a moment, looked up at the reporter with a smile on his face, and said, "Any questions?"

"Actually, there is no problem. I just think that the new clothes you showed just now are very similar, or even exactly the same." The reporter stood up, frowning and asked doubtfully. .

"Hiss..." Wen Dong tightened his grip on the phone, and the bad premonition in his heart became stronger, and he frowned slightly. What the reporter said was definitely nonsense made out of nothing, and he turned his head slightly without showing any signs He glanced at He Qing who was also astonished, and thought of what she said to him last night, Liu Jiancheng had looked for her, and he still looked for him with the reason that something happened to him, could this be...

"Oh?" Zhang Hanhan let out a light snort, glanced at Wen Dong, who had a gloomy expression beside him, and frowned slightly. Hiding the slightly irritated mood in her heart, she nodded with a smile on her face and slowly sat down, holding the mouse in her little hand, and clicked on the information page of Yingsa Group. After a few minutes, her smile gradually disappeared, and finally her pretty face Already pale, sitting there motionless...

Judging from Zhang Hanhan's performance, these reporters who have been struggling in the society every day understand something. The scene suddenly became chaotic, and there were many discussions. The senior management of Lanyun New Clothing Company.

A few minutes later, the scene became even more chaotic, and the discussion seemed to explode. It is not difficult to hear that many reporters questioned Lan Yun's fashion show, and some people even said the most important point, plagiarism!

Wen Dong will never plagiarize, this is basically Ying Sa's plagiarized design, so he rushed to market the clothes he designed before Lanyun's clothing conference. These clothing designs are basically the same as invention patents. Not good, Lanyun will not only be prosecuted by the law, but also become the target of public opinion. After all, the information is transmitted so fast now, and the blind obedience of the masses will definitely destroy Lanyun's new clothing company. hit.

Wen Dong's eyes were fixed on the reporter who got up to speak, his eyes were full of anger, this guy was definitely bought by Ying Sa.

Liu Jiancheng, you are fine!
Wen Dong was very angry, never angry before, he was [-]% sure that this matter was definitely caused by Liu Jiancheng, and what made him even more angry was that not only did he not know anything about it, but he also wanted to know about it even now. Can't figure out how to solve it.

The senior management of Lanyun New Clothing Company was also a little panicked. No matter how smart they were, they would not have expected this kind of thing to happen.

"What's going on? How did this happen?" Cheng Liyuan stood up suddenly and stared at Wendong coldly. She is the chief designer of Lanyun, but she still admires the new clothes designed by Wendong, but Now it turns out that it was plagiarized by Wen Dong. The huge contrast made her a little unacceptable.

"Boss..." Sun Xiaojie, who was originally excited, also knew the seriousness of the matter. She didn't question Wendong, because she saw it when Wendong was doing these costume designs. Looking at the gloomy Wendong, there was something in her eyes. Worry.

"Don't worry." Wen Dong smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and squeezed Sun Xiaojie's little hand to show comfort.

Compared with Wendong's face sinking like water, He Qing, who has been silent and ignored all the time, is even more unbearable. Her beautiful face is extremely pale, and fine beads of sweat are already oozing from her snow-white forehead. She is an intelligent person. Otherwise, she wouldn't be sitting at the head of the new clothing company.Appearing in this kind of thing immediately reminded her of what happened last night, the conversation between Liu Jiancheng and herself last night, and even more that she had been in a coma in his office for more than two hours. He Qing knew her physical condition very well. No matter how tired she was, it was impossible to fall asleep in Liu Jiancheng's office, that's why she was so scared last night, but seeing that Liu Jiancheng didn't touch her, she didn't think much about it, thinking about it now, this matter must be unusual.

This matter was probably caused by Liu Jiancheng. The costume designer this time was Wen Dong. He was going to destroy Wen Dong, and it was by his own hands. Thinking of this possibility, He Qing felt dizzy. With a bang, her whole body trembled violently, her pretty face turned pale.

Wen Dong rushed to He Qing's side like a civet and helped He Qing who was about to faint.He Qing raised her head and looked up at Wendong, her pale cherry lips trembling slightly: "Is it Liu Jiancheng?"

"It's hard to say, but there seems to be no one else except him. Don't worry, the more we can't mess with ourselves at this time, the matter has not reached the point of irreversibility." Wen Dong reluctantly expressed a trace of comfort to He Qing With a smile, the big hands on her shoulders squeezed gently, giving her a reassuring look.

"Well, I understand." He Qing barely sat up straight, but her slightly trembling body proved that her heart was not at peace.

"Wendong, what's going on here?" Seeing Wendong approaching, Zhang Hanhan stared at Wendong with a cold face, his cold eyes full of murderous intent seemed to want to cut the man in front of him into pieces. Yes, he hated this guy to death. Zhang Hanhan never thought that this kind of thing would happen. Facing the questioning eyes of the angry reporters and invited dignified guests, she wanted to find a crack in the ground and sneak in, because she didn't She didn't know how to answer their words. She was very angry. She had placed too much hope on the man in front of her and the new company she worked for, and these confidences were all due to Wen Dong's design. Even she couldn't help it. Want to wear clothes that walk around.

She believes that the clothes designed by Wendong will definitely be recognized by the public. Although she didn't say it at the small meeting before, she has already made a development plan for this year's new clothing company, but what she didn't expect is that these The clothes are actually plagiarized, even if she doesn't believe it, so what, now that there are so many reporters here, I believe that there will be negative news about Lanyun New Clothing Design Company soon and even now, as long as those consumers If the group knows about this, then the clothing company can already declare bankruptcy.

"You ask me, I ask who to ask, I was found by you personally, if you also question my ability, then I can really find a piece of tofu and kill me, don't you think I plagiarized the design of these clothes Here?" Faced with Zhang Hanhan's cold questioning, Wen Dong didn't seem to be afraid at all, and asked back angrily.

"You!" Seeing Wendong like this, Zhang Hanhan was choked and speechless, wishing he could stuff this bastard under the table and kick him to death.At the same time, I also wondered in my heart. Although Wen Dong, a bastard, is hated by others, he is usually sloppy, but Zhang Hanhan is still very clear about his skills, because his favorite piece of clothing in the closet in her bedroom is the first time I saw Wen Dong. Dongshi designed the clothes that he cut out on the spot for himself. Wen Dong would never risk the world to plagiarize Yingsa's clothing design. Besides, is Yingsa's clothing design so easy to plagiarize?

"Then what do you think we should do now?" Zhang Hanhan gave Wendong a hard look and said.

"What else can I do? If something like this happens, I should send them away quickly. Do I have to keep them here for dinner? At worst, I'll design some good clothes in a few days and make sure they don't get plagiarized. , everyone has a love of beauty, as long as our clothes are good and beautiful enough, people will still choose us." Wendong rolled his eyes and looked at Zhang Hanhan angrily, as if to say that such a thing still needs me to teach you?He frowned and said: "And I have some ideas about this matter."

"What's the clue? This is obviously Yingsa Group attacking us. Could it be that our company has a traitor? It can't be..." Zhang Hanhan frowned and glanced at Wendong, then glanced at He Qing who was on the sidelines.

"Because it should be, but it's not time for fairies to question, this will only make people chill." Seeing Zhang Hanhan's eyes, Wen Dong frowned and reminded.

"Hmph, I don't need you to teach me what to do."

"Everyone be quiet, be quiet..." Ren Changyuan, deputy director of the security department, led Lanyun's security guards to maintain order, but he didn't know how to solve this matter, so naturally he didn't dare to speak indiscriminately. There can only be the words 'Jing Yi Jing'.

"Everyone be quiet. We didn't know that this kind of thing would happen. The matter is under investigation. I believe we will give you an explanation soon. There is no way for you to keep arguing like this?" Wen Dong turned to look at the venue that had become a mess. Shouting loudly, Wen Dong's voice was not small, and it directly suppressed the noise of the crowd, and everyone present could hear clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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