How bad guys are made

Chapter 121 The Arrival of the Police·Fighting the Love Rival Again

Chapter 121 The Arrival of the Police·Fighting the Love Rival Again
"This..." Hearing Zhan Yun's words, the venue fell silent again, deathly silent, Zhan Yun is definitely one of the most well-known figures in the field of fashion design in the Kingdom of Heaven, and he once won a gold medal at the International Fashion Exhibition. And she actually said that she admired Wendong, which shocked them.

And after a brief shock, there was a lot of discussion in the venue again. Many reporters looked at Wendong no longer so disgusted, and even had some sympathy, because no matter how many doubts there were, it was useless. Yingsa launched the new clothes half an hour earlier. This is a fact. As long as this matter is put on public opinion, the blind obedience of the masses will push Lanyun to the peak of negative public opinion. After all, Yingsa is a well-known international brand. Although Yun is no worse than Yingsa at all, and is even stronger than Yingsa in terms of financial resources, but in the field of clothing, Lanyun is nothing compared to Yingsa, and they will only believe that Lanyun plagiarized Yingsa. design, and the evidence is still there.

Wendong didn't expect Master Zhanyun to speak for him, so he turned his head and glanced at her with gratitude in his eyes.

Zhan Yun glanced at Wen Dong, smiled and shook his head, there was only so much she could do, she knew Wen Dong's design talent very well, she just didn't want to ruin such a talent because of it.

"Okay, if you believe that Lanyun Group can give you an explanation, please listen to me. I guarantee with my personality that these clothes are definitely designed by Director Wen and our company's designers. We did not plagiarize English at all. Sa’s design. Of course, I will not stop you from reporting this matter now, but once we find evidence to prove that these designs were not plagiarized by us, then the impact and impact of what you reported on our Lanyun We will estimate the loss, and our lawyer from Lanyun will sit in your company’s office the next day.” Zhang Hanhan, who had been silent all this time, stood up, and glanced at the reporters in the audience with a cold face. The scene made people dare not stare at him, and even the words he said were full of threats. His cold eyes, strong aura, and firm tone carried the majesty of an undoubted superior, making people feel that this billionaire The Goddess of Commerce was really angry. For a while, no one dared to report this incident, because the price was too high.

Wendong on the side was also shocked by Zhang Hanhan's appearance, I am a good boy, as expected of a rich man, listen to this tone...

Hearing this, everyone was shocked again. Who the hell is this Wendong? Why haven't I heard of it? He even asked Lanyun's president to use his personality as a guarantee. You must know that Zhang Hanhan is not only a business genius, but also worth more than tens of billions. Your personality is not measured by money.

"For what happened today, I can only say sorry. We will definitely get back what Yingsa has done to us, Lanyun."

As a result, the fashion show that lasted half a month with great fanfare came to an abrupt end——

"What do you have in mind?" Zhang Hanhan was sitting on the sofa in the CEO's office, and couldn't help but put the water glass that had just been brought to his mouth on the tea table irritably. She couldn't help but get a headache when she thought about the mess up at this fashion show. Although she knew that Wendong couldn't steal Yingsa's clothing design, she didn't frown at all now, and the bastard in front of her dared to openly Beating up a reporter at a fashion show was simply too ambitious.

"What eyebrows?" Wen Dong leaned lazily on the sofa, admiring the extremely beautiful and sexy big beauty in front of him, and looked at Zhang Hanhan curiously, as if nothing happened before.

"You, didn't you say that you already have some eyebrows?" Zhang Hanhan suppressed the anger in his heart and gave Wendong a look.

"Yeah, I'm just guessing. Some things have yet to be confirmed." Wen Dongsi slowly reached out and took a sip from the water glass on the table, moistening his throat.

Zhang Hanhan looked up at the water glass in Wen Dong's hand in a daze. This was the water that this guy poured for him when he entered the office just now, and he also used his own water glass. He didn't drink it yet. He took it and drank it.

He has guessed who is playing tricks on him now, but he can't think of how to find evidence, and Zhang Hanhan pulls himself to ask questions, Wendong naturally can't say anything, just want to get angry with this girl and tell her to let him go Get out, noticed Zhang Hanhan's murderous eyes, Wen Dong naturally wouldn't go too far, raised the water glass with embarrassment and took another sip, saying: "Too thirsty, hehe." Wen Dong put the water glass back with a smile on his face Put it on the tea table and push it slightly in front of Zhang Hanhan.

This water glass was polluted by Wendong, so she naturally wouldn't drink it again, and the water glass had to be washed three times with dish soap before it could be used. Seeing that water glass was placed in front of her by Wendong again, it seemed like it made her After drinking, even if Zhang Hanhan was well educated, he was so angry at Wendong's indifferent look: "Then why are you still here! Hurry up, if you can't find anything, you immediately pack up your old lady and get out!"

Hearing Zhang Hanhan's Lion's Roar, Wendong on the side felt his eardrums ache from the shock, and almost rolled from the sofa to the bottom of the table in fright, and hurriedly got up from the sofa, how dare he look at Zhang Hanhan's furious look at this time, He said with a look of horror: "Okay, okay, I'll go right away, and I will definitely live up to your trust in me."

Seeing Wen Dong bowed his head to him, turned around and ran away, Zhang Hanhan gritted his teeth with hatred, picked up the water glass and was about to throw it on the closed office door, raised it but threw it heavily on the table, angry Overwhelmed.

Wendong thought about how to find evidence and walked back to the office on the [-]th floor. Just as he got off the elevator, he found several policemen in police uniforms walking into his office. This Liu Jiancheng really planned to kill himself.

Qi Shaofeng feels that he is in a very good mood now. A few days ago, he found out that someone dared to chase Li Binger, and Li Binger even admitted her relationship with Wendong, which made him both surprised and angry. To cause trouble for Wendong from the beginning, since ancient times, businessmen have never fought with officials, let him see his own energy, isn't he just a small executive of the company?What is there to be proud of, dare to look down on yourself.Qi Shaofeng's father is tactful and has contacts with many high-level companies in Shuicheng City. Qi Shaofeng has learned a little bit about his father's work, but he also has some intersections with some rich people, although most of them are based on his father. In terms of father's face, of course, even though Qi Shaofeng is only a small policeman, some people who can get along with the policeman will naturally not refuse, besides, he has a good father, Qi Shaofeng is obviously gold-plated. Time to rise to the top.

It’s really sleepy, and someone will give you a pillow. My friend Liu Jiancheng, who often drinks and goes to nightclubs together, found himself this morning, gave him some money, and then directly stated his purpose. After hearing that Liu Jiancheng actually did it, it was Wendong. , Qi Shaofeng immediately agreed happily. He was able to collect money and engage in Wendong. He also found a partner that made him very happy. What made him even more happy was that Wendong lived indiscriminately in the company and was with other women. To make a relationship, he knew Li Binger's character very well, as long as Li Binger knew, things between the two of them would definitely be dirty, and with Li Binger's temper, this unlucky guy who was urged would probably have to be beaten up.

Therefore, he made an appointment with Liu Jiancheng, and after the plagiarism incident broke out, he rushed over with a few confidants without stopping.

Knowing that Wendong was called to the president's office, He Qing was so worried that she didn't have the heart to deal with matters in her office, so she went directly to Wendong's office to wait for him, and just said a few words to Sun Xiaojie when she heard a knock on the door. She thought it was Wen Dong who came, but when she opened the door, it turned out to be a few policemen. He Qing never thought that the police would come so soon. She thought that Yingsa had already reported the crime. They came to arrest Wendong?Thinking of this, He Qing was startled, suppressed the worry in her heart, raised her head to look at the policeman in front of her in doubt and asked, "Who are you?"

"We are the police. Wen Dong of your company is suspected of plagiarizing the clothing design of Yingsa Group. This is a very serious means of vicious commercial competition and has constituted a crime. I was ordered to arrest him." Qi Shaofeng thought He Qing was Wen Dong's secretary Without even looking at her, she stretched out her hand and pushed He Qing who was standing in front of the door, and walked in vigorously.

"Crime? There are too many doubts about this matter. What evidence do you have?" He Qing was not frightened by Qi Shaofeng's words. He frowned slightly when he heard Qi Shaofeng's tone that could almost convict Wendong. Open up the relationship.

"Of course there is evidence, but you are not qualified to know. You are just... Huh? You are He Qing?" Qi Shaofeng led two people to stand in the middle of the office and glanced around, but did not find Wen Dong. He was about to block it impatiently He Qing, but when she saw He Qing's appearance, she was taken aback for a moment, a fiery flash flashed in her eyes, she looked at He Qing's body without any shyness, and the corner of her mouth curled up with a playful look.

Before he came, he had watched the video of Wendong and He Qing leaving the underground garage of Yingsa together last night. The two hugged and hugged each other obviously had an unusual relationship, because the light was dim, and he could only see He Qing's blurred appearance. The figure is very good, but now I saw the real person, I didn't expect this woman to be so beautiful, and I hated Wen Dong to the extreme, why should he have such a woman, and also have that kind of relationship with Li Bing'er, but now it's all right, you die It's settled, thinking about it like this, the playful corner of Qi Shaofeng's mouth slowly turned into a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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