How bad guys are made

Chapter 122 Wen Dong Arrested and Jailed

Chapter 122 Wen Dong Arrested and Jailed
"Yes, I'm He Qing, the general manager of Lanyun." He Qing was uncomfortable with Qi Shaofeng's fiery eyes, her brows were wrinkled, and a look of disgust flashed in her eyes, her voice was cold and glamorous.

"Hehe, coincidence, I'm also looking for you. You are suspected of using illegal means to steal the clothing design of Yingsa Group. This is an arrest warrant." Qi Shaofeng showed disdain on his face, and took out an arrest warrant stamped with a red seal. It lit up in front of He Qing.

" is this possible? What evidence do you have?" Seeing the arrest warrant, He Qing was startled.

"What's going on?" The office door opened, and Wen Dong hurried over, seeing Qi Shaofeng standing in front of He Qing, he was taken aback, isn't this Li Binger's suitor?Is it true that enemies don't get together?

"Hehe, Wendong, we meet again." Qi Shaofeng saw today's rightful lord coming, and when he thought that this bastard was about to stay in prison for a few years, Qi Shaofeng felt very comfortable, let alone a few years. Even if he stays for a few days, Qi Shaofeng can make his life worse than death. The sneer on the corner of Qi Shaofeng's mouth grows stronger, and he winks at the two confidant police officers beside him: "Come with us, and handcuff him!"

"Do you have any evidence? If there is no evidence, it is against the law to arrest people casually." Even though the two police officers put handcuffs on him, Wen Dong was not too scared, and looked at Qi Shaofeng with a gloomy expression.

"Of course there is evidence, you can rest assured about this, boy, if it's in my hands, you're dead!" Qi Shaofeng moved his cheeks closer to Wen Dong, with a sneer full of complacency, with the taste of gnashing his teeth to relieve his hatred.

"Manager He, why don't you come with us too?" Qi Shaofeng turned to look at He Qing who was full of surprise and said.

He Qing was shocked immediately, especially when she saw Qi Shaofeng's affirmative expression, as if she really had enough evidence, but where is their evidence?Thinking of what Qi Shaofeng said just now that she was suspected of stealing Yingsa's design, He Qing's expression changed and she suddenly thought of a possibility. Last night, she fell asleep in Liu Jiancheng's office, and she slept for two hours. I don't know what happened, this time is enough for Liu Jiancheng to create false evidence.

"Wait." The office door opened, and Zhang Hanhan walked in with a gloomy expression, followed by a very gentle-looking middle-aged man wearing glasses, who he didn't know.

Although Sun Xiaojie was a little careless, she knew the seriousness of the matter at this time, and she couldn't get in any words, so she hurriedly called the president, and Zhang Hanhan hurried over with the company's lawyer.

Qi Shaofeng turned his head and glanced at Zhang Hanhan. Although Zhang Hanhan was rich and a commercial goddess with great energy, as a policeman, Qi Shaofeng was not afraid of her, but he couldn't help but marvel at Zhang Hanhan's appearance. Sure enough, she is worthy of being a goddess-level person. This appearance and temperament are definitely stronger than Li Binger, a policewoman in the police station. Qi Shaofeng took a few glances at Zhang Hanhan's sexy figure, and then looked up at Zhang Hanhan's beautiful face. : "President Zhang?"

"Yes, why do you take away my company's employees? If you don't show evidence, I won't let you take him away." Zhang Hanhan nodded expressionlessly, and turned his head to look at Wendong slightly.

"As I said before, I am no longer from Lanyun." Wen Dong shook his head at this moment, rejecting Zhang Hanhan's kindness.

"You, are you looking for death?" Zhang Hanhan was startled suddenly, and he was so angry, what time is this, why is Wendong still so brainless.

"Hehe, then take it away, Manager He, you can come with us too." Qi Shaofeng smiled, and stretched out his hand to greet He Qing.

"Wait, this matter has nothing to do with Manager He, right? Why even take Manager He away?" Seeing that Qi Shaofeng actually took He Qing away, Zhang Hanhan hastily stopped him.

"Manager He colluded with Wendong and was suspected of stealing Yingsa Group's clothing design. The evidence has been conclusive. I was ordered to arrest these two people, not to invite you to investigate. This is already a great deal of face to you." Qi Shaofeng said With a sneer on his face, he took out the arrest warrant again and raised his voice.

"What?" Zhang Hanhan opened his mouth wide in shock, looked in surprise at Wen Dong who had a gloomy expression, then at He Qing whose pretty face had turned pale, and froze on the spot for a moment.

"Don't spout blood, what evidence do you have to say this, or you will be legally responsible!" Wen Dong stared at Qi Shaofeng coldly, his heart was extremely angry. He thought Liu Jiancheng was just trying to mess with him, but unexpectedly Even He Qing was involved.

"Yes, if you don't have enough evidence, then we'll see you in court!" Zhang Hanhan tried to calm himself down, and looked at Qi Shaofeng coldly.

"Hehe, well, I was supposed to take care of your Lan Yun's face, and I didn't plan to show these evidences now. Since President Zhang insists on seeing it, let's take a look." Qi Shaofeng seemed to have already made up his mind about this. , took out a USB flash drive from his trouser pocket, shook it in front of everyone's eyes, went to the computer and plugged it in.

There is a video in the USB flash drive, it is the video when He Qing went to Yingsha last night.

"Manager He, is this you?" Qi Shaofeng turned to look at He Qing who had turned pale with a smile on his face.


"Director Wen, is this you? It seems that you have an unusual relationship." At this time, there was a video of He Qing throwing herself into Wen Dong's arms last night, and then Wen Dong and He Qing left together hand in hand.

"It was Liu Jiancheng who called me last night. I didn't expect to fall asleep in his office. When I woke up, it was past eleven o'clock in the evening. I was scared in the garage alone and the car broke down, so I let Wen The director went to pick me up, because I was afraid, that's why I lost my composure." He Qing took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down and explain, but the last sentence was somewhat weak, because anyone in the video could see the relationship between the two of them. The relationship is indeed very unusual.

"Sister He and I are in a relationship." Seeing the questioning eyes of everyone facing He Qing, Wen Dong said directly.

"You." He Qing stared at Wen Dong dumbfounded, speechless in shock.

It's just that no one noticed that Sun Xiaojie, who was behind her, trembled violently after hearing Wen Dong's personal confession, her bright eyes were filled with mist instantly, her pretty face was ashen, as if her heart was dying, her little hands were pinched tightly together, between her fingers Already pinched, it turned pale and bloodless, and its body trembled violently.

"Ding: The host gains 20 points of aversion, 20 points, 20 points, 10 points."

"Ding: The host gains 30 points of disgust and 15 points of hatred."

"Wendong..." Sun Xiaojie couldn't be provoked anymore, she rushed up and grabbed Wendong by the neck, her little hand raised immediately.

"Stop!" Zhang Hanhan was startled, and hurriedly called out.

Looking at each other, Wen Dong didn't dodge, he clearly felt that Sun Xiaojie's body was trembling, and he was on the verge of losing control of his emotions. He knew why Sun Xiaojie was like this, and this was what Wen Dong was most worried about. Sun Xiaojie confessed, but he was afraid that her temper would be unacceptable, so he not only did not pierce the window paper with Sun Xiaojie, but also did not cause that kind of harm to her body, thinking in his heart that he would wait to find a suitable opportunity to talk to her. She explained that if she is willing to accept this reality, then the two will be together. If she can't accept it, then they will get together and break up. It's just that Wendong's confession has been delayed because of this incident, but that's fine.

"I'm sorry." Looking at Sun Xiaojie's painful look, Wendong felt a little distressed, and sighed with a wry smile.

Hearing Wen Dong's words, Sun Xiaojie's body trembled violently again, tears could not stop streaming down her face, she put down her raised little hand weakly, and ran out of the office covering her face.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Director Wen to be a passionate prodigal son." A fool can see the relationship between Wen Dong and these two women, and a sarcasm flashed in Qi Shaofeng's eyes.

"That's all you have evidence? Even if Manager He has an unusual relationship with Director Wen, it doesn't seem to be able to prove what you said earlier about hooking up and stealing clothing designs." Zhang Hanhan tried hard to calm himself down, and glared at Wen angrily. Glancing eastward, he said in a cold voice.

"According to President Liu Jiancheng, Manager He stayed in his office for an hour last night, but at that time President Liu fell asleep for some reason. He didn't know what Manager He was doing in his office, and After investigation and sampling, we found Manager He’s fingerprints on President Liu’s computer and the safe where the clothing designs were stored. This time, your company’s clothing was designed by Director Wen, and Director Wen and Manager He are in a relationship. Then Through these evidences, can we think of many things?" Qi Shaofeng became more excited as he spoke, looking at Wen Dong and He Qing's faces, as if he was enjoying their helplessness.

"You!" He Qing never thought that Liu Jiancheng would resort to such a method. This would not only destroy Wendong and her, but also Lanyun's new company. When Qi Shaofeng said this, he was very thoughtful She immediately understood the trap, her whole body was trembling violently, her pretty face was pale and bloodless, when she thought that she had ruined Wendong and the company, He Qing's head thumped, she staggered and passed out...

"Sister He." Wen Dong turned pale with fright, rushed over quickly, bumped Qi Shaofeng, who was still enjoying himself, and staggered, the handcuffs on his wrists had been untied at some point, and he was about to faint He Qing took her into her arms.

Not long after, Wen Dong with a gloomy face was taken out with handcuffs by Qi Shaofeng and two confidant police officers. The staff of the new company passing by were shocked, so the news quickly spread from their mouths. In just ten minutes, the employees and senior management of the entire Lanyun New Clothing Company basically knew about Wendong being taken away by the police, and some even got reliable news that Wendong stole it. Yingsa's design was arrested.

(End of this chapter)

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