How bad guys are made

Chapter 123 Qi Shaofeng's Torture to Extort a Confession

Chapter 123 Qi Shaofeng's Torture to Extort a Confession
The new company, which had been panicked by the theft incident just now, exploded again. Those employees who were in awe of Director Wen suddenly turned around and hated Wen Dong to the extreme.

The so-called deep love, deep hate.Human nature is like this. They had given too much hope and respect to Wendong before, but now seeing that Wendong really lied to them, and that he stole Yingsha's design, they hated him even more.

"Ding: The host gains 20 points of aversion, 20 points..."

Qi Shaofeng wanted to make Wendong smell bad, so he took Wendong who was in handcuffs to the main entrance, and the employees of other Lanyun companies waited and watched. At least a dozen of the [-]th floor of Lanyun Building belonged to the company headquarters under Lanyun Here, most of them do not know Wendong, but although the various subsidiaries are not involved with each other, they have heard of the troubles caused by the new clothing company. The focus of despise, the body's antipathy points soared.

"Ka Ka Ka..." As soon as he walked out of the gate of the building, and before he got into the police car, a group of paparazzi suddenly rushed up around him, and they took crazy shots at Wen Dong.

I think these people were also arranged by Liu Jiancheng. It may not be long before an eye-catching news headline will be released-"Mr. Wen, the director of Lanyun New Clothing Company, is suspected of stealing Yingsa's clothing design. At the meeting, he blatantly beat the reporter, and he was taken away by the police on the spot.

"Excuse me, Comrade Police, is this Mr. Wen Dong, Director of Lanyun New Company? I wonder what crime he committed?" At this time, a dog-like reporter rushed forward and asked Qi Shaofeng with the microphone.

"Yes, he is Wen Dong, the director of Lanyun New Clothing Company. He is suspected of plagiarizing Yingsa Group's clothing design and will be taken away by us for investigation. We have evidence to prove that this is what he did. He is now a suspect." Showing his face like this Naturally, Qi Shaofeng didn't let go of the opportunity, standing upright, with a fair face, unsmiling, and working hard to create a glorious and just image of the people's police.

"Boy, sign it." Wen Dong was taken to the police station and Qi Shaofeng took him directly to the interrogation room. His hands were fixed on the iron chair. Said with a sneer on his face.

"Hehe..." Looking down at the densely packed records of evidence, Wen Dong couldn't help laughing, this Qi Shaofeng is really arrogant enough, he didn't expect that he hadn't been arrested yet, these evidence records should be done first That's right, as for the interrogation procedures, the rest of the interrogation procedures are left, and I was arrested and signed directly with my fingerprints.

"Laughing? I'll see if you can still laugh." Qi Shaofeng is so arrogant, because in the police station, he does have the capital to be arrogant. He had already expected that Wendong would not sign, and Qi Shaofeng didn't care. After saying something to Wendong, he turned around and walked to the side cabinet to take out a cushion.

Wendong glanced at the things in Qi Shaofeng's hand, and immediately understood what he was going to do. This was about to be executed. The function of this cushion was to hit himself on the body, and it would not affect the pain, but it was difficult to see the injury. Wendong knew Being taken to the police station by Qi Shaofeng will not have good fruit, but I didn't expect Qi Shaofeng to be so impatient.

Yes, Qi Shaofeng couldn't wait.Seeing Wendong's appearance, Qi Shaofeng couldn't wait to beat him so hard that he didn't even know his mother. When he thought that such a small director could get the favor of so many beautiful women, he even pursued him for a year. The cold Li Binger even admitted his relationship with Wen Dong. Qi Shaofeng's eyes were full of hatred, and without saying anything, he walked up to Wen Dong and put the cushion on his stomach, and punched him hard. up.

"Pfft——" Qi Shaofeng's body was hollowed out by wine, but Wen Dong opened his mouth to spit out all the water in his stomach when he launched a hard punch. Wen Dong felt extremely uncomfortable in his stomach, and bowed halfway body, trembling and pale.

"Heh - aren't you arrogant? Let me see if you're more arrogant, you idiot." Seeing Wendong's lack of support, the disdain in Qi Shaofeng's eyes became stronger, and he cursed and shook his head. The punch 'bang' hit Wendong's stomach again.

"Uh..." Wen Dong only felt that his intestines had been punched out of place, his whole body convulsed, his tears were choked back, and he looked at Qi Shaofeng coldly, without saying a word.

"Hey, sign it, you will suffer less if you sign it." Qi Shaofeng sneered, and threw the signing pen to Wendong's hand on the splint that fixed his hands.

"Stupid!" Wen Dong raised his head tremblingly, squeezed out two words from between his teeth, with a sneer of disdain on his face.

"Hehe, it seems that you still have a lot of backbone—" Qi Shaofeng smiled indifferently. He was not worried that Wendong would not sign at all. holding his hand to sign.

"Fuck you!" Seeing that Qi Shaofeng wanted to hit him again, Wen Dong couldn't bear it anymore, cursed angrily, raised his foot and kicked him hard sideways at the crook of his leg.

Qi Shaofeng never thought that Wendong still had the strength to resist. The pain in the bend of his leg made him groan, and he bent one leg and knelt halfway in front of Wendong. Without him responding, Wendong brought it up again. She kicked him hard in the face.


Qi Shaofeng let out a scream, and a bone kicked by Wen Dong rolled aside, his nose was kicked crooked, blood was all over his face, and there was a footprint in the middle of his face, which was extremely miserable.

"Young Master Feng, how are you doing?" The two police officers who were sitting behind the interrogation table watching the joke turned pale with fright, and hurriedly rushed up to help Qi Shaofeng up.

"I scolded the neighbor next door, get out, I'll kill him!" Qi Shaofeng had never been so embarrassed, his eyes were full of murderous intent, he threw away the police officer who came to help him, and angrily rushed out of the cabinet He pulled out a military electric baton and pushed the switch. The front end of the 10-20-volt police electric baton suddenly made a crackling sound, and it stabbed Wendong's body.

When Qi Shaofeng took out the police electric baton, Wendong regretted it, but regret was useless at all. Before he could say anything, the crazy Qi Shaofeng had already poked the phone in his stomach, and Wendong felt his head boom He immediately lost consciousness with a bang, and his stomach was in pain as if he had been punctured. The continuous high pressure made Wendong feel that it was difficult for him to breathe. His heart trembled with intense burning pain. He was beaten just now. With two punches, Wendong felt his stomach was overwhelmed. Compared with just now, it was like a tsunami.

"Young Master Feng, you will electrocute people like this!" The two police officers who were thrown aside were shocked. Police electric batons usually don't electrocute people, but that's because everyone knows that this thing is dangerous. If it lasts for 3-5 seconds or even longer, the heart will be paralyzed or the heart will stop beating. Wendong has been shocked for at least five seconds. He got up and pulled the crazy Qi Shaofeng away.

"Go away! If I don't play to death today, his surname will not be Qi!" Qi Shaofeng threw the two policemen away, and the electric baton that had just left Wendong's body for a few seconds poked them again.

"Ah——" Wen Dong finally let out an overwhelmed cry, but his whole body convulsed and it was difficult to breathe. After Wen Dong cried out, he couldn't make any more sound at all.

Li Binger's pretty face is full of anxiety, just heard that something happened to Wendong in Lanyun, and wanted to go to see what happened, but then learned that Wendong was taken to the police station by Qi Shaofeng, Li Binger almost felt in her heart , Curse this bastard to death, just came out of the hospital a few days ago, now it’s all right, and she was directly arrested at the police station. As for Wendong’s plagiarism, she didn’t know at all, but since Qi Shaofeng can get the arrest warrant, Presumably he should have a lot of evidence for Wendong.

As for whether Wen Dong really plagiarized Ying Sa's design, she is not sure if it is true, because she personally brought Wen Dong out of prison, she knows what kind of guy this guy is, and Wen Dong can get In Li Bing'er's eyes, the favor of Zhang Hanhan, President of Lanyun, is a blind cat and a dead mouse, so the plagiarism should not be wrong, because Wendong's imprisonment is to steal Lanyun's account and other secrets for the police to discover and secretly arrest Yes, this guy is really capable, but it's all about stealing. Now it's all right, he was caught.

Li Binger was so angry that she turned back quickly on the way to Lanyun Road. She knew very well that Qi Shaofeng would not simply let him go. She was afraid that Wen Dong would not be able to reveal his identity. The matter of secretly investigating Lanyun will be exposed, and that will be troublesome.

The iron door of the interrogation room was pushed open by the people outside. Li Binger, who was dressed in a capable police uniform, was shocked when he saw the scene in the interrogation room. At this time, Wen Dong was being fixed on the iron chair. Trembling all over, he made an extremely uncomfortable 'ho ho' sound from his mouth, rolling his eyes, seeing that it was going to die, and Qi Shaofeng in front of him was slamming Wen Dong's body with a police electric baton.

"Damn! Stop it!" She thought that Qi Shaofeng would definitely bully him, but when she wanted to come to Wendong, she would just suffer some flesh and blood. She never thought that Qi Shaofeng would be so ruthless. This is to kill Wendong, Li Bing Er didn't care so much, she yelled and found that Qi Shaofeng seemed to have fallen into madness and didn't hear it, Li Binger rushed up immediately, kicked Qi Shaofeng on the shoulder with a kick.

"Wendong, how are you? Are you alright?" Seeing that Wendong had already breathed in more air than outgas and was shocked by electricity, Li Binger asked anxiously, but Wendong didn't answer at all. Fortunately, Li Binger Still calm now, he quickly turned around and walked to the interrogation table, grabbed the key on it and opened the handcuffs for Wendong.

(End of this chapter)

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