How bad guys are made

Chapter 124 Zhang Sanbai Helps

Chapter 124 Zhang Sanbai Helps

With no restraints in front of him, Wen Dong, who was so weak that he couldn't find the east, west, north, and south, slumped directly from the chair, his head drooping, looking like he was about to die.Seeing this, Li Binger was shocked, and quickly reached out to support him, Wen Dong's weak body was directly limp in Li Binger's Xiangyuruan embrace.

"Wendong, Wendong——" After calling twice and still not responding, Li Binger looked down and found that Wendong's lips were purple, which was obviously caused by suffocation of time, so she quickly put Wendong's body on the ground. On the ground, while anxiously shouting Wendong's name, he pressed his little hand on his chest to give him CPR.

"Ahem——" Just when Li Binger was thinking about giving Wendong artificial respiration, Wendong coughed and woke up. If he knew that Li Binger was going to give him artificial respiration, Then he has to wake up later if he says anything.

"Wendong, what do you think?" Seeing Wendong woke up, Li Binger wept with joy, and quickly wiped away the wetness from the corners of her eyes, and asked happily.

Even Li Bing'er herself didn't know why she would cry. She only knew that she was very anxious, and she only knew that Wen Dong must not die.

"It hurts..." Wen Dong coughed a few more times, took a few breaths of air, and then his mind was cleared up, and what followed was fatigue, and there was no energy in his whole body. After growing up, my whole body became paralyzed, and there was also pain. The abdomen that was shocked was very painful, as if it had been punctured.

Li Binger suddenly remembered the previous scene, looked down, and there was a surge of anger on his face, the shirt on Wendong's abdomen had been punctured in a place the size of a palm, and the flesh on that part could no longer see its original color , it was burnt, and it was played with a cushion, which even pierced the cushion. You can imagine how much pain Wendong was enduring when he was electrocuted.

The electric baton is standard for the police. Of course, it is also the best tool for some unscrupulous policemen to extract confessions by lynching. However, most policemen usually use water for lynching. Put it into the water, and then insert the electric baton into the water, the water can conduct electricity, so even if it is shocked, it will not leave any injuries, and it will not last too long, but the skin on Wendong's abdomen is now He was directly killed by electrocution, this Qi Shaofeng was too much.

Li Bing'er turned her head coldly, and was taken aback when she saw Qi Shaofeng who had just stood up tremblingly and with difficulty. Qi Shaofeng's face was already stained red with blood, and even a large piece of his clothes were stained red. It seems to be even more tragic than Wendong, and he is extremely embarrassed.This made Li Bing'er a little puzzled. She did use a lot of force just now in a hurry, but it was Qi Shaofeng's shoulder that was kicked sideways. What happened to his face?Could it be that he hit his face against the wall with too much force?

"Qi Shaofeng, do you dare to abuse your power to torture the suspect privately?" Even the culprit of this matter looked embarrassed, but it didn't affect Li Binger's anger at Qi Shaofeng, and stared at him coldly.

"Fart, I'm acting in self-defense. This Wendong dared to attack the police. Why did you beat me, Li Binger?" Qi Shaofeng quickly reached out to support the dog's leg beside him, and wiped the nosebleed from his face with his hand, hissing Hiss' gasping sound.

"Assaulting the police?" Li Bing'er was taken aback, and looked at the two police officers beside him suspiciously.

"Yes, the wound on Officer Qi's face was indeed caused by Wen Dong." A police officer nodded quickly.

"Did you hear that? This Wendong refused to subdue the law, and even dared to attack the police when he was caught at the Public Security Bureau. Why did you hit me just now? I want you to give me an explanation!" Qi Shaofeng's face was full of anger and ferocious. Looking at Li Binger, she said loudly.

"Explanation? Hmph! I don't believe that he hit you without touching Wendong?!" Li Binger sneered disdainfully, and turned to look at Wendong.

"This is the case of our first team, and this is my prisoner. You don't have to worry about what I want!"

Seeing Qi Shaofeng's indifference, Li Bing'er hated him to the extreme, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth: "Is the first team great? Do you know that if you are later, you may kill Wendong!"

"Who killed Wendong?!" At this time, a cold and slightly anxious voice sounded outside the door, and several noisy brisk walking sounds sounded. Zhang Hanhan hurried over with a pretty face, followed by the Lan Yun's lawyer consultant.

"President Zhang?" Seeing Zhang Hanhan, Li Binger was a little taken aback. She didn't expect Zhang Hanhan to rush over so quickly, and she looked angry and anxious, as if she was worried about what happened to Wendong. This made Li Bing I couldn't help turning my head to look at Wendong who was still half dead on the ground. What kind of charm is this guy?

"En? It's you? You're a policeman? Your name is Li..." Zhang Hanhan was stunned when she saw Li Binger in police uniform. When she met Wendong for the first time, she knew that Wendong had a very beautiful girl. Girlfriend, she didn't expect this beautiful-looking woman to be a policeman, and she seemed to be a criminal policeman, but the two of them only met once, and they didn't say a few words, so they couldn't remember Li Binger's name for a while up.

"I'm Li Bing'er."

"Oh, how is Wendong? Is he okay?" Zhang Hanhan nodded, and then looked at Wendong who was lying on the ground, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"It's okay, I can't die." Wen Dong didn't expect that Zhang Hanhan would rush over in such a hurry. He was so moved that he forced an ugly smile and said.

"Officer Qi, do you dare to torture my employees? Just wait for the defendant!" Zhang Hanhan turned his head and looked at Qi Shaofeng angrily when he heard that Wen Dong was fine.

Lanyun is a listed company, and this kind of incident in the company has a huge impact on the whole Lanyun. The first and second leaders of the new company have all been arrested. How can she not worry about this? Lanyun's legal advisor went directly to the design department. What she did was to find evidence. Originally, Zhang Hanhan wanted to slow down Yingsa's incident. After all, they didn't call the police. , If you want to fight against Yingsa, you have to produce full evidence, and you have to settle the company first, but now, she is really angry.

Wendong must be saved. Firstly, Wendong is a talent. She doesn't believe that Wendong stole Yingsa's clothing design. Secondly, she suddenly thought why Wendong repeatedly emphasized that he was no longer the director. He had expected that someone was framing him before, so he did so in order not to cause unnecessary reputation loss to the company, but in this way, Zhang Hanhan wanted to protect him even more. Although Lanyun suffered a lot in the past few years A blow of a commercial nature, but it has never been as embarrassing as it is now.

Zhang Hanhan was very angry, but after hearing what the lawyer said, he was no longer so worried. Wendong's clothing design has evidence such as draft drawings, which can show that Wendong's design is not plagiarized, and the most critical point of this matter is In terms of plagiarism, no matter how long He Qing stayed in Yingsa or left fingerprints on Liu Jiancheng's computer, these are just supplementary. As long as it can be proved that these clothing designs belong to Lan Yun, then He Qing's matter will naturally be solved. , but she never thought that in just over half an hour, her high-ranking officer of Lanyun was beaten like this in the police station. Although Wen Dong always said that he was no longer from Lanyun, Zhang Hanhan did not agree, and Qi Shaofeng To beat Wendong like this is to slap Lanyun in the face nakedly.

"Beat someone? Who saw me beat someone? I'm doing it in self-defense, and I'm going to sue Wen Dong for assaulting the police." Having already torn his face, Qi Shaofeng no longer cared about Zhang Hanhan's identity, and wiped the nosebleed from the corner of his mouth , with a sneer on his face, he turned his head and glanced at the two dogs beside him.

"Yes, the wounds on Officer Qi's face were all caused by Wen Dong. We can testify that he assaulted the police." The little police officer naturally understood what Qi Shaofeng meant and quickly testified.

"Hmph, do you think I will believe it? Do you think I'm blind?" Li Binger snorted coldly.

"You didn't see him when he attacked the police. What you saw was when I was defending myself." Qi Shaofeng curled his lips without any fear. It was played by Wendong.

"Well, now we have found evidence to prove that this design was not plagiarized by us, Lanyun, lawyer?" Zhang Hanhan knew that no one could explain this kind of thing, and besides, the bastard Wendong was not dead, so it was impossible to catch him. Not letting go of this matter, he turned to look at the lawyer.

Half an hour later, with toilet paper stuffed in his nostrils, Qi Shaofeng sat on the table with a gloomy face and looked at the evidence presented by the lawyer. Lanyun had already produced enough evidence to prove that these designs were not plagiarized by Wendong.

In fact, this matter was full of loopholes, and Liu Jiancheng just disgusted Wen Dong and He Qing and didn't really want to convict him. Of course, because of the influence of public opinion, even if Wen Dong and He Qing had nothing to do, he probably would have no face in Lan Yun was dumbfounded. After all, Lanyun had such a thing. Even if it was clarified, many people would be jealous of Lanyun's clothing company.

The most important thing is that Lanyun can't find any evidence that he framed them. This is Liu Jiancheng's smartest point.

"Let him go." At this time, the office door opened, and Zheng Zhongqi, the chief of public security, walked in anxiously, glanced at Qi Shaofeng angrily, and said.

Five minutes ago, Zhang Sanbai, the underground boss of Shuicheng, found him and asked him to take care of Wendong. Zhang Sanbai owed him a favor. It was the first time in two years that Zheng Zhongqi had to pay attention to it, and he was secretly shocked by who this Wendong was. You must know that Zhang Sanbai's favor is not measured by money at all.

(End of this chapter)

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