How bad guys are made

Chapter 125 The Agreement with Zhang Hanhan

Chapter 125 The Agreement with Zhang Hanhan

Ten minutes later, Zhang Hanhan drove back to the company with lawyers Wen Dong and He Qing. The indifference on Zhang Hanhan's face showed that the matter had been clarified, but Zhang Hanhan was unable to sue Yingsa in turn. The character is a bit suffocated, because they can't find any evidence that Yingsa's Liu Jiancheng stole their design.

Looking through the rearview mirror, Wen Dong, who seemed to have nothing to do, was sitting on the back seat of the car, and I was a little shocked, because in the end, the director of the Public Security Bureau was not found by her at all, and Wen Dong's expression seemed to be I don't know who is helping him. He even asked the director of the Public Security Bureau to release him without saying a word, but how powerful is the person who just helped Wendong.

He Qing, who was sitting next to Wen Dong, had a very bad expression. She hadn't spoken since she got in the car. A woman still has some feelings for her former man. Although He Qing had already let go of Liu Jiancheng, she never thought that Liu Jiancheng would be like this Framed her, was almost framed by the man she once loved so much and put into prison, and even almost destroyed the new clothing company because He Qing ruined Wendong, which made He Qing unable to accept it for a while.

Another point is that Wendong actually admitted his relationship with him as a couple, and even made Bai Xiaojie go away. Even though the plagiarism incident has been clarified, He Qing really didn't have the courage to go back to the company for a while, and her heart was very complicated.

"Alas..." Wendong returned to the office after enduring the cold eyes of a large group of employees. He didn't explain anything to those employees, because there was no need at all, and a new company meeting would be held later, and Zhang Hanhan would do it for himself To clarify, looking at the empty office, Wendong couldn't help sighing, chanted Bai Xiaojie's name, and sat on the desk bored, Wendong couldn't say anything about Bai Xiaojie's matter, this was his own Fortunately, I didn't do that kind of thing to her. The most urgent thing now is to find evidence, and we must find out the evidence that Liu Jiancheng stole his design.

"Sister He, don't make things too complicated. Why do you want to leave? Wendong's bastard should go!" In the CEO's office, Zhang Hanhan looked helplessly at He Qing who was sitting across from him with a determined expression.

"I don't think I have the face to stay in Lanyun anymore." He Qing shook her head with a wry smile, her expression firm.

"Is it because of the matter between you and Wendong? Don't worry, only the lawyer and Bai Xiaojie know about this matter. I have already told the lawyer that she will not talk nonsense. Now that the company has such a big incident, you It's the general manager of the company, if you leave, the company will be over."


"En? This design was leaked from Sister He's office?" Wen Dong first searched on his office computer and found no doubts, then went to He Qing's office next door, and turned on her computer for more than ten minutes. A record of the transferred file was found.

Wen Dong sat on the boss chair with a gloomy expression. Who stole the files from He Qing's computer? He doesn't know how to guard and steal himself. If He Qing framed her, then Wen Dong would really die.

"Who could it be?" Wen Dong muttered while sitting on the chair with a gloomy face.

"What is who?" Xiaolan asked in a low voice, placing a glass of water in front of Wendong.

"It's nothing, Xiaolan, do you believe that I designed these designs myself?" Wendong asked the quiet Xiaolan with a sideways look at Xiaolan.

"I believe in Brother Wendong." Xiaolan looked at Wendong with a haggard face and was a little worried, but her eyes were unusually firm and she nodded.

"Oh, thank you."

Xiaolan smiled, turned around and went to her desk to tidy up, picked up an exquisitely crafted pen holder and looked at it, a look of sadness flashed in her eyes, and casually threw the pen holder into the trash can beside the table.

"Huh? This is?" Wendong looked at Xiaolan suspiciously.

"He sent it." Seemingly knowing what Wen Dong wanted to ask, he looked away from the trash can, with a wry smile on his delicate face.

"Well, the past is in the past. If you are so good, it's because he doesn't cherish it. Don't think too much about it." Wen Dong naturally knew that Xiaolan was referring to him as Yue Chen, and comforted him.

"Well, I will gradually forget him, but it's ridiculous to think that we were talking and laughing in the office a few days ago and became strangers in an instant." Xiaolan seemed to have found someone to confide in, and said to herself Said in the language, the small face is full of sadness.

"Office?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, as if he had grasped something.

"Well, we..." Xiaolan began to talk to herself again, and Wendong's face became more and more shocked, as if he had found a major suspect.

That Yuechen came to He Qing's office with Xiaolan during the noon break, and more than once, and even took a lunch break here once, and the thoughtful Wendong suddenly remembered what Bai Xiaojie said before that Yue Chen seemed like Also go to your own office.

And this Yue Chen came and left too coincidentally.

"Huh? Brother Wendong, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Wendong sitting there silent, Xiaolan asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, maybe I'm too tired recently, I'll go back first." Wen Dong waved his hand and walked out. Naturally, Wen Dong would not tell Xiao Lan about Yue Chen's guess. After all, it was just a guess. It will increase Xiaolan's psychological burden. If Yue Chen really did this, then Xiaolan is the one who brought it up.

I remember Xiaolan said that this Yue Chen was a senior sales assistant in the sales department.

"What? Yue Chen's family has something to ask for leave?" Wen Dong looked at the head of the sales department in shock.

"What? Is Boss Wen looking for something from him?" The beautiful female supervisor looked at Wen Dong with a sneer and even disdainful folded arms, expecting that she knew what Wen Dong had done.

"It's nothing." Wen Dong didn't care about the woman's attitude, he waved his hand and just walked out, feeling more certain in his heart that there must be something wrong with Yue Chen, otherwise it would be too coincidental.

Half an hour later, Zhang Hanhan held a meeting for all staff of the new company again, and now everyone has nothing to worry about, so Zhang Hanhan just emphasized that Wendong did not plagiarize Yingsa's design, which is why Wendong is still in the company , and for Wen Dong to come out of the police station so quickly, it is expected to be the same reason.

Of course, some people privately speculated that it was Zhang Hanhan who entrusted someone to pull Wendong out. After all, Wendong was President Zhang’s appointed director, and the relationship between the two must be unusual. Wendong ignored these rumors.

"Mr. Wen, wait a minute." After the meeting was over, all the high-level employees walked out of the conference room. Zhang Hanhan sat upright in his seat with a sad expression on his face. .

"What?" Wen Dong sat down again in doubt, and looked up at Zhang Hanhan, wondering what this beautiful woman was going to do.

"The clothes you designed are now on the market in Yingsa, and they are selling very well. There are tens of millions of orders in just half a day." Zhang Hanhan threw a piece of information on the table, his tone cold the way.

"Oh? This is a good thing. I didn't expect the clothes I designed to sell so well." Wen Dong leaned on the seat and said indifferently.

"You! But this is the clothes you designed. You are my director of Lanyun, and your designs are used as wedding dresses for others!" Looking at Wen Dong's indifferent look, Zhang Hanhan almost ran away with anger.

"Can you design another batch of better clothes in a short time?" Zhang Hanhan asked holding back the anger in his heart.

"Hehe, the current public opinion has a negative impact on us, Lan Yun, and we really need to show our strength." Wen Dong can't provoke Zhang Hanhan anymore, otherwise this beauty will really go berserk.

"Time!" Zhang Hanhan was too lazy to talk to this guy. As a business prodigy, she didn't think this incident was too bad. It has attracted the attention of many people. As long as you make good use of it and make a comeback, this negative impact will immediately turn positive.

"Four days." Wen Dong thought for a while.

"Okay, the original arrangement this time is to hold a celebratory dance five days later. If this is the case, the dance will continue as usual. I hope you can come up with your design on time and give Yingsha a good face!"

"Well, then I'll go out first." Wen Dong nodded and stood up.

"What are you going to do? Don't you hurry up with the design now?" Zhang Hanhan was taken aback for a moment, this guy is going out even now.

"Since you are slapping your face, be more ruthless. If you can find out that Yingsa has plagiarized our design and put it on at the ball, two blockbusters. In this way, the clothes we designed before are not Yingsa's." Sa advertised for us?" Wen Dong turned his head to Zhang Hanhan with a grin and wandered out.

"But..." Before Zhang Hanhan could speak, Wendong walked out. Strangely, Zhang Hanhan was not angry because of Wendong's rudeness just now. Looking at Wendong's confident appearance, he seemed to have found some evidence, but he was still away from the dance. It's been five days, can he make it in time?

Wendong has been looking for Yue Chen for the whole day, because he is afraid of scaring the snake, so Wendong just looks for it secretly, at most he just chats casually and asks Yue Chen's colleagues about him, but there is no progress at all, because Yue Chen has nothing to do with him. Did not live in the company's staff dormitory.

In the end, Wendong made many inquiries and found the place where Yue Chen rented the house. After Wendong sneaked in, it was already empty, and he even found that his house had no traces of people living in it at all, which means that this house is just Yue Chenming's face. In fact, he doesn't live here at all.

Although no one was found, it was not that there was no progress at all. At least Wendong was more sure that there must be something wrong with Yue Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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