How bad guys are made

Chapter 126 System Upgrade · Obtaining A-Level Skills

Chapter 126 System Upgrade · Obtaining A-Level Skills

"Huh? Wujian?" Shuicheng has a population of tens of millions, and looking for someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Wendong went around and couldn't find a single hair, and returned to Lanyun. Wendong didn't want to go upstairs anymore. Looking for a corner to smoke a cigarette, I happened to find Wu Jian who was bored and came out to smoke.

"Wendong? Why are you still in the mood to come out and wander around at this time?" Wu Zhan found Wendong and hurried over, obviously he also knew about the accident in Wendong's new company.

"It's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married, so she won't live if something happens?" Wen Dong pouted, took out a cigarette and handed Wu Jian one.

"Hey, why don't you go out and have a drink or two and find a little lady to relax?" Wu Jian put on a cigarette and said with a mean smile.

"It's fine to have a drink or two, just find a young lady." Wen Dong waved his hand boredly.

"Go, go."

Sitting in the taxi, Wendong was bored to find out his duck egg system. As early as noon today, when Wendong called the reporter, his main task had already been completed.

Host Aversion: 1200/1000
Seeing this value, Wen Dong immediately became happy. This month's main task was not only completed ahead of schedule, but also exceeded the quota by more than 200 dislike points.

"Ding: The host's main task has been completed, and the host's aversion is enough to upgrade the system to the third-level rascal lottery system. Do you want to upgrade?" At this time, the system's notification sounded again.


"Ding: Congratulations to the host for upgrading the system to the bad guy system. After the system upgrade, there is a greater chance of getting higher-level items in each lottery draw. The probability of winning the lucky prize has increased to 12.00%. The host needs to consume 100 antipathy points for each lottery draw. "

"Ding: The host activates the main task, gets 10000 points of aversion, and upgrades the bad guy system to the big bad guy system. There will be higher items at that time, so stay tuned."

"80 points..." Wen Dong murmured, and checked his dislike point and there were still more than 600 points, which was enough for 7 draws.

"Ding: The host has obtained a C-level skill upgrade crystal."

"Ding: The host has obtained an item superposition package. Effect: Consume 240 aversion points, and the next time you draw four times the original items, it can only be used by the bad guy system. Do you want to use it?"

"Huh? Superimposition pack?" Wen Dong was stunned. This is the first time he has drawn this item, but he can guess from the effect of this item that it is a magical item. If he can draw it like last time, it will permanently increase various attributes. The Heavenly Spirit Pill would be fine, four pills at a time.

bet!Wen Dong gritted his teeth bitterly.


"Ding, the host uses the overlay package to open the film."

"Ding; the host gets a charm card. The effect permanently increases the charm value (4 cards)."

"What? Charm card? Is there a use for it? You're cheating!" Hearing that it turned out to be a useless charm card, Wen Dong was so angry that he vomited blood for three liters. Nima, it's easy for me to get a little disgusted. I, this 240 points of antipathy, how many eyes do you have to get.

"Ding: The host got four charm cards, do you want to use them?"

"Use!" Wen Dong gritted his teeth.

"Ding: The host has obtained an advanced lucky card. Effect: Increase the host's lucky value by 10 points within 15 minutes."

"Huh? Stop, stop..." I can only draw for the last time. Anyway, I have bad luck and drink cold water, so Wen Dong clicked the lottery indifferently, but he didn't expect that the pointer was in the position of the gold prize, which only accounted for 12.00%. Slowly slowed down.

"Damn it!" Seeing that the pointer actually stopped at the position of the gold medal, Wen Dong jumped up excitedly, and accidentally hit his head on the roof of the car.


"Damn it! You must have been stimulated, bitch Wen. You don't seem to be quite right today, epilepsy?" Sitting in the co-pilot, Wu Jian looked sideways at Wen Dong curiously. It was blue and white for a while, and just now he went mad and hit his head with a car, which shocked him.

"Get out, even if you have epilepsy, I won't have epilepsy!" Seeing Wu Jian's concerned and worried expression, Wen Dong stretched out his hand to touch his painful head and rolled his eyes.

"Is it okay?" Wu Jian looked at Wen Dong suspiciously.

"You are the only one who has something to do, and your whole family has something to do." Wen Dong scolded impatiently.

Yes, he can still swear, it seems to be all right, Wu Jian curled his lips for the sake of being bored, and then sat upright.

Wen Dong tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart, and opened the lottery turntable.

"Ding: Congratulations to the host for getting the lucky prize and getting the A-level skill Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms."

"What!?" Wen Dong, who had just calmed down, exclaimed again. Seeing that the cheat book marked with the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon turned into dots of white light and penetrated into his body, Wen Dong only felt an abnormal feeling in his body. Energy, the whole body hurts, especially the place where the palm connects to the arm, as if the bone is broken.

"Uh..." Wen Dong's excited look suddenly turned into pain, and he let out a muffled grunt suppressing the pain, and his face was instantly covered with cold sweat, as if the energy was forcibly changing his meridians.

"Wendong, what's the matter with you? What's the matter with you?" Wu Jian noticed Wendong's strangeness here, and didn't want to say it at first, but found that Wendong didn't seem to be pretending, and immediately felt something was wrong.

"Ah..." After a short period of pain, the whole body was greeted with refreshment. Wen Dong felt that his whole body was as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring, and he couldn't help but let out a comfortable moan. Wendong has entered the realm of forgetting things and me. When he thinks that he has the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, doesn't it mean that whoever doesn't like it can be slapped to death?Thinking of this, Wen Dong became more and more excited as he thought about it, and howled with excitement...

"Wen bitch? Wen bitch?...It's over, it's over, this guy seems to be so stimulated that he's crazy." Wu Zhan shouted twice but got no response, and was immediately frightened by Wen Dong's appearance: "Then What, master, hurry to the nearby hospital, the best hospital."

"Oh, oh, I know, hurry up and call him again, is your friend bewitched?" The driver master also saw that something was wrong with Wen Dong, so he quickly agreed, looked at Wen Dong carefully and turned his head to concentrate driving.

"Huh? Where's the palm?" Wen Dong, who has forgotten everything and me, is not unconscious, but he forgot that it was there for a while. After refreshing himself, Wen Dong found that there seemed to be no difference in his body, and even more so. The important thing is that I don't seem to have much kung fu, and it's exactly the same as before. As for the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, I don't know how to strike or hit people.

Is this the god horse situation?

"Hurry up, master, I'll add money to you." Wu Jian became more and more surprised when he looked at it. Just now Wendong was still talking to himself, but now it's even more serious. Qian asked the driver to drive quickly, praying in his heart that Wendong would not become a vegetable.

Wu Jian knew that this guy had no relatives. If something happened to Wen Dong and he became a vegetable, I, as Wen Jian's iron buddy, would have to serve him for the rest of his life. That's okay, or if it's really not possible, let Zhang Dun and the others take turns watching?

In such a short period of time, Wu Jian has already begun to think about these things. It can be seen how strong Wu Jian is, and he has even thought about Wen Dong's future affairs. If Wen Dong knows at this time, he must Will slap this guy to death.

"Ding: Since the host drew a class A skill, the bad guy shop was triggered, and the bad guy shopping store opened."

"Bad guy shopping store? What is this?" Wen Dong opened the store that was suddenly triggered again in doubt.

When Wendong saw the things in the store, he suddenly took a deep breath, and three big words came to mind again——Wow!

There are only 4 items on the shelf:
The first palm of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms: 500 disgust.

The second palm of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms: 1500 disgust.

The third palm of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms: 2500 aversion.

5 points of energy crystal: 10 hatred value.

If the system is a real chick, then Wendong at this time will definitely not drag that chick out sympathetically and slap her 3000 times. Damn, why are you still playing like this?
When Wendong saw the items on the Shangpin shelf, he already understood why he had obtained the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms but didn't know how to use them.

It means that the Class A skills you got just now are just empty shells. It’s like the system gave you an 500-story building. The building is right in front of you, but you can’t go in. If you want to enter the first floor, you need to get 1500 aversion points. Going to the second floor requires [-] aversion.

And the third palm will increase to 18. I don't know how much it will cost to learn all the No.[-] palms.

"By the way, is this Raoshizi energy crystal something magical?"

"Ding: Since the host itself cannot activate Class A skills, it needs the energy in the energy crystal."

"Uh..." At this time, Wendong didn't have the strength to scold his mother anymore, but he understood the meaning of the system chick, which meant that even if Wendong exchanged 500 disgust points for the first palm of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, That's just a show, if you want to really use this first palm, you need to exchange for energy crystals.

The simplest example is to give you a car and teach you how to drive it, but there is no gasoline, and this gasoline is an energy crystal.

Wendong was speechless and burst into tears, he was a fool, this system is simply the most cheating system in history.

"Wendong, wake up, what's the matter with you? You've arrived at the hospital, come get out of the car and I'll help you." At this time, Wendong came out of the realm of forgetting things, and suddenly heard Wu Wu beside him. An anxious voice.

"What's the matter? Are you sick? Aren't we going to eat? What are you doing in the hospital?" Seeing that Wu Jian was about to wrap his arms around his waist and hug him down, Wen Dong hurriedly stepped aside in disgust, He looked at the anxious Wu Jian with anger.

"Ah? Are you awake? What did you say? Where did you say this?" Wu Jian was startled, and asked Wendong with a shocked face pointing at No. 1 People's Hospital in Shuicheng City behind him.

"Fuck, you won't be insane, right? Isn't this a hospital?" Wen Dong rolled his eyes and looked at the shocked Wu Jian angrily and said.

(End of this chapter)

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