Chapter 127
"Ahaha, yes, yes, this is the hospital." Seeing that Wendong recovered, Wu Jian was so excited that he was about to cry, and almost danced with excitement. Just now, Wu Jian was thinking that maybe in the future, he would have to be with Wen Dong. Living together in a vegetative state, I thought that no one would want to marry me with such a fool, but now I find that Wendong has recovered, which makes him unhappy.

"Stupid." Seeing Wu Jian pointing at the hospital like crazy and laughing, saying that this is the hospital, Wen Dong rolled his eyes, a bit disdainful of this guy, this is too stupid.

"Wendong, are you really okay?" Ignoring the incomprehensible contempt in Wendong's eyes, Wu Jian couldn't help but approach Wendong and asked again.

"What's the matter? What's wrong with you?"

"Ah, it's all right, let's go, go to eat, the master changed to go to Quanyang Dafan, my shop has to celebrate that my buddy is safe and sound, haha..."

"Crazy..." Thinking of Wen Dong, the Eighteenth Palm of the Dragon Subduing just now, makes his egg ache like hell, and he doesn't bother to bother with this psycho.

Quanyang Hotel is a well-known restaurant in Shuicheng City. In fact, it is not because the food in the hotel is expensive. The key is that the special dishes made in the restaurant are delicious.

"Wen Bitch, are you really okay?" At the dinner table, Wu Jian saw that Wen Dong was eating and drinking as if nothing happened, but when he thought of Wen Dong's strange behavior in the taxi, he couldn't help being afraid, for fear that there was something wrong with Wen Dong. Sickness is only a temporary thing.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with you?" Wen Dong put down his chopsticks and frowned and asked. He knew why Wu Jian would ask such a question, but he must not tell Wu Jian about the system in his body.

"It's nothing, just now you startled me by laughing and staring blankly in the car just now." Wu Jian looked at Wen Dong worriedly, to see if there was anything unusual about him.

Realizing that Wu Jian really cared about him, Wen Dong felt warm in his heart, waved his hand indifferently and said, "It's nothing, I just thought of something, I've lost my composure, do you think I'm in trouble?"

"Oh, as long as it's okay." Wu Jian nodded to get rid of his doubts, Xin Dao boss is different, your boss really knows how to play.

"Go to the disco?" Wen Dong handed over the money, and the two left the restaurant. Wu Jian still couldn't let Wen Dong go, and wanted to observe.

"No, it's too noisy, I don't have that much leisure."

"Nightclub? I heard that Tianlan Nightclub has recruited a new batch of good girls. I heard there are still some good girls. Do you want to try something new?" Wu Jian winked at Wendong with an ambiguous look on his face.

"Not interested in."

"Then go to the Internet cafe. By the way, we haven't played games together for a long time. Let's go. I know there is a good Internet cafe nearby. I still have membership."

"Okay." Wen Dong knew that Wu Jian cared about him, so he didn't want to disobey him anymore, so he played with him for a while, and as for going to Yue Chen, he had to let it go.

"Huh? Why haven't you met any luck yet? This lucky card can't be a fake, right?" In fact, Wendong used the lucky card he just drew just now when he left the restaurant, which is why he always refused. The reason for being cheap.

"What are you looking at? Go in quickly." Walking to the entrance of the Internet cafe, Wu Jian found Wendong standing at the entrance, looking here and there, looking here and there like changing money, and quickly dragged Wendong into the Internet cafe.

"Well, it seems that this lucky card may not be 100% lucky." Seeing that the lucky card's 10 minutes of luck is about to pass, Wen Dong sighed in his heart. I didn't get it, at least I can pick up 80 yuan for me.

"Damn it, why are there so many people in this Internet cafe?" Wendong was almost suffocated by the smell of smoke as soon as he walked in the door. Not to mention the smoky atmosphere inside the Internet cafe, it was also extremely noisy, and most of the people were shouting and killing. Most young people play games.

"A crutch A crutch, silly, I told you that he was on a crutch, are you deaf?"

"Quick, drop the bag at point B, come to point B to gather and keep the bag."

"Online at 8 o'clock tonight, FireWire Crossing has a chance to get a permanent hero weapon for free, um... really enjoy it, come on, you quickly find a seat on the machine, give me your ID card, and I'll get on the machine for you." Wu Jian Looking at most of the netizens playing time-traveling with a look of enjoyment, all kinds of headshots and instant kills, his blood was already boiling before he even played.

FireWire Crossing is the most popular gunfight game in the world. When you walk into an Internet cafe, eight out of ten people are playing this game.

"Hurry up, that guy still has 80 blood, you hurry to go under the bridge and go to point B to unpack." Wen Dong just took out his wallet to find his ID card, a familiar voice rang from the side, Wen Dong He quickly turned his head to look, and almost threw the wallet out with a trembling hand.

Nima, isn't this Yue Chen?

It really doesn't take much effort to step through the mud of iron shoes, it's all right.

"Ding: The host's lucky card time is up." At this time, the system's notification sounded.

"Hurry up and find the machine, it will be gone in a while." Wu Jian naturally doesn't know Yue Chen, even if he does, he won't care, snatches his ID card from Wen Dong's hand, and urges him to the credit card counter go.

This guy is really not a good bird.Seeing that Yue Chen was not as elegant as when he was in the company, wearing earphones and looking like a gangster with a cigarette in his mouth, Wen Dong sneered, and tried to calm himself down. At the back, I found a machine that even sits.

Wen Dong was in the private room obliquely behind Yue Chen. Wen Dong sat on the outside, and he could see Yue Chen with his head turned slightly.Yue Chen was also playing Crossfire, and he seemed to be doing pretty well.

Wu Jian also played this way, Wen Dong was with Wu Jian, and Wen Dong stared at Yue Chen absent-mindedly all the time, so he couldn't fight well at all. Fortunately, Wu Jian is good enough. Although this guy has never been a soldier, his shooting skills are top-notch In the thirteenth game, Wendong only had 3 kills and 11 deaths, which can be described as a rookie among rookies, and two of them were killed by throwing mines randomly, while Wu Jian's record was ACE and ACE in the whole game. MVP, 35 kills and 4 kills.

Brother Wen Dong is already [-]% sure that Yue Chen stole the design information, but it is obviously not a wise move to arrest Yue Chen now. There is no evidence for Liu Jiancheng's calculation at all. If Liu Jiancheng refuses to admit it, there is nothing he can do about it, so Wendong has to find a way.

Half an hour later, Yue Chen took out his mobile phone and made a call. Because the Internet cafe was too noisy, he couldn't hear what he said clearly, and seeing his ambiguous expression, he probably didn't call Liu Jiancheng. After the call, Yue Chen In the morning, he checked out and left.

"Damn, what kind of plane are you doing!" Wen Dong stood up anxiously, rubbed Wu Jian's arm, and Wu Jian threw the sniper directly into the sky, and then he was killed, staring angrily. Wen Dong was very angry.

"Stop playing, come with me." After finally finding this guy, how could he let him run away so easily, Wen Dong pulled him up regardless of the angry Wu Jian.

"Damn it, there will be a lottery draw in 10 minutes, what if you get a hero weapon." Wu Jian yelled reluctantly with an angry face.

"It's business. In a few days, I will pay you to buy a permanent hero weapon." Wen Dong said with a serious face.

"What's the business?" Seeing Wen Dong's serious expression, Wu Jian stopped shouting and asked suspiciously.

"Did you see a young man in a black T-shirt just now? Follow him quickly." Wen Dong said hastily.

"What are you doing with him? Fuck, you wouldn't be..."

"You talk so much nonsense, hurry up, this guy is related to whether I can stay in Lanyun in the future, if I stay, you don't have to worry about your work, hurry up." Wen Dong urged anxiously.

"Damn, I told you earlier, don't worry, I will definitely follow." Wu Jian was startled, and he didn't have the heart to play games anymore, so he hurriedly walked towards the questioning opening, and suddenly turned to look at Wen Dong who was motionless: "By the way , I went, what are you still doing here?"

"I'll go to his computer to check the information, don't startle the snake, just follow him, I'll meet you in a while, let's call." Wen Dong hurriedly sat on Yue Chen's computer that hadn't turned off when he checked out, and said to Wu Jian .

"Okay, I'll go right away." Although Wu Jian didn't understand anything yet, he knew the seriousness of the matter after hearing Wen Dong's words, so he didn't have time to ask more questions, so he hurried out.

In fact, even if you check out the computer in the Internet cafe, as long as you quickly log in again before shutting down, you can still find some information about the previous Internet user, such as QQ, and some websites he logged on can be restored.

Wendong's best skill is the three-handed technique, and the second best is the computer hacking technique. Naturally, there is no problem in recovering some data.

But ten minutes later, Wen Dong became worried. Yue Chen didn't log in to any website at all when he came to the Internet cafe. There was only a game called FireWire and QQ. No useful information was found.

"Where is he now?" Wen Dong called Wu Jian and asked after stopping a taxi at the door.

"Where do you think he is? Hehe, it's the Sky Blue Nightclub I mentioned earlier." Wu Jian's voice was very loud, and he probably had already entered the nightclub with Yue Chen.

"Wait, I'll go right away." Wen Dong hung up the phone after saying a word, and said to the driver: "Master, go to Tianlan Nightclub."

"Where is he?" Finding the sofa where Wu Jian was sitting, Wen Dong asked anxiously as he sat down and took a sip of a cocktail.

"Here, that box, I saw a few beautiful girls go in just now, I guess I've started touching it now, I think I'm going to open the room after a while, I can only touch it here." Wu Jian stretched out his hand. Pointing to the large box not far away, he said wretchedly.

"En." Wen Dong nodded with a serious face, and began to think in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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