How bad guys are made

Chapter 128 Meeting the Killer Landlord Again

Chapter 128 Meeting the Killer Landlord Again

"Who is this guy? How did he offend you?" Wu Jian couldn't help but asked in a low voice curiously.

"I'll tell you about this later. He's out, so don't move." At this moment, the door of the box opened, and Yue Chen came out, drunk and drunk, probably going to the bathroom, Wen Dong hurriedly followed.

Following up in the toilet, Wen Dong quickly turned off the light in the toilet, and when Yue Chen came out drunk, Wen Dong passed him by.

When Yue Chen wandered back to the private room, the corner of Wen Dong's mouth twitched with complacency, then he went into the bathroom, unbuttoned his trousers to pee, and played with Yue Chen's cell phone in one hand.

Checking Yue Chen's recent call records, there are not many people in it, and the editor's name Wen Dong does not know, but one of the names caught Wen Dong's attention, a number edited called Brother Cheng is here I have spoken to Yue Chen several times in the past few days, and this 'city' is Liu Jiancheng's 'city'.

Secretly writing down these numbers, Wen Dong casually threw the phone on the mop beside him, put on his pants and walked out.

As soon as he walked back to his seat, Wen Dong found that Yue Chenfeng came out of the box in a hurry and went to the toilet again, and came back after a while with the mobile phone in his hand.

Not long after entering the box, Yue Chen hugged the two girls on the left and right, and walked out of the Sky Blue Nightclub while holding hands up and down.

"This girl is serious, this guy is going to double fly tonight." Wu Jian looked at the girl who was hugged and walked out by Yue Chen, drooling greedily and enviously.

"Shuangfei is none of your business, let's go." Wen Dong stood up and said angrily.

"Of course I don't care about my bird's business, I will react just thinking about the bird." Wu Jian mumbled and hurriedly followed.


"I'll use your mobile phone." Wen Dong said to Wu Jian after taking a taxi to catch up with Yue Chen's taxi. You don't need to call with your own mobile phone, because you are afraid that Liu Jiancheng will know your number.

"Why? You're not going to commit a crime, are you?" Wu Jian looked at Wendong in fear.

"I'm guilty of your sister, I'm just afraid that the other party will know it's me, hurry up." Wen Dong gave Wu Jian an angry look, this guy is careful.

He took Wu Jian's mobile phone and called that brother Cheng.

"Hello? Who is it?" The phone rang a few times before being picked up. There was a man's voice on the other side of the phone, and there seemed to be a woman's panting voice beside her.

Hearing the other party's voice, Wendong was even more sure that this guy was really Liu Jiancheng. Wendong hung up the phone without saying anything, and the sneer at the corner of his mouth became stronger. Damn, he still has the time to mess with women?Liu Jiancheng, please don't fall into my hands.

Following Yue Chen all the way into a residential area that seemed to be quite luxuriously built, Wen Dong dropped Wu Jian and secretly followed Yue Chen upstairs, and walked out after knowing the room Yue Chen lived in.

"You ask." Wu Jian squatted downstairs like a migrant worker and looked at him with a cigarette in his mouth. Wen Dong heaved a sigh of relief and followed him squatting on the steps with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Who is this guy?" Wu Jian asked directly.

"His name is Yue Chen, it's..." Wen Dong thought all the way but couldn't come up with any good solution. Wu Jian is a guy with a lot of ghosts, so Wen Dong told him his guess about this matter.

"Didn't you get involved with Da Gang's sister? Why did you get involved with the manager of your company again? What about Xiao Jie?" Wu Jian looked at Wen Dong in shock and asked.

"What's wrong, Xiaojie and I are pure, okay? At most, we just have a good impression of each other. Let's not talk about this matter. Let me ask you how you messed up with Yuechen and Liu Jiancheng!" Wu Jian asked. Wendong was so annoyed about this matter that he didn't bother to explain it, and was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

"Okay, okay, this is Dagang's headache, I don't care."

"Why don't we just go up and catch the rape? As long as we catch Yue Chen's trick, I'm not afraid he won't tell me." Wu Jian thought for a while and said.

"No, this is what you want. Even if it's against the law, it's not a serious crime. At most, you can go in and squat for a few days and then come out. This is not much threat to Yue Chen. Shock the grass and scare the snake." Wen Dong shook his head and decisively denied Wu Jian's idea.

"Why don't we design a rape or rape, let's find a woman, and then secretly drug this Yue Chen, this rape crime will be serious." Wu Jian began to hold back the water again Come up with an idea.

"Well... it's still not good. Let's not talk about how we can find such a woman. The key is that framing and rape is a crime, and if public opinion is aroused, the woman we are looking for may not be able to hold on. If the two of us shake off at that time, it will be over." Wen Dong thought for a while and shook his head again in denial.

"Then..." Wu Jian began to think again.

"Forget it, let's go back and think about it slowly. I guess you guys can't come up with any good ideas. The key is that we know too little about Yue Chen."

"Well, that can only be done."

It was half past nine when Wendong got home by taxi. The dark corridor was quiet and silent. When he walked to his room, he couldn't help but glanced at the landlord's house next door. Thinking of the matter with the landlord, Wendong felt a burst of Complicated, with a sigh in my heart, I took out the key and opened the door.

"Kacha..." Wen Dong just opened the door, when the neighbor's door suddenly opened, Wen Dong stopped curiously and turned his head.

Li Ningyan came out in a black tight-fitting leather jacket, her shawl and long hair were simply tied up to reveal a fair and flawless face. The tight leather jacket and leather pants made her already sexy and slender figure more charming and enchanting, and her slender jade neck was even more charming. She looks fair and clean, and her crisp chest looks tall and straight even if she is tightly wrapped. Perhaps she did not expect to meet Wen Dong who just came home. Li Ningyan was obviously slightly shocked, and her thin lips, which were not ruddy, parted slightly. For some reason, I was afraid that Li Ningyan's expression at this time was still very cold and full of coldness, but Wen Dong felt that there was a different smell in the killer landlord at this time, as if there was a mature feminine smell... …

Perhaps it was because the beautiful landlady turned into a real woman a few days ago. Thinking that he was the culprit of this incident, and that he and the woman in front of him were strangers, and he didn't know what to say, Wen Dong felt a little bitter in his heart. I mean, I opened my mouth but didn't know what to say.

Thinking of the first time I met this beautiful landlady, even though she was a stranger, I could still ask her an insignificant question, but now that the two of them have had the most intimate contact, they can't utter a single word. The atmosphere smelled like a silent mockery.

Li Ningyan stopped slightly, his eyes met each other, Li Ningyan's eyes had no other emotions except the cold flash of killing intent, Li Ningyan looked at Wendong for no more than a second and then looked away, as if seeing an insignificant cat or dog Ordinarily, when you close the door lightly, Wen Dong passes by like air, and walks silently from the corner into the dark stairs, and there is no more sound...

For some reason, Wendong felt uncomfortable, and suddenly felt that it was not as comfortable as the beautiful landlady just about to slap himself.

When this matter is over, I will move out. This is what Wen Dong thought of before going to bed, because I really can't stand this strange and silent atmosphere.

The next day, Wendong got up early, took a taxi to the neighborhood where Yue Chen lived without eating, and didn't plan to go to the company Wendong. Anyway, there was nothing wrong with him except being stared at and talked about. When I came to the community, I happened to meet the two beautiful girls Yue Chen was looking for last night, yawning and happily walking out of the community, and Yue Chen probably got a lot of tips for serving Yue Chen.

This guy, Yue Chen, probably hadn't woken up before he fought against the second daughter at night, so Wen Dong went out of the community, got a card near the gate, and bought a few buns to wait for Yue Chen.

As for the purpose of buying a card, I naturally went to Lin Xiaoxi. I should have asked her about her situation the day before yesterday, but an accident delayed my work, and Wendong's own card has been blacklisted by Lin Xiaoxi, so I can only buy a new card.

"Hello, hello." After dialing Lin Xiaoxi's number, the phone was quickly picked up. She seemed to have woken up a long time ago, but it was only eight o'clock in the morning.

"Lin Xiaoxi?" Wen Dong asked directly.

"You are... Wendong?" Lin Xiaoxi on the other side of the phone was stunned for a moment, and unexpectedly said Wendong's name.

"Hehe, it seems that you are holding a grudge." Wen Dong said happily while sitting on the curb while gnawing on pork and scallion buns.

"I heard that something happened to Lanyun's new company. How is Mr. Wen?" Lin Xiaoxi's tone turned cold in an instant. Although the words she said were condolences, the tone was full of sneering sarcasm. Obviously she also knew that Wendong plagiarized An event designed by Ying Sa.

"I just heard from Cheng Yanan a few days ago that you were hidden by that dead fat man. This is the fat man's own idea. I can only say sorry for this matter. I have already said hello to Zhu Chengchun. You can go back at any time. As for that What happened late was all a misunderstanding, I really don't know." Wen Dong said directly.

"No, I'm fine. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up. I'm going to work soon." Lin Xiaoxi said indifferently, but her attitude was better than before. Regarding that matter, Lin Xiaoxi once guessed that it was not at all. Wendong's fault, if you want to blame it, you can only blame Wendong, because if there is no him, this kind of thing will not happen to you. You must know that you were almost given by this guy. Whether it is a misunderstanding or not, this matter Already happened.

"Hehe, I knew it. I guess you won't go back if the fat man invites you. If you want to come, you can come to work in my company. As for Zhu Chengchun, I will tell you." Lin Xiaoxi was kicked out by Zhu Chengchun, Lin Xiaoxi Naturally, he would not go back after licking his face, but Wendong still wanted to make some compensation.

(End of this chapter)

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