How bad guys are made

Chapter 129 Meeting the Superb Little Lolita Xu Zihan Again

Chapter 129 Meeting the Superb Little Lolita Xu Zihan Again
"Take care of what you're talking about first. Don't call me in the future. I'm fine. I don't want to see you." Lin Xiaoxi sneered and hung up the phone after speaking.

Wen Dong stared blankly at the phone that had been hung up in his hand, with a self-deprecating wry smile on the corner of his mouth, yes, I don't know if he can stay in Lanyun any longer.

Wen Dong followed Yue Chen to monitor him all day, but he still had no clue. This Yue Chen’s life is very simple. He finds a place to eat at noon, and surfs the Internet in the afternoon. Wendong is very envious, this is simply a day like a fairy.

"Hey, where are you, Wendong? Why is your place so noisy?" In the afternoon, Zhang Hanhan called.

"Oh, I'm outside." It's no wonder Wendong is still in the Internet cafe, he hurried out and stood in the middle corridor and said to the phone.

"Outside? You haven't seen anyone for two days, how is your design going?"

"Isn't there still two days left?" Wen Dong rolled his eyes.

"Two more days?" Zhang Hanhan's voice raised an octave, obviously angry, the key is Wen Dong's tone is wrong, what is two days, it should be said that there are only two days, this is a fashion design, Ordinary designers sometimes need more than a week to design a piece of clothing, but this guy Wendong's task is to design a batch, at least more than ten pieces, and there are two days left?Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey?

"That's right, didn't you say yesterday that there are four days left? Don't worry, I will definitely hand in the task successfully by then, and I have to hang up beforehand." Saying this, she hung up the phone before Zhang Hanhan could say anything.

Just after making the phone call, Wen Dong saw that it was past five in the afternoon. As soon as he returned to the Internet cafe, Wen Dong found that Yue Chen was about to get off the plane. Wen Dong's eyes lit up, and he quickly followed, because according to the budget According to his living habits, he should play until after eight o'clock in the evening, so what's the matter with going out now?

But Wendong was disappointed again. Apart from the Internet cafe, Yue Chen walked directly to a nearby bar and dived in.

"Damn it, go home and go to sleep." Wen Dong sat in a dark corner far away and stared at Yue Chen drowsily. Staring is really tiring. It is estimated that Yue Chen will have to play here very late, and Wen Dong doesn't have much patience to watch him play.

Wendong went to a nearby supermarket to buy some pork ribs, and Wendong took a taxi back home.

I'm really tired these days, it's not because of the heavy workload, the key is that apart from being tired from so many things, Wendong went to the bedroom and started to sleep after eating two pieces of pork ribs.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Wen Dong suddenly heard a strange noise outside. The sound was not loud, but it was very clear.

Wen Dong got up sleepily, opened the bedroom door and looked, he was stunned for a moment, a burst of joy filled his heart instantly, the beautiful landlord actually had dinner at his home, so she was silently showing favor to him?Wen Dong thought he was dreaming, so he rubbed his eyeballs vigorously, and when he took a closer look, he suddenly found something was wrong.

This woman is not the landlord at all. Although she is also dressed in black, upon closer inspection, this woman's figure is obviously much smaller and more exquisite than that of the beautiful landlord. The little girl who came from here seemed to be staying at her own home, sitting cross-legged on the sofa, gnawing on the ribs with greasy hands.

"Why did this unlucky kid come to me? Her grandma said this is my dinner." Looking at the table full of ribs and bones, the slight sound of 'clang' could be the bones being thrown on the coffee table sound?Because this girl was leaning on the sofa, she could only see a side face and couldn't recognize who it was, where did this chick come from?A big question mark appeared on the top of Wendong's head.

"Hey, who are you, why did you come to my house?" Wen Dongbai thought it was a beautiful landlady at first, but Wen Dongbai was happy for a while, and became even more angry in his heart, so he walked over in three or two steps.

After walking into Wendong, I realized that this chick looks really good. Although I only saw a side profile, that little face was as white and flawless as a jade porcelain doll. A strapless black suspenders and tight waistcoat showed her sexy little figure The outline is very sexy. From the side view, the bulging breasts with a certain size are just grasped. The lower body is a black ultra-short mini black leather skirt. The sexy calves wrapped in mesh stockings are sitting cross-legged. The pair of stockings feet look very beautiful. It's exquisite and cute, this is definitely a mini version of a sexy little loli.

But your grandma's sexy and beautiful is not good, you don't talk about it when you run to your own house, and you eat your own food without asking yourself, what the hell is this?

It's just that Wendong found that this chick looked a little familiar, but Wendong couldn't remember where he saw it.

"Ah—" Unexpectedly, the little loli didn't pay attention to Wen Dong, and didn't even look up at him. After picking up a bottle of Coke on the table with her white and tender hands and taking a big sip, she let out a small mouth to enjoy hum.

Wen Dong took a closer look, his eyeballs almost bulged out, damn, this Coke belongs to me too, damn it, who is this unlucky kid.

"The ribs are quite delicious." Little Loli patted her swollen belly in satisfaction, then raised her head, revealing a delicate and lovely jade porcelain face.


"It's you!" Wen Dong and the little loli exclaimed at the same time, the sexy little loli jumped up from the sofa in shock, stretched out her little finger and pointed at Wen Dong, her face was full of shock and astonishment .

Wen Dong was also shocked, no wonder the girl's dress and profile look a little familiar, isn't this damn bitch Xu Zihan?

Although the two had only met once, Wendong remembered it clearly. It was when He Qing encountered Pengci that this girl drew a knife to help her to know each other. However, there was a dispute with Wendong later, and I remembered that I still had this girl's number. , meet for a duel...

"Why are you here?" The two asked in unison again.

"This is my house, why did you come to my house!" Little Lolita asked Wen Dong angrily with her face full of anger and pinching her waist with her little hand.

Hearing this little lolita's mindless question, Wen Dong almost spit out his blood. Could it be that he was so busy these days that he went to the wrong door?Wen Dong turned his head and looked around in doubt. That's right, this is my house. Nima, this chick obviously knew she was wrong and beat her up. Wen Dong pointed at Xu Zihan angrily and said angrily, "What is this?" This is your house, this is my house! Why did you come to my house, who told you to come!"

"Your house? Can you show me the real estate certificate?" Xu Zihan curled his mouth and sat down on the sofa. He picked up a toothpick from the table with his little hand and held it in his mouth. There was a sneer of disdain at the corner of his mouth. Hostess style.

"The real estate certificate? This is the house I rented. How can there be any real estate certificate." Wen Dong argued for a while.

"Cut, I knew it, that's all right, pack up and get out, this house is mine." Xu Zihan curled his lips and waved his little hand in a domineering manner.

"His grandma, who are you? I'm not in a good mood today. Don't mess with me. Get out if you're sensible." Wen Dong knew that this girl was making trouble for no reason, so he didn't bother to argue with her anymore, and waved his hands like chasing flies. Generally let this girl go.

"This is my house, rock and roll is your fault. Auntie, I am in a good mood today, and I don't bother to argue with you. If I hadn't just eaten, I would have thrown you out." Xu Zihan picked up the bottle of Coke with his small hand and took another sip. , exhaled a full belch from the small mouth.

"Fuck your house? Are you going to leave? If you don't, believe it or not, I will throw you out?" Wendong was even more angry when he heard that this girl had just eaten. You ate the food I cooked, and this The house belongs to the beautiful landlord. When did it become yours? It's just nonsense.

"Throw it out? Would you like to try throwing one?" Xu Zihan put his little hands on his knees, and raised his pretty willow eyebrows slightly, with a look of disdain.

"It's his grandma, I can't cure you today?" Wen Dong was so angry that he rushed up and grabbed Xu Zhan's arm and was about to pull it out. He didn't have any intention of pity, Wen Dong knew very well that this girl's kung fu is not bad , certainly not hurt.

"You're looking for death!" Seeing that Wendong actually pulled herself, Xu Zihan raised her brows upside down, let out a cold snort, opened Wendong's palm with a wave of her little hand, and her raised sexy stocking feet slammed into Wendong's crotch Kick it, move it sharply.

Don't look at this girl's petite physique, but two or three big men will suffer if they don't pay attention. If this little foot is kicked hard, Xiao Wendong may have to rest for a few days. Wendong quickly reached out and grabbed Xu Zihan's kicked ankle. Wearing a layer of soft stockings, but the tentacles are very soft, it seems that you can still feel the smoothness of the skin under the stockings, but Wen Dong didn't have the leisure to enjoy it, so he grabbed Xu Zihan's stockings ankle and pulled hard.

Xu Zihan's small mouth let out a coquettish cry, and he squatted on the floor under the sofa with his teeth and claws open, and he let out a painful cry of 'ouch'.

Xu Zihan let out a cry of pain, but it didn't matter to her, his face was as frosty as he was obviously angry, he supported the tea table beside him with his little hand, and kicked Wendong's knee with his other little leg.

Grandma, which bastard taught this chick Kung Fu, why does she always look at other people's bot lane attacks.

"Are you going? Believe it or not I dragged you out like this?" Wen Dong hurriedly reached out and grabbed Xu Zihan's other little foot. Half of Xu Zihan's body was almost lying on the ground, his buttocks on the ground, Wen Dong He threatened with a sneer.

"Let go of me, or you're going to die!" Xu Zihan grabbed the coffee table vigorously with his small hands. Although his feet were caught on the ground, his tone of voice was full of threats without begging for mercy.

"Cut, just you? It seems that you chose to be dragged out by me." Wen Dong curled his lips in disdain. This Xu Zihan was obviously a child spoiled by his family. You can tell that this is her own house, and if this girl is still making trouble for no reason, Wen Dong doesn't mind teaching her a lesson for her family.

(End of this chapter)

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