How bad guys are made

Chapter 130 There Are Two Beauties, Big and Small, Not One is Easy to Mess With

Chapter 130 No one is easy to mess with two beauties, big and small

"Don't, don't, I'll go out by myself." Seeing that Wendong is really going to drag himself out, he must know that his buttocks are on the ground now. Others know that it is not a joke?

"Hmph, you're sensible." Although Wen Dong didn't know how to pity her, he didn't really want to drag her out. He just frightened this desperate chick, and curled his lips to let Xu Zihan go.

"I'm really not going away today! I see what you can do to me?" Xu Zihan jumped up, but said that it didn't count, and then jumped onto the sofa, picked up the coke on the table with his little hand and drank it He took a sip, put his small wrist around his chest, looked at Wendong with a sneer on his face, and began to play tricks.

"If you don't go, you have to go." Wen Dong also got more serious, and stretched out his hand to pull her.

Xu Zihan quickly stretched out his hand to open Wendong's big hand, and the two exchanged a few moves again. Xu Zihan was obviously not Wendong's opponent, and was pinned down on the sofa by Wendong's uniform in two or three strokes.

"Are you going?!"

"I won't leave, I see you can treat me like that! I tell you that you are dead!" Xu Zihan firmly grasped the edge of the sofa with his little hands, his little face was full of determination.

"Crack!" There was a piercing sound in the room, and then there was no sound.

"You dare to spank my ass?! You are dead, my sister will definitely kill you!" After a long time, Xu Zihan let out a hysterical threat, and looked sideways at Wen Dong vigorously, his small face full of tears. anger.

"Your sister? Cut, I'll even beat your sister's butt when your sister comes. If you don't leave, I'll still beat you!" Wen Dong snorted coldly. This chick is obviously still a child. Calling the parents, Wen Dong raised his hands to make a gesture to spank again, not to mention, this chick's ass is quite good to spank.

"You..." Xu Zihan was really scared, and hated Wendong even more in his heart, but he was afraid that this bastard would still spank his ass, so he didn't dare to speak out for a while, his little face was full of grievances.

"Boom—" At this time, the door of the room was opened suddenly. Wen Dong looked up, and suddenly the beautiful landlady in a white nightgown stood at the door.

"Hanhan." The beautiful landlady gave Wendong a cold look, and then immediately turned her gaze to Xu Zihan, who was under Wendong's pressure. He looked up at Wendong, his eyes full of cold killing intent.

"Sister." Seeing her sister coming, Xu Zihan burst into tears of joy, tears flowed from his watery eyes, and his tone was full of grievances.

"Sister——" Wen Dong's head froze immediately, only to feel a spring thunder blast from his ears, and the sound of his head was blank. Know.

"Sister, he bullied me, and he spanked my ass!" Xu Zihan suddenly hit the backbone, stepped on the ground with his stocking feet and rushed towards Li Ningyan, and threw himself into her arms, his voice aggrieved To the extreme, those watery eyes were crying even more, and the aggrieved appearance seemed to be raped by the beast Wendong.

"I, you, she... is she your sister?" Wen Dong came back to his senses, seeing the scene of two beauties, one big and one small hugging each other, his mind couldn't turn around, he spoke incoherently, with a shocked expression on his face looked at the beautiful landlady with a cold face.

Wen Dong was really shocked, when did Xu Zihan become Li Ningyan's sister.Although from the first time he saw Xu Zihan because the girl's black dress and personality were very similar to Li Ningyan, Wen Dong just thought about it, he never thought that this girl was actually related to the beautiful landlord, The world is too small.

That's why this girl has been emphasizing that the house is hers, no wonder she has the key to her own room, no wonder she has the confidence to ask her sister to kill herself...

"You bullied her?!" Li Ningyan petted Xu Zihan's little head, and looked up at Wen Dong with undisguised killing intent.

"Ahaha, no, no, how is it possible, she came to my house by herself, I didn't know she was your sister, I just frightened her, ahaha, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding." With killing intent, Wendong knelt down decisively, a hero does not suffer from immediate losses, although he has that kind of relationship with the beautiful woman in front of him, but this beautiful woman will not think about this kind of love, Wendong smiled awkwardly, repeatedly He waved his hands and said haha.

"Bullying, you are bullying, this guy still spanked my ass, I said sister you just now, he said that even if you came, he would even spank your ass." Seeing that Wendong was afraid of his sister, Xu Zihan Dudu became excited and forgot to cry for a while, pointed at Wendong and began to complain to his sister.

"It's not that I don't know that she is your sister." Seeing Li Ningtan looking up at him, Wen Dong spread his hands and said helplessly.

"What are you doing at his house?" Li Ningyan frowned, looking down at Xu Zihan.

"I... I'm hungry. I smelled the fragrance in this room, so I came to eat something." Xu Zihan is a big kid, and his personality is even more fearless, but he is only afraid of this sister who is not good at words. She looked at Li Ningyan pitifully.

Hearing this, Li Ningyan was stunned, because she didn't know how to cook, and she couldn't make food for Xu Zihan. She didn't eat at noon today, and she planned to go out to have dinner with Hanhan later, but this little girl couldn't help it. I ate at Wendong's house first, looked up at the ribs and bones on the coffee table, and frowned.

"Gulu..." Li Ningyan didn't eat in the morning or at noon, and now it's almost [-] o'clock in the afternoon, and she was already hungry. Seeing the ribs on the table, her stomach growled.

"Are you still eating?" Wen Dong heard Li Ningyan's stomach rumbling, and looked up at her suspiciously: "How about..." Wen Dong was about to invite her to dinner, but when he saw the cold eyes of the beautiful landlady looking at him, he couldn't help it. Thinking that he and her were no longer what they used to be, he immediately shut up and stopped talking.

"Sister, why don't you eat something too, so we don't have to go out." Xu Zihan looked up at his sister and said.

"Yes, yes, anyway, I can't eat after doing so much." Wen Dong quickly nodded in agreement, looking at Li Ningyan expectantly.

If he can reconcile with the beautiful landlord, Wendong will naturally not let go of this opportunity. No matter what, the woman in front of him is his own woman, and he has saved her, and she has also saved Wendong, although this killer landlord is a bit He was cold and not good at words, and the two of them didn't have that kind of relationship, but for some reason, Wendong always felt that he had a subtle relationship with the landlord. Wendong was used to this subtle feeling with the killer landlord, so these days suddenly Being like a stranger made him very uncomfortable, so he thought about moving out as soon as possible, but if he could reconcile with the beautiful landlord, then Wendong must be wishing for it.

Xu Zihan obviously didn't know the embarrassing relationship between himself and the beautiful landlord. Seeing that Xu Zihan was actually speaking for him at this time, Wendong looked at this unreasonable little loli very much, and thought in his heart that he might be able to use Xu Zihan to communicate with the beautiful woman. Maybe the landlord will reconcile.

"Well, although this guy's personality isn't very good, his ribs are pretty good." Xu Zihan nodded, and sarcastically satirized Wen Dong by the way.

Hearing this, Wen Dong's mouth twitched, but now he didn't know when he was fussing with the brat, he nodded in agreement, looked at Li Ningyan and said, "Yes, the food I cook is delicious, haven't you eaten it too? "

"Sister, have you eaten his cooking?" Hearing this, Xu Zihan was taken aback, and looked up at his sister suspiciously.

"Well, I have eaten." Li Ningyan was not good at explaining, she had indeed eaten Wendong's cooking, and she had eaten a lot, she nodded.

"Then let's not go out. I'm already full. I think there's still a lot in the pot, which is enough for you to eat." Xu Zihan said happily without thinking too much.

Hearing Xu Zihan's words, Wen Dong was so excited that he was about to cry. He almost couldn't hold back and dragged the girl over and kissed her fiercely. He looked up at Li Ningyan and said, "Yes, yes, you'd better not go out."

"En." Li Ningyan thought for a while, although she did that kind of thing with Wendong these days, because of the mutation of the love hunting medicine in her body, even if she vented some, she didn't get rid of the root cause at all. It's so hot outside, and she needs to suppress the love hunting medicine It took a lot of effort, anyway, I had eaten Wendong's food, so I agreed after thinking about it.

"Hehe..." Xu Zihan was overjoyed when his sister agreed, and hurried to the tea table, picked up a big bowl with a small hand, and started scooping up the meat in the pot with a spoon, but there was too much meat in the pot, and he couldn't scoop up the whole bowl. After that, Xu Zihan tilted his head and thought for a while, then simply poured all the meat from the bowl into the pot, put down the bowl, and simply picked up the whole pot of ribs.

"Hey, don't you want to eat?" Xu Zihan turned his head and glanced at the stunned Wendong, not feeling embarrassed at all, and asked Wendong with a small smile showing two evil little tiger teeth.

"No, I don't want to eat." Seeing that everyone picked up the pot, how could Wen Dong have the nerve to scoop out another bowl, and he immediately understood why this girl helped him, why did she help him, this girl was obviously cheating It's revenge to take away your own dinner and leave yourself without food.

"Sister, let's go." Xu Zihan put on a pair of high-heeled shoes next to the sofa, and ran to Li Ningyan's side with a pressure cooker in both hands. Excited, he turned his head slightly and gave Wendong a proud and provocative look. .

"En." Li Ningyan looked up at Wendong, didn't say anything, turned around and led Xu Zihan out of the room.

Seeing Xu Zihan, who was carrying two pots, close the door with his feet, Wen Dong turned his head to look at the only bones left on the coffee table, and pulled his mouth hard, feeling like crying, this is too stupid Bullied people——


(End of this chapter)

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