Chapter 134

But Yue Chen thinks about it and thinks it’s not too fast. The women who are often on the Internet are usually very boring and lonely. After chatting for a few words, some of them take off their clothes and show you a section when they are happy. It’s nothing to start a video, right? ?

Angry?But it doesn't seem like it. This woman is in sales. It's best to hook up with such a woman. Yue Chen is engaged in this area in Lanyun. Although he is only an assistant, he has also come into contact with some inside information. How to catch her out? Well, if you ask someone out for dinner hastily, they may not necessarily go... By the way, she is selling Lida, there seems to be a way to do this, as long as you find her weakness, it is entirely possible to fish her out.

Thinking of this, Yue Chen quickly typed a line: "Old woman... I'm in the auto parts business, and I have a lot of clients. I have many friends here in Shuicheng. Do you want to introduce some big clients to you?"

Oops, I wiped it, but there was a reply, I was so anxious. "Okay, we have a meeting with Minglida's agent this evening. If you are interested, you can come and see it."

Seeing the invitation, it fell into Yue Chen's arms, and immediately became happy. He secretly praised himself for being smart, and hurriedly wrote a line: "But I don't know you." Saying so, Yue Chen clicked on the video request again.

The video is a must-see. This woman’s online name is Old Woman. Although her voice is a little nicer, there are many women who don’t change their voice when they get old. The photos are not credible at all. If Nima is really an old woman in her [-]s or [-]s Well, I don't have that much free time, so I might as well play a few gun battles.

"Wait, I'll change the scene for you." Wen Dong hurriedly pulled Li Binger away and sat down in front of the computer to tinker. After 2 minutes, Wen Dong stepped aside and said to Li Binger: "The scene behind you has already been given to you." Changed to a hotel, remember you are in a hotel."

"En." Li Bing'er nodded, looking at Wen Dong's serious expression, she couldn't help feeling nervous.

yeah!After the video request was approved, Yue Chen's heart suddenly tightened. It's not that he has never seen beautiful women, but online can give him a different kind of stimulation. He stared nervously at the screen, and a picture of a woman popped up in the video window. It was in a hotel, and she smiled at Yue Chen in the video as a greeting, her attitude was neither cold nor cold, although the woman's expression was a bit cold, but the style of that smile was like that of a beautiful sister Sichun and a pretty girl in heat, absolutely The beautiful face is much more beautiful than in the photo. Seeing Yue Chen swallowing with tongue-tied mouth, he even forgot to say hello.

"Are you the lover of the thief? You played the game just now? Why do you look so stupid?" At this time, a line of words appeared on Yue Chen's computer.

"What a beautiful woman, the first time I saw you, I was stunned by your beauty." Yue Chen said excitedly, raising his hands to support his chin, and a watch on his wrist that was worth a lot of money lit up come out.

"I don't like that. Well, we must come. Our sales network in Shuicheng is very average, and we urgently need to open up the market. I won't tell you. I'm going to meet a client, and I need to change my clothes." Li Binger said so , seemed to have forgotten to turn off the video, and stretched out his hand to unfasten the chain of the sportswear on his upper body. Yue Chen, who was opposite him, widened his eyes.

"Small idea... there are many wealthy patrons in Shuicheng City, you are so beautiful, I can be your salesperson." Yue Chen stared at Li Binger who was about to change clothes on the screen. , I didn’t forget to ask the address of the meeting, I saw it was the Water City Hotel, and I heard that there was a company car to pick me up, oops, I couldn’t beat this guy so much that I couldn’t beat the keyboard.

"You must come." Li Bing'er seemed to remember again, rolled her eyes at Yue Chen who was wide-eyed, and turned off the video.

"Do you want to die, where are you looking?" Li Binger was about to turn her head to ask, only to find that Wen Dong's eyes were hooked to the seam she had just opened, and Li Binger hurriedly pulled the zipper He got up and stared at Wendong coldly.

"They're old husbands and wives, and it's not like I haven't seen them before." Wen Dong curled his lips and winked at Li Binger. Only then did Li Binger remember that she and Wen Dong were boyfriend and girlfriend, but still glanced angrily. guy glance.

"Awesome, this way I'm not afraid that this guy won't take the bait." Li Binger's action of pulling his clothes just now was obviously intentional. Thinking of Yue Chen's staring eyes, it's no wonder that guy didn't take the bait.

"Come on, you came here by car, right? Put a sign of Minglida on your car, and we'll pick him up later." Wen Dong got up and turned off the computer.

After dawdling for an hour, Li Binger teased Yue Chen on the phone. It was a company car pick-up and a customer reception. Yue Chen was already unsuspecting at this time, and directly gave an address for pick-up.

The address is Nancheng Middle Road, in front of Runyu Commercial Building. This guy made a special trip to the bathing city to take a shower because he was attending the meeting. It was also the first time he didn't find a girl. After taking a bath, he went to the commercial building to buy a suit. When I arrived at the Runyu Commercial Building in a car marked with the Minglida logo, I saw a handsome Yue Chen in a new dress. Together, at this moment Yue Chen was waiting eagerly for the 'old woman with two guns' to pick him up.

With a sound of 'squeak', the car stopped as soon as it was lit, Li Binger jumped out of the car skillfully, stood in front of the car, looked at Yue Chen with a dazed pretty face, her eyes fell on Yue Chen, as if she was very fond of him. Looking satisfied, he looked at Yue Chen with appreciative eyes for a while, as if he had just confirmed Yue Chen's identity, like an old friend reunited after a long absence, stretched out his pretty white and tender little hand, looked at Yue Chen and said, "You are... the lover of the thief? Wow , so handsome."

"Old woman with double guns... Your real person is much more beautiful than the video." Seeing Li Binger, a big beauty, Yue Chen's brains were full of joy, and this kind of wife's affair is more exciting than spending money to find a younger sister up.

"Yes, thank you for your support to our company. You are a local, and I hope you will take care of us in the future. Please, please, let's chat while walking on the road." Li Binger pretended to be enthusiastic, and the two chatted for a few words. Chen took the commercial car marked Minglida, talked and laughed, and got into the car, and the door opened with a bang.

The moment Yue Chen poked his head in, he saw a man sitting in the car, he thought it was Minglida's agent or something, and he was about to say hello when he was taken aback suddenly, Damn, this Isn't he the man in the photo with the beautiful girl behind him?Isn't he the husband of the old woman with two guns?Why is he here?

"Hello." Wu Jian greeted Yue Chen in a vicious manner, and even made a face at him. Yue Chen was taken aback, feeling the danger, but it was too late. Kicking Yue Chen's back with one foot, Yue Chen staggered, Wu Jian grinned, and stretched out his hand suddenly to drag Yue Chen in. Before he could yell out, suddenly a big hand struck at the back of the commercial vehicle. Come on, he chopped Yue Chen on the neck, and he fainted all of a sudden.

The movements of the three were only in the blink of an eye. Li Binger looked around, but the passers-by did not notice what happened in the car. She opened the door slowly, started with a bang, and drove away from the city. go……

"Ding: The host gains 30 points of aversion."

In the darkness, Yue Chen exhaled a long breath, then turned over, but he seemed to be restrained, unable to turn over at all, the steel bed being pulled creaked, and the pain in his neck made him wake up in a daze .

With a sound of 'pop', the lights turned on, and under the dim light, two figures wearing big masks appeared in Yue Chen's sleepy eyes, wearing big white coats, as if they were in a hospital.

Yue Chen opened his eyes in a daze, and the blurred image in front of him gradually became clear, and his consciousness gradually recovered. He remembered that he just bought a suit and was going to participate in the "Old Woman with Two Guns" netizen's competition. At the reception, I remember the moment when that beautiful and delicate face appeared in front of my eyes, which fascinated him, and then I still remember seeing the husband of the old woman with two guns when I got in the car. The person pushed from behind, and then lost consciousness when his neck hurt.

By the way, it was very strange at the time. Didn't the netizen change clothes?Why did he still wear the sportswear in the video when he was going to the reception, but he got into the car with a feverish mind.

Broken, hit!His mind suddenly cleared up, and many speculations flashed through his mind, kidnapping?blackmail?robbery?When I moved my body, I found that my arms were fixed. When I shook my head, I was shocked to find that my neck was also fixed. My mouth was blocked by some cloth, and a disgusting smell came from my mouth. Nausea, and what shocked him even more was that he found that he was naked with nothing on, his hands, feet and head were all fixed, and it hurt so badly that he could only lift his head up a few centimeters. I was lying on a movable bed.

It's over, it's a robbery, the robbery is clean enough, not even the underwear is left.

No, there seems to be something wrong. If it is a robbery, I have no money now, so I should find a place to throw myself down. What are those two skinny men in white coats doing?Yue Chen opened his eyes wide and looked at the two men who had not spoken the whole time. He found that one was counting a shiny scalpel, and the other was pumping liquid from a needle. Under the dim light, the man's eyeballs glowed faintly With gloved hands holding the needle tube against the light, a little unknown liquid shot out from the needle tube, and the man carefully placed the needle tube on the surgical tool rack, and began to work on other things , completely ignored Yue Chen who had woken up.This small space was surrounded by white cloth, and he suddenly thought of the most terrifying thing, and shivered all over his body.

(End of this chapter)

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