How bad guys are made

Chapter 135 The Terrified Yue Chen

Chapter 135 The Terrified Yue Chen

"Are you ready?" A slightly higher voice asked, with a low voice, because he was wearing a mask, listening to his words felt particularly eerie, holding a beaker-like container in his hand, floating in it An irregular organ, very scary.

When Yue Chen saw it, he thought of the worst possible outcome, and was so frightened that he almost passed out.

"Well, it's fine. He will be given a general anesthesia soon. This guy's body looks good and healthy." The other picked up a needle tube casually, and tapped the needle tube with a white gloved hand, As soon as he reached out his hand, he pulled a surgical tool rack from the bedside, with various scalpels on it.

Yue Chen was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, his mouth made a 'woo-woo' sound, and the struggling steel movable bed creaked.

Yue Chen's struggle caught the attention of the short and thin man, and he glanced at Yue Chen indifferently: "It seems that he didn't do it voluntarily."

"Where can we find so many volunteers? It's not because the people below have tricked them. I don't know where they got them from." The tall and thin man said casually.

"Why don't you let me try it out? Seeing how many times you've done it, I've learned about the same." The short and thin man said.

"You? You have only been here for a few months? Can you tell where the internal organs are? We are removing the kidneys, so don't remove the liver." The tall and thin man said uncertainly.

"Hey, my father is a butcher of pigs. Humans and pigs are the same. I can almost tell the difference. If you pick the wrong one, you can just press it."

"Well, I will give you all the money I get for the next three times, and you can let me try it out. If you learn it, I can help you when you get tired." Seeing that the tall and thin man still didn't want to, it seemed that he was afraid that he had learned it. Will steal his job, the short and thin man said quickly.

"Okay, be careful, don't pick the wrong one, I will guide you." The tall and thin man's eyes lit up, he thought for a while before agreeing.

The tall and thin man is Wen Dong, and the short and thin man is Wu Jian. At this time, these two people have already discovered that Yue Chen has woken up, and they are singing together to scare this guy.

"Woooo..." Because he was wearing a mask and Wen Dong deliberately lowered his voice when speaking, and Yue Chen was too scared, so naturally he didn't recognize that one of them was Wen Dong. Hearing the conversation between the two, Yue Chen was about to go crazy , the worst outcome is in sight, but Yue Chen never thought that he would be picked up by a pig butcher. More importantly, he was not a pig butcher. His father was the one who killed the pig. If you can't tell the difference between your organs, you need to perform surgery on yourself?Pick it up wrong and press it back?Nima, you thought this was playing Rubik's Cube, Yue Chen struggled crazily, making an indistinct sound, almost frightened to death.

At this time, the short and thin guy that the old man butchered the pig approached Yue Chen, looked at the terrified eyes, stretched out his hand and tore off the stinky socks on his mouth, and said indifferently: "Young man, don't blame us Ah, we’re just picking a kidney, and we’ll give you 1 yuan when it’s done, and we mean what we say.”

"Don't be afraid, I will give you a general anesthesia. You won't feel anything when you take it off. It's like falling asleep. At most, it's not very easy to use when you're in bed with a woman, but it can be used, hehe— —" The short and thin man comforted with a smile. The sound of the laugh was scary. He turned around and put the container on the operating rack. There were already four or five bloody ones there. It won’t be picked wrong, just pick it like this.” The short and thin man looked at the bloody organs in the container and said.

"Well, a person has two kidneys. Don't take them all out. If you take them all out, you will die."

"Don't worry." The short and thin man nodded.

It's over!Being abducted and sold to a human organ business, Yue Chen was so cold that he didn't know what to say. Fortunately, after experiencing some storms, his lips trembled and he said quickly: "Wait, don't... don't operate on me Ah, I have money, I will give you money, how much can you sell this kidney? I will give you double, no, triple!"

"If you give us money, we don't know how to knitting, even if it's ten times the amount, young man, you can accept your fate when you get here. We just picked a kidney, and we won't kill you. Go to sleep quickly. It will be fine when you wake up." The short and thin man was unmoved, and seemed to comfort him kindly.

sleep?Sleep ass!Yue Chen was really going crazy.

"Really, I didn't lie to you. I have a lot of money. It's on me. It's stored in the card. I can tell you the password, and you can withdraw it at any time." Yue Chen said anxiously, his voice trembling with fright, and picked one. Kidney, it might as well kill him directly.

"Oh?" At this time, the tall and thin man looked at Yue Chen suspiciously. He seemed to be tempted. He rummaged on the ground and picked up a wallet. It was Yue Chen's wallet. He saw that there were six cards in it. asked, "Which one?"

"There are all of them. The minimum is a few thousand yuan, the maximum is 20 yuan, and the total is 30 yuan." Yue Chen opened his mouth and said all the different names of the card, password, and account opening.

real or fake?The short and thin man seemed to be tempted. Looking at the tall and thin companion, his eyes flashed greedily, and he asked him, "How about we try? This kidney can be sold for less than 10 yuan."

"No, what if this guy lied to us? What if he turned around and called the police?" The tall and thin man was obviously very cautious, and he shook his head in denial after thinking about it.

"That's right, more than half of the accounts in these cards are not in your name. How could you be injured? You still have so much money. Did you lie to us?" The short and thin man took out the ID card in the wallet and looked at it. He looked up at Yue Chen and said.

Yue Chen said eagerly: "No, no, I didn't lie to you, the money was given to me by my boss, and I have a lot of bosses. If I work for them, they will give me money. They are all from Water City. A person with a head and a face... two brothers, let me go, and the money belongs to you."

"No way... are you arresting someone from the Black Society?" The short and thin guy was startled and nervous.

The tall and thin guy also seemed to be scared for a while, but this guy seemed a bit bolder, so he just kept on doing nothing, with a sinister light in his eyes: "What are you afraid of, the big deal is that both of his kidneys will be taken out, and the corpse will be found. Just throw it away, and the two kidneys can still sell for 20."

ah! ?It had the opposite effect, the tall and thin man sprayed alcohol and started to disinfect, and the short and thin man cooperatively picked up a needle to administer anesthesia, Yue Chen was so frightened that he lost control of his urine, and hurriedly begged: "Brother, don't pick my kidney... It's not black and white, I just work and run errands."

"Fuck your mother, who are you lying to, you wage earners can earn so much money? Then why do I risk going to jail for this job?" man.

"No, I'm working for my boss. My boss is very powerful, especially the current boss."

"Who the hell are you frightening? No matter how awesome your boss is, it's useless. His little brother will be fucked by us anyway. Damn, threaten us. Tell you, I used to stay in a hospital because the boss bullied me. Me, I was dragged here to have my kidney removed, mother, come and tell me who your boss is? I went to remove his kidney as well." The tall and thin guy rolled up his sleeves and looked very angry, completely stunned Green appearance.

"No, no, I mean he is very rich... Don't touch me, how much money do you want, I will find a way to give it to you right away, 50, 80... I can use my mobile phone to transfer it to you directly."

Stopped, their hands stopped again, Yue Chen felt more scared than walking before the gate of hell.The two were stunned for a moment, they took the kidney for money, and it seems that the method of throwing money at it is quite effective.

The short and thin man leaned up to look at him again, and asked in disbelief: "Impossible, the people below actually cheated a rich master?"

"What the hell are you doing? Boy, be honest with me. I really can't tell. We don't need your kidney anymore. In order to avoid trouble, we will directly kill you." Said.

Yue Chen shuddered again. He knew that this kind of person was hiding very mysteriously. After all, being caught selling human organs was similar to drug trafficking crimes. These people were even more ruthless than drug dealers. He settled down and said carefully : "I... I am also a gangster on the road. I just played a little trouble, and I also made some money."

"What the hell are you doing?" The short and thin man seemed impatient, the scalpel dangling in his hand, and he was about to cut it.

"Plagiarized." Yue Chen finally couldn't hold back and said it.

"Plagiarized? Isn't that a thief? You still plagiarized, why are you talking so foreignly!?" The short and thin man cursed dissatisfiedly, and then asked in disbelief: "How can a thief make so much money? Liar."

"Brother, I've been fooled by you, and I admit it... My current boss has a lot of money, please let me go, I will contact him immediately, and I can transfer the money into your account immediately." Yue Chen thought of Liu Jiancheng, this guy made so much money with the design he stole, it should be no problem for him to ask for hundreds of thousands more now, if this matter leaked out, Liu Jiancheng's loss would not be 01:30 point.

Hearing Yue Chen's affirmative tone, the two were stunned for a moment, then looked at Yue Chen again, and the short and thin man asked the tall and thin man, "Do you believe it?"

"It doesn't look like it." The tall and thin man glanced at Yue Chen, shook his head and still didn't believe it.

The two leaned close to Yue Chen's face, and the tall and thin guy asked, "Just open your mouth and give us 50... What does your boss do? How much money did you steal?"

"At least tens of millions." Yue Chen said.

"Cut!" The short and thin man stretched out his middle finger in disbelief.

"Ha... You're scaring us that we haven't seen the money, are you?" The tall and thin guy said angrily.

"What I stole is not money, but a design that can make a lot of money...Really, I can't tell, the watch I am wearing is a gift from my boss, and someone who casually takes it out to see the goods Seeing that I can buy you for at least [-] yuan." Yue Chen slowly began to calm down, he saw the weakness of these two people.

(End of this chapter)

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