How bad guys are made

Chapter 136: Both civil and martial arts are invincible

Chapter 136: Both civil and martial arts are invincible

Hearing this, the short and thin guy got short, picked up Yue Chen's things, picked up the watch and put it on his hand and shook it: "Yeah, it looks like it's quite valuable."

"Hey, look at this guy. He looks crooked. He looks like a man who has made a lot of money. There are thousands of dollars in this wallet." The tall and thin guy flipped through Yue Chen's wallet and began to put money into his pocket Put money in it.

"Hey, save some for me." The short and thin man looked at the brightly red stack of banknotes, with greed in his eyes, and grabbed several of them.

"You guys let me go, I promise to sell more than picking one of my kidneys... It's safe, how do you want to get the money? I can use mobile banking to transfer it to you now. If it is not enough, I will tell my boss to transfer it to you." Some, soon..." Yue Chen looked at the eyes of the two people when they saw Qian, as if they had grasped a life-saving straw, and seduced the two of them. At this point, he also recognized it and couldn't care about money anymore.

"Hey, don't worry, you can't run away anyway." The tall and thin guy seemed to be happy to see Lie Xin, and he came up to him, with a strange smile on his mouth, and a greedy light in his eyes, and asked him: "Did you really steal tens of millions?" ? Why is it so valuable?”

"Well, I won't lie to you, it's just a design." Yue Chen nodded heavily.

"How did you steal it? Why do I feel that what you said seems to be easier than robbing a bank? You can't be fooled by us, right?" The tall and thin guy threatened, and his tone seemed a little suspicious.

"It's not difficult, the boss asked me to do it. I went to someone else's company to steal a design, and then before the other party's design was released, my boss took my stolen design and listed it in his own company in advance. Earn tens of millions." Yue Chen explained quickly.

The two were stunned for a while, and the tall and thin man asked in astonishment: "Do you believe it?"

"It's a lie. According to you, this design is worth at least tens of millions. Their company is stupid. They won't be careful. They just stole it like that?" The short and thin man shook his head and asked.

"Brother really, how dare I lie to you, I really didn't lie to you." Yue Chen anxiously explained.

"So dragging?" The short and thin man couldn't believe it.

"That's right, you have done tens of millions of plagiarism cases, it's impossible not to report it, why haven't I heard of it." The tall and thin guy is also a little strange.

"Why didn't you report it? Do you know about Lanyun, a big company? It's one of the top 30 companies in the country. You can check it online. Recently, Lanyun's new clothing company is involved in a case of clothing design plagiarism. Do you know who did it? It's me." Yue Chen said triumphantly, he seemed to be taken aback by the two, probably these people don't pay attention to these things, knowing that it's useless to say these things, he said eagerly: "Really Yes, I was responsible for the clothing design plagiarism case of Lanyun Company in Shuicheng City. The boss gave me 2 yuan directly... Two big brothers, if you don’t believe me, I can transfer it to you right away. Use mobile banking, It will arrive in [-] minutes."

Hearing this, the two of them looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes. It doesn't take much, these few words alone are enough for Yue Chen to squat for a few years.

"Hey, I heard you say it's so easy to make money, it makes us lose face." The short and thin guy didn't seem to believe it.

"I think this is a bit too watery. Is the company an idiot? They stole it so easily? Could it be to scare us from making a move?" The tall and thin guy was a little skeptical, and asked as if asking for proof: "You guys? It’s really all right after making tens of millions of people?”

"What happened? How can there be any problems? Do you know that my boss not only made tens of millions of dollars from other people's designs, but also sued other people's companies for plagiarizing his designs afterwards? It's really nothing wrong." Yue Chen bragged road.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, first collect the money and then talk." The short and thin man said eagerly.

"They only gave you 30 yuan after making tens of millions? This shit is too dark... Hey, brother, what's your boss' name?" Unknowingly, the tall and thin guy has become a brother and brother with Yue Chen. It seems true that money can turn ghosts around.

"What are you doing?" Yue Chen glanced at Wen Dong warily.

"What are you doing? Of course we are afraid that you will scare us. We don't even know who your boss is. What do you do if you want to name it casually? Naturally, we have to look it up."

"Liu Jiancheng." Yue Chen said.

"Liu Jiancheng? This name sounds familiar, where did I hear it?" Wen Dong asked in confusion, tilting his head.

"Of course I'm familiar with him. He is the president of Yingsa Group in Water City, and he is my boss."

"President, isn't that very rich? How much can he give us?" Wen Dong asked with bright eyes.

"It must be hundreds of thousands." Yue Chen saw the opportunity, and his words grew louder.

"Don't brag, try to transfer a sum of money first." Wen Dong was blunt.Take Yue Chen's card and mobile phone, let him say the number and password to start transferring money, this is really easy enough, and after a while, there will be a text message prompting the amount to be transferred.Wen Dong picked up his mobile phone and saw that 30 from Yue Chen plus 20 from Liu Jiancheng had arrived in the account, a total of 50, and he was immediately happy.The moment the money was in his hands, Yue Chen noticed that the two of them were more relaxed. Even the scalpel in their hands was thrown aside, and the surgical frame was pushed aside casually. It was obvious that there was no need for surgery. He muttered again in a low voice.

"Ding: The host is blackmailing, gaining 80 disgust points."

In the blink of an eye, the short and thin people came up again, smiling, and looked at Yue Chen with a more polite look: "Hey, brother, I'm so disrespectful, what kind of city is that Liu? I just called 20 without saying anything, can you give me some more?"

"You..." Yue Chen looked strangely at the polite expression of the short and thin man, wondering why he said that.

Unexpectedly, the tall and thin guy immediately said: "You'd better tell us honestly, originally we were going to earn hundreds of thousands, and seeing how straightforward your boss is, there is no one who can't beat a hundred thousand or eight million."

Damn it... Yue Chen's face twisted in pain, begging: "Brother, you guys are too immoral. I already gave you 50 yuan. Do you want more? Can't be so dark?"

"How can you mess around if you're not black these days? Are you a gangster? Your big boss is actually the president of a big company. It's a pity that you let go of 50 yuan." The tall and thin guy said, his eyes were green. He glanced back and forth at Yue Chen, extremely greedy.

"My boss is rich. Although he made so much money this time, it was all the money the boss made from selling clothes with other people's designs. Besides, I am just a part-time worker. He has already given me the money. I just asked for it again." 20, this is already the limit, and I’m afraid it won’t work any more.”

"Fart, you have made so much money for your boss, he must give you at least 100 million, hurry up, call your boss and ask for another 50, 100 million round up." Wen Dong urged angrily.

"Brother, don't force me. I'm just a little pony running errands. This 50 is already the limit." Yue Chen said with a sad face. It was planted. I thought that as soon as I got out, I would ask Liu Jiancheng for more than 20 yuan, and I guess he would give it to me, but Yuechen never expected that these two skinny people would be so greedy. , This is the rhythm of really wanting to squeeze myself dry.

"Don't beat me down, anyway, the money is already in my hand, I'm just idle, I can still sell a kidney for 10 yuan, thin monkey, give him anesthesia." The surgical frame pushed aside was about to give Yue Chen a knife.

Damn, do you still want to be shameless? !When Yue Chen heard this, he almost fainted from anger. The 50 was given to him for nothing.

"Don't, brother, see if we can discuss it with him again." The short and thin guy obviously couldn't let go of the 50, and said unwillingly.

"Discuss what, don't you realize that people are determined to ask for money and don't want kidneys? It's okay, we are selling kidneys, and he doesn't want us." Wen Dong rolled up his sleeves angrily, and took the needle The child was about to stab Yue Chen's body.

"Don't, don't...don't, I said, I'll call, I'll call my dad and ask for another 50." Yue Chen said sharply, looking at the glowing iron needle, he was extremely scared.

"Yue Chen, what's the matter with you? Didn't I just call you 20? Why do you need 50?" Liu Jiancheng on the other side of the phone said angrily.

"Hey, Boss, I was stumped too. I went to a nightclub to meet a young woman last night. I didn't know that her husband was so powerful. If he was caught, he would hack me to death. He asked for money. If I gave the money, I would hack me twice." One hand, if I'm really useless, I can only rely on you for the rest of my life, I can't trouble you like this, can I?" Yue Chen made up nonsense to Liu Jiancheng with a mournful face.

Wen Dong on the side looked at Yue Chen in shock, this guy really buried his talent if he didn't become an actor.

"I've already given you your money, what do you care about me for the rest of your life!?"

"Boss, I know I was wrong, just help me, I stole Lanyun's design for you, I..."

"Shut up! Tell me! How much do you want!?"


The conversation between Yue Chen and Liu Jiancheng was recorded verbatim by Wen Dong, but what made him regret was that when Yue Chen talked about stealing Lanyun's design, Liu Jiancheng didn't answer the call, let alone admit it. But just this phone recording plus Yue Chen's confession is enough for Liu Jiancheng to drink a pot. It would be great if there is some other evidence.

"By the way, how did you steal Lan Yun's costume design? It's so simple?" Wen Dong asked curiously.

"There are many ways, brother, why do you ask this?"

"That's right, I've got all the money, why ask these things." Just now, the 50 yuan was transferred to Wu Jian's card, and he had never seen so much money in his life, and this guy was so happy that he didn't know where he was going.

(End of this chapter)

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