How bad guys are made

Chapter 141 The Beautiful Landlord Is Hungry Again

Chapter 141 The Beautiful Landlord Is Hungry Again

"I know." Although he and Wu Jian had already thought about how to deal with Liu Jiancheng, Wen Dong didn't want to tell Zhang Hanhan, because what happened today was too big. Whether the broken Liu Jiancheng can still participate is still a matter of debate.

What happened tonight was not too big, it was too scary.

Liu Jiancheng's dinner this time was a complete sensation, and it was many times stronger than the sensational effect planned before.Of course, the cause of the sensation was not the luxury of Liu Jiancheng's birthday dinner itself, but the woman who made a move on Liu Jiancheng at the dinner party!

The mistress boss who claims to be the most beautiful and richest in Shuicheng actually beat Liu Jiancheng at Liu Jiancheng's dinner party, and beat him hard!First he splashed wine, and then he kicked his crotch with his feet!
Such a vicious move is almost fatal to a man, but for some reason, no one thinks there is anything wrong with this beautiful woman beating someone.Maybe it's because this beautiful mistress is too beautiful, maybe it's because the woman's identity and background are too big, or maybe it's because the gossip information that makes people think about it has already surpassed the matter of beating someone.

Why did that beautiful mistress boss with a sensitive identity brazenly attack Liu Jiancheng in front of so many people regardless of his image? ?
This is the focus of everyone's attention!
Is it because of emotional entanglements?
Some people guess that Liu Jiancheng and Zhang Hanhan have known each other for a long time, because Liu Jiancheng used to be an employee of Zhang Hanhan's Lanyun, and Liu Jiancheng has been chasing Zhang Hanhan, but then Liu Jiancheng left, and after being next to a rich woman, he became the CEO of Yingsa. return.And Zhang Hanhan became the mistress of the director of Lanyun in a fit of anger. This was an emotional entanglement many years ago, and just before the plagiarism incident caused by Lanyun and Yingsa, Zhang Hanhan made a move in anger, no, it was a move!
Is it because of financial problems?
Some people say that in this plagiarism incident, no one can tell which company's designer designed the design, but the company of this beautiful mistress lost tens of millions because of this, and most of the public opinion has a negative impact on Lan Yun , now the entire Lanyun New Clothing Company is facing bankruptcy.

Everyone was full of doubts, why this city mistress hit Liu Jiancheng, and Liu Jiancheng and Zhang Hanhan, who had the most say at this time, kept silent after the dinner.Sometimes explaining is more exciting than not explaining, because it can give them more room to imagine and guess the cause and effect of this incident.

I drove all the way to the Lanyun Building. Although most of the employees had left work after [-]:[-] p.m., the front of the Lanyun Building was full of reporters. It was expected that Zhang Hanhan came to stop Zhang Hanhan from asking about the excavation situation after hearing the news.Wendong turned a corner and went directly to the underground garage, and Zhang Hanhan also took the president's special elevator directly to the third is from the president's office, as if nothing happened, but before leaving, he specially asked Wendong to let him Be sure to make a dress design tonight.

"This woman is really a workaholic." Seeing that Zhang Hanhan had to work overtime at such a late hour, Wen Dong shook his head and walked into the elevator.

"Xiaojie, bring me a bottle of Coke." Wendong returned to his office, turned on the computer to prepare clothes design, Wendong stared at the computer intently, and began to conceive imagination in his mind and said casually.

After waiting for a long time, the office was still empty and no one made a sound. Wen Dong was taken aback, and looked up at the deserted office. Then he remembered that Xiao Jie had been pissed off because of the matter with He Qing before, and he had been busy these two days. Looking for evidence, I don't know where she went. Did she go to another department or resign directly?
Thinking of this, Wendong became a little worried. He took out his mobile phone to find Sun Xiaojie's number. He was about to click on the call when his hand stopped suddenly.

"Forget it, let's talk about Liu Jiancheng's matter." Wen Dong was a little annoyed, and didn't have much thought about making any designs. Just as he put down the phone, the phone rang again.

"Huh? Why is this guy calling me? I wonder if I'm not in a good mood right now?" Wen Dong picked up the phone and looked, it was Xu Zihan's number.

"Why?" Wen Dong couldn't help but get angry when he thought that the stewed ribs that day had been eaten by this little pump mother for more than half, and when he answered the phone, Wen Dong said angrily.

"Where are you? I'm hungry." Xu Zihan said directly, speaking with an orderly tone.

"Why are you looking for me when you're hungry? I'm your nanny, go find your sister." Wen Dong rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"My sister doesn't know how to cook, but the clear water ribs you made are delicious, and I still want to eat them. If you cook for me, I'll tell my sister to give you a rent reduction or exemption."

"Shit, I don't need this little money, I don't want to go, I'm busy, I'll hang up if I have nothing to do."

"Don't, my sister doesn't want to go out. She asked me to go out and buy some, and I don't want to go out either."

"If you don't want to go out, you will be hungry!"

"Wendong, don't touch your face. Auntie, I'll tell you so easily. Don't think I'm begging you. Come or not. Believe it or not, Auntie will go to your room and set fire to you." It's gone!" After saying a few words, Wen Dong didn't buy it at all, Xu Zihan immediately lost his patience, and threatened angrily.

"Burn it, burn it, anyway, it's your house, and I don't have anything valuable there, so you just burn the whole building down, and see if your sister doesn't beat you to death."

"You—huh, okay, I won't burn the house, I'll burn your stuff, hehe, can you come or not?" Xu Zihan was choked up, and suddenly his small eyes flashed to think of other houses, and his voice was sinister and cunning Said.

"You dare! If you dare to burn, I will take your surname unless I slap your butt swollen." Hearing this, Wendong was startled and threatened angrily.

"Then are you coming!?"

"Don't come." Wendong slapped the table and got angry, so he would bother others to threaten him. If the girl begged himself well, he might agree as soon as he was happy. This kind of threat, Wendong would not take this kind of thing.

"Come on, my sister said I'm hungry too, I'll wait for you at home with my sister." Seeing that Wendong was really angry, why not come, Xu Zihan hadn't eaten for a day, and his stomach was growling hungry, thinking of the clear water ribs he ate that day , She didn't have much appetite for the dishes cooked in restaurants outside, so she couldn't help but compromise, and even brought out her sister. This ghost still remembered that Wen Dong seemed to be afraid of her sister.

"Oh? Your sister is hungry too." Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, then he remembered that he just patronized Xu Zihan to get angry with her. She didn't eat, so the beautiful landlord must have neither.

"That's right, my sister is also hungry, she said she wants to eat the meal you cooked." Seeing what was going on, Xu Zihan put his calf on the sofa, glanced at his sister who was changing clothes in the bedroom and was about to go out for dinner, and spoke to the phone with a smile Said.

"Then... that's fine." Wen Dong hesitated for a moment. He hasn't eaten yet. He originally went to some dinner party with Zhang Hanhan to save his stomach for delicious food. He didn't expect Zhang Hanhan to come up with such a trick. Now I'm hungry too, so it's cheaper for this girl, Wen Dong also compromised, and made such an excuse for himself in his heart.

"Okay! My sister and I are waiting for you at home."

"I drove straight home. There is a small supermarket in the community. Buy what you want to eat first, and I won't buy it. I still have things to do after eating."

"Okay, I'll go out and buy it now." The glutton in his stomach was making trouble, Xu Zihan knew that Wendong was trying to save face, but he was really hungry, so Xu Zihan agreed after thinking about it.

"Who told you that I want to eat his cooking?" Li Ningyan, who had already put on a tight and sexy black leather jacket, walked out of the bedroom, watched Xu Zihan happily put down the phone, frowned, and said in a cold tone.

"Could it be that the food that guy cooks isn't delicious?" My sister always spoke like this, and Xu Zihan was already used to it.

"Delicious." Li Ningyan thought for a while and said.

"Then do you still want to eat?" Xu Zihan asked seductively.

"Think." Li Ningyan was stunned for a moment, but she was so straight that she didn't know how to turn. Compared with the dishes in restaurants, the food cooked by Wendong was indeed much more delicious.

"That's it, let's go out to buy vegetables, that guy will be here in a while." Xu Zihan jumped off the sofa, put on a big slipper on his clean little feet and jumped in front of Li Ningyan and said.

"I don't want to go out, you go out and buy it yourself." It's still very hot outside, Li Ningyan doesn't want to go out, even if it's only in the community.

"Don't, I'm so hungry now that my belly is sticking to my back, and I have no strength in my body. What if I meet a bad person, you can come with me. We haven't gone out for a walk for a long time. It's just a few steps. You can buy it in the community." Xu Zihan's pitiful little hand grabbed Li Ningyan's arm, shaking it coquettishly.

"Okay." Li Ningyan agreed after thinking about it, which shows that she still dotes on this younger sister very much.

Two beauties, one big and one small, went to a small living supermarket in the community, and immediately attracted the attention of a large group of men. Even the lady proprietress of the supermarket couldn't help but look at them a few more times. The realm of killing, it can be seen how eye-catching this landscape is.

"Buy this, buy this." Xu Zihan intentionally treated Wendong as a labor force, and bought all kinds of dishes in the small supermarket, pointing with her bouncing little finger, and Li Ningyan, who followed her, was indifferent and speechless Holding vegetables in a plastic bag with big hands, she doesn't know how to pick and choose. In ten minutes, Li Ningyan's hands were already full of three plastic bags of vegetables, which made the few who came to buy vegetables with her daughter-in-law The man was shocked, looking at the sexy and slender figures of the two women, could they eat so much?Feed the pigs! ?

"By the way, there are also ribs. Buy a half-pound and stew them all tonight." Walking to the refrigerator behind the shelf, Xu Zihan said domineeringly with his little fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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