How bad guys are made

Chapter 142 The Strangeness of the Beautiful Landlord

Chapter 142 The Strangeness of the Beautiful Landlord
"Have you bought so much food?" Li Ningyan frowned and said, remembering that when she bought pork ribs last time, she only bought two catties and ate it for a day, but now her sister wants ten catties.

"Enough to eat, this time we will have enough stew for a day, and put the rest in the refrigerator. In case that guy asks us to buy vegetables next time, we can take them out directly, and we have to run down to buy them to save money." It's gone." Xu Zihan's pair of sparkling eyes shone brightly, thinking about something.

"Okay." Intuition told her that she didn't want to see Wendong again, but she couldn't bear to let her sister go hungry with her. Since her sister likes it, then let her go.

So, Li Ningyan tore off three rectangular plastic bags and opened them indifferently, Xu Zihan started to put the ribs in the plastic bag with iron clips in his little hand with an excited face.

"Hey, hey, that guy, come here and pick it up, I'm exhausted." Two beauties, one big and one small, walked out under everyone's shocked eyes, each carrying a few plastic bags filled with various vegetables. In the small supermarket, as soon as he walked to the door of the unit, the sharp-eyed Xu Zihan noticed that Wen Dong who had just parked his car came slowly, and hurriedly said.

"Damn it, why did you buy so much?" Wen Dong looked up, and was frightened by the scene in front of him, turned around and ran away, if all the dishes in the hands of these two beauties were cooked, twenty or thirty people would eat them No, these two sisters just came out of the refugee camp, haven't they seen meat and vegetables?
Although he was shocked in his heart, Wen Dong hurried up to meet him. Xu Zihan, who was complaining endlessly, felt excited when he saw this. She was stunned for a moment, and she turned her head to find that Wen Dong was taking the vegetables from her sister's hand with a mean smile on his face, Xu Zihan was so angry that he raised the ribs in his hand and put them on the guy's head. He was so angry in his heart, and at the same time there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, this guy also wanted to fuck his sister?Don't piss to take care of your own virtues, hum.

"Why do you buy so many vegetables?" Thinking of Li Ningyan's glance at you just now when he was picking up the vegetables, his eyes seemed not so cold anymore. Wendong felt that things had turned around, and happily looked sideways at the one obediently following behind him. Said the two beauties, one big and one small.

"Of course I ate it. You cooked all these dishes tonight." Xu Zihan took the conversation and said angrily, how could he be a beautiful woman? Is this guy blind?How dare you ignore yourself.

"With your small body, you can eat all of it." Wen Dong turned his head and realized that Xu Zihan was angry, and suddenly remembered that he had to reconcile with the beautiful landlord. This annoying girl is very important. The beautiful landlady had two more plastic bags in her hands, probably to help Xu Zihan share the burden. I didn't expect the beautiful landlady to spoil this nasty girl so much, and wanted to reconcile with her. It seemed like a curve to save the country, so he quickly took it from Xu Zihan's hand with a smile. The vegetable said: "Come on, I'll hold it for you, and give me yours too." Taking the vegetable from Xu Zihan's hand, Wendong said to Li Ningyan who had been silent all this time.

"No need." Seeing that Wen Dong almost filled a plastic bag with one finger, Li Ningyan shook her head and rejected Wen Dong's hospitality.

"Hmph, it's not too bad." Xu Zihan immediately felt a lot more relaxed after emptying his hands. He pursed his mouth and glanced at Wen Dong, who seemed to be pleasing to the eye again.

"What do you want to eat, pick it out and I'll make it for you." Putting all kinds of dishes on the door of the kitchen freezer, Wen Dong looked at the two with a long sigh of relief and said.

"This one, and ribs." Li Ningyan pointed to the potatoes and said, she remembered that the potato shreds made by Wendong were delicious.

"I'm not picky about food, so you can cook whatever you want, at least four dishes and one soup." Seeing Wendong's attitude is so good, Xu Zihan didn't bother to make things difficult for him, and clapped his little hands and said, "I'm exhausted, I Go take a shower." After saying that, he bounced into the bedroom, ran out after a while, and went into the bathroom with a nightgown in his hand.

Li Ningyan glanced at Wendong, turned around and walked towards the living room without saying a word.

"Hoo--" Looking up at the familiar layout of the kitchen, Wen Dong let out a breath, feeling very good for some reason. It's a good start, Wendong doesn't know why he is in such a comfortable mood, maybe it's the cheap nature of men.

Wendong looked down at the vegetables all over the place, thinking about how to cook a sumptuous dinner, as long as these two beauties are happy to eat, I am afraid that they will not find him again.

"Wow..." Wendong was picking out the uncooked vegetables and putting them into the room temperature cabinet. A familiar voice sounded in the living room. Wendong looked sideways and found that the beautiful landlady was standing in front of the TV cabinet holding a medicine bottle and pouring out Put a few pills in your mouth.

After taking the medicine, the beautiful landlady seemed to sense that someone was looking at her, she turned her head slightly and looked at Wen Dong, then looked away indifferently, put the medicine bottle carefully in the cabinet, turned and walked to the bedroom.

Wendong opened his mouth, hesitant to speak, full of doubts but he didn't know how to ask her, this killer is really weird, he doesn't go out all day when he has nothing to do, the temperature in the room is so cold, as long as he sees hot I have to take medicine, and sometimes I become mentally disturbed, as if I have been fed aphrodisiacs, but it is not an aphrodisiac, because aphrodisiacs are time-sensitive. What kind of disease is this?

Wen Dong wanted to ask, but he didn't dare, for fear that this moody woman would be angry and kill herself. Besides, even if she couldn't kill herself, she wouldn't tell herself.Wen Dong shook his head, thinking about finding a chance to ask again when the relationship with this woman is better in the future.


"Hey, what's the matter? Oh, Orange Years, right, um, I heard from you, I wanted to go a long time ago, ok, I'll go there in a while, um, wait for me." Just finished eating, the table Xu Zihan's cell phone rang suddenly, and Xu Zihan answered the phone with a smile.

"Sister, I have a good classmate's birthday tonight. I heard that Orange Years has a singer who sings very well. You should go to the party too." Xu Zihan put down his phone and said to Li Ningyan with a happy face.

"No, you go." Although Li Ningyan doted on Xu Zihan, she never turned a corner when she spoke, she shook her head and refused directly.

"Oh, that's fine." Xu Zihan knew that his sister didn't like to meet strangers, so he didn't act coquettishly and begged again, nodded his head, put on his slippers and trotted into the bedroom.

"I should go too. I have something to do tonight." Wen Dong also got up and said that he would go back to the company to design new clothes tonight.

"Do you have Zhang Sanbai's phone number?" Li Ningyan said suddenly at this moment.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Wen Dong turned his head and looked at the beautiful landlord suspiciously.

"Call him and tell him that Zihan is going to Orange Years soon."

"Well, I see." Wen Dong was stunned for a moment and suddenly understood, probably the beautiful landlady was worried about Xu Zihan alone, and asked that Zhang Sanbai to find someone to watch her.

"Hey, so who, wait for me." Just as Wen Dong was about to leave, Xu Zihan, who was wearing a white nightgown just now, resumed her previous goblin dress, with a pair of black stilettos on her exquisite little feet, her face A simple layer of light makeup was applied, and the high-heeled shoes clattered on the ground and said to Wendong.

"What, who, don't you know my name?" Wen Dong turned his head and glared at the girl angrily, and said angrily.

"Wendong, hehe, then what, don't you want to go out, take me to Orange Years first." Xu Zihan stood in front of Wendong and said with a smile.

"I'm not on the way, you can take a taxi by yourself." This little girl doesn't know how to respect her elders, so she should call Brother Wendong no matter what.

"It's so late, you take her there." At this moment, Li Ningyan said suddenly.

"Okay." Wen Dong glanced sideways at the beautiful landlord, knowing that she was worried about this unscrupulous sister, so he reluctantly agreed.

"Thank you..." Seeing Wendong agree, Xu Zihan smiled triumphantly. Although he thanked him, his tone was not thankful at all, and he curled his lips at Wendong provocatively.

Grandma, Wen Dong scolded angrily in his heart, although the relationship with the beautiful landlord has eased because of this girl, but this girl is too annoying, Wen Dong's teeth itch with anger.

"Go home as soon as you play for two hours, don't worry your sister." Wen Dong sent Xu Zihan to the door of Orange Age Entertainment Club and instructed.

"Okay, okay, hurry up, annoying uncle." Xu Zihan waved his little hands impatiently as if chasing away flies, but when he said the words, Wen Dong, who had just turned around to leave, staggered, turning his head slightly He glared at the girl angrily, "You're his grandma, I'm giving you away for nothing. When did I become an uncle?"

Seeing that Xu Zihan ignored him and skipped into the Orange Age entertainment club, Wen Dong didn't bother to get angry with her, turned around and walked to the car.

Xu Zihan walked around the corner and looked at Wendong's back with his mouth curled. Uncle, he still wants to chase my sister. The car he drives is my sister's. It's no wonder that my sister would like you, hum!
"Oh! You don't have eyes when you walk." Just as Wen Dong sent this annoying girl away, before Wen Dong got into the car, suddenly a black shadow bumped into him head-on, and Wen Dong was directly hit by two big meat buns. Staggering, before Wendong got angry, your woman scolded first.

Wendong is so angry, Nima is really unlucky. Drinking cold water makes my teeth clogged. You hit me, okay? I haven't started scolding yet, but you started scolding first. Wendong doesn't care if the other party is right or not. The woman opened her mouth and scolded: "You fucking... Huh? Cheng Yanan?" But before he could utter the curse, Wen Dong froze for a moment when he saw the woman who bumped into him. Wasn't this the woman who was almost fucked by a group of hooligans that night? Model Cheng Yanan?

"Huh? Wendong? Why are you here? Did you find Xiaoxi?" Cheng Yanan was also taken aback, looked up at him in shock and doubt and said.

(End of this chapter)

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