How bad guys are made

Chapter 143 Song and Dance Girl·Lin Xiaoxi

Chapter 143 Song and Dance Girl·Lin Xiaoxi
"Xiaoxi? What Xiaoxi?" Wen Dong was taken aback by Cheng Yanan's nonsensical words.

"En? Didn't you see Xiaoxi when you came to Orange Years? Didn't she come to work today?" Cheng Yanan asked suspiciously, and suddenly became anxious, muttering: "It's over, it's over, Xiaoxi won't really do it It's silly."

"Orange Years? I didn't go in. Eh...? You said Lin Xiaoxi works here?" Wen Dong didn't hear Cheng Yanan's muttering clearly, and suddenly looked at Cheng Yanan in shock and said.

"Forget it, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to find her, it's over if I'm late." Seeing Wen Dong's silly and ignorant ass, Cheng Yanan didn't bother to explain to him, mumbling nonsense The words are not far from Wendong, just drill into the orange years.

"Hey, hello, you haven't made it clear yet, what happened to Lin Xiaoxi?" Seeing Cheng Yanan's anxious look, he instinctively told him that Lin Xiaoxi seemed to have encountered some difficulties. Lin Xiaoxi was in trouble, if she could help, she would not let it go, she stretched out her hand and pulled Cheng Yanan back and asked.

"What's the matter, you have nothing to do here, where should you go..." Cheng Yanan shook off Wen Dong's hand, and was about to drill in again, when she suddenly remembered something, turned around and said to Wen Dong: "Yes Don't you keep saying that you want to make up for your mistakes? If Xiaoxi is in trouble, will you help her?"

"Of course, the premise is that it is within my ability." Wen Dong nodded quickly, but he is not stupid, he knows his own weight, seeing Cheng Yanan's anxious appearance, it is estimated that Lin Xiaoxi has encountered a lot of trouble.

"I know you men are unreliable, and everything you say is bullshit, but someone is better than no one, Xiaoxi works here, you help me find her." Cheng Yanan scolded disdainfully, but Wendong is also a man anyway. A man, and Cheng Yanan remembered that this guy was still good at fighting, maybe he would really need his help later, so he didn't explain much, took Wen Dong's arm and walked into the orange age.

"Hey, hello! You haven't told me what kind of trouble Lin Xiaoxi is in. I'll be ready if you tell me." Wen Dong was dragged into Orange Years by Cheng Yanan, muttering in dissatisfaction.

Wen Dong was inexplicably dragged into the Orange Age by Cheng Yanan. It was just after nine o'clock in the evening, and the nightlife had just kicked off, and many people in the clubhouse had already come to play.

Orange Age is a well-known entertainment club nearby, but because of its remote location, there are not many rich people who come to play. They are usually white-collar workers or students around, so although Orange Age is large, it is not Membership system, as long as you have money, you can go in and spend.

And because of this, there are all kinds of goods here, but the strange thing is that there are very few bad phenomena such as fights and fights here. According to rumors, this is the territory of the three giants Zhang Sanbai, so there is no gangster who gets tired of it. Dare to make trouble here.

Orange Age has four floors, plus the disco on the basement level, there are a total of five floors. It can definitely be called a large-scale entertainment club. Most of the entertainment facilities are available. The basement level is a disco, and the first floor is a dance hall. , the second floor is some KTV boxes, the third floor is a bar, and the fourth floor has some leisure and entertainment equipment such as billiards and video games.

Wen Dong was dragged into the dance hall on the first floor by Cheng Yanan, and he searched around but couldn't find Xu Zihan. He probably didn't know which floor he went to play. Zhang Sanbai was watching the scene when he came here before She has already called Zhang Sanbai, and with someone from Zhang Sanbai watching her, there shouldn't be any trouble, and the purpose of coming here today is not Xu Zihan.

Seeing that Cheng Yanan was going to take Wendong to search for it without thinking, Wendong, who didn't know what was going on, simply pulled Cheng Yanan, who was like a headless fly, to a sofa booth, and was about to ask Lin Xiaoxi what was going on. When encountering any difficulties, a melodious tune rang out in the ballroom. Wen Dong looked up at the stage in front of him. The stage was covered by a huge curtain. Because of the light on the stage, it could be clearly seen from the outside. Seeing the shadow of a person reflected on the curtain, and seeing that there is a female singer behind the curtain, Wen Dong didn't care at first, but found that this figure seemed familiar.

At this time, the female singer Kong Ling sang along with the melodious tune from behind the curtain with a childlike voice——

In the dreams of every silent night.

I can see you, touch you
so sure you're still waiting

you gently return to my side
Tell me you're still as crazy as ever.

No matter how far or where you are
I never doubted the persistence of my heart
when you open that door again

stand clearly in my heart

my heart Will Go On--

Love was once ignited in an instant
And continued the legend of a lifetime
until we are tightly integrated

Love used to be the waves in my heart
I hold the moment it surges
My life, no longer alone

No matter how far or where you are
I never doubted the persistence of my heart
when you open that door again

stand clearly in my heart
my heart Will Go On--

true love never fades

I have nothing to fear when you are by my side
I know my heart won't back down

we will always be together
This will be my safe haven
my heart Will Go On--

Wendong looked at the black figure behind the curtain in shock, the familiar figure, the familiar voice, isn't this exactly Lin Xiaoxi?Why does she sing so well?

really.Although people have different levels of appreciation and appreciation angles, everyone will find a good song to be pleasant to listen to. As the slightly exciting and sad tune slowly draws to an end, the blurred lights gradually dimmed. But no one in the ballroom made a sound to break the rare silence, as if everyone was immersed in this sad world that seemed to carry the longing and love of a dreaming girl.

The rhythm of this song is not fast, and it seems inappropriate to put it in a dance hall, but surprisingly, no one is disgusted. On the contrary, they seem to be infected by the artistic conception of this song. Chao, seems to be portraying a dreaming girl's unwilling struggle and resistance to love, as if telling a sad love story.Lin Xiaoxi's voice has a touch of a child's voice, giving people a naive and ethereal feeling. This song seems to be tailor-made for her.

As the blurred lights gradually dimmed, the curtain in front of her slowly fell. When the people present could see Lin Xiaoxi's real figure, the blurred lights dimmed to the lowest level, and they couldn't see Lin Xiaoxi's real appearance at all. Lin Xiaoxi's graceful figure slowly retreated from the stage, arousing infinite reverie——

But Wendong is different, he has night vision eyes, he is [-]% sure that Lin Xiaoxi is on the stage, and Wendong finds that Lin Xiaoxi seems not happy, a little sad and worried, it seems that there is still a trace of hesitation in the struggling pupils, as if there is something in his heart Struggling to choose something...

"Papa-papa--" As Lin Xiaoxi walked off the stage, there was a series of applause immediately, followed by some male compatriots who were stimulated by Lin Xiaoxi's beautiful back clapping their hands and shouting: "Have a drink, have a drink -"

"What do you want a cup of? What do you mean?" Wen Dong turned to look at Cheng Yanan suspiciously and said.

"This is a program produced by Orange Years called Goddess Tears. To put it bluntly, Lin Xiaoxi is asked to offer wine, and this glass of wine is worth 5000 yuan. In fact, it is a glass of ordinary wine. The unusual thing is that Lin Xiaoxi needs to serve it to the guest personally. Xiaoxi will give her a 5.00% commission for every glass of wine offered by Orange Years." Cheng Yanan curled her lips and said, seeing that her best friend was fine, she also breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed Wen Dong's arm and urged: "Go , follow me to find Xiaoxi."

"Hey, hey, don't just look for it, tell me what happened to Lin Xiaoxi first?"

In a large KTV box on the second floor of Orange Years...

"Good good."

"Papapa..." A fat middle-aged man who was as fat as Zhu Chengchun was sitting on the purple sofa. His face was full of fat and his eyes were almost narrowed. A pair of small Eyeballs looked at the video screen in front of him, and there was a flash of fire in his eyes. After the song was over, the sexy figure that flashed away on the stage slowly walked down the curtain, and the fat man immediately clapped his hands happily, his fat body trembling. I was very excited and said three good things in a row.

"Brother Fan is really smart. The effect is really good. Where did you find such a singer? Her song is a perfect match for the movie I'm about to make." The fat man looked at A middle-aged man with an ordinary face about his age beside him praised.

"Haha, Brother Zeng has won the award. You are indeed the great director of Chenhua Entertainment. If you hadn't told us to use curtains and shadow lights, this effect would not have been possible." Fan Youcheng looked at Zeng Hua and said happily.

Fan Youcheng is the owner of this orange age restaurant. A week ago, orange age suddenly came to a beautiful girl who caught his attention, and this pretty girl was naturally Lin Xiaoxi who sang just now.

In the beginning, Lin Xiaoxi was just a waiter of Orange Years, Fan Youcheng was lustful and wanted to get this girl into bed, but because the boss above was strict, Fan Youcheng didn't dare to be tough, so he slowly became acquainted with Lin Xiaoxi first. He is a familiar friend.Originally, it was very easy for this kind of girl to get into bed. Although Orange Age expressly stipulates that waiters are not equal to girls, and they cannot be forced to provide that kind of service to customers, but everyone in Orange Age knows everything about it. Since they choose to work here, It is estimated that she is not good anymore, and she is even ready to find a rich and powerful man to devote her life to.

Fan Youcheng took care of Lin Xiaoxi in many ways in those few days, but Lin Xiaoxi treated him neither coldly nor indifferently. Since Fan Youcheng was the boss of the venue, he naturally had no shortage of beautiful women around him, but he was tired of the kind of thing that can be done by touching his chest As a woman, this attitude towards Lin Xiaoxi made him feel interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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