How bad guys are made

Chapter 144 The Hot Director

Chapter 144 The Hot Director
After getting along for a few days, Fan Youcheng found that Lin Xiaoxi's voice was very good, with a hint of a childish voice, and he had a talent for singing. In addition, his figure and face were not to mention, so he told Lin Xiaoxi to let her sing in the dance hall. Not to mention that if someone wants to offer wine, they can get a very high commission. Originally, Lin Xiaoxi didn't agree, but just yesterday, Lin Xiaoxi agreed. Fan Youcheng happily arranged for her to sing on stage. Unexpectedly, Lin Xiaoxi , not only the songs she sang were beautiful, but also three rich men asked her to offer wine that night, which made him very happy.

Fan Youcheng came from the countryside, and took this position with a lot of vigor. He has always recognized money but not people. He believes that as long as there is money, there are all kinds of women, and Lin Xiaoxi will rely on Orange Age in the future. Although this Orange Year is not his to make money, he has the final say on all matters, big or small. Isn't Lin Xiaoxi relying on Orange Year to rely on him?At that time, are you still afraid that this woman will not climb into your bed?Why not be able to make money from Lin Xiaoxi and have sex with her.

Once a person is happy, all kinds of good things will come. No, that night, Director Zeng Hua, the little gold master of Chenhua Entertainment who often spends money in Orange Years, approached him. The first thing he said was that he liked Lin Xiaoxi's song Yes, here to poach people.

Fan Youcheng has heard about Zeng Hua, Fan Youcheng is a gangster, so naturally he will not please this guy, and even though he is a big director just now, he is actually a gangster waiting to die, but his life is good, he has a beautiful The younger sister, the president of Brilliance Entertainment had to call Zeng Hua uncle.Moreover, the president of Chenhua Entertainment and Fan Youcheng's boss are still good friends, and the two parties have an interest relationship. No, Fan Youcheng also has to give this Zeng Hua face.

Zeng Hua is very clear about this person. He said that he fell in love with this song. He obviously fell in love with Lin Xiaoxi. This made Fan Youcheng feel a little unhappy, but Zeng Hua has a lot of money. Dizzy, so the two started talking last night. Today, Zeng Hua came to ask for someone.

Although Fan Youcheng liked money, he wouldn't give up the woman he liked. Moreover, Lin Xiaoxi looked like a cash cow at first glance, but Zeng Hua's conditions made him waver again.

That is, Lin Xiaoxi will become a signed artist of Chenhua Entertainment. Chenhua Entertainment is responsible for promoting Lin Xiaoxi to make money. Not only will Lin Xiaoxi not leave Orange Years, but she will spend one night every week singing in Orange Years, which immediately makes Fan Youcheng Excited.

Chenhua Entertainment is a well-known large-scale film and television entertainment company. Many large-scale movies and popular stars that cost a lot of money come from Chenhua. If they want to make Lin Xiaoxi popular, wouldn't it be a matter of minutes?As long as Lin Xiaoxi is popular, when the time comes and they sing a song at Orange Years, the Goddess Tears show that offers wine will not be 5000 yuan a cup. The conditions proposed by Zeng Hua can be described as a win-win situation, and they will immediately bid 100 million yuan and can be loaded directly In Fan Youcheng's pocket, although Lin Xiaoxi went to Chenhua Entertainment, she would probably be put on bed by Zeng Hua sooner or later, but no matter how beautiful a woman is, she would get tired of playing with it, and it is estimated that Lin Xiaoxi would not be a virgin long ago. He wanted to fuck her mainly because he wanted to try something new. Compared with people and money, he would naturally choose the latter without hesitation.

"How is it? Are you here?" Zeng Hua asked cursingly when the door of the private room opened and saw Fan Youcheng's younger brother walking in.

"Miss Lin is changing clothes, she will be here in a while." The younger brother glanced at Fan Youcheng and said hastily.

"Director Zeng Da is here, Lin Xiaoxi naturally has to dress up, haha." Fan Youcheng who was on the side took the conversation.

"Yes, yes, don't worry." Zeng Hua picked up a glass of cocktail and drank it down in one gulp. His face was flushed like a pig's head, and although he said he was not in a hurry, he felt impatient when he thought of that Lin Xiaoxi. very.He came to play with another director friend last night, and found Lin Xiaoxi by accident, and he didn't lie, he has been shooting a big movie these days, but he hasn't found a suitable opening song, but he can hear Lin Xiaoxi's song Afterwards, his director friend immediately clapped his hands and shouted that he wanted this song as the opening song.And Zeng Hua was also excited. What he was excited about was not how good the song was. What he was excited about was that the woman who sang was so sexy and beautiful, especially the pure voice with a slight childlike voice. How ecstasy would it be to go there?
So he hit it off with that director friend. Zeng Hua also boasted that he was very familiar with Fan Youcheng, the boss of Orange Age, and found Fan Youcheng that night. Thinking of the female singer who made him so fat that he couldn't help but tremble with excitement, Zeng Hua's heart ached. The itching was unbearable, and when she saw Lin Xiaoxi in person and heard her voice, she was even more fascinated. After Lin Xiaoxi finished toasting and left, Zeng Hua immediately offered 100 million yuan to Fan Youcheng, saying that he would marry Lin Xiaoxi.

"Dangdang..." At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in, please come in," Zeng Hua said hastily.

The door of the box opened, and Lin Xiaoxi, who had already changed into a white dress, walked in with a smile on her face, which made Zeng Hua's eyes widen instantly.

This kind of white skirt similar to a professional skirt is obviously different from the skirts of ordinary company employees. Compared with Lin Xiaoxi's height of 1.7 meters, this suit is obviously a bit small, and it wraps tightly on Lin Xiaoxi's body, especially this kind The skirt should be worn by the bar counters and other special waiters in Orange Years. It is different from the regular professional skirt. It is obviously specially designed and the chest is low. Because of the corset, the figure is tighter. Lin Xiaoxi originally There is only a pair of big breasts that men can play with all day long, and against the backdrop of this tight skirt, the tops of the big rabbits that can't be grasped by both hands are tightly stretched and straight. Abnormal, it can be called luxurious, because the chest is relatively low, even if you are standing relatively, you can vaguely see a faint snow-white spring light on the place where the neckline is propped up...

Especially because the skirt is too small, the long legs under the skirt are almost completely exposed wearing a pair of black stockings, stepping on a pair of black high-heeled shoes with a stiletto heel, showing her sexy and hot figure.Because of the rush of time, the exquisite face was not carefully sculpted, but a light layer of makeup was applied lightly, with bright eyes and white teeth, and a pure and flawless face, but the dress was full of the charm of a mature woman. The combination of different temperaments is even more incomparably attractive to men.

"Hi, Boss, Mr. Zeng." Sensing the hot eyes of the two men on the sofa looking at her, as if she wanted to take off her clothes immediately, Lin Xiaoxi was frightened and wanted to quit, but when she thought about the situation at home Sighing again, he greeted the two of them.

"Okay, okay, okay. Come on, Miss Lin, please sit down." Hearing Lin Xiaoxi's slightly childish voice, Zeng Hua's whole body seemed to be pumped with chicken blood. The fat face was flushed with excitement, and he quickly got up and moved his fat body to the door to greet him in person. A fat salty pig grabbed Lin Xiaoxi's little hand without a trace and pulled her to the sofa and sat beside him.

Lin Xiaoxi's hands trembled, a trace of disgust arose in her heart, but she still didn't shake off Zeng Hua, and was dragged to sit on the sofa.

"Mr. Zeng, sign the contract——" Seeing Zeng Hua's two eyeballs staring at Lin Xiaoxi's chest, he couldn't tell the difference between the south, the south, and the north. A word of caution.

"Ah, yes, the contract." Zeng Hua came back to his senses as soon as he slapped his thigh, reluctantly looked away from Lin Xiaoxi, pulled the briefcase on the table in front of the sofa and took out a duplicate that looked quite formal. contract.

"Miss Lin, I came here with sincerity this time." Seeing Lin Xiaoxi looking at the contract in his hand, Zeng Hua said proudly, spread the contract in front of Lin Xiaoxi and said, "As long as you sign this Contract, then you are the officially contracted artist of our Chenhua Entertainment, our company is responsible for packaging and making you popular, and the annual profit will be refunded for miscellaneous expenses, you and Brilliance Entertainment will spend four or six cents, you will be six and we will be four."

"Well, I accept." Lin Xiaoxi nodded, and looked at the contract carefully. Although she wanted to sign a contract with Chenhua Entertainment, she was not stupid. Naturally, she had to read the contract carefully.

Seeing that Lin Xiaoxi seemed a little moved, Zeng Hua quickly started to say again: "Our Chenhua Entertainment wants to make an artist popular, as long as we work hard, there is nothing we can't do. Besides, Miss Lin, your own conditions are so good. Think about it, as long as If you are popular, then just holding an ordinary concert will make you a lot of income. The concert itself has a part of the income, and the ticket fees for those concerts will also be a huge sum. Also, We, Chenhua Entertainment, also have our own website, and the songs you sing will be published on the website. Every year, you get at least tens of millions of share in the information fee alone. You can be said to have gained both fame and fortune. And you signed I have already thought about the first step for you to become popular in the end. I am currently filming a movie that cost nearly [-] million yuan, and the song you sang tonight will be the ending song of this movie and the movie The episode and the script have already been written, and I will look at it and arrange an important role for you, and it will only take a few minutes if you want to become famous."

Zeng Hua spittled all kinds of benefits, the excitement seemed to be better than having an orgasm, and Zeng Hua was even more proud. He had already memorized these words by heart, and the passage just now made him feel better. He didn't know how many beautiful artists he had slept with, and the contract was formal, without any tampering, not afraid that Lin Xiaoxi would find out the problem, in his opinion, Lin Xiaoxi would soon become one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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