How bad guys are made

Chapter 145 Lin Xiaoxi Gets Drunk

Chapter 145 Lin Xiaoxi Gets Drunk
"Well, there is no problem with this contract." Listening to Zeng Hua's bragging, Lin Xiaoxi read the contract carefully, but found no problems, and Chenhua Entertainment is also a regular company, so she felt relieved. Hua would never make himself popular so easily, but time is money, and money is life, as long as you get the money, be careful when it comes to Chenhua entertainment, and nothing will happen.

"Of course it's no problem. Go and find out. Is there anyone in this water city who doesn't know about Chen Hua, then sign the contract?" Zeng Hua shuddered excitedly and urged.

"I have one more thing to tell you."

"Say, if you have any questions, just tell us, our Chenhua Entertainment is a real gold that is not afraid of fire."

"It's not Chenhua's problem, it's my own problem. To tell you the truth, I am a contracted model of Shangzi Model Company. Because I offended Shangzi's general manager, he refused to let me go on stage. I came here because of my livelihood. Orange Age, it’s no problem if you want to go to Chenhua Entertainment, but you need to pay a liquidated damages.”

"how much is it?"


"Okay, no problem, I will pay you the liquidated damages, and tomorrow I will negotiate with Shangzi to compensate you for the liquidated damages. You told me last night that you want a signing fee of 100 million, then the 30 will be refunded." , I’ll give you 70, right.” Zeng Hua took out a valuable wallet, took out two bank cards and pushed them in front of Lin Xiaoxi, saying, “This card has 50, and this one has 20.” 70, exactly [-]. This is my sincerity, and the rest is up to you." As he spoke, he looked at Lin Xiaoxi with smiling eyes.

"En." Lin Xiaoxi took a deep breath and nodded, slightly raised her head and glanced at Fan Youcheng who had been silent beside her. She has been struggling in society for almost two years, so she naturally knows that Fan Youcheng treats her badly. Thoughts, but no matter what, they have not only taken care of me these days, but also found such a good place as Chenhua Entertainment because of letting me sing, and Fan Youcheng didn't do anything to him, no matter what, as long as Once the money is in hand, my father's illness will be relieved. This Fan Youcheng can be regarded as his benefactor. Lin Xiaoxi glanced at Fan Youcheng gratefully, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Fan, I owe you to take care of me these days, I'm sorry."

"Haha, with your heart, I am committed to you as a friend. Look, what is this." Fan Youcheng laughed loudly, and quickly took out a contract.

"Orange Age signed a labor contract? This..." Seeing the contract in Fan Youcheng's hand, Lin Xiaoxi froze for a moment, then glanced at Zeng Hua next to him. Is the boss robbing Zeng Hua?But Mr. Zeng didn't seem angry at all?
"That's right, see how I forgot about this." Zeng Hua patted his forehead, just now he was too busy thinking about how to get Lin Xiaoxi to Chenhua Entertainment, but he forgot what he had agreed with Fan Youcheng before, and immediately started Smiling and talking to Lin Xiaoxi.

"You mean that I work in two places, so I can get double wages?" Lin Xiaoxi looked at the two with her tongue open, and was shocked in her heart. If this is the case, the two big bosses are taking care of themselves too much. I heard Fan Youcheng just now Said that he only came to work one day a week to sing a song, so that he could get paid, which was like giving money to himself. Lin Xiaoxi knew that there was no such thing as pie in the sky, and she was secretly vigilant.

"Yes, Xiaoxi, don't think about it too much. In fact, I am also beneficial. Think about it. By then, you will be really popular. If you come to sing in my orange years, how much traffic will you bring? I'm not going to do bad business." Fan Youcheng said.

understood.I see.Lin Xiaoxi immediately understood Fan Youcheng's calculations, but she was still grateful in her heart. To know whether she was really popular or not, Fan Youcheng was also a venture capital investment, but the investment was a little small, and if it made a profit, it would be huge.

"Haha, it looks like today is a good day. It's not too late. Ms. Lin, sign the contract right now. As long as you sign your name, the 70 yuan will be yours." Holding the bank card, she pushed it towards Lin Xiaoxi.

"Mr. Zeng, I have another unfeeling request. I think you are a rich and important person. Can you lend me another 30 yuan? I want to take 100 million yuan for emergency, otherwise I won't be in such a hurry." Lin Xiaoxi looked Glancing at the bank card on the table, he hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice, Lin Xiaoxi couldn't help being sad when he thought of his father who was still lying in the hospital waiting for life-saving money, and his voice was low.

"Oh? I do have the money. Can you tell me what you want the 100 million for?" Zeng Hua listened to Lin Xiaoxi's flattery about a rich and powerful man. With a fat face, he quietly approached Lin Xiaoxi and asked curiously. Said, the eyeballs fell on the tall and straight murder weapon in front of Lin Xiaoxi without a trace, swallowed quietly, and an unbearable fire flashed in his eyes.

Lin Xiaoxi was sad about her father now, and didn't notice Zeng Hua's peeping eyes, so she briefly told about her father's hospitalization. She was the only daughter in his family, her father was a factory worker, and her mother was laid off in the community Cleaning, the family is not rich at all, but her parents treat her like a baby, Lin Xiaoxi finally got into the society and can make money, but she didn't expect the society to be so complicated, she had no choice but to leave Yi Shangzi to work in Orange Age , but unexpectedly just a few days ago, my father who was working in the factory fainted suddenly, and was finally found to have uremia in the hospital.The family was not rich at all, and they didn't save much money, and Lin Xiaoxi didn't have a formal job, so where to get so much money, he was really desperate these days, Lin Xiaoxi burst into tears when talking about sadness.

"Miss Lin, don't be too sad, okay, I'll lend you 30 yuan." Seeing Lin Xiaoxi's sad look, her ruddy sexy lips trembling slightly made people couldn't help but plug her, Zeng Hua's heart was even more It was extremely hot, if she stripped her naked and threw her on the bed, that sad look coupled with her natural childish voice would be so cool, even more so, I didn't expect Lin Xiaoxi to use this money to save her life, Zeng Hua's A pair of small eyeballs whirled around, and the crystal light shone brightly, thinking of a brilliant idea.

"Thank you, thank you so much." Lin Xiaoxi choked with sobs, eyes full of gratitude.

"I know you need the money urgently, but I thought I'd give you the money tomorrow when you officially go to work, so I don't have that much money with me, see if this works, can I give it to you tomorrow, right? The 70 will be taken as a deposit, don't be too sad, uncle will be blessed with a filial daughter like you." Zeng Hua said with a smile on his face, picked up two bank cards on the table, Naturally, she reached out and grabbed Lin Xiaoxi's little hand and put the bank card into her hand.

"Well, I'm still waiting, thank you." There is no kidney source yet, and her father is only in the hospital for recuperation. Naturally, the 70 yuan is enough. Lin Xiaoxi nodded gratefully, drew her little hand back without a trace, and pulled it out again. The bank card was carefully placed next to the contract.

"Okay, then sign the contract as soon as possible. Since you need money urgently, I will see if I can work it out and let Chen Hua buy the copyright of the song you sang before separately. Let me tell you, at least it will be worth it." Hundreds of thousands." Zeng Hua began to draw cakes to satisfy his temptation.

"En." Lin Xiaoxi nodded and picked up the signature pen on the table. She couldn't help but be shocked. The song she sang just now was written by herself when she was bored after watching a touching movie. Because she is a graduate of Tianjing Film and Television University, she was going to work in some film and television companies, but her parents didn't know where to hear about some unspoken rules in the entertainment industry and other bad things, and Lin Xiaoxi She was beautiful, but she was not allowed to go anyway, so Lin Xiaoxi went to Shangzi Model Company in desperation, but even if she is an authentic graduate of the Communication University, it is impossible for a random song to sell hundreds of thousands.

"Haha, good, then the master and our cooperation have succeeded." Seeing Lin Xiaoxi signing his name on the contract, Zeng Hua quickly took the contract and signed his name. Lin Xiaoxi poured a big glass full of cocktails, asked Fan Youcheng to toast together and said with a smile, "Come on, let's do it."

"This... Mr. Zeng, I can't drink so much." Lin Xiaoxi looked at the red cocktail in her glass and said hesitantly.

"This is the rule of entering Chenhua Entertainment, you have to fill a big glass, be full of confidence, and be prosperous! If you don't drink it, you won't give us face." Zeng Hua picked up the wine glass and said angrily .

"Okay...Okay." Seeing that Fan Youcheng had already picked up the wine glass and looked at herself, Lin Xiaoxi hesitated for a moment before picking up the wine glass.

"That's right, let's do it, I wish our cooperation success."

After Lin Xiaoxi persisted in drinking a large glass of wine, Lin Xiaoxi quickly stretched out her hand to cover her small mouth and swallowed the last sip with difficulty. Because she didn't drink much, and she drank too much, her pretty face It suddenly became red and flushed, which is really beautiful.

Zeng Hua's eyes stared straight at the side, because he also drank a lot of alcohol, and the alcohol paralysis made him look at Lin Xiaoxi even more unscrupulously, and quickly opened another bottle of cocktail and poured the whole bottle into it. In Lin Xiaoxi's cup: "This is the second cup, I will respect you with Mr. Fan, and I wish Uncle Lin a speedy recovery."

"This..." Lin Xiaoxi was taken aback for a moment, she had already insisted on the big cup just now, how about another cup?Immediately looked at Zeng Hua in embarrassment and said, "No, I can't drink any more, and I'll be drunk." Lin Xiaoxi waved her little hands indiscriminately, her drunken and charming posture was coveted.

(End of this chapter)

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