How bad guys are made

Chapter 146 Lin Xiaoxi Was Beaten

Chapter 146 Lin Xiaoxi Was Beaten

"Oh, Xiaoxi, you're wrong. Mr. Zeng said just now that he wished Uncle Lin a speedy recovery. How can you do it if you don't drink?" Seeing Zeng Hua winking at him, Fan Youcheng sighed inwardly and guessed that Lin Xiaoxi would run away tonight. It's out of the clutches of the clutches. In this case, Fan Youcheng naturally didn't mind pushing her, and quickly picked up his wine glass and said.

Zeng Hua glanced at Fan Youcheng appreciatively. This is what he meant in his toast, and Lin Xiaoxi had to drink it.

"I really can't drink it. If I drink any more, I'll get drunk." Unexpectedly, Lin Xiaoxi has her own bottom line. If you drink another glass of this, you will be really unconscious.

Zeng Hua quickly picked up Lin Xiaoxi's wine glass, grabbed Lin Xiaoxi's small hand and forced the wine glass into her hand. He touched her delicate little hand with his big paw, and found that she was just struggling and dodging a little. Under the dim light, it became more and more blurred and beautiful. After all, Zeng Hua thought that Lin Xiaoxi was pushing and pushing. He had met many women like this, and he was embarrassed in front of outsiders. He got out of his own bed and said proudly: "You don't have to go to work in Orange Age tonight, just drink, it's okay to get drunk, I've already booked a room at the hotel, we can go sleep there later, wait until tomorrow I'll just give you 30." Saying this, Zeng Hua couldn't help it even more, and walked along Lin Xiaoxi's arm with fiery eyes towards the big white rabbit who had been coveting all night.

"This evil pen, this is an idiot, don't you know that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry?" Fan Youcheng on the side knew Lin Xiaoxi's character very well, and Zeng Hua would definitely not get what he wanted if he did this.


"Mr. Zeng!" Surprised, Lin Xiaoxi opened Zeng Hua's disgusting claws, and the cocktail in Zeng Hua's hand immediately spilled over the two of them.

"What's going on?" Zeng Hua was startled, and quickly reached out to wipe away the wine that had spilled on his face, staring at Lin Xiaoxi angrily.

"I won't go to Chenhua Entertainment anymore, this contract is void." Lin Xiaoxi knew that Zeng Hua had no good intentions, and thought that as long as he was careful, he would be fine. At first, he thought that Zeng Hua was similar to Zhu Chengchun, as long as he didn't want to, he would be fine. I can't help myself, but I didn't expect Zeng Hua to be so bold and unscrupulous. This is only the first day. If I really went to Chenhua Entertainment, it would be fine.

It is good for Lin Xiaoxi to use life-saving money in an emergency, but she will never sell her body, because she knows her father's character very well. Meat food lets him know that he is the money in exchange for sleeping with others. It is estimated that there is no need for medical treatment, and he will be pissed off. dead.And what does Zeng Hua's last sentence mean?Give yourself another 30 tomorrow?It means to give it after you have slept with yourself?

This is indeed what Zeng Hua meant. Just now he had a flash of inspiration. Lin Xiaoxi wanted to use the 30 yuan to save her life, but he refused to give it to her. If he wanted it, he could sleep with him tonight. This was his idea.

"Void? Who do you think you are? If you say void, then void? The contract has already been signed, and you can go back on it. It's 300 million, and it's clearly stated in the contract." Seeing that Lin Xiaoxi wanted to take the contract, Zeng Hua quickly reached out and snatched it away. , threateningly shaking the contract in his hand triumphantly.

"No, you give it to me, I regret it!" Lin Xiaoxi was shocked. She naturally knew that the contract penalty was 300 million, but she didn't expect that Zeng Hua would not give it to her, so she quickly reached out to snatch it. 300 million, for her She said that she probably wouldn't be able to earn so much money in her entire life, so how could she be blackmailed for so much money for no reason.


"Crack!" He got angry when the wine was spilled just now, he didn't expect Lin Xiaoxi to be so ungrateful, and the duck in his beak didn't run away, Zeng Hua blocked Lin Xiaoxi's extended hand and slapped him He slapped Lin Xiaoxi's face fiercely.

Lin Xiaoxi was stunned by the beating, she staggered and sat on the sofa, a bright red slap mark appeared on her pretty face.

"Damn it, don't eat a toast and fine wine, I tell you, this contract has already been signed, you can take it back if you want, give me 300 million, if you can't take it out, just obediently follow me to the hotel tonight, as long as I serve you It's cool, I'll pretend that what happened today didn't happen, hehe..." His face was already torn, and Zeng Hua didn't need to hide it anymore, he reached out and wiped a handful of the scarlet wine on his fat face, his face was full of complacency , as long as you hold this contract, you're not afraid that Lin Xiaoxi won't obediently listen to you. A pair of fiery eyes fell on Lin Xiaoxi unscrupulously, and you're already thinking about what kind of posture you're going to use to torture this disobedient woman tonight. .

Lin Xiaoxi covered her hot face with one hand and stared blankly at Zeng Hua, who spoke his mind with a disgusted expression on his condescending face. Now he finally understood that this was a trap. Zeng Hua came to her because he wanted to get his own body. But now she is alone, but there is nothing she can do. The grievance she has never felt in her heart makes her tremble slightly, her eyes are shining with crystal light, and she has never felt helpless...

"Alas..." Fan Youcheng sighed at the side, feeling a little sympathetic to the girl Lin Xiaoxi in his heart. After coming out of the countryside, he knew exactly what the 300 million means. To the current Lin Xiaoxi, it was simply an astronomical figure. But he could not speak, nor did he dare to speak.

"Boom!" At this time, the door of the box was suddenly kicked open abruptly, and a very sexy little loli stood at the door with her hands on her waist, her cute face like a jade porcelain doll was full of anger, He opened his mouth and cursed: "Fan Youcheng, get out of here. Where's the big sister who sang before? My mother has called her name for half an hour. Are you looking down on me?" Although the little Lolita is pretty, she said What she said was unflattering, and her domineering appearance was no different from the arrogant young lady who was the boss of the underworld on the list.

The arrogant little lolita is naturally Xu Zihan. She came here today for the birthday of one of her best friends. I heard that there is a female singer who sings very well in Orange Age. After listening to it, Xu Zihan immediately fell in love with this big sister who sings. , because this song is so good, some students later shouted that Xu Zihan wanted to meet this singing goddess, because they heard that this entertainment club belonged to an uncle of Xu Zihan, so Xu Zihan asked Lin Xiaoxi to offer wine by name, but left and right Waiting for no one.Xu Zihan noticed that some of his classmates looked at him in the wrong way, and one of them, a little girl who was not in the right way with him, sarcastically said that Xu Zihan was bragging.

Ever since, Xu Zihan, who wanted face the most, got angry decisively, and started looking for him with a few dog legs who liked him and admired him at school.Although Fan Youcheng ordered not to be disturbed by others, but who is Xu Zihan? Zhang Sanbai wants to pamper her little ancestor so as not to make her angry. Fan Youcheng's boss is Zhang Sanbai. How dare these people offend him? The little ancestor, in desperation, told the private room where the little ancestor Lin Xiaoxi, whom no one dared to offend, was in, so Xu Zihan rushed over angrily with a few dog legs to demand someone from Fan Youcheng.

"Miss, what's the matter with you?" Fan Youcheng stood up in a jerk, as if walking on a spring under his buttocks, looked at Xu Zihan who was standing at the door with a face full of shock, and wondered why this The little ancestor is blowing.

Although Fan Youcheng only met Xu Zihan once, the boss gave special instructions that this little ancestor should make a good confession, which annoyed her. It was not just as simple as throwing away the boss, she was Mr. Zhang's favorite person.

"This is this?" Zeng Hua held the contract in one hand and stared blankly at Xu Zihan, who was looking angry at the door. He turned his head and glanced at Fan Youcheng who was beside him, and found that he was looking at this young lady who was dressed like a young lady with a look of fear. The little girl who looked like a sister was shocked, and wondered whose eldest lady this was?Even Fan Youcheng is afraid of her, why haven't I heard of her?

Fan Youcheng just wanted to carefully explain to Zeng Hua not to offend this aunt. He was not afraid that Zeng Hua would offend Xu Zihan, but he was afraid that Zeng Hua would hurt him.

But without waiting for Fan Youcheng to explain, Xu Zihan cursed again: "What? What do you mean? I can't come? I..." Xu Zihan became even more angry when he heard Fan Youcheng's words. He was about to scold again, but he was pushed aside Go, someone who was not paying attention was pushed and staggered. At this time, Fan Youcheng was shocked to find a handsome-looking young man walking in quickly, followed by a very beautiful-looking woman. Full of anxiety, his eyes looked around, as if looking for something.

Which gods are these——

It was naturally Wen Dong who pushed Xu Zihan aside. He and Cheng Yanan were looking around to find out where Lin Xiaoxi was. Yu, when he was looking for it, he happened to meet Xu Zihan who was clamoring for Lin Xiaoxi, and he found that the little leaders of Orange Nianhua were afraid of this annoying girl, so he followed Xu Zihan to find her.

"Xiaoxi——" Cheng Yanan walked into the box, and immediately saw Lin Xiaoxi who was leaning on the sofa, covering her face with her hands and looking aggrieved. When she found out that she was fine, she immediately became happy and rushed over.

"Yanan..." Lin Xiaoxi raised her head and was shocked to find that it was Wen Dong. She wondered why he had come. Suddenly, she heard someone calling her, and turned her head to see that it was her best friend, Cheng Yanan. Grabbing a life-saving straw on the surface of the sea, he struggled to get up and threw himself into Cheng Yanan's arms, holding Cheng Yanan's back tightly with his small hands, and the tears of grievance swirling in his eyes could no longer stop flowing down. .

(End of this chapter)

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