How bad guys are made

Chapter 147 The Frightened Fan Youcheng

Chapter 147 The Frightened Fan Youcheng
"It's fine, it's fine." Cheng Yanan hugged her best friend with her hands behind her back, noticing that her body was still trembling slightly, obviously she was wronged and frightened, and comforted her in a low voice.

"What's the matter with your face?" After finding out that Lin Xiaoxi was fine, Wen Dong also heaved a sigh of relief. Just now, when he followed Cheng Yanan to search, he also knew something about Lin Xiaoxi. Lin Xiaoxi's job was lost because of himself, no matter what In the same way, Wendong has part of the reason, and it wouldn't be the case if Lin Xiaoxi hadn't lost her job.Suddenly, he found a bright red five-fingerprint on one side of Lin Xiaoxi's cheek, obviously from being beaten, his face suddenly darkened, and he asked in a cold voice.

"En? Xiaoxi, what's the matter with your face?" Cheng Yanan patronized her to comfort her. Hearing Wendong's words, she propped up Lin Xiaoxi, whose face was full of tears, and looked at the slap on Lin Xiaoxi's face in surprise. Yin's pretty face was instantly filled with anger, and she turned her head coldly to look at Fan Youcheng.

Xu Zihan was still a little angry after being pushed by Wendong, but the slap print on Lin Xiaoxi's face immediately attracted her attention. Xu Zihan likes to fight injustice the most, and hates people who bully women. From the past, when she saw injustice on the road, she drew a knife to help He Qing It could be seen at that time that his small face suddenly turned cold, he suddenly turned his head to look at Fan Youcheng, and asked with a cold snort, "Did you hit me?"

Seeing the eyes of Xu Zihan, the little ancestor who wanted to kill someone, Fan Youcheng was so frightened that he almost knelt down, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, he felt that he was more wronged than Lin Xiaoxi now, why did he look at me, and said with aggrieved hands "I... how dare I, me." Saying this, Fan Youcheng glanced at Zeng Hua, who was still in shock and hadn't recovered from his senses. He didn't know this little ancestor, so you just ask yourself Fu it.

"So it's you." Turning his head coldly, he turned his head and looked at the fat man he didn't know. He didn't pay attention at first, thinking it was that fat man Zhu Chengchun, but after a closer look, he found that he didn't know this man. Man, but this does not affect the anger in Wendong's heart. I dare not say anything. The culprit of Lin Xiaoxi's coming to Orange Years will be him. I didn't expect to be so wronged. statement.

"Who are you? Who are you? I am the director of Chenhua Entertainment Group, and the CEO of Chenhua Entertainment has to call me Uncle Brother. This is my private room. Why do you come in? It's okay to ask you to go out." Zeng There is a big backer behind Hua. Although he has experienced too many battles, he is surprised, but it doesn't shock him. He doesn't know these people at all. There are very few famous people in Shuicheng who he doesn't know. In his opinion, even if these people's identities are not ordinary, they can't do anything to him, even if they are crossing the river, they are not afraid, but he is a local snake, so he is afraid of him?As long as he showed his identity, he would probably calm them down, but Zeng Hua still took a look at Fan Youcheng, hoping that he could tell him something. He found that Fan Youcheng seemed to know the people inside.

"Grandma doesn't care who you are, and asks if you hit me. Where did you talk so much!" Xu Zihan interrupted at this time, not giving anyone face.

"So what if I beat you? Who are you guys? Draw a way!" Zeng Hua was already arrogant enough, but he didn't expect another one who was even more arrogant than him, and immediately shouted angrily.

"What are you doing!?" As soon as Zeng Hua finished speaking, he was shocked to find that the young man who asked the question rushed up without saying a word. , one arm raised.


"Crack, snap!"


The wine had already emptied Zeng Hua's body, and because of his obesity, Wen Dong couldn't be stopped. Wen Dong slapped Zeng Hua's arm covering his face away, before Zeng Hua could react. , A slap in the face backhand and another slap in the face immediately stunned him. This was not over yet, Wen Dong, who was full of anger, raised his leg and kicked Zeng Hua's bulging belly.


"Boom—gudong..." His stomach was hit hard, and Zeng Hua's mouth suddenly made a sound of almost choking to death. His stomach was as uncomfortable as being overwhelmed. With an overwhelmed 'creak' sound, the fat meat ball weighing nearly three hundred catties rolled to the back and hit the wall with the sofa it was sitting on.

"Ding: The host gains 50 points of aversion."

"Ding: The host gains 10 points of hatred."

"Ding: The host triggers task three; the host will receive a reward after completing the hatred task: A-level skill card time freeze. Effect: Time freeze for three seconds. Do you want to receive it?"

"Don't, stop! Stop!" Fan Youcheng, who was on the side, was shocked when he saw the young man he didn't know reach out and hit him so hard. Xu Zihan couldn't afford to provoke some unnecessary troubles, but the young man didn't know him, so he rushed over and grabbed Wen Dong, and said angrily, "Who are you? Does he know who he is?"

At this time, two middle-aged men in suits rushed over from outside the box, glanced at Wendong, rushed over and grabbed Fan Youcheng who was holding Wendong down, and saw that Fan Youcheng looked suspiciously at himself with eyes full of words. Shocked, the middle-aged man shook his head slightly, and said softly: "Mr. Wen Dong is someone Zhang Sanye also respects, you can't afford it, so it's best not to bother.

Fan Youcheng knew this middle-aged man. He was Mr. Zhang's personal bodyguard, and his status was higher than that of Fan Youcheng's boss. What day is it? Why are Mr. Zhang's people running to him? Xu Zihan, the little ancestor, is Mr. Zhang's favorite person, and the young man who just hit someone in front of him is even bigger. A person whom everyone respects, Nima, do you want to let people live? She raised her head and glanced at Wendong, feeling even more shocked in her heart.

You must know that Mr. Zhang is a giant in the underground world of Shuicheng City. If it is placed in other places, it is nothing to say. Really not much, if a young man came here for nothing and said that he was someone that Mr. Zhang respected, Fan Youcheng would not hesitate to slap this girl on the face, but now he believed it, and had to believe it, no wonder this When the young man came in just now, he dared to push the little ancestor Xu Zihan aside.Because the person speaking is Li Kui, Zhang Sanye's personal bodyguard, a retired special soldier in the 90s, with excellent skills, and a veteran who fought with Zhang Sanye. As Mr. Zhang's personal bodyguard, the boss would respectfully call Brother Li when he saw him. It's rare to see him at ordinary times. I guess he came today to protect these two people.

Fan Youcheng trembled, quickly took off the hand that was on Wendong's body, and looked at Wendong with a look of fear: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know Taishan with my eyes."

Wen Dong looked curiously at the middle-aged man who appeared suddenly, and felt that this man looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before, but he didn't remember it for a while.

"Uncle Li, why are you here? This guy also knows my uncle?" Xu Zihan ran over, took Li Kui's big hand with his small hand, looked at Wen Dong and asked curiously, obviously she heard Li Kui's words just now.

"Well, you haven't been going for several days, but the third master misses you every day." Li Kui said with a kind smile on his unsmiling dark face, holding Xu Zihan's little hand.

Seeing Xu Zihan, Wen Dong on the side suddenly remembered, isn't this the person who drove Xu Zihan away when Xu Zihan rescued He Qing that day? By the way, who is Mr. Zhang?Why can't I remember meeting such a big man? Why is it Xu Zihan, an uncle who hates girls——

At this time, Wen Dong obviously entered into a misunderstanding. Zhang Sanbai told him that he always thought that Zhang Sanbai was just a small boss watching the scene, and he was on the same level as Fan Youcheng, so Zhang Sanbai's identity had already been changed. It was basically determined in Wendong's mind, and the big man they called Mr. Zhang obviously couldn't match Zhang Sanbai.

"Who is Mr. Zhang you're talking about?" Wen Dong finally couldn't help but look at the two and asked.

"En? You don't know my uncle?" Xu Zihan was taken aback, glanced at Wen Dong, and looked at Li Kui suspiciously.

"Hehe, the third master Zhang is Zhang Sanbai, and our subordinates usually call him the third master." Li Kui explained with a smile.

"Hiss..." Hearing Li Kui's explanation, Wen Dong suddenly took a deep breath, and suddenly figured out something while his face changed. This Zhang Sanbai's identity is not simple.

"Do you know my uncle? How do you know him?" Xu Zihan looked at Wen Dong and asked strangely.

"If Mr. Zhang is Zhang Sanbai, of course I know him. It's just that I didn't know Mr. Zhang was Zhang Sanbai just now." Wen Dong smiled wryly.

Got it!
Fan Youcheng on the side suddenly became confused. He thought Li Kui had admitted the wrong person just now, but now he understands that he will only call Zhang Sanbai, so the meaning is already obvious, no wonder this is a person whom the third master respects Now, the third master respects him, so why would he call him the third master.

"Cut..." Xu Zihan curled his lips in disdain and suddenly sounded again, looked at Wen Dong and said, "You know my uncle from my sister, right?"

"En." Wen Dong nodded.

Zeng Hua lay on the ground in pain, feeling extremely uncomfortable, and vomited wine all over the side of his head. The smell was very unpleasant. Every time he smelled this disgusting smell, he felt like vomiting. He almost spit out all the bile, but he didn't have the strength to move at all, so he could only lie here.

(End of this chapter)

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