Chapter 156

Wen Dong followed the prestige curiously, and couldn't help being stunned. He was indeed an old man, his hair was half gray, his face was full of wrinkles from the years, and he was still crippled. He was holding a cane with both hands, which made his already delicate body weak. He looked even more rickety, and his skinny face had a hint of sickness. The ruthlessness of the years and the torment of the disease made him look even more old-fashioned and dying.It's just that those cloudy eyes are very bright, as vigorous and powerful as his voice, with a majesty that cannot be resisted.The old man was wearing coarse linen clothes and a pair of flat shoes on his feet. He looked like an old man basking in the sun on the street, but Wen Dong, as the thief with three hands, still has the ability to judge people. From the old man's pair alone You can see that this cripple is not simple, at least his previous identity is not simple.

Wen Dong almost exclaimed, because this crippled old man was so similar to his crippled father, he thought that the old cripple at home had also traveled through time.

"You are?" Although the old man's eyes are scary, but I don't know if it's because he looks like a crippled father. Wen Dong has an indescribable affection for the old man, looking at him and asked curiously. road.

"Hehe." The old cripple smiled and didn't say anything. He raised his head slightly to look at Li Binger who was behind Wendong. He noticed the shocked look in Li Binger's eyes, and expected that she had recognized him, so he smiled. Said: "The little girl of the Li family, don't you recognize me? It seems that I am really old."

"You are? Grandpa Zhao?" Li Binger looked at the old man in front of him, whom Wendong called an old lame in his heart, with a face full of shock.

"Hehe, I haven't seen you for five years. Your daughter is getting more and more beautiful. She looks like your grandma before." Zhao Zizi said with a smile.

"Why are you here?" Hearing the other party admit his identity, Li Binger was shocked. The person in front of him was an old comrade-in-arms of his grandfather. Li Binger often saw him when he was playing with his grandfather when he was young. Li Binger's father is dead. For more than ten years, his grandfather has only such a son. Si'er is heartbroken, and because of his old illness, Li Binger's grandfather also passed away five years ago. When his grandfather died, Li Binger saw him for the last time. What shocked Li Binger was why this military leader appeared here. This is the commander-in-chief of the Shuicheng Military Region.

"Hehe, come to see an old friend."

"Bing'er, do you know this old man?" Wen Dong who was on the side looked at them blankly and asked.

"Boy, you..." Hearing Wen Dong's bad words, a cold middle-aged man standing next to the old cripple was furious. He was about to say a lesson but was stopped by Zhao cripple, and the middle-aged man looked at Wen Dong angrily.

"What are you talking about, Grandpa Zhao is... but my elder, don't be so big or small." Li Binger rolled her eyes and was almost pissed off by Wen Dong's words. Just about to reveal the identity of Grandpa Zhao, suddenly After being stopped by the other party, he changed his words, but still gave Wen Dong an angry look.

"It was originally, and I didn't say anything disrespectful." Wen Dong pouted.

"Haha, yes, the young man is right. I am already an old man, how can I not let people tell me?" Zhao Zizi waved his hands and said with a smile.

"Hey, come on, the old man smokes." Seeing Li Binger rolling his eyes at him all the time, Wen Dong just smiled and didn't care. He was kind and kind when he heard the old man's words. one.

"Hehe, good." The cripple looked greedily at the worthless cigarette in Wendong's hand, and took it with a smile.

"Old Zhao, the doctor said you can't smoke." The stern middle-aged man on the side glared at Wen Dong angrily. After hearing what Wen Dong said just now, he admired this young man just like Old Zhao, but now he only I want to drag this brat over and give him a hard pump.

"Ding, the host gains 30 points of aversion."

"It's okay, I can't escape when I should come, I've lived long enough, Lao Li has been dead for five years, I'm happy today, it's okay." Zhao Laizi waved his hand indifferently, quite disillusioned with the worldly spirit Wendong gave Wendong a wink, and Wendong immediately understood, and quickly nodded to the old man. It can be seen that Li Binger seems to respect this old man very much. As long as he pleases him, he might tell himself To say good things, it would be good to tell Li Binger to be his daughter-in-law.

"Young man, are you also a criminal police officer?" The old man took a puff of cigarette enjoying himself, probably because Wen Dong gave him the cigarette, and asked kindly while looking at Wen Dong with satisfaction in his cloudy old eyes.

"No, I'm not a criminal policeman." Wen Dong shook his head and added in his mind, but I'm the temporary husband of a criminal policeman.

"Is that the police?"

"Uh, no, I'm just a worker."

"Oh, that's such a pity. If you were a policeman, then you must be a good policeman." The old man sighed, quite regretfully.

"Hey, Mr. Zhao has won the award, I have won the award." Wen Dong was immediately happy when he heard it. Seeing what the old man said, it was useful to listen to. Seeing the old man's squinting and smoking expression, Wen Dong's heart moved, and he secretly said: This Why does the old man look so kind...

Li Binger on the side rolled her eyes again looking at Wen Dong's well-deserved modesty, this guy can also be a policeman?

"Grandpa Zhao, what are you... you weren't like this five years ago?" Li Bing'er looked at Zhao Hongjian in a daze and asked, remembering that when his grandfather went to the funeral five years ago, Zhao Hongjian was still in good spirits. It's not short, but this old one is too fast, Li Bing'er almost didn't recognize it just now.

"Hehe, time is not forgiving. Five years ago, I remembered that you were a little girl who had just entered the armed police school. Isn't it a big change now?" Zhao Hongjian smiled and waved his hands, not wanting to talk about his illness.

"I've grown up, haven't I?"

"Yeah, we've grown up, and Xiao Fei has grown up too. I remember that when your grandfather was alive, we still discussed the marriage between our two families. Come to the Zhao family, then I will take good care of you for old man Li. Xiaofei came back this year, and he has never found a partner in the army. I know you young people don’t like our old ways, but if you two can be together Then I dare to face Brother Li even if I die, and when Xiao Fei comes, you have to get close to him." Zhao Hongjian said with a smile on his face.

"What?" Wen Dong, who was silent on the side, stared at him, and suddenly became unhappy. Your sister, I originally wanted to let this old man talk about his and Li Binger's affairs, but now it's all right. I didn't expect this The cripple was here to dig the wall for his grandson. Wen Dong was so angry that he almost couldn't hold back his hand to snatch the cigarette from the old man's mouth, and kicked the annoying old man under the car.

"This... Let's talk about it after a while, isn't it necessary to talk about fate?" Li Bing'er didn't expect Grandpa Zhao to say such words, but Grandpa Zhao didn't know how to refute such euphemistic words, and couldn't bear it. Refused, her little face blushed, and for some reason, she glanced slightly at Wen Dong who was on the side.

"Hehe, that's right." Old man Zhao nodded with a smile, without forcing it.

"Haha, well, today is sunny and sunny, suitable for the old man to bask in the sun. You can bask in the sun for a while. I have something to do with Binger, so I will go first." Wendong said haha, regardless of Binger Would you like it, as if swearing sovereignty to the old man, she took Li Binger's little hand and walked towards the car.

Of course he can't let Li Binger stay here any longer. If this old man Zhao gets mad again and says that if you don't marry my grandson, I will die in peace or something, then fuck it, even though Wen Dong doesn't know how he treats Li Binger. What kind of feelings, but men just like to eat the species in the bowl and look at the species in the pot. Even if he can't eat it, he doesn't want others to eat it. As for the flying one, let him go to hell.

"Goodbye, Grandpa Zhao. I'll see you when I have time." Li Bing'er was forced by Wen Dong to feel unwilling, but she couldn't free her little hand, so she quickly turned her head and waved to Zhao Hongjian.

"Mr. Zhao, don't you see that these two people are interesting?" At this time, the stern middle-aged man glanced at Wendong and Wendong who had left, and reminded Mr. Zhao.

"Oh?" Mr. Zhao was stunned for a moment, and then recalled the expressions of the two when they said those words just now, looked up at the dim sky, how could there be any sun, and couldn't help laughing, shaking The head sighed: "Oh, I can't accept it, I'm old, I'm really confused."

"However, this little guy is quite interesting." Zhao Hongjian looked at the back of the departing car with cloudy old eyes, and muttered in his mouth, not paying attention to what happened just now.

"Why pull me, you, why are you so ignorant of etiquette, Grandpa Zhao is my grandfather's good friend and my elder, how impolite it is for me to leave like this." Li Bing'er rubbed angrily while sitting in the car The wrist that was pinched by Wendong gave Wendong a sideways look, very angry.

"We still have business to do, how can we have so much time to get married with that old man there." Wen Dong said angrily.

"Huh? Are you afraid that I will agree to marry Grandpa Zhao with their family?" Li Binger was about to reprimand him angrily, when she suddenly thought of something, and looked up at Wendong suspiciously.

Wen Dong shook his head, and said as a matter of course: "Of course. You don't know what that flying one looks like, so why should you marry their family? What if it's a short and poor camel? What if it looks miserable? What about melon split dates? You have to find someone who is handsome, at least half as handsome as me. If there is no one who can meet half of my requirements, you can find me if you really can't do it. You are good. Beg me, maybe I promise you."

Li Binger was agitated when Wendong said the first sentence of confession, but with Wendong's chatter, Li Binger's excitement suddenly turned into anger, and she turned her head to the side and didn't bother to pay attention to this guy's nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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