How bad guys are made

Chapter 157 Zhang Hanhan's seventh costume

Chapter 157 Zhang Hanhan's Seventh Costume

Li Binger had been waiting for Wen Dong, who was spitting all over the place, to finish speaking, then glared at him angrily, snorted arrogantly and said: "Stop talking nonsense there, I have seen Zhao Fei, there is no such thing as What you said is so embarrassing. I beg you? Who do you think you are? You are still handsome, do you know how many people are chasing me? If I pull out one at random, it will be more handsome than you!"

"You are so vulgar. Didn't you realize that my handsomeness is different from others? My handsomeness has connotations. Do you understand the connotations?" Wendong continued his shamelessness. The two quarreled all the way, Wendong drove the car directly At the gate of the police station.

"Wait for me to call, and you can just get Yue Chen out of the prison when the time comes." Wen Dong asked aloud.

"Why are you so sure that Liu Jiancheng, Lanyun, will definitely go to tonight's dance?" Li Binger asked curiously.

"Bai has been with me for such a long time, don't you know that I am a fortune teller? If I do the math, Liu Jiancheng will definitely go." Wen Dong patted the steering wheel and said affirmatively.

"Then take a look." Hearing Wen Dong's nonsense, Li Bing'er snorted, didn't bother to pay attention to him, jumped out of the car, waved his hands and entered the police station.

"Liu Jiancheng, if you're a man, you must come." Wendong drove back to the company, murmuring in his heart, in fact, whether Liu Jiancheng would come to the dance or not Wendong didn't know for sure, but Liu Jiancheng lost such a thing at the dinner yesterday. Big face, if he doesn't go to the Lanyun Ball this time, it will appear that he is showing weakness, and with his character, he will definitely not swallow this breath.

Wendong drove the car to Lanyun Building, found Wu Jian and others, and solemnly put the clothes in the car into locked lockers before going to the company.

"Hey, um, I've already brought the clothes. Oh, I have the same idea. I'll talk about it later. I'll be in your office soon." As soon as he got into the elevator, Wendong received a call from Zhang Hanhan. It took a long time to bring the clothes, and Zhang Hanhan was already in a hurry.

"Dong dong..." Taking the elevator all the way to the [-]th floor, Wen Dong knocked on Zhang Hanhan's office door.

"Please come in." A woman's voice sounded from inside, as if it wasn't Zhang Hanhan who spoke.

Wen Dong opened the door and walked in. When he saw the woman standing by the table, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Isn't this the woman I haven't seen for a long time, Zhang Hanhan's senior assistant Li Jing?
I don’t know if this woman’s menopause is early or something. Wendong is very annoyed because she always looks at Wendong. No, Li Jing just stared at Wendong before he entered the office. With a glance at Wendong, he seemed to be very disgusted with Wendong.

"Didn't you just say you have something to tell me? What's the matter?" Zhang Hanhan was sitting in front of the computer and was processing something. When he saw Wendong walk in, he put down the mouse and looked up at him and asked.

"Hey, I'm too tired, let me take a breather." Wen Dong stretched his waist carelessly, and sat down on the seat beside Li Jing as if on purpose, and waved his hands to Li Jing, instructing him: "Then who, Xiao Li, give me a whole glass of water, I'm thirsty."

Hearing this, Li Jing was taken aback for a moment, looked at Wen Dong in disgust, and said with a cold snort, "Fall it yourself."

"Okay." Wen Dong just wanted to annoy her on purpose. He stretched out his hand, well-fed and well-fed, walked to the drinking fountain with a smile, picked one up and filled half a cup, and poured it into his mouth.

Li Jing couldn't be bothered to pay attention to this foolish playboy, she glanced at Wen Dong, and was taken aback for a moment, a wave of anger rushed into her heart, Wen Dong was using her own cup now, so she hurried over and took a hand from Wen Dong He snatched it from his hand and snorted angrily: "This is my cup, who told you to use it casually!?"

"Ah? This is your cup. You should have said it earlier. I said why it doesn't taste right." Wen Dong froze for a moment, smacked his mouth, and then reached for the cup next to him.

"You can't use this either, this is Mr. Zhang's cup!" Li Jing took another cup in her hand and stared at Wendong with a cold face.

Zhang Hanhan also gave Wendong an angry look, what did he mean just now?Not right?Don't you just say that you have used my cup?This guy Wendong is talented, but Zhang Hanhan is quite helpless for his familiarity. You don't think dirty, but others do. Besides, even if you are not sick, there is a difference between men and women.

But Zhang Hanhan also saw that Wendong was trying to annoy Li Jing on purpose, and Zhang Hanhan couldn't laugh or cry about the fact that the two of them disliked each other. It's not pleasing to the eye, in fact, Sister Li is very nice, but she is too stubborn to follow the rules. She hates the kind of man who looks like a gangster. Wen Dong also stole her bank card before. At that time, she would hate it, but this guy Wen Dong didn't know his fault, so he just stimulated Sister Li if he had nothing to do.

"Then what should I drink? You don't want me to blow to my mouth?" Wen Dong said helplessly, looking down at the mouth of the drinking fountain.

"How dare you!" Li Jing stared at Wendong coldly, wishing to smash the two cups in her hand on Wendong's head.

"Sister Li, I'm thirsty too. Pour me a glass of water and get a paper cup for Director Wen." Zhang Hanhan hurriedly smoothed things over. There is still business to do, and she doesn't have much time to watch the two confront each other.

Li Jing glared at Wen Dong, then snorted, and shortly took out a disposable paper cup from a small cabinet beside her.

"Hey..." Wen Dong smiled triumphantly, walked to the sofa and sat down very comfortably.

In desperation, Li Jing didn't get angry with Wen Dong, so she had to serve Zhang Hanhan a cup and Wen Dong a cup for Wen Dong.

"Thank you." Wen Dong grinned, took a small sip from the cup and put it down again. He was not thirsty at all.

Zhang Hanhan was also helpless for Wen Dong, a child who deliberately angered Li Jing, and quickly changed the topic and said, "What do you think?"

"Well, just now I heard you say that I want to make a series of these clothes I designed. In fact, I had this idea before designing. If you look carefully, these clothes have 6 different styles. In fact, I If you want to get seven styles, it will be Chinese Valentine’s Day in a few days.” Wen Dong said.

"Then why did you only make six models? Could it be that there is not enough time?" Zhang Hanhan was stunned and asked.

"No, there are already seven models." Wen Dong smiled and said, seeing the doubt in Zhang Hanhan's eyes, Wen Dong didn't hold back, and said directly: "Don't you have another model on your body?"

"On me?" Zhang Hanhan looked down at the clothes on her body in doubt, and then looked up at Wendong in doubt. What she was wearing now was just a formal professional skirt, which was not designed by Wendong.

"How did I come to Lanyun? Why did you let me come?" Wen Dong reminded helplessly.

"En? That dress you're talking about?" Zhang Hanhan's eyes lit up, and he suddenly remembered. He remembered that when Wen Dong met him for the first time, it was because he designed a dress on the spot that he decided to make it Wen Dong came to the new company as the director.

"Yes, that's the one. Clothes are just like a spokesperson. One of them has to be the signboard and the soul. I asked the garment factory to make a hundred sets of the clothes I designed last night, but yours only has one, and Yours is also the work I am most satisfied with, so it will be the signature of this brand series. However, we make clothes for sale, and we can also produce a batch for sale on Qixi Festival, but it must be produced in limited quantities. Rareness is the most precious, so as to show the preciousness of this style of clothes." Wen Dong said proudly.

"Sell it..." Zhang Hanhan murmured, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, the dress Wendong designed for himself was Zhang Hanhan's favorite set, it was unique, as Wendong said, things come from things Rare is more expensive, Zhang Hanhan felt a little reluctant to sell the style of that dress.

"Well, it will be Chinese Valentine's Day in a few days. We just launched seven new clothes to make a series. After the mass consumer group slowly accepts our Lanyun clothes, we will slowly launch other series of clothes. I will I'll go home and get it later." In the face of the company's interests and his own petty thoughts, Zhang Hanhan hesitated for a moment, then decisively chose the former, and nodded in agreement.

"Well, I've already found a good model for you, and your dress will be the first to be worn on the stage. The character of that model will definitely be able to wear the style of this dress, and it will definitely impress those people. eyes." Wen Dong clapped his hands happily, as for the model he was talking about, it was naturally Lin Xiaoxi.

"What? You said to let others wear this dress?" Zhang Hanhan was startled, and looked at Wendong in surprise.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"No." Zhang Hanhan shook his head resolutely and refused. She had already hesitated to sell this dress. If she let other models wear this dress, she would not be able to accept it.

"Huh? Why?"

"No, that dress is mine, and I'm not used to other people wearing my clothes."

"Then what should we do? Are you showing off your own clothes? You are the chief executive of Lanyun, how can you wear clothes and show them in front of others like those models?" Wen Dong said helplessly, what Wen Dong actually meant It's not that the model is lowly, but Zhang Hanhan's status as the chief executive of Lanyun is too sensitive. There was a scandal before, and if it continues like this, he will be laughed at. Zhang Hanhan is the boss of Lanyun, he is the soul general character.

"Or just put it in the showcase. It's just as formal. Anyway, those underwear have to be displayed in the showcase." Zhang Hanhan thought for a while.

"No, as the signature style of these seven clothes, this dress must not be placed in the exhibition wardrobe. Because each of these clothes has its own style and its own soul. It can only be worn by people with the same style Only in this way can it give vitality to this dress, and the personality and temperament of the person can complement the style of the dress, so that it can perfectly show its unique charm, and the visual effect on people in the wardrobe and on people is absolute. It's different." Wen Dong said.

(End of this chapter)

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