How bad guys are made

Chapter 158 The Stunning Lin Xiaoxi

Chapter 158 The Stunning Lin Xiaoxi
Wen Dong shook his head and denied Zhang Hanhan's idea, thought for a while and said: "Actually, I have another idea. Since we are making a series of these clothes, it should be more formal and high-end. Since we have made a signboard, Then it’s best to find a clothing spokesperson, so that our series of clothes will appear high-end, and the style must be high, so I think it’s just right for the spokesperson to wear this signature dress, and he will also be the spokesperson of this series of clothing in the future.”

"Spokesperson? Do you mean that we have already found a good candidate? Who?" Zhang Hanhan was taken aback, and couldn't help nodding. She agreed with Wendong's idea, but she was wondering who the so-called spokesperson was and which star?Why didn't I hear Wendong say it?

"A friend of mine, don't worry, although she is not famous, her appearance and temperament are definitely not inferior to those stars, and she is definitely more than enough to be the spokesperson for this issue of clothing."

"Friend?" Zhang Hanhan was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had never heard of Wendong having such a friend, but Zhang Hanhan didn't doubt it, because when Wendong came out of the police station a few days ago, the police chief personally came to release him. , Wendong should be a friend with a very powerful background.

"Well, don't worry, she is definitely a beauty, and she will definitely not embarrass our Lan Yun." Wen Dong said confidently.

"If your friend is good enough, then it's no problem for her to be the spokesperson for this issue of clothing. You can see if this works. From these six clothing styles, you can find a dress with a distinctive style that is eye-catching for her to wear. At that time, she was the first to show on the stage. And we said from the beginning that we will launch seven clothing styles, but only six clothing styles will be displayed at that time. People will definitely be puzzled. What I was wearing was the last signature outfit that appeared in front of everyone, as the finale." Zhang Hanhan discussed.

"That's it..." Wen Dong scratched his head and was a little embarrassed. You must know that he had boasted to Lin Xiaoxi before, and he was also a little puzzled in his heart. Why did Zhang Hanhan insist on wearing this dress by himself? As a big beauty, you It doesn't look good in any clothes, even if you don't wear any clothes, it will attract more attention.

"What's so embarrassing, do you mean that I can't wear the style and connotation of that dress?" Zhang Hanhan puffed his mouth angrily when he saw Wendong hesitate.

"No, no, that dress was originally tailor-made for you, so it's naturally the most suitable for you, but..."

"There's nothing wrong with it, so it's settled." Zhang Hanhan clapped the mouse in his hand to make a final decision. He was extremely domineering and stared at Wendong, as if if Wendong dared to say a word 'no' again, she would smash the mouse in his hand. On this guy's head.

"Okay, then I'll go and pick up my friend now and prepare in advance." Seeing Zhang Hanhan's insistence, Wendong could only agree. Both Zhang Hanhan and Lin Xiaoxi are the kind of top-quality beauties who are over [-], who The clothes are all the same, and Zhang Hanhan's idea of ​​using the signboard as the finale seems to be good.

"Go." Zhang Hanhan waved his hand, lowered his head and looked at the documents to be processed in his hand, and couldn't help being curious and even dissatisfied. She wanted to see how beautiful Wen Dong was, so she insisted on wearing her own baby clothes.

"Then this one..." Wendong went back to the storage room where the new clothes were kept, and carefully selected another one among the new clothes that satisfied him. Originally, Wendong wanted to go home and take Lin Xiaoxi Picked it up, but thought that she didn't have any clothes to wear now, so she couldn't let her come to the company wearing her t-shirt. After thinking about it, she just took a dress from here and put it on for Lin Xiaoxi, and Lin Xiaoxi, as Wendong this time Specially hired models must meet Shangzi's models at that time. She must not lose face in front of those sisters and wear the new clothes she designed. She will definitely have face.

"Dong dong, dong dong..." Knowing that Lin Xiaoxi was at home, Wen Dong was a gentleman this time. He knocked on the door, but there was no response after knocking twice. Wen Dong was puzzled, did Lin Xiaoxi go out?
"Who, is it Wendong?" After a while, just as Wendong was thinking of opening the door with a paper clip, Lin Xiaoxi's voice sounded inside.

"It's me, open the door." Wen Dong said.

"Oh, wait a minute."

Wen Dong was stunned for a moment, secretly thinking that he was lucky that he didn't go in recklessly, if he saw something he shouldn't see, it would be embarrassing.

After a while, the door opened, and a fresh and pleasant scent of jasmine came in. Wen Dong looked up curiously, and was taken aback for a moment.

Just now Lin Xiaoxi was obviously taking a bath at home, her jet-black hair was moist and exuded a fragrance, Lin Xiaoxi was wiping her head tiltedly with a large towel in her small hand, her delicate face was flushed red from the heat in the bathroom, and she was still wearing the towel The men's t-shirt full of temptation, maybe I didn't have time to wipe it clean, there are still drops of water on the pair of beautiful white legs on the lower body, which is white and translucent, and the appearance of wiping her hair with her head tilted is full of the seductive style of a home woman , this woman who is as ripe as a peach exudes an incomparable fatal temptation all over her body, even the pleasant scent of jasmine emanating from her body has a hint of intoxicating taste...

Wendong's eyeballs uncontrollably glanced at Lin Xiaoxi's sexy devil figure, especially the pair of tall and bulging babies that attracted much attention. Wendong's brain was congested for a while, and he almost couldn't hold back the The fatal woman was pushed to the ground and Fa-rectification was given to her on the spot.

Resisting the fiery impulse in his heart, he hurriedly strayed into the house, and his heart hurts to death. There is such a beautiful woman living in the house, who wants to eat but dare not eat, how will he live in the future.Wendong really didn't dare, he didn't forget that there was a pair of big scissors in Lin Xiaoxi's small bag, the last time this woman chased down Wendong's third floor with scissors, she still remembers it vividly, always Remind Wendong not to be impulsive, impulsiveness is the devil, once impulsive Wendong's big dick will be lost, although Wendong's capital is large, but it is not enough for other people's scissors to cut it.

"I said, you should stop wearing this dress in the future." Wen Dong said with a bitter face.


"I'm afraid I'll get killed." Wen Dong looked at Lin Xiaoxi's small bag on the table in fear, and said helplessly.

Lin Xiaoxi looked at the bag on the table curiously, not knowing why Wendong said that, suddenly remembered what happened last time, her little face blushed, and said arrogantly: "It's good to know."

"I'm here to pick you up, get ready." Wen Dong said.

"Well, wait until I dry my hair."

"En." Wen Dong smiled and nodded, looking at Lin Damei who had washed herself white and fragrant, it seemed that she was still very serious about this fashion show, and it was worthwhile for her to think about letting her do this. The spokeswoman for the period clothing put the box containing the new clothes in his hand on the clean coffee table and said, "Here are the clothes I brought for you. You will wear this for tonight's fashion show."

Lin Xiaoxi was taken aback, reached out to take the box curiously, looked up at Wen Dong and said, "This is the clothes you designed?"

"Of course, do you suddenly feel that I am really amazing, young and promising, with unparalleled talents, do you feel the urge to admire and fall in love with me instantly? Haha..." Wen Dong shook his head and laughed coquettishly.

Lin Xiaoxi gave this guy a look of contempt. It is true that just now she had a feeling that Wen Dong was powerful, but when she saw Wen Dong's complacent flamboyant appearance, this feeling disappeared immediately.

"No." After leaving two words, Lin Xiaoxi didn't bother to pay attention to this narcissistic guy, and walked into her bedroom.

After a while, Lin Xiaoxi, who went into the bedroom to change clothes, came out with a pretty blushing face, and slightly raised her head to look at Wen Dong who was on the opposite sofa, and found that after he glanced at herself casually, his eyes suddenly widened For a few minutes, as if being frozen, the two eyeballs were firmly fixed on him, his face was full of shock, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes!
Lin Xiaoxi blushed a little more when she saw Wen Dong's pretty appearance, and she suddenly felt as if she was deliberately dressed so beautifully for Wen Dong to appreciate her body, and she felt a little shy in her heart.

In fact, Lin Xiaoxi didn't dress herself up, because she didn't have any make-up on her face because she just took a shower, but the clothes on her body were so beautiful that it seemed that those other clothes were superfluous, and she reminded in a low voice with a blushing face: "Does it look good?"

Wendong was indeed amazed. He was dressed in a green emerald emerald green dress, wearing a thin veil of emerald green water, and his black hair was like a waterfall on the side. He had a plain and elegant face, a shy and affectionate face, a pair of eyes like stars and moons, an exquisite Qiong nose, and pink cheeks. Halo, her lips like dripping cherries seem to overflow with aura, and the way she walks shyly out of the room with lotus steps, not only does not make people feel restrained and artificial, but also makes people feel like a lady in the ancient courtyard. With a slight smile, the noble and elegant expression naturally revealed, coupled with Lin Xiaoxi's pure and lovely face, completely interpreted the spirit and soul of this dress.

"It's beautiful, it's so beautiful. The way you look now reminds me of a sentence." Wen Dong clapped his hands and said excitedly.

"What are you talking about?" Sensing that Wen Dong didn't look at her with that kind of fiery wolfishness, but rather amazement, Lin Xiaoxi felt a burst of joy in her heart, so she asked casually, but asked After the release, Lin Xiaoxi felt a little regretful. This Wendong is definitely a performer. The more he is like this, he probably won't be able to hold back any good farts, but Lin Xiaoxi was wrong.

"If the shoulders are shaved into a waist, if the waist is plain, if the muscles are fat and the air is like a blue orchid, it is charming and boneless, so beautiful, so beautiful!" Wen Dong's eyes brightened, admiring every amazing thing on Lin Xiaoxi in front of him. beauty element.

(End of this chapter)

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