How bad guys are made

Chapter 163 Powerful Class A Skills

Chapter 163 Powerful Class A Skills

"Damn it, how long has it been?" Wen Dong woke up and found himself slumped in the elevator, sweating all over his body, but the unbearable pain in his head disappeared strangely, Wen Dong When I looked up, I found that the elevator had just ascended to the 12th floor. I quickly took out my phone and saw that it was only a dozen seconds away.

"By the way, where is my Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?"

"Ding: Congratulations to the host for learning the first palm of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. Because the host has no energy points, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms cannot be activated."

"Ding: Because the host has acquired a Class A skill for the first time, the system will present a commentary." At this time, a banner flashed in front of him, with dense words on it, and it was expected to be the commentary of the Class A skill that the system said.

"Is there an explanation? Come on, tell me quickly, especially how much damage the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms have caused? Can you knock down this building with one palm?" Wen Dong said with a longing face. , As for those texts, he didn't bother to read them, listening to the system chick explain them one by one, that would be called enjoyment.

I remember watching "Dragon Babu" when I was a child. After the eighteen dragon palms on TV were urged, the surrounding area exploded like a gunpowder barrel was lit. At any rate, the palm needs special energy to trigger it, so the effect must be stronger than that shown on TV.

"Ding: The host has the first palm of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, which consumes 5 points of energy and causes 1 point of damage."

"The first palm of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms has armor-piercing damage. It needs to consume 20 energy points. The damage will be a critical strike, causing 3 points of direct damage."

"What kind of horse?! 1 point of damage?" Wen Dong opened his mouth so hard that he could put down a goose egg, rolled his eyes, and sat down on the ground with his ass slumped, dumbfounded. This damn situation——

Unwilling to give up, Wen Dong hurriedly looked up at the banner in front of him, which indeed clearly stated that the damage caused was 1 point.

Wen Dong burst into tears decisively. This is five hundred points of disgust, and it only caused a little damage?Your sister, I remember when I played "Legend" in the past, the broken machete that the character wore when he went out had five points of damage. It would take a long time to chop a pheasant in the village, which is good, spending 20 points of energy is violent hit?3 points of damage?This is a fart, I guess even a chicken can't die...

He even knocked down this building with one palm. It is estimated that he could not take a piece of dirt with this palm for a year. Wen Dong wanted to cry but had no tears...

"Huh? Wait... How much damage is this?" Wen Dong looked at the banner in front of him with tears in his eyes, and was stunned for a moment, because it was specially marked under the banner that 1 point of damage equals one ton.

"Ding: A little damage is equal to a ton of damage."

"Damn, you said it earlier, aren't you playing with me? You can just say that you caused a ton of damage." Wen Dong said with a face of complaint, with the intention of crying with joy, and his heart was even more excited No, I remember that some powerful boxers can punch hundreds of catties with one punch, which can make people vomit blood, and my palm can hit a ton, and a ton is two thousand catties. Although it's not enough to turn people into scumbags, at least it can be shot to death, hahaha, with this first palm, who am I afraid of...

Wen Dong looked at his palm with bright eyes, and laughed loudly, and now he is finally relieved.Wendong has always been worried about his own life. As a pig horn who traveled through time, he is naturally afraid of death. Although he has fighting skills such as taekwondo military boxing, he can still be effective against those hooligans. It is obviously not enough to rise to the level of the killer landlord or even Chuck, who attacked and assassinated himself last time, but it is different now. With the first palm of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, even if the killer landlord really wants to Killing himself is enough to save his life.

"Ding: The host already has a class A skill, and the system will give you a free energy slot. Effect: You can accumulate 20 energy points. (Upgradable)."

"Ding: The host has obtained an energy bar, and new items have been added to the villain's shopping store. Please come."

"Energy tank? What does it mean to be upgradeable?" Wen Dong was taken aback and asked.

"Ding: The host has the lowest-level energy tank, and more energy can be stored in the energy tank after upgrading."


Wen Dong immediately understood, which means that the energy bar that can be upgraded is specially used to facilitate the battle. You must know that if there is a real fight, after you use 5 points of energy, you may need to use 20 points of energy to strike a crit Injury, but in this way, you need to go to the shopping store to buy it, which is troublesome. One second in the battle may endanger your life, so you can only fight continuously if you accumulate enough energy.

This system really knows how to do business, can't you give me an infinite energy slot?Wen Dong rolled his eyes, guessing that the newly added items should be to expand the energy tank.

Wendong hurried into the shopping store to check it out, and sure enough, a new high-level item was added to the system:
Expand energy slot cards.Effect: Permanently expand the energy slot by 5 points: 200 points of aversion.

This thing with the word "forever" is really not ordinary expensive. Wendong doesn't need it now, so he is naturally reluctant to buy it. However, with this energy tank, it is natural to add some energy. In case of sudden The danger of the situation requires the use of the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, and there is no energy in your energy tank, so fuck it.

"By the way, can I get points for consuming hatred points?" Wen Dong asked.

"Ding: For every 10 hatred points consumed by the host, 0.1 points will be obtained."

have to!Got it, that means spending 10 points of hatred is equivalent to 100 points of disgust.

Wendong glanced at the shopping store: 10 points of hatred can buy 5 points of energy crystals, then top it up.

"Ding: The host consumes 40 hatred points and gets 20 energy points, and the host's energy tank is automatically filled."

"Ding: The host has obtained 0.4 points, and the host has accumulated 0.9 points."

"Phew, it's finally neat." Wen Dong exhaled, and looked at the display of the elevator in doubt, why the secret passage hadn't reached the 19th floor yet, and when he looked up, he was stunned for a moment, seeing that the elevator had reached the 6th floor again. And there is still a downward trend: "I'm going, why go down again..."

Wendong hurriedly pressed down on the nineteenth floor, but the elevator was still going down. It was expected that after the elevator reached the nineteenth floor, Wendong's attention was still on the palm of the eighteen dragon subduing, and he didn't pay attention at all. It closed automatically, and someone below wanted to go upstairs, so the elevator went down again.

The elevator didn't stop until it descended to the second floor. The elevator door opened. When Wen Dong looked up, his eyes suddenly lit up. It turned out to be He Qing who hadn't seen him for several days.

Tonight's dance party and fashion show are both held in the exhibition hall on the second floor of Lanyun Building. It is expected that He Qing also knew about this and came to arrange it specially.

I haven't seen her for a few days, but He Qing is still the same, but there is a trace of tiredness in those beautiful eyes.

He Qing is wearing a black tube skirt today, which makes her already pink and fair skin more smooth and supple. The tube skirt can barely cover half of her thighs. A pair of slender and sexy jade legs in silk stockings are very charming. The same pair of black stiletto sandals are on the round little feet.He Qing obviously dressed up in a special way. After makeup, her already delicate pretty face looked even more ruddy and beautiful. Her face was usually stern and glamorous, but it was even more sexy and charming, full of mature women. She is charming and sexy, and her cold face gives people the charm of a mature woman.

This kind of dress made Wen Dong, who hadn't seen him for several days, feel his heart jump wildly at a glance, his saliva almost flowed out, and a pair of lewd and ambiguous eyes swept back and forth on He Qing's beautiful legs in stockings, malicious.

He Qing obviously didn't expect that Wendong would be in the elevator, or even that there would be someone in the elevator. She didn't know what was going on in her mind, so she walked into the elevator when she suddenly noticed a lewd look with malicious intentions, and He Qing looked up. Look, she was startled immediately, with surprise on her face, she said casually, "Why are you here?"

"Hey, I know that Xiao Qingqing of our family is going to take the elevator, so I specially ran down from the nineteenth floor to pick you up." Wen Dong grinned, staring at He Qing's mature sexy body under the fashionable tube skirt with two thieves' eyes. , drooling.

"You, this is in the company, don't talk nonsense." He Qing was very happy to see Wendong, but because of the incident last time, Sun Xiaojie ran away in anger, which made He Qing feel that there was an invisible relationship with Wendong. There seemed to be a gap between them, but she found that Wen Dong seemed to have nothing happened, and a shameless molestation suddenly eliminated the gap between the two that He Qing thought would never be erased.Although He Qing has long been used to Wendong's lewd eyes, but this is a company, it's not good for people to hear, so she quickly turned her head and looked around, and found that no one passed by here, she was relieved and blamed He took a quick look at Wendong, and secretly scolded this shameless guy for being so indiscriminate.

But before He Qing breathed a sigh of relief, she suddenly realized that her arm was grabbed by a big hand. Before He Qing could react, He Qing staggered and was pulled in by the other party. He threw himself into someone's arms in a controlled manner, the elevator door closed slowly, and Wen Dong's triumphant laughter came from inside...

"Wendong, what do you want to do, don't mess around—" He Qing in the elevator was forced to a corner by Wendong, looking at Wendong who was almost sticking her body to her in panic, Wendong let out a smug look The shameless face of the sinister smile was almost attached to He Qing's cheeks, and a trace of heat was lingering around her ears and temples. He Qing was so flustered that she couldn't speak fluently.

Although she has been frank with Wen Dong for countless times, Wen Dong's appearance still makes her panic and inexplicable.

(End of this chapter)

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