How bad guys are made

Chapter 164 Became Zhang Hanhan's Baby Boy

Chapter 164 Became Zhang Hanhan's Baby Boy

Especially since this place is in the company's elevator, if the senior management of other departments saw it, how would she, the general manager, have the face to manage the senior management under her.

"What's the mess, we're old couples, of course we should do what we should do..." Wen Dong's face was pressed against He Qing's, and while he was talking, the claws below touched the glutinous drooling pantyhose on thigh.

"You..." He Qing was surrounded by walls on both sides, and Wendong was in front of him. She didn't dare to move at all, and she was even more frightened when she heard Wendong's words. Could it be that this bold guy wants to talk to herself in the elevator... Thinking of this, He Qing was so frightened that she was about to cry. She felt that a trace of fiery palm really touched her leg, and boldly touched her thigh to the inside of the tube skirt. He Qing trembled all over, and her body suddenly Freeze there.

"Xiao Qingqing, I'll let you go for the time being, and wait for me tonight..." Wen Dong's big paws touched He Qing's beautiful legs a few times, and then he released them contentedly, and moved his face closer again After a few minutes, he whispered something next to He Qing's ear, and after finishing speaking, he lightly bit the small sparkling ear that was already red on the earlobe, and then turned around with a smile.

"Hey..." Ears are the most sensitive part of a woman, and He Qing is no exception, especially Wen Dong's obscene and obscene words had already irritated He Qing. He Qing's earlobe was bitten, and her whole body suddenly trembled, as if coming Usually, after the shock, He Qing suddenly limp and leaned against the elevator wall.


At this time, the elevator door opened, and just reached the nineteenth floor, Wen Dong walked out triumphantly, turned his head to look, and found that He Qing was still the same as before, her face was extremely red, her whole body was leaning against the wall, motionless , eyes straightened, as if frightened.

"Haha..." Wen Dong burst into a smug laugh again. This woman is really terrible. Just this expression alone makes people feel itchy. If there is nothing else, Wen Dong really wants to give this woman to her right now. have eaten.

Seeing Wendong walk into her office with a hearty smile on her face, He Qing came back to her senses. Thinking of the situation just now, her little face was even redder as if it had been roasted on fire, and she glared at this man with anger in her eyes. The guy glanced at him, but compared with the ruddy face, he looked more like a coquettish reproach. He quickly stretched out his hand to straighten the silk stockings on his lower body that were messed up by Wendong, smoothed the slightly wrinkled tube skirt, and poked his head out. After finding no one in the elevator, she blushed and hurried into her office. She looked like a woman running around, but a girl in love at first.

Just as Wendong returned to the office, he found a USB flash drive to copy the design he made last night. At this moment, the phone rang suddenly. Wendong thought it was He Qing, but when he picked it up, it turned out to be Zhang Hanhan's number.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"Where are you? Is there a computer next to it?" Zhang Hanhan asked, his tone was not good, and he didn't know who provoked her.

"In the office, there is a computer, what's the matter?"

"Turn on the computer, click on the webpage, and you will know." Zhang Hanhan hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Wen Dong was a little puzzled, but he quickly sat back in his seat, picked up the mouse and clicked on a news and fashion web page.

Seeing the huge banner on the fashion gossip webpage, Wen Dong froze for a moment.

"Wen Dong, the director of Lanyun New Clothing Company, suspected that a third party was involved. The real reason why the beautiful mistress beat up the boy!"

"A third party? When did I become a third party?" Wen Dong was puzzled for a moment, and quickly clicked on the news page.

After clicking on it, the first thing I saw was the ambiguous photos of Wendong and He Qing in Yingsa’s underground garage that night, and there were a few photos of Wendong and Zhang Hanhan going to Liu Jiancheng’s birthday dinner last night. Wendong and Zhang Hanhan stood together , and what surprised Wendong was that there were several other photos of himself and Zhang Hanhan in the car, which were also taken last night, that is, Zhang Hanhan was lying lazily on the passenger seat and rubbing his calf. In the photo of driving on the side, Wen Dong tested his face to Zhang Hanhan, talking and laughing, and seemed very friendly. Although the photo is blurry, because there is a clear photo of Wendong and Zhang Hanhan in front, you can still see it if you look closely. come out.

How did this come across in the car?Was it captured by surveillance cameras on the road?Who has so much energy to call up this surveillance from the traffic police team, and dare to put it on the Internet blatantly?

"A third party stepped in! Could it be..." Wen Dong was startled, as if he had guessed the content of this news report, he quickly swiped the mouse to check.

Wen Dong's face became more gloomy the more he looked at it. This press release was at least about [-] words, which can be said to be a lot of effort, and there was only one main object of criticism in the entire manuscript-Wen Dong.

The press release said a lot, and also produced a lot of photos and other evidence to prove it. Even the guy who wrote the press release summed up a bold conjecture:

In fact, Zhang Hanhan and Liu Jiancheng did have an ambiguous relationship between lovers before, but later Liu Jiancheng went to Yingsa, Zhang Hanhan became someone else's mistress, and Wendong was a little boy who was kept by Zhang Hanhan, and Zhang Hanhan was very fond of Wendong, Directly used means to mention Wendong to the position of director of the new company.

Liu Jiancheng was very angry when he learned about it, and punished Wendong, so he came up with a plagiarism incident. Wendong was almost arrested and imprisoned. After that, Zhang Hanhan used some means to protect Wendong. Just yesterday, Wen Dong was brought to Liu Jiancheng's birthday dinner and beat Liu Jiancheng.

The photos of He Qing and Wendong also criticized Wendong's own character. Not only did he not know how to seduce Zhang Hanhan into a third party, but he also seduced his boss, and his private life was chaotic. Such a person must be punished by the law. moral sanction.

These conjectures, together with the photos attached above, are well-founded, and this conjecture makes sense, and many people believe it. They are attacking Wendong on the Internet, scolding Wendong for being a shameless little boy. Wendong, who is so loud and scolding all kinds of nasty foul language, is not even worthy of being a human being.

Among them, there are also doubts about Lanyun, an international company, and suspicion that this company is a nest of corrupt life, and even the company's president Zhang Hanhan is someone else's mistress, let alone other things.

"Phew..." Wen Dong finished reading the entire press release, took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth and took a deep puff. Now he finally knew why his antipathy increased so fast when he was in the elevator just now. It is still growing even now, presumably because of this press release.

In fact, for Wendong, this kind of insult is harmless to him at all, and it won't even make him angry. Wendong was an orphan since he was a child, and he has three hands. He has been despised and insulted too much. This is nothing, besides, what this press release says is not true, besides, Wen Dong now has a bad guy system, and he can't wait for the antipathy to last longer.

But now, he is a little angry, because the whole press release not only criticized Wen Dong, but also Zhang Hanhan, He Qing, and even Lan Yun were also criticized. Wendong discredited Lanyun as a breakthrough point.

It's okay to criticize Wendong, but if it causes Lanyun's negative influence in public opinion because of Wendong, then Wendong will feel a little bit uneasy.

"Liu Jiancheng?" Wen Dong lightly tapped the table with one finger, and the first thing he thought of was Liu Jiancheng. Firstly, because of Zhang Hanhan's beating up to him last night, there was already an indelible grudge between the two parties. Secondly, Liu Jiancheng was also capable. If these things happen, it will be of great benefit to Yingsa to discredit Lanyun as a business rival, and there is also a photo of himself and He Qing in the underground garage, which Liu Jiancheng has.

But the matter of the third party involved Liu Jiancheng himself, ah?To use the small reputation he lost in exchange for a more negative influence on Lanyun in public opinion?

"It's so ruthless." Wen Dong only thought of Liu Jiancheng, and now he has to admire this guy's madness.

"Hello." Wen Dong thought for a while, and called Zhang Hanhan again.

"Finished?" Zhang Hanhan asked in a low tone, sounding calm and unaffected, but with Zhang Hanhan's character, how could she let it go, she must be angry.

"Well, what do you think?" Wen Dong asked.

"I have no idea. This is just a post posted by an unknown person. It was deliberately fired by someone who hired a navy. We can't find out who posted it, so there is nothing we can do. This is just a rumor. It's just a guess. Most of those scolding people are estimated to be sailors hired by the other party, and half of them are ordinary citizens who are usually boring and blindly following rumors. There is no need to pay attention to them. As long as we show Lanyun's strength and evidence tonight, These will fall apart." Zhang Hanhan said calmly.

"Well, I think so too, but I have another idea." Wen Dong nodded.

"Oh? What do you think?"

"Master Zhan, hire Master Zhan to be the design consultant for our new Lanyun company. Before, Master Zhan said he had this intention, but it ended without a problem because of the plagiarism incident. Now it's different. Those clothes designs will definitely let Zhan Grandmaster's eyes light up, she will definitely agree."

"Master Zhan? What does this have to do with her? Eh? You mean you want Master Zhan to clarify my relationship with you?" Zhang Hanhan froze for a moment, then suddenly remembered that he and Wendong knew each other in clothing design of Zhan's Cheng, although she was not the only witness, her words were undoubtedly the most weighty and credible.

(End of this chapter)

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