How bad guys are made

Chapter 166 Two Big and Big Bad Faces

Chapter 166

Wendong wiped his cold sweat with his hand, looked at Zhang Hanhan with a calm expression on his face in shock, and said, "It's not hard work, it's not hard work..." While talking, he winked at Zhang Hanhan, and hurriedly let this frightening person not pay for his life. It's terrible for a woman to leave here.

Seeing Wen Dong's appearance of being scared to piss, Zhang Hanhan felt a little proud, and then said with a smile: "Liu Jiancheng will come later, you have to say hello." Having said that, Zhang Hanhan didn't hide it at all. He blinked at Wendong, his tone was slightly picky, and his appearance was even more charming, like a fairy.

"Kacha Kacha..." At this time, the sound of the shutter came to the second climax.

Wen Dong's legs went limp, and he almost sat on the ground.

Monkey King, Zhu Bajie, Queen Mother, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who has manifested his spirit, quickly put this goblin away, I can't stand it anymore——

Finally sent the goblin away, but then Wendong met an acquaintance, Zeng Hua, the great director of Chenhua Entertainment.

Naturally, Zeng Hua is not a great director, but because he has a good brother-in-law, he has participated in the shooting of many large-scale movies, and he is well-known in the director circle.However, many people know that Zeng Hua participated in the filming for only one reason, which is to get those beautiful female artists who have a crush on him.

Although Zeng Hua didn't have much talent, but he was rich, and he didn't have an official girlfriend, so it was normal for him to be invited.

Wen Dong didn't like Zeng Hua very much, but he had already taught this guy a lesson last night, and Zeng Hua didn't really do anything to Lin Xiaoxi. In Wen Dong's opinion, that's all. It was not pleasing to the eye, but as Lan Yun's welcome guest, that is, Lan Yun's face, Wen Dong would not do anything to make Lan Yun lose his reputation, but he greeted him enthusiastically, but he smiled on the surface.

And this afternoon, the big news that Wendong broke the third party was actually made by Zeng Hua. He and Liu Jiancheng had an enmity with Wendong, so he stood on the same front with Liu Jiancheng this morning, and the Internet broke the news. The photos of Wen Dong and He Qing were also provided to him by Liu Jiancheng for him to hype them up.

And he came here today to watch the excitement, and Wendong, as the focus of the online crazy, must be a focus person tonight, he will naturally not rush up to attract the attention of the media, and shook hands with Wendong with a smile After shaking hands, he went in, thinking that something would happen after he got in, so that the dance could not go on.

Hmph, this is the first step, Wen Dong, just wait and see how I can kill you... Zeng Hua thought bitterly.

It was close to eight o'clock at this time, but Liu Jiancheng did not show up.

It was previously reported that Liu Jiancheng would attend this dance, whether it was Liu Jiancheng's intention or not, but it was said so on the Internet, even if Liu Jiancheng didn't want to come, he had to come, otherwise, wouldn't that mean that Liu Jiancheng was afraid?
Although Wen Dong was sure in his heart that he would come, but the dance was about to start, Wen Dong felt a little anxious, because he had been messing with Wu Jian and Li Binger for a long time this afternoon, and he was waiting for Liu Jiancheng. If he didn't come , then all these preparations will be in vain.

It is estimated that Liu Jiancheng was putting on airs on purpose, and was the last to appear on the stage, so as to show his weight. Wen Dong comforted himself, and prayed in his heart.

Sure enough, at 55:[-], Liu Jiancheng appeared.

An angel phantom worth nearly ten million slowly stopped at the gate of Lanyun Group.

Liu Jiancheng, whose hair was combed shiny, got out of the car and went straight to Wendong at the door.

The reporters on both sides held the cameras nervously and aimed at the two, ready to take pictures of the meeting of the two rivals in the Internet.

Liu Jiancheng didn't seem to be looking for revenge, and behind him was only a pretty-looking celebrity, who was holding Liu Jiancheng's arm very gracefully.

Liu Jiancheng was wearing a decent suit, with a bow tie around his neck, and his leather shoes were so shiny that he didn't know how much shoe polish he had put on them.

Liu Jiancheng walked slowly with the beautiful woman, he didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, and there was no trace of other emotions on his face, and he smiled at the reporter who was waiting by the side, with a relaxed and sunny smile, and even waved After waving, he looked up at Wen Dong who was also smiling at the door.

The reporters quickly pressed the shutter, but the moment the shutter was lit, a smiling face appeared beside Liu Jiancheng.

It was Wendong, and the shutter sounded again without money.

"It's a great honor for Mr. Liu to come here. Welcome!" Wen Dong stretched out his hand to Liu Jiancheng with a smile on his face.

"Haha, I didn't expect Mr. Wen to come out to welcome the guests in person. Mr. Wen is in the limelight now. He is an Internet celebrity, why is Mr. Zhang willing to let you welcome the guests? This is also my honor." Liu Jiancheng smiled and shook hands with Wen Dong. They shook hands, but what they said was sarcasm, and the meaning couldn't be more obvious. As we all know, Wendong was rumored to be a third-party kid on the Internet.

"Oh, Mr. Liu is serious. For a distinguished guest like Mr. Liu, of course I have to greet him personally. Although the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, the waves ahead are too high." Wen Dong said, without letting go of Liu Jiancheng. hand, pulled Liu Jiancheng inward.

Liu Jiancheng didn't expect Wen Dong's words to be so straightforward. He secretly satirized Wen Dong's scandal that broke out this afternoon, and Wen Dong said it so openly. It was contained in it, but the last sentence pointed out that Liu Jiancheng's gossip was more entertaining, which immediately attracted people's attention. Liu Jiancheng was at a loss for words for a while, but was suppressed by Wendong.

"Is this the end?" Seeing Liu Jiancheng being pulled in by Wen Dong with enthusiasm, several reporters looked at each other, and they all saw each other's astonishment.

Naturally, they could hear that there was a confrontation between Wen Dong and Liu Jiancheng just now, but is this the end?From their point of view, these two little boys are rivals in love, and they should pinch each other when they meet, even if they don't make a move, scolding each other is a bit explosive.

For this, the reporters were somewhat disappointed, but everyone immediately turned their attention to the dance party. Zhang Hanhan, the mistress who beat Liu Jiancheng, was inside, and the real main battlefield was still there.

So, the reporters hurriedly packed up their cameras and rushed in.

This ball was arranged in the exhibition hall on the second floor of Lanyun Group's headquarters building. The entire large exhibition hall has already undergone a special transformation and has become a big ball scene.Many of the invited singles from Shuicheng City came, including some well-known celebrities, such as Master Zhan and his like.

Handsome and beautiful young men and women are chatting with each other.

The dance has not officially started yet, and many people present are looking for a dance partner for this dance.

Zhang Hanhan, He Qing, Cheng Liyuan and other senior executives of the new clothing company put on evening gowns.

Zhang Hanhan is wearing a red low-cut long dress, her chest is faintly visible, her charming eyes, her beautiful face become more and more delicate after dressing up, Tingting is sitting behind the table, next to her is He Qing, He Qing He Qing is also wearing a black bust-wrapped dress. He Qing is also a very temperamental woman. She wears a black strapless long dress with elegant demeanor, which sets off her supple and tender skin. She looks no different than Zhang Hanhan beside her Poor, the two of them sat together, like young sisters, and even the mature femininity exuded by He Qing was not what Zhang Hanhan possessed, and this kind of femininity would undoubtedly be more attractive to men.

These two people are undoubtedly the most beautiful scenery in the whole ball, and they are the dance partners that all men dream of, but many single men just look at them and smile slightly, without any intention of inviting them. The meaning is obvious. These two women are now in It is really too popular on the Internet. Although they are greedy, they are afraid that something bad will happen, and they will be forced to suffer if they are implicated.

But in this way, Xiaolan, who came with He Qing and was wearing an antique cheongsam in a short skirt, became the object of everyone's pursuit. This baby is too greedy to recognize, and Xiaolan is pure and lovely, and she is also a rare beauty.

This was originally a relaxed and leisurely dance party, but there was a strange smell in the entire exhibition hall.Because a large group of reporters was also let in by Lanyun's special order, dozens of cameras were placed in the gaps between the tables, aiming at the middle of the hall.

From time to time, there were a few shutter sounds in the hall. It was some famous people who were photographed by some reporters, but more reporters only focused on the door at the side of the stage. The two male protagonists of the two hot gossips are here.

Wen Dong and Liu Jiancheng are two handsome faces, Zhang Hanhan is a mistress and president, and He Qing is a general manager. According to rumors and revelations, the four of them have an intricate relationship with each other. When these two men and two women meet, what will happen? What's the matter?The reporters were too excited to even think about it.

From their point of view, there are too many breaking news tonight that need to be filmed, and they will naturally not focus on those celebrities.

When Liu Jiancheng and Wendong appeared on the rooftop together, the dance, which had been prepared for a long time and experienced too many hardships, finally started.

The one who suffers is naturally Wendong.

And, this is just the beginning.

The reporters who were eager to see the news were disappointed again, because Liu Jiancheng did not go straight to Zhang Hanhan at the dance, let alone launch an offensive against Wendong, but started talking enthusiastically with some friends at the dance, as if everything Nothing happened in general.

Although Liu Jiancheng is very young, his qualifications in the business world are not too old, and he is not the most successful person, but he still became one of the focal points of the whole ball.

There is only one reason, he married a good wife.

(End of this chapter)

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