How bad guys are made

Chapter 167 Pan Jinyuan came to the door

Chapter 167 Pan Jinyuan came to the door
And this good wife doesn't say how beautiful she is, but she is rich and powerful, and it can be seen from the fact that Liu Jiancheng became the president of Yingsa's largest branch in Shuicheng immediately after Liu Jiancheng became Yingsa's wealthy son-in-law.

As a well-known group in the world, Yingsa International Garment Group, Liu Jiancheng, the president, can be regarded as a high-level celebrity in the whole world, let alone in a city like Shuicheng.

As soon as Liu Jiancheng arrived at the ball, he was surrounded by many people who claimed to be his good friends or business partners. It's a joke, but it doesn't affect business dealings. In many people's eyes, the main function of this dance party is to provide a relaxed and comfortable place for them to make more upper-class people or business partners with each other.

But what is strange is that when those socialites saw the woman brought by Liu Jiancheng, they were very interested and did not talk to Liu Jiancheng too much.

This phenomenon aroused some reporters' ideas, but those reporters found that they didn't know the woman brought by Liu Jiancheng, because the woman's face was covered with thick foundation, and she couldn't see her original appearance clearly unless she looked carefully, and these Most of the reporters focused on Liu Jiancheng and Zhang Hanhan, so they didn't pay much attention.

It's just that I'm a little bit puzzled. This woman seems to be good-looking, with a good figure, and she is not only decently dressed but also graceful and luxurious, but she is not in the same class as Zhang Hanhan and other beauties present. Liu Jiancheng came to Lanyun's dance If you want to bring a woman, you should bring a prettier one, this woman is worse than that big breasted cheongsam girl.

After Wendong and Liu Jiancheng appeared again, they were selectively ignored.

Although Wendong is also the subject of attention of those reporters, according to the news, his position is just a little boy supported by Zhang Hanhan. If the battle is not so important, of course, this is relatively speaking.

And Wendong is nothing to those celebrities in the business world. Wendong's identity is the director of the new clothing company.

Lanyun's weight is naturally heavy, but Lanyun's new company is much lighter, and Wendong, a project director of a new company, what the hell! ?

Ninety-nine percent of the people present knew Wendong because of Wendong's negative public opinion on the Internet.

The whole Shuicheng city can be seen by these people, Liu Jiancheng counts as one, Zhang Hanhan must count as one, and He Qing, the leader of the new clothing company, counts at most half.

As for Wendong?Thanks, who are you?

Wen Dong was also sensible, and after bringing Liu Jiancheng in, he walked towards He Qing with a smile.

It's just that when he saw He Qing sitting with Zhang Hanhan, he stopped decisively. Zhang Hanhan, a business prodigy, had a different mind than ordinary people and didn't play cards according to the routine. He still had lingering fears when they came out, but there were many reporters staring at them hoping to come up with something, so he didn't dare to go.

Wendong looked around, but he didn't find anyone he knew. At any rate, there was Xiaolan who was surrounded by some diamond kings and five flower companies. After a while, it was arranged for Yue Chen to play again, so it's better not to talk to Xiaolan for now. speak.

have to!I play my own.Wen Dong thought about finding a free table, drinking a cocktail and having some snacks would be good too.

Zhang Hanhan, who was sitting at the front table, kept paying attention to Liu Jiancheng's side, and the surrounding reporters also noticed this, praying in his heart that this domineering mistress would have more fun.

"It seems that the visitor is not kind, is this a slap in the face?" Zhang Hanhan muttered, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as if thinking of the prayers in the hearts of those reporters, he actually stood up gracefully, bowed his head and followed in a low voice He Qing said something and walked towards Liu Jiancheng.

It's not her style to sit and wait, it's her style to take the initiative!
Because of the melodious singing at the ball, the reporter didn't hear what Zhang Hanhan said to He Qing, but this was not what they were concerned about. Seeing Zhang Hanhan walking towards Liu Jiancheng, the reporters immediately became excited, and the cameras quickly pointed at it. Zhang Hanhan went straight to Liu Jiancheng.

He Qing looked at Zhang Hanhan who was leaving in astonishment, her face was full of doubts, because Zhang Hanhan whispered to herself: I will borrow your little boyfriend.

Who else is He Qing's little boyfriend?Who else but Wen Dong?

What does it mean?What is she 'again' doing! ?

Many people didn't notice, but what Zhang Hanhan paid attention to was not Liu Jiancheng, but the woman brought by Liu Jiancheng.

They are both eldest daughters, Zhang Hanhan naturally knows this woman, she is Pan Jinyuan, the daughter of Pan Rongsheng, Yingsa's largest shareholder, and Liu Jiancheng's legal wife.

Zhang Hanhan beat Pan Jinyuan's husband in public, and the next day Pan Jinyuan came from Bangzi Kingdom and brought Liu Jiancheng to Lanyun's dance party, obviously to find a place.

Ying Sa is no worse than Lan Yun in terms of total assets or influence. Although Pan Jinyuan is several blocks behind Zhang Hanhan in terms of beauty, she is better than Zhang Hanhan in terms of social status and power. The big presidents here are not bad at all, they are of the same level.

Even Pan Jinyuan is more important than Zhang Hanhan. No matter how awesome Zhang Hanhan is, in the eyes of outsiders, he is just a mistress who is adopted, and Pan Jinyuan is the real daughter of the chairman of Yingsha. The chief executive of Bangziguo Corporation.

They have already reached the door of the house, and with Zhang Hanhan's strong personality, it is natural to meet her well.

The turmoil of those reporters at the ball immediately attracted the attention of some people. There were two focal points in the whole ball, one was Liu Jiancheng and the other was Zhang Hanhan. In the eyes of many people, these two people were actually a focus, because tonight they were destined to A big drama of love and hatred continues to be staged here. As for the matter of Wen Dong and He Qing, compared to their identities and status, it is undoubtedly much worse.

Liu Jiancheng and Pan Jinyuan seemed to notice that Zhang Hanhan was approaching, and turned their heads to look at Zhang Hanhan at the same time.

"Crack, click..." At this moment, the shutter sounded.

"En? What is she going to do again?" Wen Dong turned his head in doubt, and saw Zhang Hanhan walking towards him, and Wendong also clearly found that Zhang Hanhan was just passing by, because her eyes were looking at him not far behind It's on the side of Liu Jiancheng.

"Hey, I'll go, what are you doing?" Wen Dong was about to pass by Zhang Hanhan, thinking how far away he was from Zhang Hanhan, but unexpectedly, when Zhang Hanhan and himself were in the same body, a slender jade He grabbed Wen Dong's arm with one arm, dragged Wen Dong staggered, and without speaking, dragged Wen Dong towards Liu Jiancheng, Wen Dong was shocked.

"Don't talk, play by ear, don't embarrass me." Zhang Hanhan whispered to Wendong, took Wendong's arm in one hand, and walked towards Liu Jiancheng and his wife with a smile on his face.

"Play by ear...? What are you doing?" A big question mark appeared on Wendong's head. It was like meeting spies.

When Zhang Hanhan took Wendong's hand very naturally, the shutter sound exploded again. It was rumored on the Internet this afternoon that Wendong was Zhang Hanhan's baby boy. Now seeing them holding each other so intimately and whispering softly, that Even a fool can see that Zhang Hanhan and Wendong are really having an affair.

And what are they going to do together towards Liu Jiancheng?Provoked Liu Jiancheng, and then Liu Jiancheng shot out in a rage, beating up Wen Dong, the third party boy?Or did Zhang Hanhan beat Liu Jiancheng together with the boy?No matter what the situation is, it is what the reporters are happy to see, and they can't be too excited.

In fact, Wen Dong, who is the person involved, is also very excited, but there is no way, who made Zhang Hanhan his immediate boss, besides, Zhang Hanhan is not afraid of him, so what is he afraid of?
Seeing Zhang Hanhan dragging Wendong up to Pan Jinyuan and Liu Jiancheng, the faces of those who had been talking warmly with Liu Jiancheng and his wife just now had strange expressions on their faces, and they consciously stopped talking, and some even hurriedly said hello and left.

From their point of view, Pan Jinyuan came to Shuicheng suddenly from abroad and accompanied Liu Jiancheng to this dance, so it was definitely a bad person, and Zhang Hanhan was a good person?The answer is no, because Zhang Hanhan has already come here. Although they are all diamond kings and five-year-olds, and their families are not short of money, they are far behind people like Zhang Hanhan and Pan Jinyuan. They didn't want to be affected by Chi Yu in a fierce battle.

"Mr. Pan is here, why didn't you say something in advance? It's really rude." Zhang Hanhan smiled, and his words were like a spring breeze. He looked very kind and extended his hand to Pan Jinyuan with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang really knows how to joke. In front of Mr. Zhang, how can I be called Mr. Pan? Mr. Zhang's family has a great career, and you have the final say on the whole Lanyun. Mr. Zhang is serious." I didn't think it was strange to recognize it, and shook hands with Zhang Hanhan with a smile on my face. The whole person's demeanor was very indifferent, but many people present felt the strong sense of irony in Pan Jinyuan's words, you know Well, Zhang Hanhan is his mistress. Logically speaking, this Lanyun Group is not hers, but Zhang Wending gave it to her.

"I forgot when you said that." Pan Jinyuan's words were obviously sarcasm, but Zhang Hanhan didn't seem to catch it. After saying this, he suddenly frowned and looked up at Wen Dong: "This person doesn't seem to be at our dance party. Is it included in the invitation? How did you welcome the guests, and how did you let such a small person in?"

(End of this chapter)

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