Chapter 169
Wu Jian is the director of the new clothing company. In the final analysis, he handles all kinds of trivial matters, and he is naturally responsible for security.

Seeing that Wendong is really going to hit people, everyone present can't laugh anymore, especially those reporters, their eyes are wide open, and their faces are full of enthusiasm. This will coax Pan Jinyuan away. Then tomorrow's front page The headlines will be settled, and even if it doesn't go away, then no matter how the next battle between the two big bosses led by the two presidents will be on the front page no matter how it develops.

But fortunately, Zhang Hanhan, who held Wendong's arm with her small hand and had been acting like a good daughter-in-law, spoke.

"Wendong, forget it. It's just an invitation letter. It's a great honor for us Lanyun Group to be able to see Miss Pan Jinyuan at the ball of our Lanyun Group. Wendong, I promise that Miss Pan Jinyuan can come without an invitation letter." Come to our dance."

Zhang Hanhan said with a kind smile on his face. This seemed to give Pan Jinyuan face, but it sounded like Mr. Zhang Hanhan had a lot.

In the blink of an eye, Pan Jinyuan, who came to play, was completely at a disadvantage. It's good that you, Pan Jinyuan, are rich, but you even asked the other party to give you permission to participate in other people's dances, so you still have to play tricks?

"That's what the boss says. Let's go, this lady is authorized by the boss." Wen Dong nodded to Zhang Hanhan with a humble face, and then waved for Wu Jian to leave with the security guards.

Pan Jinyuan was very annoyed, and the other party called out one lady at a time. Although she didn't mean that kind of lady, but when she thought of the name 'Pan Jinlian', it didn't feel good to her ears.

"Hmph, who are you? Don't overestimate your identity? What are you? Why do you tell us what to do?" Pan Jinyuan looked up at Wen Dong and Zhang Hanhan coldly when she was overwhelmed by Wen Dong and Zhang Hanhan. Dong said.

"This is the project director of Lanyun New Clothing Company, Wen Dong, President Wen, and now he is an Internet celebrity, and it is said that his relationship with President Zhang is not ordinary." , with a look of disdain and disdain.

"Tch, isn't that just a boy?" Pan Jinyuan snorted disdainfully.

Seeing Pan Jinyuan and Liu Jiancheng targeting Wendong, Zhang Hanhan on the side suddenly became unhappy, looked up at Liu Jiancheng with disdain and said, "What are you? What right do you have to point fingers at me? "

"I..." Liu Jiancheng was choked up by Zhang Hanhan's stare, and he was speechless. In the end, he was just relying on his wife Pan Jinyuan's position, and argued with a blushing face: "I am Yingsa Zhushuicheng." CEO, am I even lower than Wendong?"

The tearing battle has officially started, and the surrounding reporters look excited. It would be great if these four people can fight once.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, it's really low. Let me introduce to you officially, Wendong is my best male friend. Because of his outstanding ability, as early as this afternoon, Wendong has been promoted from the director of the new company to Lanyun Vice President." Zhang Hanhan's face was unparalleled domineering, and his eyes were shocked by what he said.

The men and women surrounding Zhang Hanhan all exclaimed. Even Wen Dong looked at Zhang Hanhan whose firm tone was not joking, and almost exclaimed. He was promoted from the director of the new company to the vice president?How many levels did it cross?
However, Wen Dong was just shocked, because he knew very well that the reason why Zhang Hanhan said this was just looking for a place. Since he wanted to hype, there must be some warm-up in advance tonight, and the most beautiful, richest and richest Such a sip of a business-talented mistress's best male friend can almost serve as a warm-up effect, setting the stage for the enthusiasm and doubts of the upcoming fashion show.

Sure enough, many people showed great interest in Wendong after hearing what Zhang Hanhan said.

You know, the vice president of Lanyun's head office is really no lower than Liu Jiancheng's position. In addition, Lanyun's headquarters is here, and Liu Jiancheng is just the boss of a branch company, and he is also the executive president. real president.

"Although he has been promoted to vice president, because of his professional nature, he is mainly responsible for the underwear and fashion brands of my new clothing company." Seeing that everyone's interest in Wendong has come out, Zhang Hanhan is as Wendong thought. That just speaks out the underwear and fashion brands.

"Underwear fashion brand? Are you Lanyun really going to enter the clothing market?" Someone asked in shock.

Wen Dong didn't know if this person was a trustee, but this person's question was really in line with Zhang Hanhan's wishes.

Zhang Hanhan said with a smile: "Our Lanyun Group intends to shape itself into a comprehensive business group. In the next period of time, the company will also devote most of its attention and funds to this aspect, and Wendong is responsible for This one."

Zhang Hanhan's words have fully demonstrated her ambition, and also told everyone about Lanyun's future development direction. As the leader of Lanyun, Zhang Hanhan's words are naturally not child's play.

However, for many men present, Wen Dong, in addition to being exceptionally promoted to vice president of Lanyun, you are also in charge of the general manager of clothing, which is undoubtedly difficult for them to accept.

How can a man have such good benefits?

Let me talk about Zhang Hanhan's best male friend first. There have been rumors before that Wen Dong is Zhang Hanhan's little boy. In fact, everyone just talked about it for fun and didn't take it seriously. But now it is different. First, Zhang Hanhan Holding Wendong's arm affectionately, the two sang together and overwhelmed each other. Afterwards, Zhang Hanhan gave Wendong an unusual promotion, and even took the initiative to introduce Wendong as her best male friend.

It's all like this, so a fool can think of it. It is estimated that Wendong has done everything that Zhang Hanhan should do and should not do. Even Zhang Hanhan praised Wendong for his outstanding ability. Some people think evilly. Is it because Wendong's ability in bed is outstanding, which pleases the CEO.

It is estimated that most of the men present thought so. They glanced at Zhang Hanhan, and then looked at the smiling Wendong with envy and hatred.

Zhang Hanhan was rumored to be Zhang Wending's mistress, so she might not be a virgin for a long time, but who is Zhang Hanhan?A goddess-like figure, just those two jade legs that are more beautiful and well-proportioned than the model's legs are enough for Wendong to play all night, that slender waist, those twin peaks that are about to come out, every part of her body is suitable for men It was full of temptations, and there was another point, that is, the appearance was beyond the charts. Although there were many famous ladies and beauties present, they were so beautiful, none of them could compare with Zhang Hanhan.

What's more important is Zhang Hanhan's identity, Lan Yun's boss, she has more money than you can count.

As long as the thought of Zhang Hanhan, a goddess-level beauty lying under Wen Dong's body, all the men present couldn't help but want to vomit blood, Wen Dong can suddenly become the director of the new company, which is already enough to make people jealous But now he has become the vice president of Lanyun again, can this luck not be so good! ?

Besides, the chief executive of a fashion underwear and clothing company, when he thinks of underwear and fashion, he will associate with women, especially underwear. How many girls must there be?

Let's not talk about how these girls look like, if you want to enter the underwear department, you must at least have breasts, right?How many breasts do you have?Can you see it, feel it, breathe it?
Look, it is said that the girl named Xiaolan belongs to the clothing company. Many men focused their eyes on the two lumps of soft flesh tightly wrapped in Xiaolan's narrow cheongsam, and burst into tears decisively——

Women, besides money and power, this is the most sought after thing for men.

Wen Dong really didn't expect that with just these few words, he would become the target of hatred from almost all the men in the audience. It's really wronged. I'm really not as good as you think. As for the breasts, I didn't touch a lot.

Fortunately, Wendong didn't express his grievances, otherwise those men who are envious and jealous will really beat them up. The goddess' breasts alone are enough for you to play with for a year. You still want to touch her several! ?

At this time, a chubby guy walked over with enthusiasm. Wen Dong still has an impression of this chubby guy. Isn't this just the beginning of a valuable Zhanyi? He held his hand and said repeatedly when welcoming guests Do you envy that little fat man who admires you?

The little fat man is very upright, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, he looks gentle, he took Wen Dong's hand with enthusiasm and familiarity and said: "Oh, Mr. Wen, just now you said you dare not be, now you say It would be too modest to dare to be that, congratulations, I saw you today, and found that you must have a happy event with your blushing face, now I look at it, it really is true, Vice President Wen, I need to take care of you in the future."

"Hehe, you praised me so much, so I won't talk about taking care of you. We are all friends. If you have anything to do in the future, you can just say it. As long as I can help, I will help." Wen Dong blushed when he was praised, but he was full. With a smile on his face, he really enjoyed the feeling of the boss. You know, the vice president in his mouth has a lot more weight than the previous president Wen.

To be honest, Wendong really doesn't know this fat guy, and he doesn't even know his last name, but Wendong can say things in scenes.

No, Wendong and Zhang Hanhan sang together, plus this person who was hired by Zhang Hanhan to say compliments, people's eyes were immediately attracted to Wendong and Zhang Hanhan, while Pan Jinyuan and Liu Jiancheng were left aside, no one cared. .

"Mr. Zhang is really fast and resolute in his work. I really don't see what is so outstanding about this Wendong. How did he fascinate you?" Pan Jinyuan glanced sideways at Wendong, acting strangely, but A trace of disdain flashed hard in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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