How bad guys are made

Chapter 170 I Allow You To Touch

Chapter 170 I Allow You To Touch

"Then why is Boss Pan and Liu Jiancheng together?" Zhang Hanhan asked with a smile.

"The two of us hit it off." Pan Jinyuan stretched out his hand to wrap Liu Jiancheng's arm.

"Then we are fate." Zhang Hanhan gave a rare gentle smile, put his little hand in Wendong's, and said sweetly: "Sometimes, when fate comes, it can't be stopped, and many things will naturally come to fruition. .”

have to!In the blink of an eye, a battle of aggression and rivalry to see who has a higher position turned into a show of affection, which made the onlookers and some reporters very helpless, but the reporters were also very happy, because the things about Zhang Hanhan and Wendong were also possible. It's a revelation, but it's a pity that the show of affection is not as cool as tearing, and it is even more explosive in gossip.

At this time, the music of the dance slowly rang.

And the four people who were the focus of the whole ball also had a tacit truce because of the sound of the music.

At this time, couples of handsome men and beautiful women felt that there was nothing good to watch, and they all started to dance in the center of the dance floor. Most of these people were single nobles, and their main purpose of coming here was to find a suitable target.

Wendong also wants to learn from the TV show, take the beautiful heroine into the dance hall to dance a dance, make those male animals envious and pretend to be B, but it is a pity that Wendong can't dance at all .

An orphan who has been going out on his own since he became a teacher at the age of 15. At most, he would just fumble around in disco venues and eat some tofu from his sister. Ballroom dancing, I really don't know.

The only person in the family who can breathe is the old cripple. If the cripple can dance, then he is not a cripple.

Although Wendong has a strong adaptability, he is not a dance prodigy. He can't watch others dance and he can dance by himself. Therefore, when the dance started, Wendong could only sit aside like a fool, holding his hand. Holding a small plate of dim sum, he stuffed it into his mouth with one hand.

He wanted to find He Qing, but Wen Dong was still Zhang Hanhan's little boy now anyway, since he wanted to act, he had to do enough, and things about him and He Qing had already spread on the Internet, so he was thick-skinned and not afraid to make irresponsible remarks, but He Qing has a thin skin, and the most important thing is Zhang Hanhan. If I go to He Qing in front of so many people, isn't that just slapping Zhang Hanhan in the face?

Moreover, He Qing didn't know what to do, she was no longer in her original position.

For the first dance, it was a warm-up first, and many important people didn't come on stage, like Liu Jiancheng and Pan Jinyuan, they found an empty table and went to chat with a few rich bosses.

"Eat slowly, don't choke." Wen Dong was admiring the beautiful girls on the stage boredly, just lowered his head and picked up a piece of peak berry cake and stuffed it into his mouth, when a glass of orange juice suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Thank you." Someone gave me a pillow when I was really sleepy. Wen Dong was choking in a panic, and said something vaguely in his mouth, and quickly took it and poured it into his mouth.

"Why are you being polite to me?" The woman chuckled, and sat gracefully beside Wen Dong. Although the sofa Wen Dong was sitting on was big enough for two people, it was close to each other.

Wendong was so uncomfortable that he didn't notice who was giving him the orange juice. When he realized that someone was sitting next to him, Wendong lowered his head and just saw the woman's pair of white legs put together. Wendong looked He was stunned for a moment, staring at the pair of attractive big white legs, swallowing the cake in his mouth vigorously, even hiccupped, thinking: Why do these legs look familiar?
Looking up along the provocative jade legs, when he saw a familiar beautiful face, he almost exclaimed, it was Zhang Hanhan.

"You, why are you here!?" Wen Dong was shocked and puzzled, knowing that he and Zhang Hanhan were just acting for a show, there is no need to get tired of being together at this time.

"Shh, don't make a fuss, you are my baby boy now." Zhang Hanhan hurriedly made a silent gesture, and glanced at Wendong reproachfully, but when he said that Wendong was her baby girl, even Zhang Hanhan I couldn't help but blush a little, like a young couple in real love, stretched out Bai Shengsheng's small hand and pulled out a tissue on the table, wiped Wen Dong's mouth gently, but his mouth was dissatisfied Angrily said: "How old are you, why are you still like a child, eating your mouth full."

"Hey, don't, don't, I'll do it myself!" Wen Dong was terrified by Zhang Hanhan's series of actions, hurriedly took the paper towel from Zhang Hanhan's hand and wiped it carelessly, and at the same time reached out his hand to wipe off the cold sweat.

Wen Dong was really scared. I accidentally touched this beautiful woman's chest just now, and I don't know if she has hated me. Besides, Wen Dong's stern character is very clear to him. If I overacted, one day I would bring in my role and take advantage of Zhang Hanhan, then I would be the one to suffer.

Maybe, this girl came here to seduce me on purpose, she wanted to take revenge on herself, but she didn't know if it was intentional or not when she touched her just now, guess Zhang Hanhan just wanted to wait for her to get pissed off, just rightly punishing herself.

Thinking of this, Wen Dong became vigilant, and moved his butt to the side without a trace.

"Look over there." Zhang Hanhan seemed not to have noticed Wen Dong's small movements, and raised his brows.

Wendong followed Zhang Hanhan's eyes suspiciously, and saw Pan Jinyuan and Liu Jiancheng sitting next to each other on the sofa not far away, maybe Pan Jinyuan was tired from flying, and Liu Jiancheng was talking to her What are you talking about, while rubbing her legs.

The two are husband and wife, so it is natural to do these things, and although Pan Jinyuan is said to be not very good-looking, and today she can't see clearly because the foundation is too thick, but this figure is undoubtedly sexy, if you don't look at it As far as the face is concerned, those two white and tender legs still look quite lustful.

"People are showing affection, so we can't just sit alone." Zhang Hanhan looked up at Wendong, his eyes were looking forward to his charm, his straight Qiong nose, his jade cheeks were slightly flushed, and his ruddy sexy lips were charming and charming. The tenderness is outstanding, the indescribable tenderness and delicateness.

Wendong stared at the beauty beside him who seduced people and committed crimes with dazed eyes, as if he could smell the smell of passionate desire exuding from the other person's body, but Wendong knew that this smell was just his imagination.

Thinking of Liu Jiancheng and Pan Jinyuan rubbing their legs to show their affection, Wendong's eyes were uncontrollably placed on Zhang Hanhan's seductive jade legs. What kind of legs are these, white and tender, smooth, well-proportioned and yet sensual , looks no worse than that of the beautiful landlady, even because of the beauty landlady's regular exercise, Zhang Hanhan's jade legs look more delicate and fair, as if water can be squeezed out with just a pinch, Wen Dong really wants to reach out and touch these legs What does it feel like to touch? The two eyeballs swept back and forth between the bend of Zhang Hanhan's legs and the thin flesh on the inner thigh, and he spat vigorously, but he opened his mouth uncontrollably and asked, "Although I It's the little boy you keep, but can I exercise the right of the little boy?"

After finishing speaking, Wen Dong suddenly woke up with a jolt, and he regretted it even more.

But Zhang Hanhan didn't seem to be angry, even because Wendong was so obsessed with his body, there was a little joy in his heart, sensing the panic in Wendong's eyes, Zhang Hanhan was even more proud, and looked at Wendong with a half-smile , opened his mouth and said, "What do you think?" Having said that, Zhang Hanhan seemed to be tired, and leaned lightly on the sofa, showing the whole attractive curve in front of Wendong's eyes, narrowing his eyes slightly, in a daze There was a bit of laziness, and there was a hint of temptation in that smile that was not a smile. Wendong swallowed while watching, but he was complaining in his heart, what the hell is this woman going to do, it will kill him if he seduces him so much.

"I think it's better to forget it." Reason finally defeated desire. Although Wen Dong was greedy, he was more afraid of death. He glanced at Zhang Hanhan in fear and shook his head decisively.

Seeing that Wendong was afraid, Zhang Hanhan felt even more proud. Since he knew Wendong, it was Wendong who yelled at him with anger. Now that he finally found Wendong's weakness, he naturally had to play tricks on this guy. Save this bastard for always being mad at himself.

Knowing that Wendong didn't dare to touch her, that meant he had a wicked heart but no guts. Zhang Hanhan also became bold when speaking, looked at Wendong with a charming face, and said, "How can we forget it? We can't do it when he is showing affection. Weak momentum, right? Now, I allow you to touch my legs!"

"Uh——" Hearing Zhang Hanhan's tough words, Wen Dong hiccupped suddenly, and almost spit out the cake in his stomach along with the orange juice. He looked at the serious Zhang Hanhan opposite him with a face full of shock, and said in his heart: This woman Is she a mistress? Such ambiguous words sound like giving orders.

However, although Zhang Hanhan's tone didn't sound seductive, or even ambiguous, Wen Dong, who was facing Zhang Hanhan, actually felt the fatality to men emanating from this woman. Attractive power.

Especially the last few words that allowed me to touch her legs, Wen Dong suddenly became excited, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, Xiao Wendong stood up proudly, Wen Dong was going crazy, if he continued to seduce her like this, he might not be able to control himself As soon as his head got hot, he gave this woman who was not afraid of death to Fa-rectification on the spot.

Quickly shaking his head and waving his hands, he said, "No, no, no..."

Seeing Wendong shaking his whole head like a rattle, he knew no and didn't know what to say, Zhang Hanhan teased her deliberately: "Nothing? Don't my legs look good? You don't want to touch them?"

(End of this chapter)

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