Chapter 171

Zhang Hanhan frowned lightly, saying so, Zhang Hanhan raised her legs slightly, and the silk skirt slid down a little with her elegant and extremely seductive movements, revealing the snow-white inner thighs skin.

"It looks good, I want to touch—" Before the fatal temptation, Wen Dong's mind was muddled, and he couldn't choose what to say.

"Then you touch it."

Seeing those alluring big white legs slightly raised, Wen Dong, whose mind was muddled, suddenly sensed a fierce momentum, his mind was jolted, he woke up instantly, and a cold sweat broke out in his heart. It is estimated that if Wen Dong really dared to reach out to touch it, then Zhang Hanhan's little feet on high heels would definitely kick him in the face without mercy.

Thinking of this, Wendong's ass jumped up like a spring, and waved his hands indiscriminately: "I, I...I drank too much water tonight, I want to pee, yes, I want to pee " After finishing speaking, Wen Dong rubbed the soles of his feet with oil, so he turned around and ran away.

Pee?Just as Zhang Hanhan thought that this guy was really vulgar, she suddenly squinted and saw that Wen Dong was running away with a bowed body. Why is Dong in this position? Wen Dong must have reacted to his provocation just now, his little face turned red, and he took a bite: "Pervert!"

In fact, Zhang Hanhan was also struggling with contradictions in her heart just now, because she knew very well that this guy Wendong was very bold, because he had teased himself a lot before, what if this bastard really dared to reach out and touch his thigh? manage?Should I kick him or let him touch him?

Zhang Hanhan blushed: let him touch what?Bah, bah, if he dares to touch me, I will kick him until he can't take care of himself for the rest of his life!
But thinking of Wen Dong's terrified and confused appearance just now, Zhang Hanhan thought it was funny, his sexy mouth slightly raised, and secretly said: "This guy is quite interesting."

Wendong went to the toilet, washed his face, and finally suppressed the anger in his heart. He secretly said that Zhang Hanhan is a terrible woman. Doesn't she know how seductive she is like just now?Cursed secretly in my heart, thinking that I can't go home tonight, there is Lin Xiaoxi who is no worse than Zhang Hanhan at home, this lonely man and widow, plus I have been so stimulated tonight, what if I do something wrong? It would be a pity for a beast to come, let alone the beautiful landlady, and there was only one place to live——He Qing.

At this time, the second dance music slowly sounded.

Those important people, at this time, are all ready to go on stage to dance with their female partners, and Liu Jiancheng and Pan Jinyuan also joined hands on the stage after showing off their affection.

Wen Dong honestly found a corner and squatted aside. As for the original position had been taken by Zhang Hanhan, of course he couldn't go there, even if he was killed!

However, what Wendong didn't expect was that Zhang Hanhan took the initiative to come over again.

Seeing the smile on the corner of Zhang Hanhan's mouth, Wen Dong trembled all over and almost knelt down for Zhang Hanhan. I said Master Zhang, please spare the boy.

"What...what are you doing?" Wen Dong looked at Zhang Hanhan warily.

"Of course it's dancing." Zhang Hanhan really acted vigorously, and without any explanation, he took Wendong's hand and walked towards the middle of the dance floor.

"I can't dance." Wen Dong said with a mournful face, like a wronged little girl who was dragged to prostitution by a client with yellow teeth.

"It's okay, I'll teach you." Zhang Hanhan dragged Wendong onto the stage. Zhang Hanhan was a bit similar to Xiaojie, that is, he was bold in his mouth, but he really wanted to go on stage. Zhang Hanhan gave Wen Dong a warning look, and threatened: "Just follow my steps, don't move your hands and feet, otherwise, I don't mind stepping on your feet a few times!"

"Don't you think it's superfluous? Since you know I can't dance, but you're afraid that I'll move around, you can just find someone to dance. Why do you have to drag me?" Wen Dong said with a bitter face.

"I don't like those stinky men touching me, but I can't refuse them. You are my little boy, so I happened to be looking for you. After a while, after this song is over, I will arrange the next fashion show. They There will be no chance to invite me to dance." Zhang Hanhan said.

You know, although Zhang Hanhan is a mistress, he is not married, and even if he is married, he can divorce. However, there are still many people in the dance hall who still have a lot of thoughts about a goddess of Zhang Hanhan's level.

"Then... well then, you have to take pity on me." Wen Dong looked down at Zhang Hanhan's thin strappy high-heeled sandals that covered her round feet. Knowing how to step on green, like a little girl who is about to have sex, she said shyly with fear: "It's the first time for me."

"Get lost—" "Rogue!"

Zhang Hanhan scolded this out-of-shape guy angrily, but after speaking, Zhang Hanhan gently lifted Wendong's hand, and then put Wendong's other hand on his waist between.

Because it was summer, Zhang Hanhan was wearing a very thin dress. Although the dress didn't show much, but because of the silk material, the moment Wen Dong put his hand on Zhang Hanhan's waist, he rubbed the light in his palm. The trace of heat seems to be able to really feel the smoothness of the delicate skin on Zhang Hanhan's waist, and Wen Dong couldn't put it down for a while.

"What are you dawdling about, hurry up." Seeing Wen Dong standing there stupidly, Zhang Hanhan reminded helplessly.

Wen Dong was indeed dawdling, with his big paws rubbing against Zhang Hanhan's waist, but the movements were so small that Zhang Hanhan didn't notice it.

"Oh." Wen Dong quickly agreed, never seen a pig running, so haven't you eaten pork?The ballroom dance moves are very simple, you can watch it once, but the movements are not smooth enough at first glance, just like the ones on TV, just walk by touching your buttocks, so Wen Dong, after Zhang Hanhan urged, another One hand was decisively placed on Zhang Hanhan's buttocks.

In fact, what Zhang Hanhan meant was to ask Wendong to put his hand on her waist, because she had already put Wendong's hand on her waist just now, but she didn't expect Wendong, a bumpkin, didn't know where he learned it from. Butt touching ballroom dancing.

Zhang Hanhan's buttocks have never been touched by the opposite sex before. Wendong touched it randomly, and Zhang Hanhan's whole body trembled suddenly, especially Wendong's palm was extraordinarily hot. Zhang Hanhan felt as if he was getting an electric shock. An electric current spread from the place Wendong touched all over the body in an instant.

Zhang Hanhan instinctively wanted to push Wendong away, but if he wanted to push Wendong away, he might not know who would jump out and dance with him. In desperation, he suppressed this impulse, and then dragged Wendong a little angrily. He moved a piece of his hand up and said, "Put it on your waist, not your butt!"

"It's not the butt? How do I remember that the show on TV is the butt? You see, they are like this." Wen Dong said suspiciously, and looked at a pair of handsome men and women dancing not far away. He was putting his hand on the woman's buttocks, as if he was still groping, and the woman was lying on the man's body with almost half of her body.

It seemed that the two were in love with each other, and they were flirting on the dance floor.

Zhang Hanhan glanced sideways, his little face flushed immediately, he glared at this guy angrily, snorted, and said arrogantly: "Your pair of thief eyes don't look at serious places, what TV show, you Are you sure you're watching a healthy channel?"

"Hey..." Wen Dong sneered, but didn't dare to speak.

Zhang Hanhan glanced at Wendong, and couldn't help but think of Wendong when he was talking to Lanyun just now. He remembered the first time he talked with Wendong. This guy actually wants to develop Lanyun into his AV career, and he still wants to teach him about sex education Zhang Hanhan didn't bother to pay attention to this guy whose mind was full of filth, and said, "Come on, follow my steps."

For Wendong people, dancing is a very simple thing, even if Wendong has never learned it, because dancing is all about grasping and controlling the body and rhythm, and what is more delicate is the rhythm of breathing. With these, the pace will not be chaotic, and it will look natural.And fighting, especially fighting with technical content like Wen Dong said, also pays attention to this.

Therefore, under the guidance of Zhang Hanhan, Wendong quickly learned these simple steps.

However, at this moment, a burst of exclamation suddenly sounded, which was particularly harsh on the dance floor surrounded by elegant ballroom dance tunes. He Qing, who was not far from Wendong, suddenly pushed away a The fat man raised his hand and slapped him across the face.

With a crisp sound of 'pa', the left cheek of the fat man was accurately hit by He Qing's slapping hand, and even because of He Qing's excessive force and the fact that there was too much meat on the fat man's face, the fat on the fat man's face Still shivering.

"Shameless!" He Qing looked at the fat man angrily and cursed.

"What's going on?" Wendong and Zhang Hanhan rushed over quickly, looking at He Qing who was blushing, Wendong frowned slightly, and looked up at the fat man who was beaten, a wave of anger suddenly hit his heart , it's Zeng Hua, this fat man is really trying to die!

In fact, it goes without saying that Wen Dong also guessed the reason why He Qing beat him. As expected, Zeng Hua danced with He Qing for some reason. Just now, he even touched He Qing's ass.

Wen Dong looked at Zeng Hua coldly, and for some reason, he glanced at Zhang Hanhan next to him, feeling a little guilty, as if he touched this woman's ass just now...

(End of this chapter)

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