How bad guys are made

Chapter 177 Wronged Wendong

Chapter 177 Wronged Wendong

"Aren't you going to make me angry? Buy me a set of these clothes." The woman put her arms around her chest and hummed.

"Okay, you can buy as much as you want, I have money, I will buy you a hundred sets, and put them all on your body, I want to pick them up one by one, haha..."

"Get out, you're not in shape, I'm going to wear it tonight." The woman pouted.

"Okay, okay, Zhang and I are always partners. I'll call her right now. Even if I don't make a profit, I'll give her a set tonight to give to my wife."

"You prodigal, a percentage point of our company is worth more than 100 million, you are crazy!"

"As long as my wife is happy, it's fine. Good wife, don't be angry. Let's buy her a set and pick it up slowly when we get home." The man leaned closer to his wife, with a flattering smile on his face.

If Wendong saw it, he would definitely slap this guy to death, you are really worthless!
"Hate it, you bastard!"


And these little stories were only carried out in small corners of the venue. At the same time, phone calls were made one by one. Beautiful clothes, as long as you wear them out, it won't be strange if you don't get sought after by men, take off the list?Is that still a thing?There are also women who call friends. It is said that the husband of a friend is often away from home. I recommend these styles of underwear and clothing to her, and I have to buy a set for myself. By then, the husband who often goes out will not stick to his body every day and want to eat meat. Meat?

What's more, single male compatriots are calling their dog friends.What are you doing?Buy underwear!Damn, are you crazy?You won't be transgender, will you?Get the hell out of here, it will be Tanabata in a few days, I see a girl I haven't caught up with, and I'll buy a set for her then, it's likely to happen?Damn, didn't you say that the chance of catching up with that girl is only [-]%?A set of clothes increased by [-]%?What clothes?Send me a picture and let me have a look. I want to buy it too. I’m having a fight with my girlfriend these days. If it’s good, I’ll buy a set to coax her... Coax her, don’t buy it, I guess. There won't be too many of these clothes on the market for the time being. You can buy a condom and put a rapist on it, and you can make your wife happy. Don't waste resources...

Fuck you, uncle, quickly send me a picture...

At the same time, Zhang Hanhan's mobile phone has been blown up, because Zhang Hanhan's number is mostly a private number, and the people who call her are either good friends or important business partners, and some people are even not included in the party invitation , that is to say, in just a few minutes, this underwear show has been spread by people at the ball by various means. Now that the information is so developed, buttons and prestige can be transmitted in real time, and some The guy wants a thousand sets, and he wants it tonight.

What are you doing?Send a lover?
Well, you're a stallion, a thousand sets?

No, Zhang Hanhan was in a dilemma, because Wendong made a hundred sets, and because he didn't release a fashion show and didn't know the effect, he didn't let the factory produce it.

On the side, Wendong, who was leaning comfortably on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed, with his eyes in his mouth, looked at Zhang Hanhan with a satisfied face as he promised the non-stop phone calls, and turned his head to look at the pictures on the screen that seemed to be spraying. The man who came out of the fire, Wendong is so proud.

There is absolutely no worry about not being able to sell these clothes. It is estimated that Zhang Hanhan is now worried about how to produce a large number of them as soon as possible. The supply exceeds the demand, which is inevitable!
Not all men get excited when they see fashionable and sexy clothes, and not all men get excited when they see underwear.

Therefore, each style is carefully designed by Wendong, and each style and even a stripe on each style of clothes is thought out by Wendong's hard work. We must add that kind of temptation, so that men can see it. To the seductive elements that spurt blood.

This is not as simple as thinking about it or talking about it. Do you really think that this underwear is those two fig leafs?This is impossible, there are too many ways to go!
And this live strip show dance was also thought up by Wen Dong, this is not a hooligan to engage in pornography, firstly, it is not completely stripped, secondly, it is to show the underwear worn inside, why not go behind the scenes How about wearing it again?
If someone asks this question, Wen Dong will definitely spit on this guy's face, are you a man, can this behind-the-scenes change of clothes compare with the visual effect of undressing on the spot?
Wen Dong hummed a ditty, and already thought of the slogan that Lanyun New Clothing Company was going to use next, four sentences in total, this is high-end!

The woman dragged the man into the lingerie store!
The man dragged the woman into the lingerie store!
The woman dragged her best friend into the lingerie store!
The man dragged his friend into the lingerie store!
For a long time, very few men would enter lingerie stores unless they were perverted, and what Wendong has to do is to let men also enter lingerie stores, so that they can do it for their wives, their girlfriends, and themselves. My lover bought underwear from Lanyun New Clothing Company.

Turn ordinary consumption into demand consumption; turn begging each other for consumption into consumers begging us, shouting that I want to consume!
Therefore, without fashion and underwear, it is no longer unilateral because women want to wear it, but it has to become that men want their women to wear it!
From Wendong's point of view, whether it is tonight's fashion show arrangement that changes from the previous style or the consumption concept, this will be a change across the ages!
Ever since Zhang Hanhan took the position of president, she has been very busy. Many times, she would work overtime when those employees got off work. Even when she got home, she still needed to read some documents and other things after eating.However, today Zhang Hanhan realized for the first time how busy he really is!

In fact, just when Cheng Yanan, who was the second to play, stepped onto the runway, Zhang Hanhan received a call from a partner. Zhang Hanhan was overjoyed. It was a good start, but he was afraid of disturbing Master Zhan. He quickly ran out with his phone.

Unexpectedly, a friend from a friend's dance hall asked me to leave a set of clothes for him. Zhang Hanhan rushed in while promising. She only watched Lin Xiaoxi's part of the catwalk for this hour. Didn't read any of them, why?She is answering the phone.

The first call, very happy, the second, full of joy, the third, very excited, the fourth, I started to admire Wendong, the fifth... until No.20, Zhang Hanhan no longer has the energy to scold Wendong Because she didn't know whether to scold him or praise him.

For more than an hour, the phone was ringing off the hook, and finally the phone ran out of power and turned off. Zhang Hanhan could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Zhang Hanhan came to Wendong with a tired face at this time, but her eyes were full of excitement, because she had expected that this fashion show would be very successful, and there was no need for those media reporters to promote it at all. People spread these good clothes.

"Wendong, how did you do it? Are these clothes really so good-looking?" Zhang Hanhan asked excitedly.

"It's not that you haven't seen it, you just have to see it for yourself." Wen Dong curled his lips in trepidation, and raised his hand towards the screen.

At this time, all six clothing styles of the fashion show have been displayed, and these six clothing styles are projected on the big screens on the left and right sides, twelve big screens, fashion plus underwear, just right.

Zhang Hanhan looked at the attractive clothes and underwear on the screen with a happy face, and praised them again and again. Undoubtedly, she did not watch the fashion show just now. Seeing those super-figure models look so good in these clothes, I can't help but want to make a set.

"Is it really alright? Do you want to keep the slip on for yourself first?" Wen Dong straightened up gently and looked at Zhang Hanhan ambiguously.

"I..." Zhang Hanhan did have this idea, but when he saw Wen Dong's ambiguous eyes, he suddenly felt shy, because some screens showed the prologue of those models undressing.

"Don't be shy, when a product is wanted even by the boss who produced it, the product is already a success." Wen Dong raised his legs and got so excited that he didn't even call out Mr. Zhang, and said directly : "Hanhan, these six costumes have already been pushed up. I guess some people have come to their senses now and know that one is missing. Hurry up and change into a new one. At this time, it's time for you, the finale beauty, to come on stage." It's time."

He Qing, who was on the side, nodded in agreement when she heard Wen Dong's words, and suddenly said, "By the way, I see that these six styles of clothing have their own names. What's the name of Mr. Zhang's dress?"

"Ah, by the way, what's the label of my dress?" Zhang Hanhan remembered it after being reminded, looked at Wen Dong and said expectantly, thinking to himself, this is the biggest highlight of his show, the name And the label must at least be better than that of Lin Xiaoxi.

"Uh——" Wen Dong was only concerned with his clothes just now, but he was dumbfounded when He Qing and Zhang Hanhan asked him about it.

Although Wendong has a lot of good jokes in his mind, this is just as Zhang Hanhan thought. Her dress is the finale, so no matter the label or name, at least it can't compare with the dress of Lin Xiaoxi who was the first to play. Poor, otherwise, even if it can play the finale effect, there will be a small shortcoming. Moreover, if the name is not well named, it will be beaten.

The more Wendong was afraid, the more he couldn't figure it out. Seeing He Qing and Zhang Hanhan looking at him expectantly, Wendong was finally defeated, rubbed the back of his head, and said with a embarrassed smile: "This... …I have not decided yet."

"What? You haven't figured it out yet?" Zhang Hanhan's pretty face burst into flames in anticipation, raised his eyebrows, stared at Wendong coldly, and said, "Wendong, what do you mean? Are you bullying me?" I?"

Seeing that Zhang Hanhan stretched out his foot and was about to kick him, Wen Dong hurriedly begged for mercy: "Oh, I'll go, how dare I bully you, the key point is that your dress is too important, I haven't figured it out after thinking about it for several nights."

"Then what are you thinking about?"

"Oh, don't I just miss you?" Wen Dong looked at Zhang Hanhan with an aggrieved expression.

"Get out!" Zhang Hanhan never thought that Wendong would tease himself like this in front of several people, and his face turned red when he was told, and he glanced at He Qing beside him with a guilty conscience, feeling as if he had been caught cheating on Wendong. Grabbing the current situation, he quickly looked at Wendong with a cold face to hide the panic and embarrassment in his heart, and urged: "Think quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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