Chapter 178
"In this way, I won't remember it for a while. This is good. You change your clothes. Maybe I will remember it immediately when I see that dress." Stared at by Zhang Hanhan's cold eyes, Wen Dong racked his brains for a while. Thinking of a nice name, he said quickly.

"Well, Wen Dong is right. Each of these clothes has its own unique style, and only when it is worn on a person can it truly show its charm." He Qing who was on the side also echoed.

"Really?" Zhang Hanhan understood the meaning of this sentence, and looked at Wendong uncertainly.

"Of course, go quickly, I can't wait to see how beautiful you are after wearing that dress." Wen Dong nodded quickly, and did not forget to compliment him.

"Well, okay, I'll change it now." Hearing Wendong's words, Zhang Hanhan felt a little happier, and knew that now was not the time to discuss this with Wendong, so he hurried into the locker room, She brought that dress as early as this afternoon.

"It's so good, Qingqing, you are still considerate." Seeing Zhang Hanhan walking in, Wendong winked at He Qing who was beside him, thanking her for speaking for him just now.

"At the end of the day, Mr. Zhang is just a 25-year-old young woman. Such an older girl needs to be coaxed a little bit. For this, you should be better than me, right?" He Qing looked at it with a half-smile By Wen Dongdao.

"Uh, huh, I don't know, and I've never been in a relationship." Wen Dong blushed and felt embarrassed when he was told.

"Could it be, don't you feel that Mr. Zhang has a little bit of meaning for you?" He Qing whispered suddenly.

"Ah? Her?" Wen Dong was stunned for a moment, then pointed in the direction of the locker room with a look of shock.

Seeing He Qing smiling and looking at him coquettishly, Wendong couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, he came to Lanyun just to hook up with Zhang Hanhan, he wished that Zhang Hanhan would treat him a little bit, but Wendong didn't realize it.

With a wry smile, he said, "If I didn't come up with these beautiful clothes designs today, do you know what the consequences will be? Mr. Zhang directly told me to pack up and leave. She is interested in me? How is that possible?"

"Hehe, maybe." He Qing smiled and shook her head, but didn't say anything more.

He Qing is someone who has experienced it, and she thinks that she is quite accurate about this intuition, but Wen Dong, as the person involved, has not noticed it. Even in her opinion, even Mr. Zhang is not sure what he is to Wen Dong. feeling.

Thinking of this, He Qing couldn't help smiling bitterly, let alone the two of them, she didn't even know what kind of relationship she had with Wen Dong.She and Wendong had that kind of relationship because of a coincidence. It was purely sex first and then love. She didn't even know whether this kind of relationship was love, because she and Wendong had never been in love at all, and they just crossed over to each other in one step. The most direct relationship.

But in He Qing's view, this kind of relationship is not the kind of relationship that purely solves physical needs. She doesn't know what kind of feelings Wendong has for her, but He Qing feels that she already has feelings for Wendong. A kind of attachment, as to whether it is love, she can't tell.

However, He Qing is already very content. She is very content with the current relationship with Wen Dong. She has made up her mind for many years that she will just live a normal life by herself in this life. Her life has become different, and she thinks it's good, and she doesn't need to ask Wendong for that kind of title.

As for Wendong and Zhang Hanhan, it seems that they are the real man and woman, a natural pair, but Zhang Hanhan's identity is a bit embarrassing. In her opinion, it is impossible for Wendong and her, because Zhang Hanhan is the whole Lanyun The real owner, Zhang Wending's mistress.

After a while, the door of the dressing room moved, a small white hand grasped the handle, and a shiny calf came into view first.

"Does it look good?" Seeing Wendong looking straight at him, Zhang Hanhan felt a shy joy in his heart, turned his body slightly, and the knee-less skirt spread out like a goddess scattered flowers. , the cold and arrogant CEO turned into a young girl with charming spiritual eyes in this light smile.

This skirt was originally handmade by Wendong. Although I have seen it a long time ago, I saw it again, especially when it was worn by Zhang Hanhan, and I was immediately attracted by this unique style.

The skirt is not long, just enough to cover the knees, revealing half of the snow-white calf underneath, and the skirt has also been specially processed by Wendong. The skirt has a sense of layering, and the skirt swings a little, like scattered petals, like a goddess scattering flowers, and Wendong cut a finger-length gap on one side of the skirt, and you can see a little bit above the knee when you walk White and well-proportioned thighs.The cuffs were also specially designed by Wendong. The long sleeves were cut into three-quarter-length short sleeves. They were even outlined with a needle and thread at that time, vaguely embroidering the appearance of a peony in water. Although there are only a few thin lines to outline, But you can still see the light blue peony on Tianshui Yunge Water, and the cloud-yellow chest wrapping was also cut off by Wendong, but at most you can only see the upper end of a little bit of gully, intellectual and measured, avant-garde But not casually.

Even He Qing, who was at the side, couldn't hide a trace of envy in her eyes. She is also a woman, and she is also a beautiful woman who can dress up, so she naturally likes beautiful clothes.

Even if he had appreciated the beautiful clothes displayed by Lin Xiaoxi and others just now, his vision and appreciation level were much higher.But now seeing this dress on Zhang Hanhan, He Qing couldn't help being amazed. This dress is the most suitable for the finale, especially when it is still worn on Zhang Hanhan's body.

"Do you still remember what you said about this dress after you made it for me?" Zhang Hanhan looked at Wendong with joy and asked suddenly.

"Ah? What's the evaluation?" Wen Dong was immediately confused by Zhang Hanhan's question. He seemed to have a little impression of it, but at that time he only cared about picking up girls and saying good things, so I still remember it.

"The sixteen characters?" Wen Dong suddenly remembered, but he couldn't remember what those sixteen characters were.

"Sexy and generous, elegant and beautiful, beautiful but not delicate, gorgeous but not vulgar." Zhang Hanhan opened his mouth and uttered these sixteen words.

"Ah, yes! This is the label for the clothes." Wen Dong slapped his thigh, and suddenly remembered, causing Zhang Hanhan to roll his eyes.

"No, it's too short, it's not beautiful enough, and it doesn't have any charm." Zhang Hanhan shook his head decisively and began to compare.

"Then add sixteen words to describe your own beauty: sinking fish and falling geese, closing the moon to shame the flowers, overwhelming the country and the city, and the beauty in the world!" Wen Dong opened his mouth and said directly.

"Sinking fish and wild geese, closed moon and shameful flowers... a beauty in the world? What a beauty in the world! It's too ugly!" Zhang Hanhan muttered, then suddenly shook his head.

"Then replace it with the best in the world."

"Get out! Wendong, are you sincerely angry with me!?" Zhang Hanhan looked at Wendong angrily, his eyes full of murderous eyes.

"Well, the first few words are not bad, but they always sound a bit lacking in charm." He Qing said with a smile on the side.

"Well, that's right. Then I'll think of something more beautiful." Wen Dong put his hand on his chin, admiring Zhang Hanhan in front of him.

Hearing what Wendong said, Zhang Hanhan snorted and was satisfied, and muttered angrily: What a special thing, top-notch, it's so ugly, it's like an ancient female concubine.

Seeing that Wendong was thinking, Zhang Hanhan didn't dare to disturb him, even though it seemed that this guy was aiming his eyes straight at his chest because of thinking, Zhang Hanhan could only be angry and dare not speak and disturb, thinking in his heart If this guy can't think of better words, then wait for revenge, my breasts are not for nothing!
"A round of spring moon in the sky opened the palace mirror, and the woman who jumped down seemed like a fairy descending to the earth, with a clear face and green shirt, green silk dyed with black ink, picturesque eyebrows, like a fairy, like a water spirit, as if walking from a dream."

"How about it? Then add those sixteen characters. As for the name of the clothes, how about calling it Xianling?" Seeing Zhang Hanhan muttering what he said just now, Wen Dong continued.

"Fairy? It's very good, but is it too high-end?" Zhang Hanhan asked shyly, obviously satisfied with the label of the clothes.

"If you are a fairy or a spirit, then you are called Xianling. As the finale of the clothes, the name is of course high-quality. The key is that your temperament and beauty are like a fairy daughter. It is just right to be called Xianling." Wen Wen Dong directly made a decision, and he didn't forget to say a few words of flattery.

"Okay then, let's call it Xianling." Zhang Hanhan blushed pretty, nodded her head and agreed.

"Well, that's settled, Hanhan, what you have to consider now is to think of a nice name for these styles of clothes and underwear, and what I just said is just to make each style of clothes more attractive. Gotugal just added these beautiful words and names that render color elements, since these seven garments are to be made into a series, then this series must have a name code.”

"This... Sister He and I have also discussed it before, directly calling it the Lanyun fashion clothing series, which happens to be an advertisement for our brand." Zhang Hanhan said.

"What kind of bad name is that..." Wen Dong pouted.

"Now I think it's the same way—" Zhang Hanhan nodded without anger, because Wendong made each of these clothes too high-grade, and directly called the Lanyun series, which is really a bit tacky. .

"Since this is the case, then we have to think of a better name..."

"The style must be high, the higher the better, we don't need to consider the reputation of these clothes, so the name of this series, the higher the style, the better, and it is best to have some meaning." Wen Dong nodded, Said: "I think it's good to have a name."

(End of this chapter)

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