How bad guys are made

Chapter 179 Queen Series

Chapter 179 Queen Series
"what name?"


"Queen series? This name is quite easy to pronounce. Although it is high-end, is it too vulgar? And what is the meaning of the word Queen?" Zhang Hanhan raised his head and asked suspiciously.

"The four characters of the Queen series are not vulgar at all, and their meaning is also very intuitive, that is, after wearing our series of clothes, every woman will be a queen! It is the queen in their men's hearts, not only compelling It’s tall enough, and it’s also extravagant. Think about it, isn’t it very high-end to wear clothes from the Queen’s series? Do you feel confident in yourself in an instant?” Wen Dong explained.

"The Queen series... the meaning is connotative and intuitive enough." He Qing clapped her hands and said, "I think it's okay."

"Well, if you put it that way, the name is really good." Zhang Hanhan nodded.

Wen Dong said proudly: "Brands are something that people have to be high-end to buy. Clothes are outfits. Nowadays, when people wear clothes, they look good at first glance, and secondly, they look at the brand and grade. Annoying, who will buy it? Look at Fenel, when you hear it, you feel extravagant, our queen, it sounds even more expensive and classy, ​​better than anyone else."

"Well, then let's be the queen." Zhang Hanhan patted his little hands and nodded, just like that, in the future, a domestically-produced clothing brand with a long reputation all over the world, just like this, Wendong came up with a random name and named it. .

Zhang Hanhan muttered something again, and couldn't help looking at Wendong curiously: "How did you come up with it?"

"Hey, of course I came up with it by looking at you." Wen Dong smiled and looked at Zhang Hanhan.

"Me? I'm the queen?" Zhang Hanhan asked in confusion.

"Yes, this dress on you is the finale, that is, the most important; and you are the boss of Lan Yun, what is it if you are not a queen?" Wen Dong laughed, explained indiscriminately, and said : "As the president of Lanyun, you can't do such publicity as the clothing spokesperson. Maybe you have to take some photos or something for advertising. You don't have time, but I have already chosen a good person. , is the first model on stage."

"Well, that female model is really good, both in temperament and appearance." He Qing nodded and said.

"Well, it's not bad." Zhang Hanhan said.

"Hey, the person I chose is of course not bad." Wen Dong smiled triumphantly, stood up slowly, straightened his suit, and greeted the gentleman Zhang Hanhan, saying: "Dear Queen My lord, it's time for you to play."

"En." Zhang Hanhan glanced at He Qing shyly, and then agreed, and put his little hand on Wen Dong's upstretched arm, but seeing Wen Dong's happy face seemed to be tinged with pride Zhang Hanhan slightly raised his eyebrows and gave Wen Dong a menacing look.

Seeing this, Wen Dong immediately shut up, he naturally understood Zhang Hanhan's meaning, thinking in his heart, women are really vengeful animals, she still remembers that she rubbed her arm with her chest before.

And the people present at this time, like Wen Dong said, immediately came back to their senses after the initial shock, and were pleasantly surprised to find that there were only six styles of clothing displayed in this fashion show.

And why the surprise?Because in their opinion, a company as big as Lanyun must have been preparing for such a fashion show for a long time. Naturally, such low-level mistakes will not be made, so there is only one result, that is, there is still the best dress As the finale, they haven't played yet. These six models are enough to shock them. Are there better ones?How not to be surprised?
However, the image spokesperson of this brand was confirmed by three people tonight.

Lin Xiaoxi had no one left, and was called by Wendong to return to her old business for the reason of helping out, and became the spokesperson of the Queen's series of clothes in a daze.

I have to say, sometimes, Lady Luck is really interesting, and her arrival will bring something else.

For example, the relationship between Wendong and Lin Xiaoxi.

You know, being an image spokesperson is rich, and it's not a small number, but what Lin Xiaoxi lacks most now is money!
In another place on the catwalk——

"It seems that the rise of Lanyun International is inevitable." Liu Jiancheng said solemnly with a gloomy face. He just makes clothes. He watched the whole fashion show just now. As long as these clothes are put on the market, The sensation caused is simply unimaginable.

"The rise of the new company does not mean the rise of Lanyun as a whole." Pan Jinyuan smiled strangely, and said, "Besides, this is just the rise of Wendong, not Lanyun's new clothing company."

"What do you mean?" Liu Jiancheng turned his head and looked at Pan Jinyuan suspiciously.

"It's nothing." Pan Jinyuan smiled and gently leaned on Liu Jiancheng's shoulder, looked at Liu Jiancheng's face, and said with a light smile, "These clothes are so good, I want to buy a whole set, and our Yingsa's is on sale recently. I’ve bought all of those clothes.”

Hearing this, Liu Jiancheng's heart tightened, what did Pan Jinyuan mean by this?Did she see that she actually plagiarized Lan Yun's clothes design?
Obviously, although they are husband and wife, Liu Jiancheng did not tell Pan Jinyuan about Liu Jiancheng's plagiarism of Lanyun's clothing design.

"Buy it if you want, we don't lack money, but don't buy it now, you are also the president of Yingsa." Liu Jiancheng said casually.

"Hehe." Pan Jinyuan smiled and said nothing.She even felt that she didn't need to buy it, and just asked Wendong to make a suit for herself, because she was very confident in her body, and as long as Wendong got into her bed, she would definitely fall under her pomegranate skirt.

Pan Jinyuan leaned on Liu Jiancheng's shoulder, but she thought of Wen Dong's figure in her mind, with a calm and confident smile on her face, but when she thought of the unique charm exuding from Wen Dong, Pan Jinyuan's eyes A trace of longing flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Now her desire to get Wendong is getting stronger and stronger, not only the attractive charm, but also Wendong itself, just like what she said just now, the real rise of this fashion show is actually Wendong, as long as Wendong is brought to Yingsa, then the rest of Lanyun's new clothing company will be a piece of shit!

People on the left and right sides of the T-shaped stage were discussing endlessly. Some people were even calling their good friends with their mobile phones. From their point of view, being able to participate in this fashion show in person, no matter who they mentioned it to, they would be very proud.

"Wow——" At this time, there was another burst of noise in the venue, and some people who were on the phone quickly turned their heads to look at the center of the catwalk. When they saw the people walking out of the catwalk, Suddenly, his mouth widened in shock, and he didn't even have time to pay attention to the "Hello, hello" from the phone.

At this time, two people came out from behind the runway.

Wen Dong was dressed in a suit and trousers, a white shirt and tie, and his jet-black broken hair was straightened with hairspray. He was young and handsome, with his head held high and a smile on his face.

Beside him is Zhang Hanhan who is as beautiful as flowers and jade.And what Zhang Hanhan was wearing was the seventh style of clothing, with her little hand on Wendong's arm affectionately, with a pretty face that was all over the country and city, smiling sweetly, as if she was talking to Wendong in a low voice. Graceful steps, walking side by side with Wendong to the center of the runway, is truly stunning and elegant.

And the two standing side by side really gave people the feeling of being a man of talent and beauty, but when many male compatriots at the scene really felt Zhang Hanhan's beauty, they didn't think so in their hearts.

"Wow..." At this time, there was another commotion in the venue. Just as Wen Dong and Zhang Hanhan stood still in the center of the runway, the six female models who had left the stage came up again one after another, but there were many Got six.

Six styles of clothing, twelve models, half wearing the fashionable fashion shown just now, half wearing seductive underwear, Yingying Yanyan, exactly six on each side, the style and temperament are as different as the clothes they wear , but they have one thing in common, that is the beauty of Qing Yishui.

Twelve models stood on both sides of Wendong and Zhang Hanhan, surrounding Zhang Hanhan like stars holding the moon.

The men and women off the court exclaimed again. Before, these models came on stage one by one, but now they all came on stage at once. The visual impact brought to them is definitely different, especially now that there are more of them. A Zhang Hanhan.

As for Wen Dong, who was still on the court with a flamboyant face, he had been automatically ignored.

But now, some well-informed people have already guessed that it is the seventh outfit Zhang Hanhan mentioned earlier, which is the one she is wearing.

All the beauties and ladies off the field looked at Zhang Hanhan with red eyes shining, as if they wanted to rush up and take off the clothes on Zhang Hanhan and put them on themselves.

Zhang Hanhan picked up the microphone with a smile, and said confidently: "It seems that many people have already guessed where the seventh of the seven new clothes I mentioned is, that's right, it's the one I'm wearing."

"Wow—" There was a burst of exclamation from the audience, and people who hadn't thought of this before suddenly understood.

"And the designers of these seven styles of clothing belong to only one person. That is Lan Yun's vice president who was just promoted tonight, that is, my best friend Wen Dong!"

"Papa-papa--" At this time, the twelve models beside the two of them applauded first, and some high-level officials of Lanyun under the stage also applauded quickly. Driven by these people, a wave of enthusiasm broke out in the field again. Applause.

The applause this time was sincere, because in their view, these seven costumes were at least designed by many people with a lot of effort, but they didn't expect that Wendong designed them all by himself, even though it was rumored that Wendong was a little boy , but now, no matter what, he is also a boy with real skills. Wen Dong's promotion is not accidental.

(End of this chapter)

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