How bad guys are made

Chapter 181 Joining Master Zhan

Chapter 181 Joining Master Zhan
After the applause subsided, Zhang Hanhan picked up the microphone, resumed his previous calm, and continued: "I remember that just this afternoon, there were gossip rumors on the Internet that Mr. Wen Dong was my baby boy. Wen Dong came out of nowhere and directly became the project director of the new company, which is well-founded."

"Actually, that's not the case, because Wen Dong and I have another little story."

"Wow—" Hearing Zhang Hanhan's words, there was a burst of discussion from the audience, and the most heated discussions were naturally those reporters.

The reporters in the field stared at the two people on the stage with bright eyes, because no matter how Zhang Hanhan clarified this fact, it would be a good news subject.

There is another reason for Wen Dong to be Lanyun's vice president?What other secrets do he and Zhang Hanhan, the president of Lanyun, have that outsiders don't know?

Just such a news headline alone will attract many eyeballs!

Zhang Hanhan stretched out his hand to press it, and continued: "This costume on me is not so much the seventh style, but the first style, because this costume has been designed under Wendong's scissors as early as a month ago. I came out, and because I saw this costume, I decided to directly let Wendong sit on the project director of our new Lanyun company."

"That's right, it's scissors. The costume on me is not only handmade by Mr. Wendong himself, but also made in Zhan's clothing design city. The body of this costume is actually designed by Master Zhan for me. Clothes. So, you are right, Mr. Wen Dong took scissors and cut it out on my body on the spot!"

"Wow—" Hearing Zhang Hanhan's words, there was another burst of hot discussion in the audience.

The people below looked at Wendong in shock and even more admiration.None of the people present were small people, and they all knew more or less what kind of person Master Zhan, the boss of Zhan's Fashion Design City, was.And Wendong dared to take scissors and cut the clothes designed by Master Zhan in Zhan's Fashion Design City, it took a lot of courage and confidence!

At this time, many reporters suddenly remembered. They remembered that Master Zhan had appeared at the fashion conference last time when the Lanyun clothing company held a fashion conference. I remember that Master Zhan said that he admired Wendong at that time. Could it be because of this incident? ?
"Now, I sincerely invite Master Zhan to be the design consultant of our Lanyun New Clothing Company. I wonder if Master Zhan will agree?" Zhang Hanhan opened his mouth.

At this time, Master Zhanyun, who was wearing a turban on his head, was wearing decent fashion clothes, and walked up to the stage with elegant steps and a smile on his face. He took a deep look at Wendong who smiled and nodded to her, and hurriedly Smiling and nodding in response, a trace of excitement and admiration could not be concealed in his eyes.

"Kacha Kacha..." At this time, the shutters of the cameras off the field rang out, capturing every expression Master Jiang Zhan had on Wen Dong.

Zhan Yun reached out to take the microphone, and said to the people below: "I'm ashamed to say, because I designed the body of the costume worn by Mr. Zhang. And what Mr. Zhang said is right, the designer of Wendong was created by me. The Zhan’s Clothing Design City took the scissors and cut the clothes I designed for Mr. Zhang on the spot.”

"And I have to admit that although the body of this dress was designed, its current style is quite different from before. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is beyond recognition. And I have to admit that this dress More beautiful, brighter style, sexy fashion, noble and elegant."

"Wendong designer said a word at that time, I remember very clearly, he said: He likes to make beautiful things more beautiful. I know that he is stepping down for me, but the dress I designed is not the same as Compared with this one now, it is said to be beautiful, but it is more or less expensive."

"And until today, when I saw these six new clothes designed by Wendong designers, I realized that I was too complacent before, and these clothes opened my horizons and opened up another brand new, more Good design ideas and design thinking, so I am very grateful to Wendong designers."

"So, I don't need Mr. Zhang to invite me, I will come. I really want to learn from Wendong designers, even if I am an ordinary designer of Lanyun."

Master Zhanyun's words immediately aroused great repercussions from everyone in the audience, especially those reporters. The cameras in their hands have not stopped shooting since Zhanyun spoke.

What kind of person is Master Zhanyun?She even took the initiative to ask to go to Lanyun, and she was talking about studying!Instead of the discussion and exchange mentioned last time, she even willingly became an ordinary designer of Lanyun at the expense of her own value!

Master Zhanyun said so himself, which is undoubtedly very convincing. At this time, a few photos were displayed on the big screen behind her. It was Wen Dong who was cutting clothes with scissors in Zhan's Fashion Design City The photo is not clear, but it can still be seen clearly. It should be taken by the clerk of Zhan's Fashion Design City at that time.

"Papa..." At this time, led by Zhang Hanhan, the entire fashion show applauded again.

The entire fashion show, when Zhang Hanhan came on stage, undoubtedly reached its peak, but before the climax, Master Zhanyun's joining once again dropped a blockbuster for Lanyun's new clothing company.

Because there are so many well-known clothing companies in the world, there are only a handful of designers at Zhan Yun's level, not even Ying Sa.

Master Zhanyun can be said to be a figure at the level of Taishan Beidou in the fashion design industry, but now she doesn't care about power and money, she only wants to design better clothes, and this kind of heart is respected by everyone.

And her joining has also contributed a lot to the rise of Lanyun's new clothing company!
But at this time, many people and even many reporters looked at Wen Dong on the stage in a different way.Because what Zhan Yun and Mr. Zhang said is very clear, Wen Dong did not use abnormal means to take the position, but because he has the ability and courage, and because Mr. Zhang cherishes his talents, he was allowed to sit as the director of Lanyun New Clothing Company .

Even at this time, many people looked at Liu Jiancheng and his wife again. Many reporters did not forget the plagiarism incident last time. I remember that Master Zhanyun said at that time that Wendong would not plagiarize other people's designs, and even Mr. Guaranteed by personality.

Afterwards, Lan Yun also produced facts to prove that the costume design was not plagiarized, but Ying Sa also produced evidence at the time, this matter was justified by either side, and it was nothing in the end, but now, many people are After seeing the seven costumes designed by Wendong, he began to doubt Liu Jiancheng's Yingsa.

But none of the people present were fools, and none of them said anything. No matter what happened to the plagiarism case, it was the work of the two giant companies, Yingsa and Lanyun. Among the world's top [-] companies, it seems small.

The whole fashion show came to an end amid continuous applause.

All the reporters sent the whole process of the show back to their companies through various devices, and they couldn't wait to send it in real time.

The reason why news has the word "new" is because it has one of the biggest characteristics, which can also be said to be a shortcoming, and that is timeliness. No matter how explosive news is, there are times when it is almost uninterested, but it also has a special order. , that is, the media company seized the opportunity to release it first, and the amount of information and influence will be huge.

I believe that now, the whole process of this catwalk show and the addition of designers Wendong and Zhanyun have exploded on the Internet. In a few days, this matter will spread throughout the entire land of China through major media.

Wen Dong is very satisfied, and Zhang Hanhan is also very satisfied.

Afterwards, Zhang Hanhan took the stage again and made a short speech, nothing more than thanking everyone for participating in this fashion show, and even revealed that these seven styles of clothing will be put on the market in large quantities before Qixi Festival.

"You are so good, the pressure on me is getting bigger and bigger, and I can't breathe." He Qing sat beside Wen Dong, leaning on her body, crossing Erlang's legs, with one hand clamped between her legs In between, one hand held the delicate chin, looking at Wendong.

He Qing's action looks very unladylike, but on a beautiful woman like her who exudes a mature and sexy temperament, it gives people a lazy and more seductive feeling.

"It's not a problem. If you feel that you can't breathe, you can be on top tonight, and you can press me..." Wen Dong seemed to have misunderstood He Qing, and looked at the man in front of him with an ambiguous expression. He Damei blinked her eyes provocatively, and her eyes were unscrupulously aiming back and forth on that slender jade leg, so obscene.

"You know, that's not what I meant!" He Qingqiao blushed slightly after hearing this, and glared at Wen Dong angrily. She looked so coquettish, she quickly withdrew her hand from between her legs, sat up straight, He looked at Wendong in warning, not letting him talk nonsense.

"Hey." Wen Dong smiled indifferently, looked at He Qing and said, "Sister He, don't you think you are getting younger and younger?"

"Yes... yes?" Hearing this, He Qing's heart flickered inexplicably, her face flushed slightly but she tried to make herself look more serious, and looked at Wendong suspiciously.

"Hey, I just like you who are so scared and shy, but try to show a serious face. I really feel it." Wen Dong continued to flirt.

"I'm shy? Stop talking nonsense there. How old am I? Do you think I'm still a girl in her 20s." He Qingyang glared at Wen Dong angrily, the flickering look between her brows The style is enough to melt any man.

"Did you come to Lanyun for an impure purpose? Could it be because of Zhang Hanhan?" He Qing looked up at Wendong and said suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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