How bad guys are made

Chapter 182 Counting Liu Jiancheng

Chapter 182 Counting Liu Jiancheng

"Ah? What is the impure purpose?" He Qing's question frightened Wen Dong, but she quickly showed doubts and looked at He Qing in a daze.

"Isn't it? I heard Zong Zhang and Master Zhan just now, I always feel that you deliberately cut clothes to attract Zhang Hanhan's attention." He Qing frowned and looked at Wendong.

"Why do you think so?" Wen Dong asked.

"Feel it." He Qing said uncertainly.

Well, Wendong is helpless, this woman's sixth sense is really unpredictable, she guessed it all, but fortunately this is not the big president Zhang.

"Bingo, the answer is correct, I came here for Zhang Hanhan." Wen Dong admitted suddenly.

"Ah? Is this true?" He Qing was just guessing, but Wen Dong really admitted it.

Wen Dong said with a distressed face: "Well, at that time I only saw Zhang Hanhan was pretty, that's why she was like this, the ghost knows that she is Lanyun's chief executive, or..."

"Or what? Someone else's mistress?" He Qing looked at Wen Dong's bitter face and couldn't help but whispered with a smile.

"That's right, who knew that another beautiful woman would come out on the way, and you would eat up all the scum first." Wen Dong looked annoyed.

"Fart! What are you talking about? No matter how you listen to it, it sounds like I came to you on my own initiative." He Qing was unhappy when she heard it, and stared at Wen Dongdao.

"Isn't it? That day you took me to your house for a drink, did you intend to eat me?" Wen Dong looked at He Qing with a smile, and beat him up.

"Fart! No, it was you who forcibly took me... put me..."

"What did you do? You were the one who bumped into my arms when you were drunk. Holding a beautiful woman like you, a man can't bear it." Wen Dong looked helpless, as if he had lost his footing forever. hatred.

"Okay, I'm the one who seduced you, okay, don't come to me tonight." He Qing said angrily.

"Hey, don't, don't, it's alright if I'm wrong, or you can lie down comfortably tonight, and I'll do the hard work."


"Okay, okay, then you are on the top, you can do whatever you want, tonight is yours."

He Qing: "..."

Zhang Hanhan answered a few more questions from media reporters on the stage. After dawdling for a while, when Zhang Hanhan finished speaking, there was another warm applause from the audience. Afterwards, under the leadership of Zhang Hanhan, a group of people happily returned to the rooftop , As for why they are so happy, because the next program is to send Lan Yun a small gift for them.

Originally small gifts were nothing to rich people like them, but what Lanyun sent out this time was different. It was one of the 7 styles of clothing displayed tonight. You can wear such a beautiful dress, how can you be unhappy, and a man is equally happy, as for why, it is not for outsiders to understand——

At this time, it was already close to ten o'clock in the evening, and the water city in August still carried a hot and moody atmosphere.The warm and cool evening wind blowing on the face made people feel very comfortable.

The next link is the link of sending clothing gifts, because it has already been prepared, so each clothing is wrapped in a beautiful box, and will be sent to each guest present one by one, especially those beauties. Immediately after getting dressed, I couldn't wait to open it.

And I don't know if it was intentional or not, the clothes styles that every guest present were given were in line with their own temperament.

Naturally, Lin Xiaoxi and the other six models who sent the gifts were the ones who did not show up, but the other six models who were wearing seductive underwear were walking around the dance scene. I feel somewhat corrupted.

"Thank you." Pan Jinyuan, as the most important guest in the entire dance hall, naturally had a gift.

Pan Jinyuan took the packing box with a smile on her face, slowly opened it and took out the clothes. While admiring the clothes in her hand, she said softly: "You didn't think much about what you did before. This new company has gone through such a publicity. It has become a climate, and it is best not to provoke it if you are not fully sure."

"Why? Let's just watch this company develop like this? A new clothing company is naturally nothing, but it belongs to Lanyun. You know Lanyun's background best. As long as there is this opportunity, these seven clothing will be very popular. It will soon become popular all over the world, do you know how much it will affect our Yingsa?" Hearing what she said, she guessed that she had plagiarized Wendong's design, but he was not too worried, Liu Jiancheng turned his head He looked at his wife seriously and said, his eyes were full of worry and unyielding.

"That can't be helped. You'd better not think about anything now, because no matter what happens, it won't be good for us Yingsa." Pan Jinyuan said calmly.

"I know." Liu Jiancheng nodded with a cold face, looked up at his wife, and said unwillingly: "But, just watching Lanyun's new company grow step by step like this?"

"Otherwise?" Pan Jinyuan looked up at Liu Jiancheng, and then smiled lightly: "A new company, no matter how rich its background and conditions are, it still has shortcomings. If the rise of a company is entirely caused by one person, Then it's dangerous."

"What do you mean? You mean Wendong?" Liu Jiancheng was taken aback, and suddenly guessed what his wife meant, and what his wife thought was also true. If Wendong left Lanyun or Wendong died, then Lanyun, the new The company is no longer a threat at all, and Master Zhanyun agreed to be the design consultant of Lanyun New Clothing Company because of Wendong's existence.

Then, as long as Wendong is brought down, it is equivalent to bringing down Lanyun's new company.

But knowing this, so what?Killed Wendong?This will not work.After all, it is a legal society now, unless it is a last resort, you must not take this risk, La Wendong to Yingsa?Not to mention being willing to do it, even if I want to come to Wendong, I wish Yingsa would go out of business, how could I be willing to come to Yingsa.

"What do you want to do?" Liu Jiancheng looked at his wife suspiciously.

"This Wendong is not simple, and I don't have an idea yet." Pan Jinyuan rubbed her temples with some headaches.

Liu Jiancheng didn't have any ideas, so he nodded along, but he never expected that his wife had already paid attention to Wen Dong, and was even thinking about how to cuckold him again.

Zhang Hanhan looked at the scene of sending gifts with a smile on her face, leaning comfortably on the sofa with a lazy face, but she was puzzled to find that Wendong didn't know where he went, as if since she spoke, He was never seen again.

And no one noticed that Wen Dong had slipped away long before, and took the elevator directly to the second-floor garage.

At this moment, Wen Dong was squatting in a storage room of about [-] square meters, smoking a cigarette, beside Wu Jian, and in front of them was a weeping Yue Chen.

Although the development of today's fashion show is somewhat different from what Wendong thought, Wendong thought that as long as it works well, that Liu Jiancheng will definitely be hooked. Explain it to Yue Chen together.

Li Binger was standing beside him. Li Binger was wearing a police uniform, with a sexy and tall figure standing upright, her eyes were cold and heroic, and she stood aside with a look of disdain. But the pair of small, crystal-clear jade ears squeaked high.

"This... can this work? Your fashion show is over, how could Liu Jiancheng come up with the idea of ​​this design?" Yue Chen asked with a troubled face.

"You know what a fart, just tell him that this design contains the design concept and design thinking of Master Wendong in designing these clothes. This is the essence. I'm not afraid that Liu Jiancheng doesn't want it. Don't worry, he will definitely want it." Yes, remember, Liu Jiancheng wants to exchange money just now, you have to let him ask for money, so as to dispel his guard. Do you not understand the design concept? Do you understand the design thinking? Oh, such a high-end thing tells you I don’t understand either.” Wen Dong took a deep puff on his cigarette, squinted his eyes and spittled while explaining to Yue Chen.

Wu Jian on the side looked confused, but fascinated, while Li Binger on the side looked contemptuous when she heard Wen Dong's nonsense.

"Yue Chen, this is a great achievement. As long as you do this, you can reduce your sentence by at least one-third. At that time, if you perform well, you can come out after a few years. If you don't Let's do it, when this incident breaks out, Liu Jiancheng will put this shit bowl on your head, and you just wait to get rid of the prison, Liu Jiancheng's stuff is no longer a thing, why should we blame him, right? Damn it, fuck him! We are behind to help you, and this is a policeman, what are you afraid of!?" Wen Dong flicked Yue Chen onto the road.

It has to be said that Wen Dong's ability to fool people is still very good, no, Yue Chen took a puff of cigarette, gritted his teeth bitterly and agreed, while Li Binger who was watching was stunned for a while.

In addition to those invited guests, there are many reporters who came to the ball today, and there are only six models giving gifts, so the progress is not fast. Although it is past ten o'clock, for these night owls , not too late.

Seeing the heated scene, Liu Jiancheng became more and more panicked as he looked at it. Feeling annoyed, he greeted his wife and planned to go out for a cigarette.

Just as he walked to an unoccupied corner outside, suddenly, a familiar figure caught his attention.Liu Jiancheng was so annoyed that he didn't care at first, after all, most of the famous people in the dance hall were familiar to him, so he didn't have much interest in chatting with them.

But Liu Jiancheng found that the figure was a bit sneaky, and the sneaky look was not a good thing, Liu Jiancheng couldn't help but take another look, and it happened that the sneaky figure met Liu Jiancheng's face while looking around.

(End of this chapter)

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